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  • Sorry to all my RP partners... procrastination has eaten up a large portion of my life lately, and I haven't been motivated to do much.
    Tumblrs(people on social media in general) that post screenshots/pictures/whatever of a manga/anime and never say what it is piss me off.... like, I really think that looks cool, and I really want to know what it is.
    Wellll time to go crawl in a hole because that just totally destroyed my emotions. 

    Yuri on Ice season two definitely needs more Yuri and Victor skating together. 
    Blahhhh. I've been sleeping too much this week, which is throwing my role-playing schedule to hell. Apologies to everyone that is an rp with. 
    When you start getting claustrophobic because you can't get your four frigging shirts off that you had to wear to work, and their stuck over your head. 
    Gehhhh. So close to being able to start a hosted project. Suppose I really ought to work on that a smidge more shouldn't I? 

    (The internet is so distracting for a procastinator.) 

    In any case, I'm off for the day. 
    And my lap has been claimed by a cat... my cat... I think he's jealous of the laptop....

    And I was actually going to go do things too....
    I need to write a formal email/letter... and I'm like... stressing. Because they don't teach you this shit in school unless you take the lower english class.... goddammit. 
    I despise the school system at this point. Just despise it. We'd get like... five facts on a topic, and be told to write an essay on it. How is one expected to pull that off without several hours of research, on internet the student may or may not have?
    My niece was taught about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which I think every kid needs to learn about, but then was taught that the "Japanese did no wrong in the war at all".  

    Um. Rape of Nanking? Death March to Burma? The treatment. Of their POWs?  Nnnmmgghhh. 
    Hmmmmmm. Nope. We didn't even cover that. There was very little actual coverage of the world wars, only going into some of what was going on in Canada at the time, and how it our participation in the second world war led to our development as a country. ( It also doesn't help that right when we were covering ww2 the teachers went on strike. And I missed the last couple weeks of learning in my most important class of the semester.)
    Welllll, Time to start the daily challenge. I'm going to be down for an hour or so. 
    NaNo is definitely not for me. :)  good luck. 
    It's more along the lines of it just seemed like a good motivational kick in the rear end to get me started on my writing challenge. After I finish my NaNo novel, I'll probably switch to doing a few more loosely structured, writing prompt inspired pieces. I'm mostly after improving my writing style, and motivating myself to actually do something daily. 
    Ray Bradbury said you should write ever day. 

    People in general, not you specifically. Cause that would be weird. 
    Welp... RP nation seems to be a bit dead today, or at least pretty much everyone I roleplay with is absent.
    Hmmm. Edmund seems to think she looks familiar, though the face he recalls belongs to a woman that would be much older, perhaps her mother/aunt or something.
    Yeah, I got that. :)  It's her realizing where she actually knows him from that'll be the trick. 
    Yeah, fair enough.
    In all honesty, I have this tendency to skip over any messages in my inbox where I replied last. So if I send you a message saying I'll post a CS or starter or whatever the next day, or monday, and then you don't reply after that? I'll forget. And then I find the messages like two weeks later when I'm wondering why you're ignoring me, and then I feel like the asshole. So please, if I don't reply within a day or two of when I say I will, nag the hell out of me. I won't hate you for it, or bite you.
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