Other What's the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

I personally haven't had any scary moments and if I have I just can't remember. I'm only 14 so.....I'm sure I'll have some scary moments.
There's kinda two parts to this.

I used to go to this cute little community every summer and spend time with my family and my maternal grandfather. There's this ampitheater where we would go to concerts, church services, the works. When I was about 10, we were coming out of a concert, and suddenly my grandfather--who was 6'0" at the time but has since shrunk a bit--started tipping backward. I'll admit, I didn't see what happened next; it was like my life flashed before my eyes or my memory blocked out what I saw, but then he was on the ground, sitting up and accepting help from the strangers who'd seen him fall.

That was actually the second scare that night; he'd tripped earlier in the ampitheater itself and scared my mother and I half to death. Nearly a year after that night, he fell again while visiting us (he was actually trying to go home) and then was hospitalized for months. The scary part about that fall was that the doctor said if he had just "put a bandaid on and gone ahead" and tried to drive back home, he would have died in his sleep. Which means I nearly lost my maternal grandfather at least a couple times in the past few years.

All I can say is, thank heavens he's in a nursing home now, safe and sound. He's still far away from us, and we're trying to convince him to come up here where the rest of the family is, but at least he's not living by himself, where he'll fall down and lie on the floor for days waiting for someone to notice his newspapers piling up. I miss him a lot, but at least he's not getting hurt like he did that day.
Something very scary happened to me. I was very happy at first, surrounded by anime characters, but then I woke up. Scary!

Sorry guys, I'm just bored.
the scariest things that have happened to me aren't even things that have happened to me, they're just things that have happened around me and then i got stuck on them afterward. well, except for one. sometimes talking about things is good, but...

- witnessing my brother have his first seizure the first time around me, and not knowing how to help him. being really concerned about him while also still holding a grudge over him for something he did to me as a teen, which still makes me feel guilty even now when i know it's nothing to feel bad over because of the circumstances.

- my dad and brother getting into a fight at thanksgiving one year because my dad pulled a knife on my brother "joking" that he was going to cut his hair for him (he had long hair at the time) and then my brother attacking him and threatening to cut his throat if he even tried (i was in high school when this happened, but i don't remember how old)

- my brother used to choke me when we were kids whenever i pissed him off in some way or another... to the point i'd black out from him holding me down so long.
the scariest thing that happened to me

I was riding a bike trail that was kind of small with a steep hill to my right. So these people are coming with there dog and ether there dog scared me or there wasn’t enough room with me and my dad biking and the 3girls and there dogs taking up the trail whatever it was I swerved off to the right and started going down the steep hill. When I say steep I mean if you were do go all the way down it on your bike you would crash and possibly die. Thank god for being in a desert and for Were I went off because while my family was screaming at me to jump off I was glued to my bike but there was sagebrush in my way so I face planted into that. Anyway if I would’ve kept going I could have gotten really hurt or possibly died. So thank you sagebrush for saving my life I o you one
I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about drugs, but roughly half of my magic mushroom trips were the most terrifying thing to ever happen to me. I was dumb on those occasions and took too much, but I still returned because it was a rush and the hallucinations and other changes in consciousness perception were intriguing. I suffered from delusions and it felt like I was being controlled by powerful people who has superpowers which was scary.
I've had a lot of scary things happen to me over the years, but the one that takes the cake is my Stepmom attempting suicide in front of me.
Hmm... Must have been when I was in elementary school, so I probably was around 7 - 9 years old.
You see I was living in a small village at that time (fun fact - I'm living in an even smaller village now) and I had this friend.
We wanted to meet after breakfast to do our homework together that day and it was raining cats and dogs like hell.
To get to his place I basically just had to walk down one road, turn left at the traffic circle, cross the street and I'd be there. 2 minutes by foot maybe.
Now, there road is really impractically winding around a house that's just placed plain stupidly where I needed to cross the street. Basically you have to listen for cars approaching as you have no chance of seeing them.
So i stand there, look left, right, left, listen--nothing.
Two steps onto the road this enormous truck races past me at an insane speed, out of nowhere.
I was so close I could see the dots of the prints on it. One step further and the thing would have crushed me to a pulp right then and there. I was so shocked I didn't even realize how friggin lucky I had been.
Hmm... Must have been when I was in elementary school, so I probably was around 7 - 9 years old.
You see I was living in a small village at that time (fun fact - I'm living in an even smaller village now) and I had this friend.
We wanted to meet after breakfast to do our homework together that day and it was raining cats and dogs like hell.
To get to his place I basically just had to walk down one road, turn left at the traffic circle, cross the street and I'd be there. 2 minutes by foot maybe.
Now, there road is really impractical winding around a house that's just places plain stupidly where I needed to cross the street. Basically you have to listen for cars approaching as you have no chance of seeing them.
So i stand there, look left, right, left, listen--nothing.
Two steps onto the road this enormous truck races past me at an insane speed, out of nowhere.
I was so close I could the dots of the prints on it. One step further and the thing would have crushed me to a pulp right then and there. I was so shocked I didn't even realize how friggin lucky I had been.
Glad you're still alive!
Last year we were on vacation in Colorado and ran into a black bear out hiking, just two of us. It was a lot closer that we wanted it to be, haha. Tried scaring it off but it squared up and huffed at us so we backed away until we couldn't see it anymore and waited 15 minutes for it to leave. Thankfully it was gone when we slowly made our way forward to see if it was still there.
I was in a car with my family when I was around 7-8 years old, and this piece of metal flew off the truck in front of us. All we heard was a loud bang and then we saw this metal piece stuck in between the hood of the car, they later told us that if it had gotten only a few centimeters higher it would have gone right through the window and most likely decapitated all of us. It still haunts me to this day, 22 years old now. That's some real Final Destination shit right there.
My mother abandoned me with her roommate, her cousin, my sister, and my stepfather when I was around fourteen for several months. We were an unconventional household though we made things work and I knew my mother's logins for social media so I'd sneak onto her accounts to get updates from time-to-time just to know that she was alive. Then, there was one day, where I saw her messaging with a friend that she was "coming back" to get us. And did she. She came back and literally dragged us from the house against our own wills. I tried to fight back, but she brought other people with her and I was too weak then. I tried to call the cops to defend us, but they took her side saying that she was our legal guardian, so we had to go with her in spite of what the bruises said. I know this probably doesn't sound too horrifying in hindsight and maybe it isn't, but really, it was pretty scary then. My scariest experience either has to be this or the time that she tried to kill me with a car that was speeding around eighty miles per hours in the wrong lane.

Or, on a lighter note, I did ghost hunting when I was nineteen and we did an exploration in Plymouth in one of my country's oldest graveyards. We were with others that were explaining the history of the area and I remember walking over a grave where something grabbed my leg. I was convinced that it was a tree branch as I'm still pretty skeptical of the paranormal even nowadays, but when I flickered my phone flashlight on, the ground was completely clear of anything like that. I also tried to close a grandfather clock that had night (you had to fashion it shut using a lever of some kind) though it kept opening until I pressed my body against it and nearly tipped it over. If the supernatural is real, then I definitely cursed myself that night.
Back when I was around 14, I was kidnapped after being chloroformed at a nearby park where I was playing with some of my friends. I woke up in a dark, dank warehouse with a few other girls around me. Some really tall, scary guys wearing masks and playing around with knives like they were toys - threatening all of us, saying absolutely horrible things - but never directly touching any of us. I think we were being held to be sold to someone, but luckily the police were able to arrive in time and stop the whole thing before it went anywhere. Me and the rest of the girls who were taken were all returned home safely and after years of therapy, I'm finally able to talk about it without breaking down into an absolute mess.
Back when I was around 14, I was kidnapped after being chloroformed at a nearby park where I was playing with some of my friends. I woke up in a dark, dank warehouse with a few other girls around me. Some really tall, scary guys wearing masks and playing around with knives like they were toys - threatening all of us, saying absolutely horrible things - but never directly touching any of us. I think we were being held to be sold to someone, but luckily the police were able to arrive in time and stop the whole thing before it went anywhere. Me and the rest of the girls who were taken were all returned home safely and after years of therapy, I'm finally able to talk about it without breaking down into an absolute mess.
Damn, glad you're safe and better now, hate seeing people go through that sort of thing. That's some real stuff people should be aware of.
Head-on collision on a windy, twisty two-lane highway.

The impact tore the entire driver's side everything away from my car, and both me and the Jeep that hit me narrowly avoided going over the guardrail and several hundred feet down to the bottom. As I was sitting in the wreck, trying to call for help, I started going into shock. I didn't realize just how cold it makes you feel. I've literally never felt so cold in my life. Then my vision started going, hazing out to white, and welp. I was pretty sure I was dying.

Thankfully, some folks traveling behind me saw the wreck, and stopped to help. An ambulance came within ten minutes, and I was given The Good Stuff to stop the shock and roll me gently from the edge of Dead.

Turns out it was pretty close, though. Part of my spleen had pretty much liquefied from the impact. Inertia is a property of matter. (Bill! Bill! Bill!)
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Last year we were on vacation in Colorado and ran into a black bear out hiking, just two of us. It was a lot closer that we wanted it to be, haha. Tried scaring it off but it squared up and huffed at us so we backed away until we couldn't see it anymore and waited 15 minutes for it to leave. Thankfully it was gone when we slowly made our way forward to see if it was still there.
This is literally one of my worst fears while hiking. Bears are not to be messed with!!

May of 2019 my boyfriend and I were t-boned while driving by a car significantly bigger than my own. Car went up on two wheels, nearly rolled over, then slammed back down. Thankfully it was a brand new car (2019 model) so all the safety features came out to do their job. When we came to a stop, he was barely conscious, telling me how my dad was going to kill him (my dad is a safety engineer for a large car company so safe driving is a big thing for him). We both ended up going to the hospital in an ambulance because I was having very bad back and abdomen pain that was causing severe nausea. We were worried because I've had a previous back injury. The pain ended up being from an ovarian cyst that was ruptured by the seatbelt.

It was scary at the time, yes, but I didn't realize how scary it really was for me until I found that, for a while, I couldn't be a passenger in a car. I had to be the one driving. Even now I get a little shaky when someone else is driving in traffic or a place they haven't been before.
This all occurred in the same month, probably the same week or within the same two weeks.

I was unemployed for a good few years, the first year was the hardest as bills piled in. I fought with my family a lot, I applied to everywhere but it was just not a good year and I wasn't able to find a job. I had no way to provide for myself and my disabled parent and I was very depressed. We fought, me and the parent, so I switched my sleeping schedule.

I started to stay up all night, till the sun rose, and then I would go to bed just to avoid them. I usually would draw or play games (Smite was my favorite, but I no longer play it).

I remember one night I was drawing, I lived in these apartments. They weren't really ghetto, but they were going downhill under the new management. I was near the back of the apartments by the Basket-Ball Court. I often kept my blinds open, I'm not sure the reason why, but I never thought anything of it. Anyone wondering around at night, this far back in the complex, should live here, right?

One night I was drawing. It was very late, and I happen to turn around, I'm in the living room, mind you, and I see a figure in the window. There's large bushes right in front of the windows but someone is pressed against them. They leave when they see me turn around.

Shortly after I learned about door-jams. I learned quickly to close the blinds and check to make sure the windows are locked at night, naturally. I'm in the same apartment and my sleeping schedule hasn't improved, if anything, I was even worse because of how frightened I was from the first event. I'm doing something on the computer again when a loud noise startles the lights out of me. I turn around, ripping the headphones out of the jax. Someone is trying to GET IN my apartment.

They're not banging on the door, they're trying to force it open.

My parent is disabled, as I said, so they're on heavy meds. They don't wake up at all during this and I'm terrified. I go right to them and by the time I get them awake the person is gone, we turn on all the lights and check the door, I'm not sure how to explain it but you can see that the hinges were slightly damaged.

We bought a door jam that day. We told the apartment complex but they just shrugged, saying it was probably a drunkard. My parent says the same, but sometimes I wonder if it was.

I now live down the road from those very apartments and sometimes late at night I see people walking on the streets. I have to take meds to go to sleep now.
I was 14 at the time. I'm dicking about on the playground after school-I was in 8th grade, still in elementary school in my area-and decided to climb to the top of the swings. I hear someone yell my name. I turn to look at them... and fell off.

My life flashed before my eyes and I can't remember anything after that.

I woke up in the ER with a searing headache. I had hit my head and severely concussed myself. Turns out a friend had been nearby, and seeing as she was the lucky one of us with a cellphone, she called 911. Said that it was one of the scariest moments of her life.

Years later, I still talk to her. She probably saved my life.
I have a few encounters that stick with me, though they might just qualify as putting me on edge and getting a little spooked but....

1. Back when I lived in harrisville where I was born and spent the first about 6 years of life, I had a few experiences with snakes (Non-Garden variety... hell, snakes are snakes to a kid) In my own yard one right outside my front door just resting upon the bricks.... ( how it remained there idk, never knew snakes had that ability til that moment) it was about a foot from the door itself and I had to go outside to get in the car for a family errand. Nothing happened but that scared a 6 years old me quite a bit.

Part 2; Same age or about the same age give to take a year, same house only this time a different snake and in the backyard slithering through the fence and decided to chase us kids around til going through another fence and leaving. Long story short.... I don’t mess with snakes or care to be anywhere near them.

2. Still same neighborhood and age range; I and a friend went trick or treating on Halloween (of course) apparently spooking kids wasn’t enough, I seem to recall one dude dressed like the guy from scream chasing us around the neighborhood til we hit my house. (Can’t remember why, but we didn’t have a adult with us back then, it could be we started without their knowledge.) Back then being as young as I was I didn’t think on the risks of kids trick or treating without supervision, looking back however we may have been lucky.

3. A bit older but not by much from the previous experiences, but once got lost in a unfamiliar and larger city then I was used to after taking a late night ride on a train and getting off too early. (Was visiting family I didn’t see or talk to much and was with them.) Looking back it wasn’t all that bad but to a little kid, kinda spooky.

Perhaps not the scariest of things i could have been through, But those I guess I’ll call them adventures, were a bit scary to much younger me and still remain fresh enough in mind. Though living in that old neighborhood and experiencing what I had, probably helped prepare me for stuff I’ve seen and had to deal with as a adult, working night audit for a small motel in a bad neighborhood not far from where I grew up a few years back.
Uh oh, some of you have had some scary things happen to you. :D:

When I was probably around 10 or 11, my cousin (who is one year older than I) were camping with my mom and stepfather. We decided we wanted to go on an adventure and after promising we wouldn't go very far, we were off! We started on the path but quickly wandered away without realizing it. We thought it'd be fine, because were were putting pipe cleaners on twigs as we went and we had a 'compass' (Our compass was also made out of pipe cleaners, and completely useless.)

We came across a house and I absolutely refused to go near it. What if it belonged to a murderer? Strangers are scary. (Turns out it was the house of the man's land we were camping on, a friend of my stepfather, but I didn't know at the time.)

We continued going for a little while before deciding to turn around, but my cousin and I had gotten turned around. She swore up and down we came from one direction and I thought we came from the opposite way. I ended up letting her lead because she was older, but I swear to this day that I was right even though I can't prove it. (I'm surprisingly good with directions!)

After awhile without finding any pipe cleaners, and our garbage compass doing nothing, we really started to panic. It had been several hours by this point. We didn't have any food or water, had no idea where we were, and hadn't told anyone which specific direction we went. Eventually we heard what sounded like a chain saw, and we both began really freaking out thinking we were going to die. This continued for awhile, if memory serves correctly.

Thankfully it was just my family looking for us on some ATVs. They did find us (obviously) after about 8 hours I think. They hadn't called in aerial support yet, but I'm pretty sure by the hysterics they were in that they were close.

Anyways, now I hate camping. :)
I'm pretty sure I almost got casually kidnapped for the sex market in Bratislava :T
Which would have sucked after having survived sketchier scenarios in Prague and Budapest.
It was one of those scary in hindsight things.

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