Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

Technically it was pokemon...this was way back when before I even knew what Anime even was xD But My true Anime was actually Naruto.
Pokemon on Cartoon network, but other then that, it would have to be in the third grade watching the anime Ouran highschool host club.
If I was being very specific, I'd say Pokemon but that was only because it used to show on Cartoon Network. My first anime that I watched the entire series of was Save Me Lollipop (Mamotte Lollipop) even though it was only like 14 episodes.
Unknowingly my first must have been either Spirited Away or Kiki's Delivery Service. I didn't actually watch an anime while knowing what anime was until Peach Girl in the summer of 5th Grade. I was obsessed with it, but never finished. The first I actually finished was School Rumble. *sniffle* Good times.
Sailor Moon!

I was so obsessed with that during elementary school and even went as Sailor Mercury for Halloween.

Now with the Sailor Moon remakes, I'm reliving my childhood all over again. But my favourite Sailor is no longer Mercury—it's Neptune. (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و
I don't know for sure, but it had to be either Pokemon, Digimon or Naruto. Kinda tilting towards Digimon.
Pokemon would have to be my first. My sister loved it, so she started me on it early. After that I watched One Piece. I remember it came in on our TV and the theme song that they decided to put to it was strange. I enjoyed it enough to get the Manga and read it, though! :)
Well, probably Pokemon or One Piece(4Kids Dub). The first one that I watched which I actually knew was an anime to would be Angel Beats! though.
My very first anime was Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z because that was all that was around at the time. But I progressed from there and watch lots of anime now. I just got back from an anime convention in IL, it was so much fun.
Hetalia, I was home sick and I saw it on Netflix. I had been wanting to get into anime but didn't know where to start but I remembered some friends saying it was good so I started there.

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