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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom)

~Infested New York~

--Yu Narukami--
Zamasu Zamasu

Yu hopped off of the mech along with the others. With Parasoul's orders, Molly soon made the mech hop onto the roof, a loud thud can be heard, signalling a safe landing. The Army Soldiers then began setting up defenses around the building. The biggest shocker was Yu was supposed to lead both Valentine and Parasoul through the building, scouting for survivors.

"Roger that." Yu nodded, gripping his blade with both hands as he stands in front of the building. It appears tall, but it's width makes him think its no bigger than an average office. "Just like the old days..." He muttered, smiling to himself as he faced the girls once more. "Alright, stay together at all times. We'll never know when the enemy might show up." Yu said, soon setting foot onto the building.

>NY: Office Building, 1F

The first notable thing about this building is it's familiar office lobby; several sofas surrounding a table, and one registrar's office a few meters from the door. Judging by the spare headphones from an open locker, this place might've been a radio station, albeit, a tad bit broken down. Most of the sofas appear to be broken down, indicating a fight has happened. No doubt, there's still some Symbiotes here.

~laTowa: Despair~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

--Minato Arisato--

"Okay." Minato nodded in his typical stoic fashion as he took the map, and standing up, soon opening the map to it's full extent. "Thanks." He said before walking off, folding the map once more. He marked the location of the Swindle store first, knowing that he'll find it nearby. Thus, he began his trip to the Train Station.

--Penny Polendina--

"Was that a compliment?" Penny genuinely asked, not knowing that being 'flat' is an insult. It was true that she wasn't born, she was made. Before Penny could get an answer, the two began arguing once more. "Uh...Please stop fighting!" Penny got in between the two of them, pushing the two away from each other for a brief moment. "It's fine, there's really no need to make a big deal out of this!" Penny attempted to reason with the two of them, hoping that it'll get them to calm down a little. "Besides, aren't you two supposed to be friends?"
Parasoul Renoir & Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-
It is absolutely no joke that building has been ravaged. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this one." Parasoul says as she and Valentine begin to investigate the room, only to hear some sort of footsteps coming nearby. "Someone's coming, everyone on your marks." Parasoul says as she has her Living Weapon ready to shed some napalm tears. The same thing goes for Valentine, holding her bonesaw from its sheath.

The footsteps are getting louder, but then comes the sound of hissing, or the one that goes 'sssssssss'. Coming from out the registrar's office is a walking 8 ball-shaped bomb holding a bag of chips. When Valentine saw this, she immediately recognizes what it is. "Wait, that's-!" Just as she is about to say the name of the being, the bomb quickly notices the trio and proceeds to run away. "After it!" Valentine yelled and then she quickly runs off going after the bomb.


Thepotatogod Thepotatogod



"Well it really just depends who you ask..." Kaede joked, "Arguing is just how she shows how much she cares... I guess..."


Miu then turned her attention to Penny, "Normally I don't need any introductions since I'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history! I'm the one, the only, the legendary Ultimate Inventor herself - Miu Iruma!"

"Never heard of yah," The Gaudy Swindle remarked.

"What do you mean you've never heard of me!?" Miu shouted only to be dragged out by Kaede.


"Sorry about her, sir... We'll be leaving," Kaede said as she looked over to Penny, "We're heading back home, you can come along if you want."
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Last edited:
~Infested New York~
--Yu Narukami--
>NY: Radio Station Officr Building 1F

Yu heeded Parasoul's warning by holding the blade. As the footsteps grew closer and closer, a distinct hissing sound can be heard, and out came a cute looking, waddling 8-ball of a bomb holding a bag of chips. At this sight, Yu couldn't help but raise a brow.

"I-...Is that a bomb?" Yu asked confusedly as it soon ran away, prompting Valentine to chase after it. It was clear that she knows what it is, but the question is why? As she does so, Yu instinctively followed her, knowing that splitting up would increase the likelyhood of death.

~laTowa : Despair~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

--Penny Polendina || Minato Arisato--

"Is that so? I didn't know that can be a form of friendship..." Penny scratched her cheek as Miu finally introduced herself as the Ultimate inventor, Miu Iruma. Before Miu got into an argument with one of the Swindles, Kaede stopped her and proceeded to drag her out of the store, inviting Penny to come with them in the process.

As the Penny finally got out, a young man with a distinct blue hair clad in what appears to be a school uniform appeared to bump into her, causing the man to stagger for a bit.


". . ." The blue haired man stood in a moment of silence, glancing at Penny with a watchful eye before uttering a few words and walking off. "Sorry." He uttered as he headed for the doors of the Swindle Shop. His voice was somewhat soft, almost lethargic and apathetic.

"Um, if you're looking for information, I don't advise you to go there..." Penny warned as the man was about to grab the handle, soon turning to her with a nod.

"...Do you know how to get to the human district then?" He asked, as Penny nodded in response.

"I have a few friends who can take us there if you'd like." Penny said with a smile, as the merely nodded.

"Lead the way." He said, Penny soon ran after Miu and Kaede, with the blue haired teen following behind her...
Parasoul Renoir & Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-

Parasoul would immediatley follow Valetine further into the building. However, half way through the ravaged corriders, one might hear a loud groan. This tells her to stop in her tracks and halt Yu. "We got company..." The princess says just as a bunch of Symbiote-infected humans appear from the corners of the halls and out from the rooms. "It seems that we'll have to fight our way to catch up to that bloody nurse. Yu, would be so kind for you to watch ny back?" Parasoul says before a few number of Symbiotes begin to go after the redhead princess.

"Krieg!" She yelled as she points her umbrella-like weapon at the incoming Symbiotes "Shed your tears!" Once she opens her umbrella weapon up, a few tears were released and lands in front of the Symbiotes. When they step on them, the tears would make a great explosion, though not powerful enough to cause collateral damage.

Meanwhile, Valentine kept going after the walking bomb until it goes into a room. The ninja nurse decides to go sneaky, and so she slowly approach the doorway leading to the room, sticking herself on the wall. Once she gets to the doorway, she pops her head out to see a sofa and a TV that is showing nothing but static. Unknown to her, someone is in that room...a familiar someone.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
~New York~
--Yu Narukami--
>NY: Infested Radio Station 1F-Registrar's Hall
Zamasu Zamasu

As Yu and Parasoul makes their way into the Registrar's office, various Symbiotes began to emerge from the various doors in the hallways, prompting both of them to stop. "Got it." Yu nodded as Parasoul began setting off explosions on her end, Yu held his palm up in order to summon his Persona once more as the various Symbiotes began to charge after him. As Yu summoned Izanagi once more, the God dashed out of Yu's body, swinging it's blade as it pushed the Symbiotes away from them. Right after that, Izanagi raised it's hand forward as lightning struck down from the ceiling, hitting the Symbiotes, shocking them.

--Yosuke Hanamura--
>NY: Infested Radio Tower, Top Floor

"Come on, come on...Answer the phone, dammit, answer the phone...!" An Orange haired young man in a black uniform muttered whilst holding an orange flipphone, panicking while his back is barricading the door to the rooftop behind him. It's been over an hour since he woke up, and it's been nothing but a living hell for Yosuke. He had to run around this broken building trying to reach the top in order to get a better signal call the police while trying not to get killed by these strange black goop that seemed to have control over people here. It has very tough skin, that much he knows, but he's not too sure if he's able to summon Jiraiya, since it was a rule that Personas can only be summoned in the TV World.

"God dammit, is the government not seeing this?!" Yosuke growled in frustration as the call did not connect, forcing him to keep his phone in his pocket once again. Soon enough, he felt a loud 'thud' on the rooftop, spotting a telephone like mech landing a few meters in front of him. "W...WHAT THE HELL?!" Yosuke cussed in surprise as the door he was trying to bar with all his life was broken down, knocking him towards the mech, landing near it.

"Ow, ow ow..." Yosuke groaned as the Symbiotes he was trying to keep in began to walk out into the rooftop, making him click his tongue. "Oh, gimme a break! Do these guys EVER get tired?!" He asked no one in particular as he brandished his kunais, ready to strike when needed. All he had been doing is running away from these things, so he's not sure if he can even kill one of these things...
Parasoul Renoir & Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-

"We need to get to Valentine fast!" Parasoul yelled before she has her Living Weapon throw more napalm tears and have the Symbiotes step on them to detonate explosions. Once a clean path is shown, the princess turns to Yu, who is busy fighting, and yell out "Let's move!" And then she goes through the clear path, her Luger in her hand to fire a few number of Symbiotes that are just getting in her way.

Meanwhile, Valentine enters the room, only to have her ears catching the sound of explosions. "Princess..." She thought before sneaking up to the couch, her hand holding the handle of her bonesaw. Once she gets up close to the couch, she suddenly felt something touching her leg. She looks down and saw the same walking bomb, but the fuse is now down to its point. "WHAT THE FU-?!" Valentine yelled and then an explosion happens.


When Molly landed on the roof, she sees a teenage boy being pushed by the Symbiotes after they have broken down a door that the boy was trying to hold it shut. When he bumps into the mech, Molly looks down at him and ask "Are you okay?" However, the Symbiotes began to chorge towards the two. "Stand back!" Molly yelled before she aims her mech's arms which the fingertips open up and begins to fire countless bullets at the Symbiotes like a Gatling gun.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Indian Empire
Anika resumed her work, motivating the scientists and getting updates about security before leaving the lab.
One scientist was pushed forwards by the others to bring the findings to Caesar. He was a middle aged balding man who carried a tablet "Well, the ageing serum works. As you can see."

The gestured towards the greenhouse with a nervous smile, showing that the fruits the group had tested on were fully ripe.
"This batch, well we managed to grow them while you were talking with the Great Leader." He continued "Ready for mass production, I say."

He waited Caesar's response, some sweat running down his forehead but a smile remaining on his face.
ManyFaces ManyFaces

Metro-Gotham: ???
"But we have a common enemy, gentlemen." The voice replied "I understand your hostility, I really do. But if you'll hear me out I'm sure we can get along."
He paused "This country is in awful condition. Bodies piling up in the streets, criminals running entire districts into the ground...And yes, Father Anderson. Those Protestant bastards are part of it!"

"Deadpool, you might be a mercenary but I know you've performed acts of heroism. Yes, I know who you are. I did my research. Now, I think you'll reply with a quip along the lines of 'was that meant to impress me' or you'll just insult my mother..."

ManyFaces ManyFaces The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

Above Gladius-1
"The time for negotiation is over, Kenobi." Thrawn replied with some bitterness in his voice "You made that very clear when you imprisoned my men despite Yularen agreeing to negotiate with me. If you must know, they were sent for diplomatic reasons However... At the request of some of my advisers, I did not go with them in case the situation were to turn hostile...It seems my advisers were right."

He ordered some of the ships to move closer into position, preparing for an assault.

"I will make myself very clear. You will surrender, you will return my men and you will relinquish control of your ship over to the Gladius Defence Fleet."

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Doom observed the twins "Skywalker?" He muttered, speaking under his breath "No, a duplicate from another universe. Both of them are."
He folded his arms "And why would I allow you to settle here?" He asked, speaking in a clear and scolding tone "You march into my country with an army, a fleet and tell me you are poor refugees? Do you take me for a fool, Skywalker?" He asked "I know about that technology and I know too well of the Sith. Withdraw, or there will be consequences."

He lowered his arms to his sides, channelling lightning magic. As he did so, four more identical Doctor Dooms descended to the ground, landing and also channelling lightning magic.

From a bunker, Doom watched the scene unfold through the eyes of one of his Doombots while sitting on a throne. He did not speak through them, he merely watched their progress.
Rhee's ships, a small squadron of Y-wings, B-Wings and X-Wings accompanying a Blockade runner hovered around the fleet, each one of them had the colours of the Rebellion and of the New Republic, with the flag of Latveria painted on their side

Before Rhee could reply, a voice would interrupt him.
"Thank you, Rhee. I'll take it from here. Maintain position."
"Yes ma'ma." He nodded

It was a voice Amadala would recognise, as it sounded almost identical to her daughter. She spoke in a soft tone, and yet her voice carried authority and had firmness to it "I need you to listen to me. The last thing I want to do is hurt your people, but you can't settle here. If you truly have nowhere else to go, the Council will find space for your people."
She paused, letting out a heavy sigh "You lost your home to a great evil, you're afraid and you're tired. I understand. But you can't lose sight of hope, not now. Not when your people need you the most."

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Harley Quinn: Mos Eisley
"Oh yeah, you're the Commissioner, you have a kid and again...A pretty cool moustache." Harleen explained "Oh little 'ol me? If you don't even have the stache yet, we probs haven't even met...But what's the harm? This way, I can make a better first impression."

She offered Jim a handshake "Harleen Quinzel. Psychiatrist, vigilante and proud mother of three." She said with a friendly grin. If Jim were to look over his shoulder he would see Bud and Lou cleaning themselves.
With the introduction out of the way, Harleen turned to the others "Still looking for that bozo with the fear toxin. That was some pretty heavy stuff."

She turned back to Gordon "What about it, Commish?" She asked "Want to help me catch a criminal who can mess with yer mind?"
She whistled, calling Bud and Lou to her side "Alright babies, let's find this Scarecrow knock off and get goin'. We still have that very important mission."
Rysesaka Rysesaka Fran DeArc Fran DeArc Particle9 Particle9 @RoxanProoxicus
Markiplier: Rush Valley
"We need to get you to a hospital." Mark said "Trust me, I've had bad experiences with venom. Yesterday I almost died due to some giant scorpion assholes in the desert!" He shook his fist but managed to compose himself after taking a few deep breaths
"All we know about that thing is it was fat, it was called Gluttony, it had a second mouth in it's stomach and it's appetite was a bit..."
Mark pulled at his shirt collar nervously "When it bit you, God knows what it put in your bloodstream."

"Five. All of them justified." The soldier replied coldly. His hands shook as he tightened his grip on his rifle "By my count, you guys have killed at least thirty. Thirty police officers with families who were just doing their jobs! Go on, asshole...Give me an excuse!"

Morbuskid Morbuskid The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Sleek Sleek

Magnus Burnsides and D.Va: New York
"We all go out and get drunk?" Magnus replied to Filia's question with a wink and a rather cheesy half-smile "Then again, some of you might be underage. Not sure what the drinking laws are on this planet." He pondered, stroking his beard "Right!" He shouted, snapping himself back to focus "Saving the world first, drinks later."

He nodded at the pilot and the Quinjet started to take off, with D.Va's Meka flying alongside it. D.Va had offered a few of the gang a ride on the back of her Meka before takeoff. A few SHIELD agents, survivors from the sewers had accompanied the group as another Quinjet flew alongside.

"So, what's the plan?" D.Va asked Reed "We kinda, um...Took off without one."
"I'm transferring you a layout of the Hellicarrier. It's a prototype designed by Tony Stark, designed with heavier armour and firepower in mind. You need to go focus the controls, that'll be on the bridge and fly it back here so we can douse it in the cure. Every single deck will be crawling with symbiotes and it would be too risky to clear it floor by floor." Reed explained "Whatever you do, you have to ensure that it doesn't make it over dry land...Or we lose the planet."

Two more Quinjets and four Vertibirds flew alongside the group, each one filled to the brim with SHIELD agents and armoured Minutemen, with a few Diamond Dog troops thrown in as well.

Reed glared over his shoulder as Ms Fortune was led out of the room. The cure's progress was continuing, albeit at a slower pace than he had expected. From Parasoul's position, the clouds would be coming into view, starting to douse parts of the streets below in rainwater. The symbiote climbing on the side of the tower itself started to harden and turn to dust, leaving the hosts alive as the symbiotes ran for some kind of cover.

However, the interior was still covered with symbiotes and was spreading.

Zamasu Zamasu Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Morbuskid Morbuskid MainEventMan MainEventMan AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Vsland Vsland


As the group made their way to the Astrotrain Transportation Station they were by a Human Sized Robot whose colors matched the Grey and Purple Trains and Shuttles in the Station, He also had what appears to be a face on his back.

"You humans, aren't thinking of heading over to the Human District, are you?" he asked the group.

"Uh, Yes... Is there a problem with that, sir?" Kaede asked the Cybertronian.

"Yeah, there is... Access to and from the Human District is barred for all of Gladius-2, not just the Cybertronian District," the Cybertronian explained.

"Wh-What!?" Kaede exclaimed with shock, "You mean we're stuck here?"

"Yup, Prowl's orders," the Cybertronian added.

"Wait, you mean to tell me the Metal Dick gave the orders?" Miu asked as she showed frustration in her voice.

"The Same Metal Dick who lumped me with Kaeidiot after the Autobots got us out of the Killing Games?!" Miu asked again as she showed more of her Anger.

"You hate him too?" The Cybertronian asked.


A sudden smack on the back of the head from Kaede promptly ended Miu's rant.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
~New York~
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Zamasu Zamasu
--Yosuke Hanamura--
>Infested Radio Station Top Floor

"I'm fine, thanks for askin' ma'am." Yosuke nodded to the cute-sounding woman's voice as the mech soon open fired at the Symbiotes, leaving Yosuke to watch as the mech shot down nearly all of the Symbiotes, except for a few that he missed. Yosuke was ready to attack the remaining when all of a suddenly, rain began pouring down from the skies, as the Symbiotes, one by one, began to jump out of their hosts, leaving only the human bodies they've once possessed. The black goo then retreated back into the building, leaving an unsatisfied Yosuke and a bunch of bodies, presumably dead...Well, almost dead.

"Okay...What just happened?" Yosuke questioned, placing his Kunais back into his sleeves. It looks like those things are weak to the rain or something. He was somewhat surprised to see that most of them were human; well, once human...

--Yu Narukami--
>Infested Radio Tower 1F-Registrar's Hallway

Yu continued to slash through the remaining Symbiotes as both him and Parasoul continued towards where Valentine was heading for, and soon enough, a large explosion can be heard as black smoke can be seen rising from a certain room neaeby.

"There!" Yu pointed out as he immediately headed for the smoked out room, stopping near the doorway in order to ensure that's it's safe to go in. Peeking around, he sees that the bomb they're after had exploded, but as for Valentine...

~laTowa : Despair~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
--Minato Arisato || Penny Polendina--

As Minato followed the three into the traim station, the group was immediately stopped by an adequately sized robot clad in purple and grey, similar to all the robots he's seen thus far. He explained to the group that access to the Human District has been barred for reasons unknown.

His immediate thought was because the train station therw was probably on maintenance or something, but what the girl in pink said was fairly...Interesting.

"Killing...Game?" Minato muttered, particularly interested in the subject at hand. It's not his place to ask since it's probably a touchy subject, so he shrugged it off as some sort of major event that he wouldn't bother with.

"Can't you ask them to reconsider?" The brown haired girl whom he bumped into earlier pleaded, probably for the sake of her two friends or something.

"I doubt think they will." Minato answered, shaking his head, "Must be something big if they aren't allowing any access at all."
Parasoul Renoir
-New York-

The room is in shambles, and Valentine is nowhere in sigh. This greatly worries the princess. "I know Valentine could have gotten away from this...." She says "But where the hell is she?" As the two look around, the princess notices some sort of trash bag of weird shape. Upon closer inspection, a bonesaw pops out and what came out from it is the nurse herself.


Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-

"Peacock's here..." The nurse says "Good thing one of my body bags is blast-proof. I knew that little bomb when me and the ASG Labs worked on that poor girl, and now she is a complete psychopath."

"Peacock, you say?" Parasoul asks "Then we would have to look for her then, but getting her won't be that easy." She then turns to Yu and say "Mr.Narukami, if ever we find that girl, I highly advise that you don't fight her. Peacock is not just some ordinary girl, and you will know it once we find her. Remember, don't fight her, she'll be too much for you." After the conversation, the group would go out of the room and ascend to the second floor.


Molly looks at the teenager and would say "The cure must have gotten here and cured some people just at the nick of time. Though, I would be sorry for the others that did not make it. However, it doesn't matter now." She went up to the communication tower and using her communication tool, gadgets, and techniques, she begins to make contact with SHIELD. While she is doing so, she asked the teenager "Who are you? I'm Molly, the communication officer of the Black Egrets. Me and the others are in this building too, with them clearing the insides."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Komaru, with her nerves currently on the fritz, yelped audibly as she heard one of the customers scream in alarm. For some reason, her shaky hands had moved to the gun at her waist all on their own.

With Marco's sudden outburst at the restaurant, plenty of others at the nearby tables turned their heads inquisitively to Star and Marco's table before slowly going back to their meals and conversations.

After realizing she wasn't in any direct danger, Komaru hesitantly left her gun alone. Now that she had a good look at the restaurant, she couldn't help but notice that there were a few foreign-looking people here in the crowd...

"Oh that, It seems like you're forgetting who you're talking to Marco," Star said as she showed off her wand, "I've got this! We've got nothing to worry about!"
Star stood up from her seat as Marco tried in vain to get her to sit back down.
"Star what are you doing?" Marco whispered
"Trust me, Marco!" Star winked at her squire before she walked up to the Silver-Haired Girl, "So, who's behind these Mass Murders!" Star then began to gnaw on her wand.
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
Kyoko was interrupted by a younger foreign girl with blonde hair and a gaudy clothing design. Her first hypothesis was that she was a cosplayer. She had no time to waste now with just anyone asking a question, though...

Taking a cue from Kyoko's apparent problem, Komaru approached the smaller girl, who was...chewing on a wand...? Was she a cosplayer? Nevertheless, Komaru had always been curious about people from outside Japan, and talking to this girl would draw some more attention away from Kyoko anyway while she got to the urgent stuff.

"So...you heard about that too?" Komaru asked.

Meanwhile, Kyoko took matters into her own hands and started to move past their waitress behind the podium and tap into the restaurant's intercom system for an announcement.

"Attention! Everyone! This street is being locked down by IaTowa law enforcement, and we need everyone in this building to exit calmly and head to City Block 61 immediately."

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Nadia "Ms." Fortune
-New York-

Nadia was left to roam around the SHIELD building until she gets bored. Wanting to do something, she stumbled upon a vacant Quinjet and decides to go ahead and have fun with it. She gets inside the jet and looks around the controls, pressing each and every single one of them until a few minutes later....


She unexpectedly flew off with no idea on how to control such powerful jet. She gets a grip on the stick, but does not know how altitudes work so she is now mindlessly flying around the city. It would be okay for her to crash land a building knowing that she is immortal, but to crash something expensive would be un-FORTUNE-nate....I'm sorry.


Cerebella, Carol "Painwheel", & Filia Medici (And Samson)
-New York-

"Oh...I do." Samson says, but then Filia added "And I don't." That made the Parasite felt disappointment at the schoolgirl. With the group now heading to the said Helicarrier, Filia looks out from the window to watch the Quinjets and Vertibirds flying beside theirs...with one of the jets being out of control.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Lord Kenobi
Aboard the Reborn
Above Gladius-I

"I wasn't informed that it was a diplomatic mission." Lord Kenobi shift his attention towards Yularen for a moment as he look at Yularen's eyes with dissapointment. Yularen sighs as Kenobi shift his gaze back to the holographic Thrawn. Kenobi continued to listen Thrawn's condition and he wasn't impressed at the first condition; surrender. Kenobi wouldn't surrender to the enemies at all although he has an idea about what will happen at this very moment. Kenobi looked at Thrawn's eyes as he smirked.

"Sure, I will return your men and give this ship to the Gladius Defence Fleet but I will not surrender." that was Kenobi's last statement and he cut off the communication with Thrawn. He looked at Grand Admiral Yularen.

"What's the plan, my lord?"

"All of the military forces including the wounded, the medical staff and other useful units should come with me while you and the crew members stay and work for the Gladius Defence Fleet. Don't contact with me at all cost, understood?"

"Are you sure, my lord?"

"Grand Admiral Yularen, trust me on this. Tell Lord Vader or where ever is he right now, should come down to the planet immediately, the coordinates is where the battlefield was commenced earlier."

"Yes, my lord. I will do as you command." Yularen bowed.


"My Lord?"

"Good luck, may the force be with you." Kenobi smiled at Yularen like a friend.

"May the force be with you too, Lord Kenobi." Yularen smiled back and he began to transmit communication on the ship. A high alert caused the 'threat alarm' on the entire Star Destroyer.

All units. Sith Knights. Conglomerate stormtroopers. Medical staffs and other useful units, go with Lord Kenobi. The ship is in the verge of life and death, that includes our lives. Those who wishes to stay, stay. Crew members of the Reborn, stay and I hope this wouldn't go end badly, may the Force be with us.

The wounded were carried to the transport ships quickly. All units, including Lord Kenobi went to their transport ships and left the Reborn to escape the grand Gladius Defence Fleet, they exit at the rear so that the fleet couldn't see they have been escaped, their destination was the same where the battlefield was commenced. Hundreds of V-Wings that bear the Conglomerate insignia also left the Star Destroyer to go with Lord Kenobi. Those who went to Lord Kenobi doesn't want to break the rules and it has been proven that they were loyal to the Sith Conglomerate.

The crew members opened the chambers and released Thrawn's men including the stun cuffs. The confiscated weapons was also given back to the troopers, the crew members who released the men goes back to their work like nothing happened. All of the crew members of the Reborn was tasked to work naturally, like nothing happened.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Padme Amidala-Skywalker
Latverivin airspace

The Queen was a bit surprised when the reply's voice is very identical of her daughter Leia Skywalker but it's impossible as the Princess at this moment is on the ground, helping the forces to find a new spot to settle for the people although she began to notice that even though this is Leia she is talking to, she isn't Leia that Padme feel of.

"Leia?" the Queen asked her.

"I know you are Leia but you aren't my daughter I know of, odd isn't it?" the Queen continued, "Good thing you understand me and my people but what Council are you talking about? Isn't this some kind of a trick?" the Queen awaits her response.

Hundreds of V-Wings that bears the insignia of the Sith Conglomerate began to defend the civilian ships as star fighters from the other belligerent that are so familiar that bears a very unfamiliar insignia. They hovered around the civilian ships and they were ready to shoot down the starfighters at all cost if they opened fire.


The Skywalker twins looked at each other when the man talks about them 'being duplicates from another universe'. The twins shift their attention back to the man and decides to listen at him further but when the man have began to make a threat about the people, the twins began to get disappointed as they have already explained that their home world was destroyed and the ships were carrying millions of civilians. Prince Luke replied him back.

"You are one arrogant creature, aren't you?" the Prince replied.

"I don't know what you are talking about being us duplicates from another universe but we are just here to find a new place to stay as our home world was destroyed by the darkness and those ships on the air are carrying millions of civilians but clearly you don't have a heart, sir. "

"Even though we are a Sith, doesn't mean that we don't have a heart. If you tell us to withdraw us out of your country, well, that will not happen. Our people are desperate to find a new lands to settle in order to live in peace, so we can live in peace or-.." Prince Luke's statement was cut off when Doctor Doom began to channel lightning magic and the appearance of his four duplicates.

"I guess you don't have a heart after all. You will regret this, millions of innocent civilians will die." Prince Luke ignite his green lightsaber. Princess Leia ignite her two red lightsabers as she swirls it thru Niman form.

Prince Luke ordered the men to attack. The Sith war droids began to open fire at the Doctor Doom duplicates and release small missiles at the duplicates at the same time. The stormtroopers also opened fire at the duplicates. The Sith knights flanked the duplicates and surrounds them, they began to raise their arms and send force lightning towards the duplicates. Prince Luke unleash a powerful Force lightning towards the duplicates while Princess Leia attempted to use shatterpoint to find their flaws. A secret battle would commence.


Meanwhile, the other Conglomerate forces, who were very unaware at the fight and the existence of a government since they are scattered across Latverivin, began to put E-Webs on the base so that it could be heavily defended. The other Conglomerate stormtroopers and other Sith Knights that weren't part of the search party or not part of defending small garrison bases began to patrol the lands of Latverivin.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

James Gordon
Mos Eisley Cantina

"I have a son? I don't even know who my wife is." Jim replied with a bit of a smile. He doesn't even know who his wife should be in the future but he decides to forget that thought. When the clown lady introduced herself to Jim, he just nod however he decides to question her background, especially that she looks like one of those radical followers of Jerome Valeska.

"You said that you are a psychiatrist, right? No offense but why you dressed like a clown if you are a..doctor? You look like one of those radical followers of Jerome Valeska. I don't know if you've met Jerome or have existed in your universe." Jim said.

When she talked about catching Scarecrow and asked Jim. He replied.

"You know me pretty well, Harleen." Jim said in a casual tone.

"Jonathan Crane. I've already defeated him and I've already resisted his use of fear gas back in my universe. If this is another Scarecrow, it should be easy to get him especially of what I have right now." Jim reveals his dark eyes to Harleen for a split second as he smirked and then he goes back to his normal stage after that.

He didn't mind Harleen's dogs when he looked at them.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Particle9 Particle9 @RoxanProoxicus Fran DeArc Fran DeArc
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Senshi, Take, And Shimazu: Rush Valley

Shimazu eyed the soldier tilting his head, he relaxed his stance before sheathing both of his Katanas. "Then it is by you, that we share a common enemy. Do you truly think a samurai kills without intent? that much is hard to believe. I know you haven't much reason to trust me, but from the the mouth of this aging warrior, we are not the ones who attacked this place and it's retainers," Shimazu said as he stood himself upright, his No-dachi hanging from his belt. HIs Ki shield remained as he approached the soldiers with a albeit less intimidating stance.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Sleek Sleek The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
Take could not feel any poisonous effects for now, Senshi went hard at work, making an herb soaked wrap to put around the wound. "This will keep it clean for now, you may still experience some of the poison's effects if it was a poisonous bite at all." The herbs would make syphon some of the venom out but not all of it. He would still require some form of medical procedure to be done if there was truly venom in the bite.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Bjornson Gudrun: New York​

Bjornson smiled when he heard the word drink, "Well I do think that it'd be better for me to go into this ordeal drunk rather than sober, trust me." Bjornson laughed at Magnus's remarks as he began to board the quinjet hesitantly. As he sat inside he could not help but wonder, "Do you think we march to our final objective, or a glorified coffin." Bjornson had a slight disdain for these creatures and he knew well what would happen if they were to split up again.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Zamasu Zamasu
~New York~
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Zamasu Zamasu
--Yu Narukami--

At the mere mention that a girl that they're after has been worked on by Valerie, more and more questions began to pop up in Yu's mind. The driving question here being Why? Why would they experiment on a poor girl when they knew the result will become catastrophic? Despite this, Yu agreed to not fight Peacock since it would be for the sake of everyone else.

>Radio Station 2F

Advancing to the Second Floor, Yu noticed a more ravaged sight, doors broken down, and some of the windows had been broken down. He could only imagine what could've happened here.

--Yosuke Hanamura--
>Radio Tower Rooftop

"The name's Yosuke Hanamura, a normal student at Yasogami High." Yosuke introduced as he finds some crates to bar the door to the rooftop, thinking that they might come back. "Actually, now that I think about it, carrying some weapons for no reason doesn't exactly scream 'normal' to most people now does it?" he joked, chuckling for a bit as he checked on the civilians. Most of them are unconscious, sleeping even. "Well anyway, it's nice to meet you, Molly-san." he says with a smile, his arms resting behind his head. "So...I'm guessing you're not here alone since you're some kind of officer..." He started to converse with the girl not just to quell his boredom, but to secretly draw information from her as well. Yosuke may have done this a couple of times during the whole Midnight Channel fiasco and at Yu during the P1 Grand Prix event.
"Sorry about that folks," called a voice from behind the group, "But rest assured that the Autobots will do everything in their power to handle the situation."

"But for now I need you all to come with me," she said.

"Wh-What's going on? Can you at least tell us that?"
Kaede pleaded to the Blonde girl who seemed to be working with the Autobots.

"Why can't you just fucking tell us what the fuck is going on here?!" Miu exclaimed.
Before she could answer a news broadcast played on the TV.
"This is Circuit with a Breaking news Update! The Extremist Group known as the Decepticon Justice Division has claimed another victim within IaTowa," Circuit explained, "Their Victim was a Human named, Mikan Tsumiki, she claimed the title of the 'Ultimate Nurse'. Her body... or what's left of it was found around the outskirts of IaTowa's Human District. Why the DJD would target a Human remains a mystery..."
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


Star frowned when the Silver-haired girl ignored her.
"So...you heard about that too?" Komaru asked.
"Well, technically I've only heard about it just now, you know?" Star admitted then she realized she has yet to introduce herself and extended her hand to the Normal Girl, "I'm Star Butterfly, I'm a Magical Princess from the Mystical Land of Mewnisse!" she then pointed at a Panicked Marco and said, "And that's my trusty Squire and Best Friend, Marco!"

Suddenly Monokumas swarmed the resturant attacking everyone in sight.

"NARWHAL BLAST!" Star casted a spell that caused her wand to shoot out Narwhals at the Monokumas which pinned some of them to the walls of the resturant.

Marco panicked as he tried to look for an escape route only for him to be cornered by Monokumas.
"STAR! HELP!" Marco cried out as a group of Monokumas attacked him.

"MARCO!" Star shouted as she aimed her wand at the Monokumas and fired a magical wave of energy that destroyed the Monokumas.


TV Broadcast
"Why the DJD would target a Human remains a mystery..." the Cybertronian newscaster, Circuit, said, "and on a lighter note, let's see what the Humans are up to!"
The transmission switched to that of a destroyed news studio as Crew Men fight in vain against the Monokumas.
"Emergency! Riots are breaking out all over the Human District of IaTowa! Take Refuge immediately! I REPEAT CITIZENS OF IATOWA TAKE REFUGE IMMEDIATELY!" the News broadcaster shouted as Monokumas attacked the crew.

Star continued to attack the seemingly never ending waves of Monokumas.
Star gasped as a Monokuma tried to attack the Silver-haired girl from behind.
"Rainbow Avalanche!" Star shouted as a liquid stream of colors blasted the Monokuma before it could attack the Silver-haired girl.
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo


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~laTowa : Despair~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

--Minato Arisato || Penny Polendina--

Before Penny and Minato could ask further questions, the news program turned on a TV near them for a breaking news regarding an extremist group known as the Decepticon Justice Division that has been going around committing murder and their latest victim; an innocent 'Ultimate' Nurse known as Mikan Tsumigi who had been obliterated to indistinguishable bits. Personally, Minato found it Ironic that the nurse was the one who got killed, but assuming that this DJD were skilled huntsmen, it's somehow reasonable. Soon enough, the footage was soon segwayed into the reports running for their lives as several cartoonish looking black and white bears chase after them, killing them afterwards as the footage soon became nothing but static

"M-my goodness!" Penny yelped upon watching the report while Minato merely kept a straight face, soon turning to the blonde newcomer with a blank look. "Who could've done this...?"

"I'm guessing it's something to do with those things." Minato said to the blonde one with a suit similar to his but with a red bowtie. "But why should we trust you?" he asked with skepticism, his hand hovering above his Evoker...
Parasoul Renoir & Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-

The place is a total mess, and Parasoul and Valentine felt that Peacock us around the building, slacking off and watching a cartoon or something. They then begin to feel that they're being watched. Suddenly, they hear one of the few intact doors knocking. It may sound like either a trap or someone needing for help.

"Yu..." Valentine says "Open the door. If it is those things, kill it."


"The rest of the soldiers are down on the ground, setting up defenses. I think you should stay with me for a while until my superior comes in." Molly would say.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Miu and Kaede step back in shock was the Monokumas attacked the people in the news studio.

"N-N-NO! FUCK! THIS ISN'T FUCKING HAPPENING!!" Miu panicked as she couldn't tear her eyes away form the carnage on the TV screen.

Kaede could only mutter out one word, "Monokuma..."

Suddenly it was shut off by the Blonde Girl who allied herself with the Autobots, she sighed heavily as she looked at the blue-haired teenage who asked why they should trust her.
The girl showed her badge, it was adorned with an Autobot symbol.

"My name is Minerva, I'm human, a member of the Autobot Elite Guard..." She introduced herself, "And a Headmaster Jr. and if you want to live please trust me!"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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~New York~
Zamasu Zamasu
--Yosuke Hanamura--

"Heh, of course. There's no way I'd survive going back there." Yosuke sat down in front of the crates he piled up, pointing behind him as he shrugged, letting a faint smile. "So...About you're superiors...Do you mind telling me about them?" Yosuke asked, staring at the cloudy sky. "I kinda wanna know if they'll make it since there's a bunch of those things behind us and all that." He knows for a fact that whoever it is, they'll most likely make it. Considering their Communication Officer's arsenal, he doubts that her superiors would be any weaker than her...Then again, there are things called 'surprises' after all.

--Yu Narukami--

As Yu reached the door with the knocking on it, he felt a strong presence lurking behind it. The same feeling he felt before opening one of the Reaper's chests.

'Here goes...' Yu then opened the door, entering the room with both hands on his Katana, walking slowly as if not to grab any attention...

~laTowa: Despair~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

--Minato Arisato || Penny Polendina--

Minato glanced at the two girls, horrified by the black and white bear known as Monokuma. Judging by that, he can assume that there has been some past trauma, something that he himself can relate.

". . ." Minato fell silent as Penny went to her two friends and attempted to comfort them, saying the cliche lines that 'it'll be alright' and all that. "...What's the plan then?"
Abandoned Apartment- Iatowa.

Celica began to wake up. But she had not the slightest clue where she was. She couldn't recognoze the room she was in nor anything in it. "What in the name of Mila hap- Alm! Where is he!? Where am I!?" Celica sprung up looking around panicked. She was happy to learn her equipment was still with her. But that only alleviated some of the fear. She was still alone in some old building with no idea where she was. And she was paranoid about whayever was in this place. "Come on Celica stay strong. You can make it through whatever is going on. Panic is the enemy."

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Parasoul Renoir & Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-


A surprise punch is delivered to Yu straight at his face. The one rsponsible would come out and look down at the person he punched. When Yu looks at him, he'll be surprised at the attacker's appearance.


"Wait, I know you!" Valentine yelled out upon seeing the attacker "And if you're here, then that means..." Just as she is about to say it, she heard a loud thump. She turns around and saw who has made her appearance.


Patricia "Peacock" Watson
-New York-

"Well helloooooooooooo nurse! And princess." Peacock says, fresh from out of a black circle that she had placed from the previous floor. "I could have sworn that Geoge Bomb could have finished you, but whatever." She says before bringing out her signature revolver from thin air.

"You three got some nerve to come and invade this building. I was having fun watching a cartoon until the screen went static and such...and you'll be paying for that in blood." Peacock threatened before yellig at her partner "Andy, get rid of that white-haired piece of cracker. I'll go handle these two girls myself."

"Aye, boss!" The human advil says before he grabs Yu and throws into a vacant big roof and blocks the door with some barricade. Afterwards, he gets inti a boxig stance and say "Let's have a clean fight, or a dirty one in this case."


"Well, there is our boss, Parasoul, who wields an umbrella that sheds tears that can explode when triggered. She's with two others; a ninja nurse and a white-haired teen wielding a katana and can control lightning. I didn't get the name of the nurse, but the teenager, as far as I could remember, is Yu Narukami." Molly would answer Yosuke's question "But I'm sure they'll get here soon enough. The three of them are capable of fighting huge amounts monsters, so there is no problem with that."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Shoto Todoroki
Todoroki had been around in the city for a while now, living quietly and helping wherever he could. When the riots broke out, he was determined to help. Stoic and calm, he glided out of his apartment on a path of ice into the chaos and despair in the streets. A group of straggling civilians were cornered by the black and white teddy-bear looking monstrosities. An attack with a large area of effect might help the situation, but the ice didn’t break apart easily after he formed it until it melts. To that effect, he hopped off his glider and sprayed the group of Monokumas with a stream of flames from his left hand, washing them with a wave lf heat and flame. While the Monokumas were melted into slag or still burning, he ushered the group to safety.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
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