What video game world would you want to live in?

I cant ever pick just one thing, so here's my list in no particular order

1. Fire Emblem

2. SAO 

3 .GTA (life respawns would be the fucking best)

4. Legend of Zelda

5. Overwatch

6. Pokemon
Oh, uh. Probably Grisaia's game? All those people who get killed by high schoolers and the killers get no consequence. I wanna be in that school, man. Probably better than the High school I was in, during my school years. Can handle their students a bit better.

Second place would be Pokemon, though, definitely.
It really depends. Am I as cool as the main character(s) of the game.

It would be you, just in another world. Personally, I'm not that skilled or cool, so I would have to consider what it would be like to be a citizen (npc) of that world. For instance pokemon would be good because almost anyone can have pokemon and challenge gyms, etc.
I'd love to live in the world of The Elder Scrolls, exploring Tamriel would be so cool!
I've always loved the world of Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy VII. Legend of Zelda would get monotonous though as it's always the world following the same prophecy though (I love the games, but being in that world...). At first it would be bad-a, but after a while it would get boring. Final Fantasy VII on the other hand has all this cool stuff to do, magic, and awesome creatures to sit and stare at for hours. 
Dragon age origins because Alistair , zevran. And the threesome between leliana zevran Isabella and I. Haha foursome I guess. Oh man dragon age two because of crazy guy uhmm his name isnt coming to me . you know. Aaa something . I can't remember????  But being betrayed hurt so much lmao stab stab.

Inquisition to be a leader . own a vault of gold and because of Solas. That bastard. I love him :(  Lol trespasser hurt like a boitch tho.

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