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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom)

Hearing the raider, the scout turned around, laser rifle up for a second before realizing the raider posed no threat.
The machine eventually lowered it's rifle, and turned towards the raider, before pointing at itself.
It imitated speaking with it's right hand.
And ended by making an X with it's arms.
I don't speak.
With that done, Pixels patiently waited for the raider to speak, clearly demonstrating interest in what the raider had to say.
Indian Empire
With the subject restrained in some kind of stasis pod, it didn't take long for Anika to wake up. A few medics had been tending to her when she awoke, almost striking one in the face before smiling, standing to her feet and walking to Caesar's quarters. There was a firm knock on his door but Anika didn't wait for a reply, simply pushing it open.

Her hands were at her sides, with a smile still on her face.
"That was a man without military training. Just think of what your fruits will do with actual, loyal troops in Ghandi's army." She said, enthusiastically "The transformation was quick, and aside from horns growing in your head...Painless."

She stood to attention, placing her hands behind her back "I will prepare a list of suitable candidates immediately. Starting with myself, as we agreed."

ManyFaces ManyFaces

The Wasteland
The raider picked up his radio again "Okay, this one definitely isn't one of Vortex's. Can't speak, hasn't tried to kill me yet and actually seems to be...Friendly. All things considered."
"If you're wrong..."
"Give it a chance."
He lowered it and, with his hands raised took a step towards Pixels.
"Hey, pal." He said, a smile on his face "Do you know where you are?" He asked, clearly "And do you know a robot called Vortex? He's a total asshole who's killed a few of my friends."
GearBlade654 GearBlade654
The scout took a moment to calculate the raider's questions.
Looking around, and evidently annoyed it had nothing to speak with, it gave the raider a "Hold on" gesture.
Pixels went in the building, grabbed a paper and pencil, and begin writing.
Back at base...
"Writing? How on earth did Pixels learn to write?"
The commander was now evidently unnerved at how smart Pixels was getting. He wasn't terrified, as Pixels seemed to be using it for XCOM's good, but still unnerved.
That worry quickly dissipated when a sergeant walked up to the Commander.
"Sir, I'm providing remote directions for Pixels to use the pencil it has picked up."
"Ah, really? Understood."

Eventually, after a couple of minutes, Pixels handed the raider it's piece of paper, which read:
"1. Actually no. We at XCOM gave this place a name, but that's it aside from the fact we know zombies exist here."
"2. Vortex? Nope, don't know whatever that is, but sounds dangerous. Mind explaining what this Vortex can do?"
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Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

--Minato Arisato || Penny Polendina--
AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

As Orpheus prepared to strum once more, a sudden order was given out to the two giants saying their next target, someone on a higher priority to leave the Blonde alone. Whoever that may be, Minato can only hope they'll be fine until they can do something about it. As they do so, Penny had almost gained the upper hand when they all left, prompting her to drop to the ground in exhaustion.

"You okay?" Minato asked, walking towards the android girl with his hands on his pockets, his Persona trailing above him.

"Yeah, I'm fine Sir Arisato!" Penny beamed with a smile, soon getting up on her own. As soon as she did so, Minato walked near her and brushed something off her cheek...It appears to be oil of some sort.

"...Cadenza." Minato muttered as Orpheus soon took out it's harp as it soon began to strum the harp in a more peaceful manner, a gentle song plays as green light glows over everyone near him that was alive. The deceased ones were, unfortunately, unable to be healed. A refreshing breeze somehow easing their senses and their wounds' pain ceasing, but not completely healing. Soon enough, Orpheus faded into blue light, as Minato turned around and walked off to the Blonde the DJD were after. "...If you ever find Iruma-san, tell her to fix you up."

"Y-ye..." Penny responded as Minato walked off, rubbing her cheek in a somewhat dazed manner. She did NOT expect him to do something like that so nonchalantly. In fact, she didn't even knew one of the lasers grazed her at all...Now that she realized it, she has a few grazes on her synthetic skin, showing off some bare metal and wiring. "Oh..."

--Izuku Midoriya || Sash Lilac || Shoto Todoroki--
AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Thawne Thawne

Todoroki was on guard, preparing to create a small Ice Wall when the Emitter Quirk ceased function when the grey haired girl hugged her friend, who soon cried out her grief. Izuku and Todoroki glanced at each other for a bit, knowing a certain friend who had felt the same when his brother suffered. Only this time, the feeling was much worse. Soon nodding at each other, the two Heroes in training remained silent until she finally calmed down, soon apologizing to the group.

"It's okay, we know how you feel." Izuku nodded in an understanding number. He soon walked over to the girl and tapped her shoulder. "I don't know much about you're friends, but I promise, their sacrifices won't be for nothing." He soon turned to Todoroki, "Right, Todoroki-kun?"

'All the more reason to track them down.' Todoroki nodded in response as he looked in the distance, soon hearing growls of what sounds like bears.

"Something's here...!" Todoroki warned as Izuku got back up, glancing around to see where the enemy might come from.

"I...Have a bad feeling about this..." Lilac commented with a gulp...

~New York~
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

--Yu Narukami || Yosuke Hanamura--

"I'm guessing they went through the same thing as you, huh?" Yosuke guessed, rubbing his chin as if intrigued. "Then again, I'm not sure how all this works...In fact, I'm not even sure how we're able to summon our Personas here in the first place!"

"Maybe it's something in the air?" Yu interjected as he sat down beside Yosuke as he lets out a sigh, confused.

"I dunno. I didn't FEEL like we're in that world. Especially with the lack of fog and all..." Yosuke soon began to think to himself, soon turning to Yu with a somewhat terrified look. "Hey, do you we're...?"

"It's too early to decide that, but..." Yu solemnly nods as he looks into the distance. "But that might be the case."
Cerebella, Carol "Painwheel", Nadia "Ms." Fortune, & Filia Medici (And Samson)
-New York-

The sedative was able to calm the wild Painwheel down, drifting her to sleep. All the while, Cerebella has made herself into the control room, but the problem is that she isn't familiar with piloting a huge ship. This has brought her into a lot of trouble. "Oh man, which button stops this thing?" She asked in panic as she begins to push any button, pull any lever, and anything else that can stop the ship.

From below, as Nadia is about to stab her claws into Filia, D.Va's MEKA crashes in, pushes the catgirl away from the schoolgirl, and gets crushed. However, she is still immortal. Filia looks at the MEKA before turning to D.Va and ask "D.Va, are you alright?"

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Bjornson Gudrun: New York aboard the Helicarrier

Bjornson's ears were ringing from the spontaneous execution of Ben 10's sonic attack but he still fought on, Bjornson turned to see a wounded Magnus being carried onto a quinjet, as well as Magnus's severed arm, Bjornson wanted to run to help him but he decided that if they could help Magnus survive he would be able to help Magnus after the battle was over. Until then Bjornson turned to meet the horde of Symbiotes and with his ignited sword he yelled "Ilo de shur tur! (suckling tools!)" as he lunged forward with his sword over his head in a heavy strike. He slammed his sword down on the ground as creating a shockwave of energy which peeled a layer of symbiotes apart from their hosts, Bjornson panted as he had just let out the energy he built up but he smiled, he began to repeat the energy building steps by hanging his sword over his shoulder and keeping light on his toes. As the group he freed ran past him a few symbiotes jumped after than only for one symbiote to get kicked in the face, and the other two to get a sword smacking them like a tennis ball being denied by a tennis ball racket, sending the symbiotes back to the horde.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen AbominableTouma AbominableTouma


Side: HOPE

"Well you are not wrong. In truth the whole whatever is happening is tiring me out. Just kinda woke up in that building I hear screams and next thing I know I'm fighting for my life. So yeah I believe I deserve a small respite and possibly some answers as to where I am. If you or your supperiors don't mind of course." Celica said as she gave Swerve a gentle if not tired smile.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Side: HOPE

(Lost Light)

"Well, Co-Captain Rodimus is out heroically saving the lives of those around him... his words by the way," Swerve explained, "Oh and our other Co-Captain, Megatron, he locked himself up in his own room... again... so, uh, that just leaves use with the Second-in-Command, Ultra Magnus."
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi


(The Streets of IaTowa)

The sounds of children singing came into ear shot of our heroes...

A hoard of lightning fast beast Monokumas charged at the heroes, while the monokuma kids watched.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Thawne Thawne AbominableTouma AbominableTouma


(Peaceful Tyranny)

The D.J.D. made their way back to their ship only to discover that someone has entered ship.
"What are you doing here?" Tarn said as he looked at the intruder.
"So..." the intruder replied...

"I hear you're after Megatron..."

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Vivio Takamachi
Vivio and Einhart suddenly heard catchy singing as the growls got closer.

"Do we run or hold our ground?" Vivio asked the others as she held Kris and prepared to transform.

"I don't like to run from a fight. But that might be our only option." Einhart said with her device Teo Meowing in agreement.

Ben 10
Hellicarrier Dreadnought
After the Echo chamber subsided the Omnitrix suddenly timed out and Ben changed back into his Human form. Some Symbiotes noticed this and began chasing after him.

"Aw man! You pick the worst times to conk out!" Ben said to the Omnitrix as he ran from the Symbiotes.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Thawne Thawne Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid Zamasu Zamasu MainEventMan MainEventMan
(Of Hope)
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
--Izuku Midoriya || Shoto Todoroki || Sash Lilac--
AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Thawne Thawne
With the sounds of a child singing, Shoto spots a young boy clad in a mask similar to the Monokumas sitting on top of what appears to be a sand castle. Feral looking Monokumas appeared beside child, growling.

"Get behind me!" Todoroki said as his left side soon ignited, melting the ice that covered his right side and his wound into thick mist. As soon as the beast began moving, the ground he stepped on began to freeze, various giant Ice spikes rose out of the frozen ground as the feralkumas almost reached Todoroki, impaling one of them as more ice erupt from the ground, forming a high wall of Ice Spikes, similar to the ones he used during the school festival, filling the street in front of him as he tried to bar the path.

However, a feral Monokuma slipped past the Ice Wall while it was building, prompting Izuku to take action, hid Full Cowl active once more.

"Full Cowling!" Izuku dashed towards the beast as it slash, prompting him to strafe to the side and throw a punch straight into the ice wall, the beast exploded as the beast collided with the wall.

"They're machines, too..." Izuku muttered as parts of the Beast Monokuma fly about, it's face landing on his feet. Whoever's behind this might have a connection with the bears.

"That should hold them off..." Todoroki let out a sigh as most of his right side are frozen once more, and a giant wall of Ice blocked the path ahead. "Does any of you know a safe place?" Todoroki turned to the group as his left side ignited once more, thawing off his frozen right side.

Meanwhile, the Dragon girl and the Lucky Student were in awe of Todorki's Ice Wall, not hearing his Inquiry...




Miu hid herself behind a large crate during the entire ordeal.

"I'm to hot to die here... No-No-No-No..." The inventor mumbled to herself.

Kaede took a peek from behind the crate to see that the D.J.D. were gone from the scene.

"Miu..." Kaede said as she tapped the shoulder of her friend.

Miu panicked by the sudden tap, "DON'T KILL ME!"

"Whoa! Hey! I'm just trying to tell you that they're gone." Kaede sighed at her friend's scene.


"Oh... I-I knew that..." Miu said as she tried to recover from the experience.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

Side: HOPE


Star grabbed on to the girl's shoulders, "Kyoko's your friend, right? The girl with the kinda purple but kinda silver hair?

Komaru nodded wordlessly, her eyes filled with concern.

Well she fell through a trapdoor with my best friend, Marco..." Star sighed heavily,

"Sh-she what?" Komaru stuttered, her tone of voice betraying more of her nervousness.

"And if we're going to find them... We have to work together to find them!" Star released her hold of the girl and smiled, "Oh and the big robot guy gave you a new megaphone-thing," Star the pointed at the girl's hip showing a new hacking gun, "Which is nice of him to do."

As Star pointed out the hacking gun, Komaru couldn't help but glance down and find herself surprised.

"A...new one? What happened to the one I had earlier, then?" the high-schooler asked. "I have so many questions right now," she whispered.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
D.Va and Magnus Burnsides: Helicarrrier Dreadnought/New York
D.Va climbed out of her now destroyed MEKA, rubbing the side of her head as she walked towards Filia. She had a gash on her forehead, leaking blood over the right side of her face.
"Eh, I've hurt worse than this." She said with a smile. She reached for the Light Gun on the side of her hip as the symbiote approached. It was the same host who had spread the infection onto Nadia.

"Your friend joined us, now I'm offering you two a choice. To become one with us. To help us create a world without disease, war and suff..."
D.Va fired her Light Gun into the knees off the host "I've heard that whole routine, before. Noob."
"You forced our hand. We were capable of sustaining our race on one island of this world. Your intervention has taught us that we must expand, and take this world if we are going to survive. Every death is on your hands, not ours."

D.Va slowly lowered her Light Gun
"Reed, did you get all of that?" She asked, she turned towards Nadia and raised a hand "Don't attack us, and we'll listen."
On the upper levels, Reed and Ben glared at each other, both with relieved yet exhausted smiles on their faces. Before the two could reunite, Ben (10) had switched out of his Echo Echo form and was being perused by the symbiotes. The two old friends nodded at each other and ran to defend him. Ben clobbered symbiotes that got too close while Reed used his arsenal, a different array of sonic blasters that pushed the symbiotes back.

"Stretch!" Ben yelled "You know how to shut this airship down?"
Reed nodded
"Then what are ya doing here?!"
"I ca..."
"I'll be fine, Reed." Ben grinned

Reed ran back towards the Quinjet, stretching his arms and reaching for more sonic weaponry. He tossed Ben a large sonic rifle while throwing a sonic blaster towards Ben (10). He nodded at the two before running towards the stairs, stretching his body to avoid the grip of symbiotes.
"Good luck, gentlemen."

As he was running, Reed received D.Va's message.
"I hear you."
"Well, what do you think we should do?" D.Va asked
"D.Va, I was willing to offer them something before. They didn't listen...And that's. That's how New York turned into a, well. What you saw."

D.Va turned towards the symbiote "Stand down and I promise we'll talk about this. Overwatch, SHIELD. We'll find you a home and nobody else dies!" She pleaded
"And why should we trust you?"
"If it turns out I'm lying to you, you can have me. I'll join the symbiotes willingly."

Zamasu Zamasu AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Morbuskid Morbuskid MainEventMan MainEventMan
Caesar was busy mixing some volatile chemicals within a beaker, almost dropping it when Anika knocked at the door. Fumbling with it before letting out a sigh of relief. The mad scientist put the chemicals down and looked to see who barged in. "Lieutenant Anika! You're awake, that's good." Caesar said before carrying on "And of course it was. I've long since perfected the formula. There are probably still some excess SMILEs from that apple tree, so when can begin when you wish." The mad scientist offered.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Side: HOPE


"I can totally answer that one!" Star said excitedly, "Your friend gave it to Marco..."

Star extended her hand to Komaru, "Look, I understand that you're scared... that this whole thing is scary... but if we're going to save our friends... We going to have to ruin those kids' game and save IaTowa also!"

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
The Wasteland
The Raider studied the note, taking a few slow and cautious steps forwards.
"Zombies?" The raider asked "No, those things are feral ghouls. Radiation melted their brains, made them a bit nuts."
He looked back at Pixels to see a reaction and then back at the rest of the note.
"He's a robot with an army intent on world domination...I guess. He's killed a good number of my buddies and he's building an army."

GearBlade654 GearBlade654

Indian Empire
"The scientists have doubled their efforts." Anika explained "I suppose they wanted something to impress me when I woke up."
From outside the room there were the sounds of heavy footsteps. Anika peaked her head outside to see three dozen men and women, all dressed in army uniforms marched into the lab.
She smiled, and turned back to Caesar "The volunteers have arrived. So, if you'll excuse me...Unless you want to say a few words, of course."

ManyFaces ManyFaces

Derelict Cyberman Base: The Western Sea
Asithis walked around one of the station's rooms, with two Orcs repairing a generator. There was a look of disgust in his eyes as he observed them, but he sighed internally and told himself he wouldn't have to deal with their presence for much longer.
"How goes the work?" He asked, his hands behind his back and a smile on his face
"Almost done." One said. He was middle-aged and wore a mechanic's outfit, overalls and all "Should just be a few more minutes."

Asithis smiled brightly
"Mister, is there anythin' else that needs fixed around 'ere?" The other Orc asked. He was much younger, wearing a sleeveless shirt and a pair of workman's jeans. His overbite was a lot smaller compared to the older Orc as well, which drew the attention of the High Elf.
"Well...Let me think." He began, rubbing his chin "Oh!" He cried "There is something. Tell you what, I'll be back in a few minutes and I can show where it is. I wouldn't want you boys to get lost." He said, adding a chuckle

The young Orc smiled at him before getting back to work. The repairs were finished faster than the High Elf had expected, and he led the men down a corridor. There were scattered wires and machinery scattered on the floors and walls, which caught the attention of the two men.
"What about thes..."
"It can't be worked on safely until the main generator is fixed." Asithis explained, sharply. Getting a nod in response from the two Orcs he led them into the final room.

The conversion chamber was still damaged, although there had been some work.
"Where's the genera..."
"They've talked enough." Asithis muttered, rolling his eyes and turning away in disgust from the two men "You can take..."

Before he could even finish his sentence, the younger Orc was grabbed from behind by the cold, metal hands of a Cyberman. As he tried to struggle, one of the hands grabbed him by the throat, cutting off his oxygen supply.

"Billy!" The older Orc cried, charging towards the Cyberman "Get him off my son!"
Asithis rolled his eyes again, letting out a sigh as he stepped to the side and punched the Orc in the gut. With the same look of disgust on his face, he grabbed him by the throat.

"You." He spat, lifting the Orc off of the ground. His look of disgust had turned into burning hatred in his eyes "Are disgusting. Your entire race is disgusting."
He looked over at the Cyberman "But these machines can make you better. Useful. And they need you a lot more than this world does."

The Orc struggled, punching and kicking at the High-Elf. Despite being a lot taller and overall larger than his captor, he didn't look like he was putting up much of a fight as Asithis walked towards the chamber.
"Now, I want you to watch." He spat "Watch as I make your son, useful."

(Not Open Yet)
What Stroheim saw was the Frenchman calling 'Silver Chariot' and the creature disintegrating into a fine powder "Vat power is zis?! Zee creature dizintegraded afder he zaid zoze vords... could zis be zee tybe of pover Germany has rezearched infolffing telekinedic power?" Stroheim stared at Polnareff in awe.
The medic had finished up his job "Colonel von Stroheim I've finished patching up ze vounds." Stroheim snapped back to reality "Good, both of you schnell zen." Stroheim ordered as both soldiers followed him across the street. Stroheim stopped in front of the Frenchman "You must be ein ally of Chozeph... Vat is your name und vat vas zat... zing you did?" Stroheim asked, rather interested in what power could have diced a creature like that into dust.
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
"Oh, I uhhh.." Polnareff managed, not being good at explaining things, especially explaining thing like STANDs. He looked to his older companion for help, but Joseph was busy using his own stand to find out where exactly they were in the city, as well as if there were any other stand users.
"Well, it's kinda like telepathy.. But kinda like a ghost too. It's.. OH LOOK, MISTER JOESTAR IS DOING SOMETHING!"
The Mercs
Diamond City
Deathstroke listened carefully and nodded. "Alright then, I get it, I'll come with you to tell him that I am giving permission for this, as we need to move quickly here. So let's go."
Rush Valley
"Well no, he wasn't taken by that man. His name is Jason Voorhees. But Asriel, is with us but... He's right there." Noodle said pointing to the now grown and transformed Asriel. Noodle then put her hand to her chin, thoughtfully. "Aside from all of this, you got the two others out there."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid Sleek Sleek
Ben 10
Hellicarrier dreadnought
Ben caught the sonic blaster nodded to Reed.

"Same to you Professor!" He stood back to back with Ben Grimm and started blasting Symbiotes left and right.

"Name's Ben by the way! Ben Tennyson!" Ben said as he blasted another Symbiote that got a little too close.

Vivio Takamachi

Vivio and Einhart looked on in awe at Todoroki and Izuku.

"I'm not sure there's any safe place right now in this district." Einhart replied. Vivio nodded with a sigh.


Sora after making sure Sonia was alright walked over to the blue haired boy.

"Thanks for the help." He said with a smile. He looked around to see the damage the DJD did and shook his head.

Ramil & Piccolo
Rush Valley

Ramil groaned as he was being shaken awake.

"Ramil! Come on wake up!" Fate yelled. Ramil opened his eyes and stood up holding the back of his head in pain.

"OW... What... Fate?" Ramil said looking at her. He looked around and realized they were in a jail cell.

"Um? Why are we in Jail?" He asked. Before Fate could answer a gruff voice answered.

"She dragged you in here and locked the cell when shit hit the ceiling." They both looked over and Ramil's eyes widened.

"Holy crap! Piccolo?!" The now named Piccolo raised an hairless green eyebrow.

"How... Do you know my name?" Ramil opened and closed his mouth.

"Lucky guess?" Piccolo narrowed his eyes, before shrugging and going back to meditating(Napping). Ramil stood up and peeked around the Cell.

"Hello?! Is Anyone out there?!" He yelled.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen MainEventMan MainEventMan Zamasu Zamasu Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Morbuskid Morbuskid
Venkman and Karla: Diamond City
Venkman walked over to the Merc's jet, looking back and nodding at Cortova to follow him. The sight of all the ghosts, wandering around lost and confused caused Venkman to turn away. He wanted to help every single dead person within the city but he knew he had to stop Vortex first. There would be more dead before the war was over, as much as he would try and avoid it and as much as Venkman would try to help them pass on, he knew it would be a near impossible task.

Keeping his pained expression away from Cortova, he marched up to the jet with his hands in his pockets, and with a grin on his face leaned against it. He placed his reading glasses on his face and looked at the pilot.
"So is this where I can find those mercs?" He asked with a grin
"Who wants to know?"
"That Mage."

He waved at Slade and Karla as she skipped over, leading Deathstroke behind her. Venkman tilted his glasses slightly as he studied them. One of the mercenaries was Slade Wilson, a notorious gun for hire whom Venkman only knew from comic books, TV shows and video games.
He took the decision not to bring that up.

All he could tell from the woman was that she was a Tiefling, and seemed enthusiastic about her work.
"Cortova." He said "Follow my lead. Or don't. Your choice...Just..." He paused, letting out a sigh "Don't get killed."

The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Morbuskid Morbuskid Fran DeArc Fran DeArc

Markiplier: Rush Valley
Mark stared at the adult Asriel, scratching the back of his head
"Are you...What? What the fuck is go..."
Mark paused, his head turning towards cries for help. He dashed towards a prison cell in one of the other rooms and, without thinking much about it kicked the door open after shooting it with one of his pistols.

Mark took one look inside, studying the inhabitants.
"Are you guys alright?" He asked

The Omen of Death The Omen of Death AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Morbuskid Morbuskid Sleek Sleek
Cortova has a very serious expression as she looks over the group. She’s kind of nervous about Karla, to be honest. Nothing to do with her appearance, it’s just that the happy ones are usually flat out crazy, and best avoided.

She nods at Venkman’s words, happy to let him take point if that’s what he wants. She’s not going to go in unprepared, she just got to this world. She’s got to get situated before taking risks with dangerous people. “You got it.” She says, standing a bit behind him, ready to fight if she needs to.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Rush Valley
Ramil backed away as someone came up to the cell and shot the lock.

"Yes thanks for-" His words died on his lips seeing who had helped them.
"Markiplier?!" Ramil gasped. Piccolo opened his eyes.

"Oh hey look at that we're out! Even though we could of got out of here ourselves." Nail said.
"Indeed... Though I'm curious as to how that young man knew your name." Kami responded.

'Don't know don't care.' Piccolo thought back.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Morbuskid Morbuskid Sleek Sleek
Filia Medici
(And Samson)
-New York-

"D.Va!" The schoolgirl yelled "You're just gonna let yourself go to that monster?! If you do so, you'll..." From that tone alone, she is extremely worried about the Korean mech rider. "D.Va, please no..." She says in a soft voice as tears begin to drop down from her eyes.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
The machine proceeded to stand in place, contemplating it's next action.
Back at base?
"I want this Vortex cataloged as a threat to humanity at once! If what he says is true, then we have a bigger threat than the first alien wave!"
"On a lesser note, catalog these... Ghouls. Get a squad there, and recover a corpse."
The commander's orders echoed throughout the base. Personnel immediately dashed to the memory storage banks in engineering, already typing down details about this Vortex.
Soldiers ran off to the Skyranger.
And the commander turned towards the sergeant who was currently ordering Pixels.
"Pixels is to ask for more details on this Vortex. See to it, sergeant."
"Yes sir."
Within a few seconds, Pixels was already asking what Vortex's forces looked like. With a paper and pencil, of course.

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