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Fandom What Remains: Survival/Mystery Multi-Fandom RP (OOC)

The fact that someone knows and has applied the use of star wars the clone wars makes me a happy cat thing. Most fans absolutely loathe it, but as my first real exposure to star wars it remains my favourite portrayal of the characters. Kenobi man you're makin' my day <3
Yay. So... May I ask what are the limits for what character to use ? I have a few in mind, but I am unsure if they'll fit well.
Yay. So... May I ask what are the limits for what character to use ? I have a few in mind, but I am unsure if they'll fit well.

So long as they're not too OP and they're not from a Bleedman or Bleedman-esque universe I won't turn them down. Without googling (as I suggest you don't) Bleedman involves a ridiculous amount of edge and suspicious content (underage). To give you an idea, I turned down a character for involving a lot of rape in their backstory for absolutely no reason. It's stuff like that I have to turn down for the sake of decency.

Yes, this is a bit of a gritty RP but I have to draw the line somewhere.
Hmm... So many options.

Sorry. For some reason my stuff is submitting twice. Thanks for the advice.
Now... Are Youtubers actually allowed or ? Or... Was that a privilege given to you as a GM ?
I wanted to use Jaiden from Jaiden Animations. I feel like it would be a perfect complement to Markiplier. Plus... Well... I feel personally if it wasn't, Jaiden would be a pretty good addition.
Now... Are Youtubers actually allowed or ? Or... Was that a privilege given to you as a GM ?
I wanted to use Jaiden from Jaiden Animations. I feel like it would be a perfect complement to Markiplier. Plus... Well... I feel personally if it wasn't, Jaiden would be a pretty good addition.

I'll probably turn down somebody like DaddyofFive, Sam Pepper or either of the Paul brothers but other Youtubers would be okay. Aside from the multiple NPCs I play, I don't give myself privileges for actual player characters as a GM.

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