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Fandom What Remains: Survival/Mystery Multi-Fandom RP (OOC)

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen i completly forgot to submit my character i think you still open, i noticed the rp is going but ooc is ... well dead

That's probably because there's a Discord server for this RP and people just talk there.
RP is still kicking like someone panicking and drop-kicking a child he mistook for Chucky.
Yeah pretty much all the discussion is on one big discord channel. When you join or something, I'll send you a link.
Sebastian De Luca
New York
"Get. The. Fuck. OFF!" Sebastian shouted, attempting to kick off a symbiote that had managed to latch on to his left leg while he was climbing up the side of a building. Reluctant to waste energy on such a minor task, Sebastian gave in and dragged it to the top of the building with him. After rolling a few feet away to put some distance between himself and the monster, Bas stood up and faced the symbiote awaiting its attack. With a feral screech, it lunged at him and tackled him to the ground, but Sebastian was prepared. He did a backwards somersault with it and once on his back again, he pushed the beast off with all of the strength in his legs, sending it flying in to the air 10 feet. Sebastian quickly jumped up, pulled his weapon off of his back, charged it with some electricity, and swung it like a baseball bat. Once making contact, part of the symbiote exploded in to the black goo everyone had learned to look for to distinguish them from normal people, and the rest of it went flying off the building where it dropped 10 stories to the ground. After checking over the ledge to make sure it had dropped to the bottom rather than latching on to the side, Sebastian let out a deep sigh before sitting back against the wall on the edge. "Jesus.. Who the fuck thought making these things was a good idea?" After getting the rest he needed, Bas stood up and began running across various rooftops to make his way to the market district of town, where he intended to scavenge for supplies to bring back to his small apartment. Once on the outskirts of the district, Sebastian slowly made his way down through the stairwell of an apartment building, grabbing small items here and there from apartments that appeared to have been abandoned after the event. Surprisingly when he got out to the street, there wasn't a symbiote in sight; however, this didn't stop him from being as observant as usual. After making his way about half way to the center of the district, he found a shop that seemed to have some supplies left, and scavenged through it for light food items such as boxes of macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, breads and lunch meats, and various other things. Once out of the store, Sebastian looked both ways down the street and found himself nearly surrounded by a mass of symbiotes roaming the city. "Son of a-", he started before being cut off by the ear piercing scream of one of them noticing him. Shortly after, the two walls of symbiotes began to close on Sebastian. Acting quickly, he bolted towards a nearby building before multiple latched on to his legs, dragging him down. Having no other options besides death and using his abilities, Bas chose the later and focused all the energy he had inside himself and created a protective layer of electricity around his body. After a few seconds, the layer exploded outwards, incinerating every symbiote within a 30 foot radius, and stunning others nearly a block away. The completely drained and exhausted Sebastian crawled to a nearby sewer grate, lifted it up, and dropped himself down before the symbiotes could recover and notice him again. Hearing voices nearby, he stood up and used one hand to steady himself on a nearby wall and made his way towards the voices. After coming up upon four different people conversing, he collapsed and passed out from lack of energy within himself.

Zamasu Zamasu
Morbuskid Morbuskid
For the love of god please don't use white text
Depends on the NPC. Like Snake has people from Diamond Dogs and Atticus would have had Preston but he left the RP and so Preston is just a regular NPC.

Do they count? Monaca kinda needs them for the arc to work.
?????: Metro-Gotham
A hooded figure walked into an alleyway, following a trail of blood with an axe hanging down by his side. He was dressed in a long black armor, his face was hidden in the darkness of his hood, unnaturally so. The hooded figure followed the trail until he came upon a crawling man, with tattoos on his arm and a haircut that screams punk, his quarry. Not so long ago this man was mighty and acted above his fellow man, now he lay there as powerless as those he had beaten so mercilessly, begging and pleading for whatever little life remains in him. "Come on man, it was a joke N...nothing thing but a...a joke. Please!" the man yelped as the black figure raised his axe. In an instant the axe came down, the man's screams were immediately drowned out. "Fortune favors the brave and honorable, not the cowardly and traitorous, you were almost as bad as.... a familiar person. Well then, that's been taken care of, the voices have died down, I suppose that was acceptable." The hooded figure said as a darkness shrouded to him. Immediately his armor was replaced by a long cloak, white glowing eyes could be seen under the hood, a sigh came from him. "It's a shame for such a waste of life, but these are the paths they choose to take, at least I have chosen to veer from the path." He said as he stood there still looking down at the lowlife.
(This was just to get my character into the RP, I didn't want him a queue much longer. It is up to those within the Metro-Gotham area whether you wish to interact or not.)

Don't think he's accepted yet... prolly should delete it.

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