Experiences What was the most memorable roleplay you've ever had?

Klaides Tail

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Can include ones you've hosted or ones you've just participated in : >
You can also include joke rps!
Mine was when someone wanted to throw a fashion runway roleplay on Amino like 6 years ago, and the entire 2 hour roleplay was just people saying "He struts in his Balenciaga suit and flashes a smile to the audience" sends pictures of anime character in aforementioned suit. All one-liners, first-person, completely breaking all the rules of formal roleplay.

The thing is that I arrived super late but they still wanted me to join in (absolute sweethearts), so I made up a role on the spot and became the cameraman.

😂 The entire time I just repeated the words "I pan my camera towards the new guy and hear the crowd cheer through my headset" as if i was contributing anything at all

Half the time the other roleplayers and I were just laughing at how stupid the whole thing was over DMs.

ah, bless amino roleplays concocted by a bunch of 13 years old at 3 am.
Probably my second-most memorable (and a more serious one) was when I finally let my friend mercy-kill one of my main characters that we had been roleplaying with for about 4 years at that point. It was almost symbolic in a way; that was one of my last roleplays with him before he started a degree and I transferred schools. Still text that dude sometimes, it's nice to see him around
Best interaction I ever had was when I used to be part of the Marauder's Era forum's back in the day. If those words make no sense to anyone, it was a forum where we focused the plot on the Marauders, a.k.a James Potter and friends, and their time at Hogwarts.

These forums were jumping and I was lucky enough to get a spot as Remus on a pretty popular board with a bunch of incredibly talented people.

One fun aspect about forum roleplaying I really miss was how each character would have a 'mail box' (It was a dedicated forum for your character, where people could leave 'letters). One day, Remus got a completely anonymous letter, threatening to reveal his secret to the school. No one approached me about this idea, and the person really did everything they could to keep it a secret; They used a guest account, made sure to post the letters at times when I wasn't around, etc. I just remember it being so exciting and fun to get taken for a ride with the mystery as my character spent a few posts trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

It would up being an OC with whom our characters had built a natural friendship. She put things together on her own and was upset that my character never told her and reacted badly. I still love the fact that they took the time to craft a mystery and even went so far as making the mystery occur for all the wrong reasons, changing the dynamic of the friendship. I miss being occaisionally taken on that plot ride someone else has put together.
My most memorable RP was on another site about 6-7 years ago. Thing lasted almost 2 full years, too. Made it to around... 600-650 posts, I think? Something like that.

I'd been extremely lucky and met an amazing group of role players and writers, all of whom were much more knowledgeable about writing than I was at the time. Their grasp of character, subtext, natural dialogue, progression, setup and payoff, etc, were light years ahead of where I was despite having been a role player myself for almost 14 years at the time. I'd spent so much time just role playing I'd never actually taken the time to study the craft of creative writing and all of the little things that go into making a story more than just good, but great. And as I observed these people posting and watching their characters learn, grow, develop, and become something more than just text on a screen before my eyes it was a surreal experience.

I only wish I'd been in a better place mentally and emotionally back then, as things spiraled out of control after I hit rock bottom and the RP died prematurely when I departed (I was the GM) and took the RP with me. It was arguably my lowest moment in my entire role playing history. Nothing had hit me harder than parting ways on bad terms with them the way I did. And I regret it even now.

Even so, I look back on every moment I got to spend with them with fondness and joy. I learned so much from all of them and I wish them all nothing but the best wherever they are.

To this day I am certain I will never meet a more talented or skillful group of writers. And while I'd love to be wrong, life's not proven me so yet. But I remain hopeful that someday I will meet an even more talented and skilled group of writers so I can indulge that dream of once again being the low man on the totem pole, so to speak, and have a chance to sit in that student's chair again as I watch those who are better than me craft characters and worldbuilding the likes of which I'm just not able to right now.


- GojiBean
One of my most memorable roleplays was a joke rp that I did with an irl friend. Since we found out we both enjoy roleplays we decided to give it a try together. It started off as a normal isekai. Then something went wrong (or maybe totally right haha) and it turned into absurd parody that we still refer to, several years after we stopped the rp XD We even managed to complete a full story arc and didn't start any new arcs before the rp died so I can even consider it a complete rp lol

Then I had two very memorable 1x1 rps on this site, they both lasted for 2+ years. Both were fandom roleplays where we played canon characters but in both we did alternative "what if" scenarios, diverging from the canon quite significantly. Why they are memorable? Both of them netted me some good friends that I still talk to even if we're not roleplaying. Also aside from the roleplays, we had extensive OOC talks about the characters and the canon, which were super fun and contributed to our rp characterization too.

And I should probably list the only group roleplay that I ever enjoyed. It was a text-based DnD campaign. We never had any live/voice sessions there, it was all done in only text. But it lasted for 2 years and I had a lot of fun. It was also my only experience with DnD. Unfortunately, we didn't complete the campaign as people were eaten away by real life and the group dissolved. Still, was a great experience that I consider a standard of how I would like group roleplays to be run for them to be enjoyable for me (Unfortunately, almost no one does it like that, so I never joined a group rp again).

There are a few nice ones I'm having now, so they can still become memorable in the future, but they're still fairly new so we'll have to see XD
i could go through and list all the memorable rps i've had over the years, but i think the most notable one is a group roleplay i joined on a whim at the end of 2020, during the three weeks i had to quarantine when my parents got covid.

as expected, after the first few days of being locked up in the house i was bored out of my mind lmao. i didn't have a lot of active roleplays or partners at the time, so i poked around the group rp board on chickensmoothe (the site i was mainly on at the time) and came across a percy jackson rp. i hadn't read the series in ages, but it's not something you really need too much knowledge to participate in so i went ahead and joined.

it was pretty active for a group rp, with everybody posting once or twice a day, and the discussion thread was pretty active too. i eventually decided to dm the thread owner to see if i could add another character as a minor antagonist, sent them the character sheet, and then everything sort of kicked into overdrive.

it wasn't like my antagonist character
spurred the overdrive, but we just happened to have a nice little group of people who all meshed really well, and we all just kept making characters and tying them all together with relations and stuff. i think i had seven characters made by the time it finally died, and most people had at least five in play at that point. it was memorable for a lot of different reasons, but for me, it was memorable because i was given the opportunity to develop a lot of different characters that had never seen the light of day prior to this rp, and i got an entire group of friends out of it. we might not write for that rp any more, but the lore that was developed in that initial group roleplay served as a foundation for the dozens of 1x1s myself and other people in the group have made with one another, sometimes involving characters we used there, and sometimes with completely new ones.

before i joined this rp and found these people, i was on the verge of simply giving up on my roleplaying hobby altogether. every group i joined died soon after, and many of the 1x1s i tried to start never got off the group. i even had a 1x1 that was based on another memorable group rp i'd been in a few years prior with the host of the original rp that halted after over a year of us writing together. i'm just glad i was able to stick with it to get to where i am now, because i've found some amazing people.
One of my most memorable RPs was/is on another site, specifically a Pokemon RP about a ragtag bunch of Eeveelutions fighting draconic tyrants (both literally and metaphorically) in a fantasy version of Galar, PMD-style even though the GM had originally planned for a more Zelda-like approach. "Was" because the RP itself started like, 3 years ago, and "is" because it's still going strong after several times of hiatuses and revivals plus extra patience on everyone's parts. We've already gone through 6 out of the 8 intended main arcs with interludes after every 3 arcs (which was totally unplanned btw) and now we're at the second interlude. The best part? One of the players there described this RP in a nutshell as "full of everyone misunderstanding each others' prompts and just turning that into character traits over time" which I wholeheartedly agree. 😆
Maybe my favorite RP I've ever done involved putting our OTP into Silent Hill, writing it so that one of the characters had been born there and was getting caught up in the cult stuff against his will. It had a lot of psychological horror but also a lot of humor and romance; it was simultaneously a get-together and also involved maybe my favorite trope of one character getting hurt by taking a blow that would have killed the other character. I truly still adore that RP and think of it a lot even fourteen years later.
I wasn't part of this game, but was told about it. A group of folks I played Pathfinder with started a new game. I didn't join in because my style of playing and the GM's style of running the game didn't mesh well. Nothing bad happened, it's just what it was.

One player told me that the party was fighting a group of orcs and half-orcs. The GM decided to use the token of my half-orc ranger, played in the previous campaign, to represent one of the enemy half-orcs. Everyone in the party lowered their weapons and refused to attack that particular half-orc, even the Dwarf who was supposed to have a hatred of orcs. It really made my day to know my character was so loved!
Hm.. well there’s alot that caused a HUGE hyperfocus but,, i’ll list two cause i love em both lol.

1 - Mario and Luigi (me) went to a party held by Princess Peach in the mushroom Kingdom, they celebrated (Pretty sure mario ate too much lol) Mario was more active than Luigi. soon BOWSER came in And said he was gonna nuke the kingdom! Mario and co fled to hiding and Mario was more upset bout the damn spaghetti. Luigi wasn’t and was distraught about anyone they’d left behind. Rest of rp was just them going out until i got bored and left

2 - Mario (Me), Luigi, Daisy(?) and Princess Peach went on this mission to get some orb things that were needed for something i cannot remember. They got the first few without issuse (like 2?) then BOWSER JR! Struck and did something to make mario think luigi was dead and vice versa before knocking em out. They reunited dw!!

OH and not my fave but one time Luigi (me) fought a corrupted goose, WCDX my beloved, another time in another rp game Mario (me) was fighting Fawful to save Luigi from him. Another time Mario (not me this time) fell off a brigde and Luigi (Me) had to save him and make sure he wasn’t dead.

There was also this time where Mario (or luigi?) got stuck in the dreamworld after getting tricked by antasma So.. rip to them (they got out dw)

OH OH and my fave. Most fave lol here we go. DETAIL!!


So Mario (Me) and Luigi (My now friend) were doing stuff as normal (well as normal as my rps are lol), wandering and chatting. Until a enemy goes to Mario and does something to make him see and have constant NIGHTMARES! THUNDER.SFX so Luigi travels to the dreamworld and sorts it out momentarily before it hits Mario again and Luigi does it again but fully snaps mario out of it this time round.

AND been rping alot with this one person on roblox so i need to say this - Mario was corrupted (Code wise) and Legends (Luigi) had to fight in a EPIC battle. Then Legends found out his version of Luigi was dead so he went and got him and got Wis (yes, self insert i know- She’s not op dw) to revive him, before heading to Mario’s realm to see an ENTIRE wreckage. And they had a EPIC face off with Bowser with Legends prevailing!!

Sorry this turned into an entire ramble lol
I have plenty of memorible experiences from roleplays!

Back on the plat form where I started roleplaying in the first place I played a very energetic 14 year old with ADHD. It was a fantasy roleplay long stories short the teacher almost got crushed by a lamp post who was saved by my character. After the in the OOC as my character is mentally recovering over this in roleplay the person who plays the character mine had been befriending says.

‘TLPD Traumatic Lamp post disorder’

In another roleplay on the same platform a different character of mine who was also 14 was in a interaction with a 15 year old detective. Half way through that interaction in the OOC everyone finally started looking at each others CS’s and suddenly the person who was roleplaying as the detective said ‘claim’ and I was confused. Basically they wanted to make my character and theirs a ship which I was ok with it just caught me off gaurd.

These are some memories to name a few.
Luxor Academy. First proper rp I had ever joined, it was your classic modern fantasy high-school setting and all the students/teachers had their own cool powers. I had a dude with an uncontrollable disintegration-on-touch ability and he fell in love with another character that could rapidly regenerate, so she could touch him without dying. ✨

The roleplay was rebooted a bunch of times, but I'll always cherish the people that were there with me. 😌🙏
My most memorable RP experience was when I discovered that an acquaintance of mine - that had moved into the suite above mine, also roleplayed on gaiaonline. We were walking home from our mutual friends houseparty together, since we lived in the same building. It was a bonding experience and none of us wanted to immediately admit to the other person that we enjoyed roleplaying online ( bc we were anxious and insecure little beans ) lol

After that conversation my NEW friend invited me to her Zombie roleplay! And it was a walk-in roleplay that she designed based on our small town. It was structured with the same map, so it was like roleplaying as myself in a zombie apocalypse. I walked in with 2 characters, and she was really impressed with my writing ( which is always nice to hear ) and she was an amazing writer as well ( she does a lot of it for work now ). ANYWAYS.. The walk-in aspect of it was super fun. A random character with a basic profile could just show up and start helping yours. And there was a "roll" aspect that she implemented - sort of like with DND, determining the risk of certain situations and the loot that your character might find in different abandoned buildings. When the roleplay would start to die down for the day, she would write a blurb "overnight" or "the next day" that updated you on where the hoard had gone, or how many zombies were in your area etc.

SUPER Fun. And when I recently started roleplaying again I could never managed to recreate it..
I'ma cheat 'cause I'm a shameless crook out here being shameless.

1x1 (and the real answer to the question) - Years ago, someone responded to my 1x1 ad with an intro post and nothing more, related to my interest in a story between a rancher's son and a hand. We lived in opposite time zones, and for a solid two months, we each posted every single day, the most I've ever been active for a single project. Overall, I'm really proud of that for something that was completely spontaneous and winged. My character was kinda weak, but the other player created memorable characters in the way they used dialog. Their lead had a gap in his teeth that he was conscious of and so he wouldn't smile - or maybe rarely ever smiled. A lot of it I've forgotten thanks to time, but their characters were life-like, and I just remember being so engaged by their lead. It ended when I hit a depressive slump for like two weeks, and the other player never responded back by the time I got around to posting again.

Group someone else ran - A sandbox game about the fashion world. I think it lasted a little over a year, though I joined within its final 3-ish months when it had slowed down with a solid few players. I was playing a sassy bodyguard and enjoyed goofing around with him in the various scenes, and the GMs kept coming up with events to maintain engagement. The lead GM wasn't the best I've ever had the pleasure of playing under, but his personality made him a good ringleader, which helped to connect characters to each other and involve them in drama. Regrettably, I Yoko Ono'd it when I created my own sandbox and the GM got wrapped up in the new game. xD

Group I ran - Probably the one that killed the fashion one, honestly, as much as I hate that that happened. It was a college sandbox, but it had an NPC who died the previous year, which turned out to be a solid hook for a few people. It died after a couple of months because of drama, which caused an important character to be discontinued, but it's the one group I've been in where a lot of people were plotting with each other and had developed these intricate connections and plans. It's the only time I've seen that happen for a slice of life game. Plus, although their time in it was brief, that game was the first time I got to write with my all-time favorite roleplayer.
90s slasher roleplay organized by a wonderful GM
It was great (even if we never technically finished it)!
The lore was incredible and every character was so unique. The group was so nice and I felt like I was really part of something.
I also got to be graphically murdered, so that’s a plus.
The most legendary roleplay I've ever been in was on another site. Spells in The Dark. We're talking lasting damn near a year, a highly engaged group willing to throw surprises and monkey wrenches into the GM's plan that actually worked and made sense, characters of a type that I'd never heard of before, collabs with 6k words- it was so brilliant, that when I got home from landing my (at the time) dream job and found there was a reboot coming, the latter was the bigger joy.
There are three candidates for various reasons.

The first candidate was memorable because it was my first foray in the the world of online forum roleplaying. I clearly would have done things differently if the present day me was doing the roleplaying. First and foremost, I would have been roleplayed as a different character. However, I just had one character at the time. He's currently known as Jojin and both he and the other character, Josh, I used shortly before activity stopped were unlike their current versions. Even then, Jojin was a Gary Stu because he was based on my dream self. To be honest, I need to stop procrastinating and revisit Jojin to adjust to make him suitable for roleplay.

The second memorable storyline was something like Men In Black but featuring sorcery and supernatural creatures. It is the longest 1x1 storyline I have participated in. It featured a mostly final version of Josh. It was also the first time I mentioned that he was gay.

The third memorable storyline was right here on RPN and was another 1x1 storyline with Josh. To date, it is the longest running storyline I have participated in here at RPN. Further development of Josh, but mostly in a world-building capacity.
Ahh yes!! There's this one that started a long time ago, and lasted a startlingly good few years before it eventually petered out, I think just cause it went on too long. I'd have loved to finish it but with the way things were going, that just was not gonna happen.

It was called Ava, and starred three humans and an alien stuck travelling the multiverse through very cutthroat situations, while also doing a bunch of side stuff and just trying to get along. Rescuing the occasional kid, falling in love, falling into toxic patterns, subsequently learning to resolve those toxic patterns through painful learning and emotional growth... All of the character dynamics just worked really well, which is extremely impressive considering the RP started out with near 0 planning ahead of time.

It was fantastic. Fantastic enough that I've begun the process of transforming Ava the RP into Ava the Animated Series. My partner (my bestie) gave me full permission to use and change the characters as I wish, and voila, I'm learning to animate as of January 1st of this year!
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It's my ambition to be the GM of somebody's most memorable roleplay someday. <3
My most memorable RP was one I ran for like three years on RPN called "Lost Continent: Flight from Muurdaan" -- it was my first Nation Building RP and was wildly successful. Had a lot of really good players and a lot of cool interactions between them. It was kind of like "High Fantasy" meets "Conquest of the new World" in theme. With all the players having their own colonies that cooperated and competed and a whole hostile land to explore and profit from. Really proud of it, and it's appeal made me go to make several spin-off RPs in the same game-world.

Really glad I had/have RPN as such a fertile ground for my RP ideas, and my personal and persistent Gameworld!
Probably what I remember most would be... It wasnt even really a text RP or maybe what some people consider an RP at all, more just playing make believe when I was like 13 with my cousin. It was called "Elven Kingdoms" but, it was like... Some kind of weird elves more based on christmas elves than high fantasy ones, them being real short and all, and the main antagonist was a massive cloud of Myst that came in from the north and covered the land, spawning all kinds of creatures. My character was some kind of weird mutant porcupine creature, since at that time mix and matching random creatures to make new ones was like, my jam. It ended up tapering off after my cousins character died during a big expedition into the Myst and a big fight, but my main character from the RP re-appeared a couple times as a random encounter in later games.

Not only was that one of my longest lasting RP's/Make-believe, but a ton of the plot ideas and setting stuff stuck that originated from that RP stuck around for ages. The region (called Syrol) ended up being the main setting I used for a long while, the Myst is still a central lore aspect to my fantasy settings to this day (albeit in a different form), and some of the mechanics I developed for that ended up being reused many times later. I did eventually scrap that setting in favor of a new one with more consistent lore written from scratch, but alot of the aspects of it still made it into the new setting (including Myst, some of the monster designs, and alot of the metaphysics ideas.)
An RP that was auto resolved, named Hisakawa, it wasn't hosted on RPN, but another forum. It was an interesting RP for two reasons, one, everyone was a prisoner, a teenage range prisoner, on a prison island set around this task. Two, we had random dice rolls to decide the crime and we had a free hand in how this crime was carried out. Mine was high treason, with a teen, I cooked up this thing on where her family was part of a cult that assassinated the Prime Minister of Japan, using bombs and firearms, she was captured. Anyways we also I think had stats that were decided by dice roll too.

Sounds good? Yeah, sadly the RP was plagued by a few issues, slow posting speeds where some took longer than once a week, which is a big no-no for me. Some people fell off, during the story we had missions, one of which my PC more or less pulled off single handedly and almost took the blame, ah to add, the island was self-policed minus a ring of guards, and there were even kids that went feral, well "kids" they were teens to, anyways they were murderous, there were other factions, and you basically went to school and a test would happen at the end of the year to decide if you were fit to be put back in society, it was a mix of educational and moral type stuff.

Anyways, getting back to the point, the RP limped around for a bit and wasn't even the best RP I've been in, I barely remember any but three of the cast. At the end our posts were totaled up for the ending, where I think 10 posts gave one dice and you could spend those on any single action. I had the lion's share of these of 13 dice.

What is important though is there was this one player of note, that I won't name, but they constantly sought to derail, would push the GM's limits to see if they would react or really punish us. And this was a constant happening and me and they didn't like each other I'm sure, he has like 5 dice to my 13. So I use the first dice to roll to pass the test, one more to set a cheating way to do the this, and three to steal the test. All numbers hit low, so I failed and my next alert was to be ready for someone that tries to kill me, it was *that* guy. So I ended up killing him. In my following rolls, I killed a few other members of the group, of the leftovers. One girl managed to pass, another became my henchmen. so died off to things not me. Then I used the rest of my nice to take on or join up oh them, went all the way up to the guards and landing myself a job the "Warden". Aimed to get more results out of it. And the survivor that left comes back once a year to bring flowers to the graves of her friends, half of whom I put there by her hand alone. And I walk her there, smile and just watch. That was the end. I cannot leave so I took over, the one who could leave returns and must be met by the killer.

The ending is what I remember most because I got preemptive revenge.

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