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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom)

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
--Minato Arisato--
AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

"Same. Though I at least thought you'd try to give her to them." Minato said to the brown haired boy as he thanked him. He soon let out an approving nod. "Guess I was wrong." He glanced behind the boy to see if those DJD Giants had made the same amount of damage...A few wounded here and there, but it's nothing much compared to his side. At the very least, the DJD failed.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

--Penny Polendina--

As Penny snapped out of her shortlived daze, she then rushed off to the opposite direction and searched for Miu. A few minutes had passed and she hears a familiar voice screaming in surprise coming from a crate.

"Miss Iruma? Miss Akamatsu?" Penny called out as she approached the crate, spotting the famiar blondes behind it, confirming her suspicions. "Are you two alright?"

--Izuku Midoriya || Shoto Todoroki || Sash Lilac--
Thawne Thawne

"Then it that case, we should probably get you people out of this District." Todoroki said as he began to walk past the group. "Let's hope we find one of them soon...Let's go." He muttered as he signalled the group to follow him shortly after. Perhaps encountering an Autobot or two will help them evacuate.
Senshi, Take, Shimazu: Rush Valley

Shimazu and Senshi ran after Mark, after Mark had released three people from the cell the dynamic Samurai duo had entered the room. Shimazu looked around at the three but Senshi was most curious about the green one. Senshi had approached the cell and made his way past all the others stopping at Piccolo, "Are you a demon?" Senshi asked. Shimazu looked at the green one as well but was about to say something to Senshi.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen AbominableTouma AbominableTouma The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
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Miu looked at Penny for a brief moment and rushed to her and captured her in a tight embrace.


"PENNY! YOU'RE SAFE! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Miu shouted happily, "I'M SO HAPPY!"


"Miu, you're making things awkward for her..."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Markiplier: Rush Valley
Mark took a step back, scratching the back of his head. Since he and Chica had arrived on Gladius, he hadn't run into a single person that recognised him. Back on Earth, he would run into fans while on runs down the street or going to buy groceries, and after he'd uploaded that one video he had run into fans who would internationally go to Cracker Barrel restaurants with the hope of running into him.
He'd been distracted when he arrived on Gladius had up until meeting Ramil he had almost forgot he had been famous.

Mark thought of something to say, but was interrupted by Senshi asking if the green being was a demon. Mark raised an arm in front of Senshi, wanting to avoid a fight as he studied him. It didn't take too long for Mark to work it as he'd watched some Dragonball and Dragonball Z back in the day.

Piccolo, yet another fictional character in his world that due to the sheer size and possibility of the Multiverse actually existed within a world of his own.
"No." Mark said "He's um...An alien. From another planet, ya know?" He asked Senshi, turning back to face the Samurai "He might look like a scary demon..." He turned towards Piccolo "No offence." He said with a nervous smile "But he's one of the good guys." He looked back at the Samurai, reassuring him with a smile before turning his head towards Piccolo and giving him a reassuring nod.

Chica walked into the cell and went straight up to Ramil, starting to sniff him.

AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Morbuskid Morbuskid The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

Venkman and Karla: Diamond City
Karla skipped towards the two "And who might you be?" She asked, offering a handshake. After a moment of split hesitation, Venkman accepted. As he shook the Tiefling's hand, he used his Interconnections/Fate sight, seeing who Karla was tied to. One of the golden strings of fate seemed to run over her shoulder, while four others flew in different directions. The one that caught his attention seemed to be pointing upwards, telling Venkman that someone on Gladius-II had their fate tied to the Tiefling woman.

Karla shook his hand firmly and enthusiastically, studying Venkman herself. Bags under his eyes, dark clothing and the stench of Ectoplasm...He was either a Necromancer or he worked at Hot Topic and went to seances on the weekends.

"Karla." She said with a large grin "But within a few minutes you'll probably call me 'that annoying bitch'. Just a head's up." She giggled
"Venkman." He replied "And trust me, I've probably dealt with worse." He said, adding a half-smile for good measure
"Was that a challenge?" She asked, pulling Venkman in closer. Her grin only widened as she stared directly into the Mage's eyes.

Venkman slowly pulled his hand away "Nope."
He looked over her shoulder, seeing Gino climb up and rest himself on Karla's left shoulder. Venkman reached into one of his side pockets, producing a small dog treat.
"Sometimes it works on the dog ghosts." Venkman explained "Always carry a packet just in case."

Karla snatched the treat from Venkman's hand and bit into it, causing the Mage to raise an eyebrow. Karla spat it out "Just checking to see it's not poisonous." She explained, blankly, handing the rest of the treat to Gino. Karla looked at her pet, making kissing sounds as she gently stroked under his chin.

She reached her free hand out to Cortova, offering her a handshake while Venkman smiled and looked at Deathstroke, nodding and reached out his hand.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Morbuskid Morbuskid Fran DeArc Fran DeArc

The Wasteland
The Raider had to think about Pixel's questions for a moment. Ever since Vortex had rolled into the Wasteland with his army of machines and declared himself as the world's saviour, he'd seen a lot of different units. Sometimes from a distance and on other occasions fighting them at close range.

He gave the descriptions as best as he could with the small, fast moving flying drones known as Firehawks to the derelict Protectrons Vortex had repurposed into ground units. He had hover-tanks at his disposal as well, but the Raider had only seen those from a distance.

There were his standard grunts, which were humanoid in shape and armed with assault rifles. Those seemed to be the most common, yet the hardest to spot as they looked like humans in full, high-tech armour. Halfway through giving a description of a larger and heavily armoured flying drone when compared to the likes of the Firehawks, the raider stopped.

"Look, my boss has seen more of these things up close." He said "If your people really want to know everything there is to know about Vortex, I should introduce you." He said with a friendly smile

GearBlade654 GearBlade654
Side: HOPE


"I can totally answer that one!" Star said excitedly, "Your friend gave it to Marco..."

Star extended her hand to Komaru, "Look, I understand that you're scared... that this whole thing is scary... but if we're going to save our friends... We going to have to ruin those kids' game and save IaTowa also!"

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

Komaru shook her head upon Star's suggestion.

"N-no...you're asking too much of me," Komaru whimpered as she felt the device on her hip.

"I'm not special just because I have this...I'm not!"

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts


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Sora grinned holding a hand out to Minato.

"Name's Sora!" He said. He looked over at Minato's Female companions hearing the commotion.

Vivio Takamachi

Vivio and Einhart nodded being the first the trail behind Todoroki. They kept their guard's up in case more Monokumas showed up.

"My name's Takamachi Vivio. And this is Kris." Vivio said suddenly while holding up the animated stuffed bunny device.

"Einhart Stratos... And this Teo..." She said and the stuffed Snow Leopard Kitten Device gave a cute meow while resting on Einhart's shoulder.

Rush Valley

Ramil stared at Markiplier. Fate however tapped him bringing him back to reality. Ramil shook his head.

"Um... My name's Ramil, and This is Fate Testarossa Harlaown." He said introducing himself and the de-aged Fate. Piccolo looked at the samurai and to say something, but Mark beat him to the punch.

"Yeah... I'm a Namekian... I wish I was a demon. Sounds a lot better than being apart of a race of slug people." Piccolo complained.

"Well you know what they say, Beggars can't be choosers!" Nail said. Kami was silent. First Ramil knows his name and now Markiplier knew he was an alien. Something didn't add up. Ramil noticed Chica sniffing him and pet her on the head. Fate did as well smiling.

"So uh... Where are we? And now that I think about it... What is that horrid smell?" Ramil asked covering his nose. He still had yet to step out of the cell and see the Mayhem and Massacre Jason had caused.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Thawne Thawne

Side: HOPE



"Hey, it's not just you, you know? I said, 'we'..." Star said as she waved her wand, "And I got this!"

A single monokuma appeared from behind the two as Star kept her eye on Komaru but aimed her wand at the Monokuma, "Narwhal Blast..." and with that she fired a Narwhal from her wand that struck the Monokuma and destroyed it.

"So don't worry about it..." Star scratched her head with her wand, "What's your name?"
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
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D.Va: Helicarrier Dreadnought
Despite the barrage of sonic attacks from the two Bens as well as a few remaining SHIELD agents, the symbiotes continued to close in, almost taking a hold of Ben (10) before Ben Grimm stepped in, hitting a symbiote across the face with one of his fists and pushing it back even further with his sonic rifle.

As another reached for his face, the symbiotes stopped in their tracks and started to walk backwards from the group, staring them down but not making any move to attack.
"We are in peace talks with one of your own." They spoke in unison "These talks will continue so long as we both cease hostility."

Taking a radio from one of the SHIELD agents, Ben looked at the symbiotes with a look of confusion
"Uhh, Stretch?" He asked Reed "You know about this?"
"...Yes. Give it a chanc..."
"Do you have any idea of how many people these things have killed!?"
"I've been keeping count." Reed muttered, grimly

On the lower levels, D.Va took a step towards the symbiote. She sighed, clenching her fists as Filia pleaded with her.
"Filia." D.Va looked at the floor, avoiding eye contact with both the symbiote and...D.Va paused in thought. She'd only known the girl for a day, if not less but still considered her a friend. The two had fought their way through the city, and saved it from being overrun. She'd even talked SHIELD agents and Brook out of attacking her due to Samson.

"I was keeping count of how many of those things I was gunning down." She said "And all this talk of a swarm in New York, I thought they were like the Zerg from the games I use to play. An alien swarm with the intent on spreading and conquering the universe. I thought, simple...Just put me in a MEKA and let me get some kills. Save some people, and the world from the invaders. Simple. Just like the games I played."

She slowly turned around, facing her friend with a grim look on her face. She wiped the blood away from her eyes, as well as the makeup on her cheeks.
"When I learned those things were innocent people underneath, I almost gave up. I'd been keeping score of the dozens and dozens of innocent people I'd murdered. It was almost too much." She shook her head, some tears building in her eyes "But I couldn't quit. I told myself to just focus on wiping out the infection, that...Well, that was the new objective."

She looked back at the symbiote. She had remained silent, allowing D.Va to explain while watching curiously. D.Va took another look back at Filia, explaining her point
"And now...It turns out that these things. They're not a plague, they're thinking and feeling. I can't just wipe them out."
She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before facing the symbiote "But, I can't just forget what they've done. I have to know...Why? If Reed was going to help you, why attack New York!?"

The symbiote took a step forwards and nodded "You call it the darkness, the collapse, the hunger..It consumed our world when our universe fell into it's grasp. Even the Gods of our universe could not stop it. Some even tried to help our world, to no avail. It fell into the jaws of the beast and we lost most of our race... Many of my brothers and sisters were killed trying to stop it."
She lowered her head "When the survivors made it to this world, we jumped at the opportunity for a new home. I wanted to talk to the scientist, Richards but so many of us didn't even listen to his offer. Some of us knew the history of our race and it's interactions with humanity. We could feel the hostility and feared for our future. What if it was a trap?
She paused, taking a step towards D.Va. "None of us would have acted, as we agreed to hear Richards out but there was an incident."

She took another step and offered D.Va her hand "Let me show you..."
D.Va took a step back "Hey! I only agreed to join you if I was lying!" She snapped
"This will not be a full bond, merely a shared memory."
"And how will I know it's real? I know you guys can influence people. You did with Peter without full taking over his mind." She folded her arms
The symbiote paused, and within seconds the Dreadnought stopped moving, simply hovering above the sea. It was a full stop, and Hana felt the force of it under her feet. The symbiote nodded.

Lowering her arms, D.Va dropped her Light Gun to the ground and stepped forwards.

Hana looked over her shoulder at Filia "I'll be okay, I promise." She smiled.
"Do it." She told the symbiote

Two small tendrils shot out from the symbiote, sticking to D.Va's forehead. She closed her eyes. Before she could fall to the ground she symbiote gently caught her with another tendril.

As D.Va's eyes opened, she watched from a first person perspective, unable to interact with the environment. It took her a moment to adapt, but she noticed that the room was a neater version of Reed's laboratory.
What are you showing me? She asked
...I see...
I can feel you move inside my head... Get out! I'm here to see what started this war, that was the deal.

The memory progressed as Reed walked into the room. He still looked tired, sporting his beard and bags under his eyes but, he was smiling, and there was hope in his eyes.
"I shouldn't be gone for long." Reed said "The Council vote in a few days, and we've got almost enough for a majority. Victor owes me, and so does T'challa." He said, adding slight laugh "But the Mayor and the Autobots, well they might be a bit biased... I'm sure the three of us can win them over." He explained. He gave a reassuring smile and took the hand of the symbiote.

D.Va felt the touch of Reed's hand
"Listen. I know you're frightened, I would be too...But you have nothing to fear."

A SHIELD agent peaked his head inside of the room "Doctor Richards..."
Reed rolled his eyes, a smile still on his face "Yes?"
"Your transport's arrived."

Reed stepped away "I promise." He told the symbiote.
As Reed took another step, Reed and the SHIELD agent crumbled into dust as the room started to change.

That was the last time I saw Richards, at least while we were on the same side.
The Council were voting on something right before the outbreak in New York Hana explained I just...I didn't know, it was...

The room was dark and empty aside from lab equipment. That was until the door opened, letting light into the room as a SHIELD agent stepped through. She was a woman with bright blue eyes, that almost seemed to have a glow to them as she walked closer, a bright smile on her face.

Three other SHIELD agents followed her in, each one wearing helmets to protect their faces.

"Richards?" The symbiote asked "Did the vote go through? Are my people..."
The female SHIELD agent shook her head, the bright smile still on her face "There's been a change of plan. You see, the Council views you as a plague. Something to be wiped out. Reed did try hard though..."
"What?!" The symbiote hissed
"I know it's a lot to take in and I'm sorry, but I have my orders. Straight from the Council..."

She drew a pistol and fired, releasing a small torrent of flames onto the symbiote that writhed around in agony before running for one of the windows and jumping out.
Hana sat up with a start, gasping for breath and patting herself down only to notice she wasn't on fire. The small tendrils moved away from her head.
For Hana, it had felt like minutes while she was connected, viewing memories but only seconds had passed for the rest of the group.

She looked up at Filia, still panting "Reed!" She shouted into her radio "I need a record of every single SHIELD agent who was present in New York before the outbreak!"
"What?" Reed asked

She climbed to her feet, locking eyes with the symbiote "Somebody set you up. Maybe somebody paid off those SHIELD agents, but..."
She shook her head, resting a hand against it.

Zamasu Zamasu AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Morbuskid Morbuskid MainEventMan MainEventMan
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--Penny Polendina--
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Penny was surprised by the sudden embrace, but considering the situation at hand, she can't help but feel it to be natural. It's what friends do...Right?

"Of course, Miss Iruma. I'm always Combat Ready!" Penny beamed at Miu as she brushed the back of her head in a comforting manner. She soon turned to Kaede and let out a warm smile. "I'm glad you two are safe. Though it's a shame we couldn't apprehend the men responsible."

--Minato Arisato--
AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

"Minato." The blue haired Ex-Messiah shook the boy's hand as he introduced himself. "I'm Arisato Minato." He soon let go of Sora's hand and glanced at the blonde. "How's the girl?" He asked, wondering the current, fragile state of Sonia Nevermind.

--Izuku Midoriya || Sash Lilac || Shoto Todoroki--
Thawne Thawne

As the group ran through the streets, keeping an eye out for possible dangers to the civilians, the children began to introduce themselves and their mechanical plushes. Todoroki nodded at their introductions as Izuku, the last one behind the group, merely admired the craftsmanship of these machinery that were quite similar to Mei's inventions.

"I'm Midoriya Izuku. But I'm known more as Deku." Izuku introduced as casually refer to both his Hero name and Bakugou's nickname to him.

"Todoroki Shoto." Todoroki said in a simple manner, not looking back as if focused on looking for a safe route out of the district. "Nice to meet you...I guess."

"Sash Lilac...I'm a Dragon." Lilac introduced last while carrying the Lucky Student on her shoulders. "And this guy behind me is 'Lucky'."

"Yes, it's nice to meet you all." The man said in a jovial manner, as if oblivious to the current chaos...
Minity: The Wall
The Night's Watch soldiers looked at each other, confused looks on their faces before turning back towards Kot.
"What the hell are you talking about!?" One of them snapped "The middle of now..."
The other soldier placed a hand on his companion's arm "Blake." He said, softly "I don't think he knows. He might have just come through from another dimension, for all we know."

Blake sighed heavily "Seven Hells."

Donder172 Donder172
Kot ponders at the information that was just given. "I do not know where I am. I do not know how long ago what you say happened. Was on Tatooine, then weird city. Hmm... New York... Should be with brothers. With Mand'alor." Kot said, struggling with speaking Basic.

Mand'alor: Sole Ruler, title of the leader of the Mandalorians
Yep, definitely crazy. Cortova thinks to herself. She goes in for the handshake anyway, letting a small smile out. Karla does seem like she’ll be very annoying, but she can work with that.

“I’m Cortova.” She says, trying to go with Venkman’s friendly approach. She’s gonna have to get used to a lot of things here.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
"Worth a shot?"
"Well... we didn't gain our victory against the first aliens by avoiding risks-and we can build a second unit in case Pixels goes down. Worth a shot."
"Alright. Pixels, you're to follow this... survivor? Anyways, try and gain more info about this Vortex-we have a squad taking over for your original objective."
Pixels nodded. It was clear Pixel was going to let the raider introduce it to whatever the raider's group was.
Already the Commander could hear the clicking of hands, cataloging whatever descriptions of Vortex were given.

In the meanwhile...
"Head Engineer."
"Yes, commander?"
"Is Type 1B-Wrath ready?"
"It's nearly done. Any time now."




"I'm just glad you're all right," Kaede was happy to know that Penny made it out of her fight alive... or rather, functional.


Miu then leaned in closer to Penny and whispered, "So how about I give you some upgrades..."


Kaede glared at her friend, "Miu, I don't think that's appropriate."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
The pace of work was good news to Caesar as were the volunteers. The mad scientist smiled as he usually did. A few words to gain some trust could only improve his standing at the facility. "Of course and i'll be brief." Caesar went over to the group of volunteers. "So you've all come to volunteer to become beast-men... and women. You'll all be granted superhuman powers to serve India and while you won't be sacrificing anything for them you still have my appreciation for volunteering!" Caesar's words held a warmth to them. He turned back to Anika "Now lieutenant, you said you wanted to be first? You'll be a perfect example of a proper beast warrior."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

--Penny Polendina--

"I've been meaning to ask, what sort of upgrades are you talking about?" Penny asked in curiosity. "I might need to know what to expect if another person were to Operate on me." Usually, her upgrades were done by her Father or her father's friends, so she's not unsure what to make of this...
So the Frenchman confirmed it was some kind of telekinetic power. But it sounded like something more, however before he could pry further he was alerted to Joseph "Jojo vat are you doing?" Stroheim asked as he walked over to Joseph.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Filia Medici
(And Samson)
-New York-

Filia looks down after hearing D.Va's word. She begins to to have thoughts, remembering everything that has happened from the first time she got into the city until now. If only she could do something, if only she would be the one to be killed than those mentioned that have been killed. She looks at her hands, they're shaking.

"If only I was...I was..."

She closes her hands tightly to a pair of fists and shuts her eyes to get herself together. Samson took notice of this began to feel remorse. "Filia..." He thought before deciding to go silent. Just then, the Symbiote that was on D.Va was off and the mech rider began to tell Reed about some recordings. This brought Filia back to her senses.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"If you were worried about the dragons and the hydra," Anna said as she looked through her collection of ales, "Someone already got to them it seems."

Anna then pulled out a jug of alcohol, "Now then, anyone interested in some drinks?" she said as she showed off her wares, "Cash only."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
The Wasteland
The Raider lifted his radio to his face "Hey boss. We might have a friend in this machine. I'm bringing it back to base."
"He wants to know more about Vortex in case he's a threat to his...Creators? I guess."
"Alright. But don't expect a welcoming party or anything."
Drawing his rifle, the Raider started to walk further north. While keeping a lookout, he would give more descriptions of Vortex's units, at least the ones he'd come across. There were more flying units and transport vehicles Vortex used for deploying troops.

Unfortunately, the Raider had only seen such units from a distance as he'd been taking cover.
"Who do you work for, anyway?" He asked "I mean, my boss is a woman called 'Noose', what about you?"

GearBlade654 GearBlade654

Minity: The Wall
With the mention of New York one of the soldiers quickly raised his rifle, aiming it at the Mandalorian "Did any of the symbiotes touch you?" He demanded, taking a step backwards. His companion also raised his gun, pointing it directly at Kot's head.
"We have a potential symbiote. Orders." He spoke into his wrist, trying to hide the panic in his voice

Donder172 Donder172

Indian Empire
The soldiers waited in anticipation as Anika took a fruit in hand
"Attention!" She yelled, causing all of the soldiers to straighten up. She picked a fruit from one of the trees and held it gently in one of her hands. She took a bite out of the side and held her stomach as the transformation took place.

She expected it to be a lot more painful, but it only seemed to take a few seconds. The soldiers continued to watch as Anika looked up, a large grin on her face. Transforming her left arm into a large spear reminiscent of an oryx horn, she raised it into the air and spent several moments in silence as she studied it.

In her other hand she held the remains of the fruit.

"Troops!" She yelled "Thanks to Caesar we have a chance to restore this Empire to it's rightful glory!" She raised the fruit into the air "With these, we will become an army that strikes terror into the hearts of India's enemies! From the Xing Empire to the Southern islands. From the mountains of the North to the streets of Metro-Gotham...Men and women will lock their windows! Children will check under their beds! And Emperors and Presidents will shiver at the mere mention of our names!"

There was a cheer from the crowd
"They say that one man from India is worth ten from Xing. With these Devil Fruits, we will be worth a thousand."

As she spoke, the scientists started to hand out fruits to the crowd, with the volunteers all taking bites in unison. As the army of Beast-men took shape, Caesar received a message from Ghandi himself and was told to take it in his room.
ManyFaces ManyFaces

D.Va: Helicarrier Dreadnought
D.Va looked over at Fillia "Something started this." She explained "The symbiotes were peaceful but a few SHIELD agents attacked them."
She rested a hand against her head as she recalled the memory "Four people. I didn't see all of their faces, but one of them had blue eyes. I mean, glowing blue eyes. Can't be too hard to miss."

She turned towards the symbiote "Now we just have to find her and her noob squad of traitors."

Zamasu Zamasu
Bjornson Gudrun: New York
On Board the Helicarrier

Bjornson had lifted his sword up, ears still ringing, he did not hear of the cease fighting but he did see submissive behavior from the symbiotes, he panted before he look around looking for some way to get to the deck of this ship. He began past the horde, he was confused that they did not lunge at him like they should have. Bjornson quickly found a way to the upper levels, Bjornson sensed a storm brewing, a bad omen. Bjornson turned to Reed and the thing, "How do I get to the deck of this floating vessel?"
AbominableTouma AbominableTouma The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Senshi, Take, and Shimazu: Rush Valley

Senshi immediately looked at Mark and then back at Piccolo, "No, that is not a worthy title of your appearance, I will name you the cosmic demon," Senshi stated in a friendly and playful manner. Shimazu then beckoned Senshi from outside the cell, he stood there quite intimidatingly with his white mask and barely visible human eyes. Senshi immediately left the cell and returned to Shimazu's side, then Take, the massive samurai, had entered the room all too curious of what was going on, "What is going on then?" His question was met by a response, "Events going on well within our comprehension, just out of sight, whoever is causing this chaos is not doing it with any strategic intent, they are treating themselves, like a child's game, soon that will end," Shimazu said aloud with a stern look in his eyes and his eyebrows in the stereotypical death stare position. (Want to add a "YOOOOOOOO" to that sentence?)
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen AbominableTouma AbominableTouma The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
(Imma officially move Morbus to somewhere else, maybe the North.)
Sins of the Autobots
Side hope

Celica looked at Swerve in confusion. "Well if there are no options. This Ultra magnus may work. He sounds a bit more, level headed then the others."

Village in Mewnisse

"Apologies miss but I don't drink alcohol. Really doesn't agree with me. I mean if you have something non alcoholic I could throw you a few silver marks."

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Markiplier: Rush Valley
Mark turned a sickly pale as he was asked about the smell "You might want to prepare yourself." He said "This isn't going to make any sense, but Jason Voorhees was here. He slaughtered everybody and then got teleported away."
He turned towards Senshi "While the two of us fought some big fat cannibal named Gluttony. I think he was going to attack city hall, but we managed to get the people out."

Mark paused to take a breath, his attention fixed back on those in the cell "I just kinda just fired my gun into the air like a madman and it worked. I guess."
His attention was fixed back on the Samurai but before he could add anything a few soldiers walked into view.
"Any idea where they went?" One asked
"Listen, I'm not even from this country or planet. I got here on a train a few hours ago." He explained, speaking at a fast pace with panic in his voice "I know even less than you do."
"Well, they can't have gotten far. We're searching the entire city for these killers, if you want to help."

Morbuskid Morbuskid AbominableTouma AbominableTouma The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

D.Va: Helicarrier Dreadnought
On the upper levels Reed finally made it to the bridge of the ship. There was an even larger swarm of symbiotes, with some controlling the Helicarrier but the majority guarding them. They sharply turned towards Reed and Bjornson, their tongues hanging out and watching the two intently.

Reed raised one hand slowly and took one step back.
"Relax." He said "I just need to access the databanks."

Morbuskid Morbuskid
Ben 10
Hellicarrier Dreadnought

Ben lowered his Sonic blaster after hearing that. He glanced at the Omnitrix to see it was still timed out.

"Looks Like we don't have a choice but to comply..." He said to Ben Grimm.


Sora glanced at Sonia and then back to Minato.

"She's a little shaken up... But otherwise fine. I only just met her... But I can tell she has a strong and kind heart."

Vivio Takamachi

Vivio smiled slightly as the rest of the group took turns introducing themselves.

"I-It's nice to meet all of you." She said her voice breaking slightly. Had it not been for Einhart putting a gentle comforting hand on her shoulder. She probably would have started crying again.

Rush Valley

Ramil stared in shock at Markiplier while Fate shivered remembering seeing said Hockey masked serial killer as she dragged Ramil to Safety. Piccolo raised an eyebrow.

"Jason? THE Jason Vorhees?!" He said in shock.

"But wait... Where are we?" He said.

"Rush Valley..." Fate said. Ramil looked at her. She looked right back with those beautiful Ruby red eyes of hers.

"Don't you remember?" She asked him. He was about to ask what she meant when it all came rushing back.

Ramil was sitting at the table on his computer while Fate and his Grandmother Christine sat on the bed watching the end of Twice upon a time. Peter Capaldi's final performance as the 12th Doctor. Fate couldn't help but shed a tear as The 12th Doctor said his final line and began regenerating into his next incarnation. Suddenly the power went out. The only source of light being Ramil's computer. It was at that moment Ramil's phone rang. He picked it up to see that it was his mother calling. Just as he answered it the whole house was turn apart. Fate immediately set up her device Bardiche and created a barrier around herself as well as Ramil and Grandma Christine. Fate and Ramil looked up. Fate paled. The Darkness had arrived to their Earth. Ramil hit the Barrier hard and blacked out.

"Oh man... But wait... Where's Granny!?" He said.

Fate shook her head looking down.

"When I woke up I was next to you. But Miss Christine was nowhere to be found..." Ramil went even paler.

"No.... No no no no..." He said as held his head in his hands.

Morbuskid Morbuskid The Mad Queen The Mad Queen The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Thawne Thawne
Minity: The Wall
With the mention of New York one of the soldiers quickly raised his rifle, aiming it at the Mandalorian "Did any of the symbiotes touch you?" He demanded, taking a step backwards. His companion also raised his gun, pointing it directly at Kot's head.
"We have a potential symbiote. Orders." He spoke into his wrist, trying to hide the panic in his voice

Donder172 Donder172
Kot moves his hands to take off his helmet. As it comes off, the men can notice no visable indication of a Symbiot. But the person was certainly not Human. "Do you really want to go that way, Aruetii?" He said with an unamused tone as he puts his helmet back on. "I never fought them. I left before group fought. I need to find my brothers. And if you are going to try to stop me, I will kill you."




"I'm talking about some fun upgrades..." Miu whispered into Penny's ear, "So... How's about you show me your blueprints, baby."

"Fun Upgrades?!" Kaede exclaimed as she has a feeling she knows exactly what Miu has in mind.

Before Penny could even reply Kaede clasped her hands around Miu's mouth and pried the inventor off of the Android.

"I don't think she needs that kind of upgrade..."
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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