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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom)

Victoria Vinciguerra
Vinciguerra Estate, Rome
Vice Rome

This is the first time Victoria encountering an opponent who is still smiling even though things have went from friendliness to seriousness, Victoria takes note about Victor's sociopathic attitude. She is thinking if she could use this man of her plans to establish peace and order of Rome, eliminate the Soviet threat from the east and to meet this man named Tommy Vercetti, a crime lord from the so-called Vice City she never met at person. Either way, Victoria was somehow irritated at Victor's first response about not telling his nationality but he did tell where he came from, Gotham. Is this man a joking right now? Gotham is a city that was in the DC comics, Victoria has a little taste of DC comics. If this man can survive her test, she would be glad to put him on the crime family for the meantime however if this man failed, he would be dead for sure, when Victor makes a threat on his last statement, she smiled at him.

"That's cute. Let's see what will happen." Victoria smiled a bit.

"Aprire il fuoco!" Victoria ordered her men to open fire but after Victoria have said that seconds later, the man opened fire, killing two guards on sight. Victoria and the gangsters opened fire at Victor however all of it were missed due to the man's extraordinary skills and was able to take cover on a sofa. Victoria was impressed. Victoria and her men continued to open fire at Victor. Victor's blind shots killed another two men while one was injured as he got hit on the chest. Victoria ordered her three gangsters to move forward and end this man once and for all.

Rysesaka Rysesaka

The Gaudy Swindle looked at Penny's cash and turned it down, "Sorry, kid. We only accept Credit or Shanix."

Then a girl overheard the conversation.

"Whoa check that plank of wood over there, Kaeidiot! She's so fucking dumb she didn't even bother to change out her cash for Shanix!" the rude girl mocked Penny for her plight and her bust size.

She was promptly hushed by her blonde companion.

With a slap on Miu's wrist she said, "Miu! What did I tell you about insulting strangers?"

Miu yelped from the sudden slap.

"Uh... I-if you don't have anything n-nice to say..." she muttered with her brash facade shattered, "d-don't say it?"

Miu's friend then smiled and patted Miu's head.

"See! You are learning!" She said with a bright smile, "Now excuse me for a moment."


"Yeah, but I'm still hotter than her..." Miu mumbled to herself


"Uh, sorry about that... my friend is a bit of a handful... but I'm trying to help her change," she apologized, "Oh and let me help you, unlike them my info's free!"

The Gaudy Swindle rolled his optics at that remark, "And you call your pal over there rude..."


"Oh I almost forgot, my name is Kaede Akamatsu and I'm the Ultimate Pianist!" Kaede smiled as she introduced herself, "So what do you need to know?"
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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The Mercs
Diamond City
With the merc's entering with no problem's Deathstroke immediately made his way over to Preston, still constantly analyzing his environment, the men around him, and whatnot still prepared for if a situation were to break out. Kamui and Abuto remained back seeing no reason to interact with the others, still standing out via their umbrellas.

Deathstroke disregarded Dallas as Slade needed to get straight down to business, and it seemed Preston was in charge of the Minutemen, and then he would need to see the leader of what appeared to be another Merc group or PMC Diamond Dogs by the looks of it. The one's who jumped the gun on Karla from what he heard.

Finally Deathstroke made his presence known to the two, radiating the intimidation his presence was known to have.

"Preston, right? I go by the alias Deathstroke, and I know you've gotten to meet our associate Karla, You must excuse the interruption, as I am the one in charge of the merc's and we need to get straight down to business and as you know, time is not on our side here. And I need to get the rundown on how prepared you are to even think of launching an assault on Vortex, as I would imagine he is mobilizing for an offensive. Or regrouping his troops for something big. As we cannot allow him to prepare something that will devastate the wasteland."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid Fran DeArc Fran DeArc Donder172 Donder172
"Oooh a big scary boss man, how exciting, big change of pace already! We gonna get a bag put over our heads, or gagged so that the location is sneakily hidden from our eyes? And then he's gonna have a sweet job for us or he has something nefarious set up? Or just wants to kick back and relax and just have a chill sesh with some chardonnay or some shit with us?"

But none of that would happen as a white light would surround them, and then bring them somewhere else, with them having to wake up, in a white room with a computer monitor and voice speaking through it. And immediately Deadpool was ready with his antics.

"Well, wakey wakey time, also what's up with the white room? You know this stuff stains easily, I mean it's like I don't know if you use this room for killin' folks and then you gotta get this cleaned up or you just peel your eyes to a monitor all day just to talk to some folks when you need 'em, for a job. But maybe something to spice up this room would be a great thought, it's too plain, and boring to look at. Oh! And is this job going to involve breaking someone's back? 'Cause you seem like the kinda guy that orders or does the back breaking." Implying that he had the thought that he was speaking to the man who broke the Bat's back, and seemed to be a go to line in every incarnation. As the thought of an arena and the man in charge seemed to coincide with a specific someone.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen ManyFaces ManyFaces
~Infested New York~
-Yu Narukami-
Zamasu Zamasu (Team Parasoul)

As the two went on, Yu followed behind, trying to keep the path clear using Izanagi's Maziodyne skill, lightning striking at the lane he had made. A few minutes had passed, and a roaring engine can be heard. Turning around, he spots a Telephone-like mech with two arms dashing on four legs approaching through the path he made.

With Parasoul's command to get on the mech, Yu hopped onto Izanagi's blade as it lifted him a few meters before hopping on top of the mech, right on the telephone-like mech's handle. Behind the mech is a large looking man with a giant mechanical fist along with several other people with the same uniform.

"Nice ride you got here." Yu humored himself as he held on to his spot. Honestly, he was expecting a military jeep to be used. Nonetheless Izanagi hovered above Yu, preparing to rain lightning onto the Symbiotes on his command. Izanagi stared at the escaping army like a watchful sheppard, watching over his flock of sheep.

~laTowa : Despair~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

-Minato Arisato-

"Huh." Minato muttered, looking down to see a walking talking toy. He's guessing that this toy is one of the citizens of this place. ". . .You're smaller than the other ones are you?" He assessed, kneeling down to the small bot's level(as low as he can) and stared at it like a lost kitten.

-Penny Polendina-

"Oh! I'm sorry." Penny apologized to the Swindle as she placed her Lien back at her pocket, soon enough, she hears a girl's laughter near her, turning to the direction of the voice, she spots two blonde women with large breasts. One clad in a pink sailor uniform and goggled and the other with a purple vest an orange tie, and a distinct white backpack. She has some sort of musical note pattern on her hairclips. The one with the white backpack appeared to have some degree of control over the pink as demonstrated earlier.

The one with the backpack apologized for her friend, Miu's, action towards her. She then introduced herself to Penny as Kaede Akamatsu, the apparent Ultimate Pianist. She offered to help her with her inquiries for free, contrary to the Swindles.

"Oh, thank you!" Penny thanked Kaede with a smile. "My name is Penny Polendina, a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Akamatsu." She introduced in a polite manner. "I do have a couple of questions. Firstly, what is this city? And where is this 'Human District' that they speak of?" She asked, hoping for answers...

-Gong Draco-
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi (Alm)

"Alm, huh? Mind if I stay here for a bit?" Gong asked, his hands leisurely behind his head. "I dunno when it's safe to move again, and I thought I might as well help you out if you're guarding this place alone." He offered, giving a thumbs up. "I am a certified Guadian in my place anyway."
Caesar didn't need luck, he was a genius scientist. He would prove to be the best scientist this new world had seen, but still he smirked "I understand, and you will not be disappointed with the results."
Caesar left Anika back to doing her job.
He went to the testing area. It already looked like things were set up "Show me your progress fellow scientists." Caesar crossed his arms and awaited them to begin testing the serum.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Markiplier: Rush Valley
Pamela would disappear in a puff of smoke, suddenly appearing behind Jason and touching his shoulder.
"Let's go home, Jason." She said with a smile, reaching up and kissing him on the cheek. She winked at the group again, showing the true colours of her eyes before the two vanished in another puff of smoke.

Chica stumbled out from behind, barking at something as the group would hear footsteps coming from upstairs.
Before the larger warrior could deliver another blow, Gluttony opened his mouth and took a chunk out of the warrior's leg. He knocked him over with a firm push, going for his throat again only for the monster to vanish in a puff of red smoke himself.
Mark reached for the Homunculus, but was too late as he vanished into air.

He offered the large warrior a hand up, panting heavily
"You alright, buddy?" He asked

His attention was drawn to the sound of machinery as hundreds of soldiers ran down the streets of Rush Valley, the vast majority of them going for the police station while others set up patrols.
The footsteps from upstairs got louder before reaching the morgue itself. Standing in front of the group were soldiers
"Stand down!" One of them screamed "This is your first and final warning!"

One of them locked eyes with Chica who had stopped barking.

Morbuskid Morbuskid Sleek Sleek The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

"Pamela" stood before Gluttony and Jason in a dark forest. The butcher of Crystal Lake recognised it as his hunting grounds, whereas Gluttony had a look of disappointment on his face similar to that of a child who didn't receive what he wanted for Christmas.

"Why didn't you let me eat them!?" Gluttony cried
For a split second, the smiling face of "Pamela" melted away, revealing Findryt as Jason had his back turned, looking at his home and hunting grounds.

"We might need them as a sacrifice." Findryt explained in a calm yet smug tone "How else are we going to revive your father?"

She smiled as she rested her hand on Gluttony's head "You did very well today, your father would have been proud."
"You really think so!?" Gluttony shrieked
"Of course."

She gestured to a man behind her. He was bound, gagged and tied to a tree "Go ahead." She said in a soft and warm tone "You've earned it."
Gluttony walked towards the man with a large smile on his face and within seconds the dark forest was filled with muffled screams and the tearing of flesh.
Findryt transformed back into "Pamela" as Jason approached her, resting one of her hands on his face. "You did well today, son." She said with a smile "We'll have a lot more work to do soon, but for now...You can rest that head of yours."

Above Gladius-1
Seeing the face of a young General Kenobi surprised Thrawn as his eyes widened for just a moment.
"Yularen. My men were sent about to negotiate as we discussed. Did you simply forget or is this an act of outright treachery?" He asked, with cold and calm sarcasm. He turned to the man standing next to him "General Kenobi? You're certainly far more arrogant than your duplicate at the Jedi Academy. I am giving you one chance and one chance only. Return my men, or I shall order my forces to destroy your ship."

"You are outnumbered and outgunned. My forces are prepared to strike on strategic parts on your craft."
He turned towards Yularen "You were somebody I respected, Yularen so I am giving you a choice. If I am right in assuming this brute is in command, then you have a rare opportunity. Get this brute off your ship and I will forget all about this...Incident and I will talk to the Gladius council myself on offering you a promotion."

He turned towards the twisted version of Kenobi again "I do apologise, but somebody who throws diplomacy out of the window for his own pride is not somebody I, nor the Council can trust. So long as you are in command, you are a danger to your men. If you have any sense of decency, a single ounce of care for the men you lead into battle then you will surrender. Return my men and I will see you stand a fair trial."

He paused "Refuse...And look around the bridge. Look into the eyes of your men. If you choose to fight, most of them will die. That is not a threat, that is a fact. Do they truly want to die based on your arrogance and pride?"

Rysesaka Rysesaka Donder172 Donder172

Latverivin: Gladius-II
The moment the ships entered the airspace, they were hailed.
"This is Commander Rhee of the Latverivin Defence Squadron. Unidentified vessel, you have entered restricted airspace and you are ordered to withdraw immediately. For both your ships and men to remain within our borders is an act of war! Withdraw immediately or there will be consequences!" He yelled

The ruler of Latverivin sat on his throne while two soldiers approached. They wore both the insigna of the New Republic
"Sir?" One of them began "There's..."
"I know." Doom said, standing up from his throne "These invaders will not lay a hand on the people of this country."
"We're waiting on a response from the Defence Squadron."

Doom walked in front of the soldiers, making his way out of the throne room "See to it that Organa is contacted. These invaders seem to have technology from her universe, so perhaps she can end this without bloodshed."
A lone Doctor Doom approached the invading troops on the ground.
"What the hell are you doing in my country?" He demanded

Rysesaka Rysesaka
Karla: Diamond City
"Yeah, I could have stuck the landing a bit better." Karla replied with a cartoonish shrug "But I got what I asked for. The biggest boom I could get in this city."
"Again, I don't really think this is..." Gunther interjected
"Oh shut up, Gunther!" Karla snapped "We might need this against that twerp Vortex anyway. Remember, if I die then both of us go down."
"I suppose that is a fair point. Just be careful."
"I'll try my best."

Seeing Deathstroke walk over to Preston, Karla grabbed Nathan and Dallas by both of their hands and tried to lead them towards her team leader.
Preston looked the merc up and down before engaging in conversation. He glanced over at Karla and gave her an awkward wave "Is she some kind of Ghoul?" He asked "She's a bit...Nevermind, that can wait." He shook his head and led both Deathstroke and Snake towards one of the Diamond Dogs helicopters, where a holographic map was displayed on a tablet. It was of Vortex's base and of the area surrounding it.

"We could go for a full-blown assault but Vortex would be expecting that. My guess is he's expecting retaliation. The bastard attacked us and then withdrew. I'd damn near say he wants to draw us out."
He took his hat off of his head, setting it to the side as he examined the map, rubbing his chin thoughtfully "He outnumbers the Minutemen two to one based on what I've been told, so we gotta be smart. It's really just a question of how we get in."

He turned towards Deathstroke and Snake "I take it you have a plan?"

Fran DeArc Fran DeArc Morbuskid Morbuskid The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Sleek Sleek (OPEN TO ANYONE)

Harley Quinn: Mos Eisley
Harleen threw her arms up in the air "Fine. Just don't blame me if you bump your head...Oh yeah, there's a chance you might faint."
Harleen found a stool and spun around on it before crossing her legs and clearing her throat.
"You ever heard of a Multiverse theory, Detective?" She asked, only to cut him off before Gordon could reply "I'm just gonna assume ya don't. Basically, there's a whole other universe for every possible difference in your world. Like you not having a moustache, for example. You should really grow one, it might suit ya."

"Anyway, it ain't a theory. I've seen it first hand...And then some big monster showed up and ate most of the Multiverse."
Her tone turned cold and frightened for a moment as she mentioned the monster "The survivors, we ended up here."

She gave the detective a welcoming smile "It's your lucky day, Commissh'. You survived the death of the Multiverse...And walked right into a place from Star Wars."

Rysesaka Rysesaka Fran DeArc Fran DeArc @RoxanProoxicus Particle9 Particle9 (OPEN TO ANYONE)

D.Va and Magnus: New York
Seeing Ms Fortune about to touch some sensitive lab equipment, Reed called security.immediately. Four SHIELD agents ran into the room.
"I can't monitor the cure with this creature in here!" Reed snapped. Although most our heroes had only arrived in New York less than a day ago, Reed had been in New York for quite some time dealing with the outbreak. Anybody with keen eyes could tell that by his face. His tired eyes, and his rugged beard were dead giveaways.

He turned towards Ms Fortune and sighed "I'm sorry to snap like that, but you need to leave. A lot of people could die if something goes wrong with this equipment, do you understand?" He asked in a firm and clear tone
Multiple rain clouds continued their path through the city, killing every symbiote they touched with the water. Every symbiote above ground, in the sewers and in the subway system was affected aside from Anti-Venom, who watched a Quinjet descend.

He chose to observe from a distance, being drawn towards the sight of a communications tower in the distance as it was almost overwhelmed by the symbiotes. Noticing that the rainclouds might not make it in time, still having ground to cover he started to swing towards it.

"Curreee." He hissed under his breath
"We ready to go?" D.Va asked, approaching the others
"Does that machine have..." Magnus asked, only to get cut off by D.Va
"She's got some fight left in her. And enough fuel to get us there. So long as we're all team players, I should be a-okay."

Magnus gave D.Va a friendly half-smile as he was the first to step aboard the Quinjet, holstering his sword on his back and placing a helmet on his head. He did not sit down, but rather he started to wave the others aboard the craft.
"Yeah, kid." He told Ben "You in or out?"

Zamasu Zamasu MainEventMan MainEventMan AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Morbuskid Morbuskid Vsland Vsland

Alm looked at the man Surprised. Not many offered help. Just cold acknowledgement and walking off. Some saying they were going to the capital. "Really that would be helpful. You know what if I were to tell you I was a king before this?" Alm asked with curiosity. The villagers did not believe him and mentioned royalty. An Exalt or something like that. And they had never heard of Valentia which shocked him at first. "Oh and have this." Alm said as he offered bread to the odd man.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Take, Senshi, and Shimazu: Rush Valley

Take let out a scream, the monster had managed to bite his leg whilst Take sat upon the beast, the beast disappeared as Take fell backwards. Laying down he was steaming through the mask, he looked up a Mark seeing the hand, but seeing Mark's size Take believed that he would have most likely dragged him down. Through reasons of hilarity Take accepted the hand and although Mark would struggle somewhat, Take was impressed with Mark's strength. Take was lifted up with Mark's assistance, the large man towered over Mark. Take let out a deep breath from his mask before nodding to Mark, "I thank you, and before I forget, remind me not to sit on that thing again, it has quite a bite." Take went to feel his leg which had become wet, he felt a large bolt of pain shoot up him when his finger had touched the rim of the large gash. He cringed under his mask from the pain but did his best not to show it in his body language, he brought his hand up which now had fresh blood staining it. "I have a vendetta with the beast! May I accompany you, you appear to have been fleeing from the beast and it appears to have wanted you all too badly, so it would seem we share a common enemy." Take said unexpectedly, he wished to follow Mark and Senshi so he may settle the score with Gluttony.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Shimazu looked at the soldiers as he stared them down with this 'I'm going to kill your hope before I kill you' look in his eyes. Shimazu made sure to bring his Ki shield around him before he made his way towards the soldiers with his Katanas in hands before being shot at, of course it was only a warning shot. Shimazu stopped in his place "How many men have you killed?" Shimazu asked before looking towards the man who shot at him.
The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Sleek Sleek The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Bjornson Gudrun: New York​

Bjornson smiled slightly as he took Magnus's hand although his smile faded into a more grim expression. "I was afraid to hear that." he said panting. Bjornson pulled himself together, he collected his strength which was just enough to last him one final battle. "So are we going to stick together this time?" He laughed trying to lift his spirit and Magnus's as well. Bjornson looked to the sky before looking bat at Magnus, "Well if the battle is up here, I have something that may aid us well." he said. Referring not to his cleric abilities but more so an ability he has not found a proper use for yet.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Dallas Grove: Diamond City​

Dallas looked back to Preston who had introduced himself, Dallas took Preston's hand and firmly shook it. He was about to discuss details before a man dressed in strange black and orange armor cut in front of him and began talking to Preston. Dallas tapped Deathstroke on the shoulder, "Your doing this for pay, I'm doing this to avenge my fellow man, consider me an extra gun, free of charge." He said to Deathstroke before putting his hand out looking for a handshake. The Omen of Death The Omen of Death The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
--Gong Draco--
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi ("King" Alm)

"Woah, for real?" Gong's eyes widened when Alm was apparently a king, soon taking a step back and analyzing his appearance. "((So a King doesn't always have a gold crown...The more you know...))" he muttered to himself, rubbing his chin. He hasn't met a king in person before, but he has heard legends about Human Kings that lead armies to peace and prosperity. "I always thought Kings are supposed to be a symbol of superiority and leadership like the ones I've read from legends..." Gong soon lets out a friendly smile, his sharp fang-like teeth showing. "Well, guess even the finest of leaders should have the time to care for simple folk, huh?" He soon took the bread, taking a bite out of it. Gong didn't really care if the man really was a King or not. To him, no form of title should stop them from being compassionate to those in need...That was what his father showed him when he was a young Druddigon and demonstrated to his dear sister, Blaise.
Parasoul Renoir, Valerie "Valentine", Nadia " Ms." Fortune, Cerebella, Carol "Painwheel", & Filia Medici (And Samson)
-New York-

Molly heard Yu's comment, which flustered her. " Thanks..." She says in a shy manner, and just in time for the cure to take its effect when it finally came to the group's location. The only thing left for them to do is to find a new safe place for the communication officer to settle and make contact with SHIELD.

"So...you must be the guy that the princess had to meet up, right?" Molly would ask "I'm Molly, the Black Egret's only communication officer. Who might you be?"


"Aww boo~!" The catgirl did not like the way that Reed said to get her out, but she easily shrugs that off. "That's okay, I know you're a very busy man. Fine, I'll leave you alone." Fortune says beforr she casually leaves the room for Reed to focus on his work.


Filia, Cerebella, and Painwheel would follow the others into the aircraft for they have a job to do. "Alright..." Filia says "And once this is over...well...um..." She cannot seem to think of another activity after the war.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Morbuskid Morbuskid

"I mean my kingdoms gone. Me and my wife were about ready to head out of the kingdom on a political visit to a neighboring kingdom. Next thing I know a kid was prodding me with a stick and wondering if I was still alive. And since then I've been guarding this village. And wondering where Celica is." Alm said as he worried about his wife. Not seeing her for what felt like a month.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
~Infested New York~
--Yu Narukami--
Zamasu Zamasu (Team Black Egrets)
As the cure raincloud finally arrived, Izanagi soon faded with the sound of a breaking glass, returning back to Yu's subconscious. The pilot of the mech, Molly, then proceeded to ask for his identity.

"I'm Yu Narukami. I'm just your average highschool student." Yu introduction soon ended with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Molly-san." He soon decided to turn to the general direction where the vehicle is facing. The cure has already done it's job, and he doubts that the guy with the giant mechanical arm wouldn't be useless considering his size. "It must be hard being the only one to handle communications." He started a small conversation, hoping to at least get to know one of them. Parasoul and Valerie must be tired after getting through the horde, so he shouldn't bother them. The only other man in the group looks kinda like Yu himself, but is probably more distant than he is.

--Gong Draco--
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi (King Alm)

"Well that sucks." Gong nodded in a somber manner, as if trying to comfort the man. When the King told him that his Queen is missing, he couldn't help but feel bad for Alm. All that work becoming King only to be wasted by a sudden coincidence. "It really does..." He offered a moment of silence for the people the King lost before facing him again.

"Well...I hope your Queen comes back safe, your Highness." Gong said, hoping to encourage him. "I don't know much about you two, but I'm sure she'll be fine."
Parasoul Renoir & Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-

"Well, its nice to meet you...um...Yu." Molly says "Anyways, thanks for helping us get out of that building. They were too many to handle. I'm sure you probably know who Princess Parasoul is, as well as that nurse. The white-haired guy is Adam, a high-ranking officer as well as the best general the Egrets have."

"...Huh?" Adam seems to have dozed off for a moment until Molly mentions his name. He gets his composure and says "Well, nice to meet you, Mr.Narukami. To be honest, you kinda looked like me when I was young, but ain't badass as you."

"The large man with the tank fot an arm is Panzerfaust, the powerhouse of the army. He is a supersoldier created by the ASG Labs and has been with us ever since its downfall." Molly says.

"Iz nice to meet ja, boy." Panzerfaust says in a jolly tone "Since ja helped us with our escape, ja are welcomf to be on our army, boy."

"Last but not the least, we have Roxie, our mechanic, engineer, whatever technology-based occupation she is. She is also the one who built this mech specifically for me." Molly says.

"Oh, hey there." Roxie says "Say, you got a nice looking sword you git there. Where ya get it? If you want, I could upgrade it into a much mote powerful one if you want."

So, what would Yu say about them?

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
As Anderson came to he saw that Deadpool was already mouthing off at the mysterious voice. Anderson got up, unsure how he was even knocked out. The room gave no indications of where he was either. Being kidnapped really killed his mood to fight though.
Finally clearing his head enough to speak the paladin spoke "Now oi don't nu wha ye got de ah so clever idea te snatch me an' drop me in 'ere wi' dis 'eathen." Anderson gestured to the mercenary "But i'm not loike 'im so wat in de bloody protestant soaked 'ell makes ye tink i'd work for you?" Anderson growled.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen The Omen of Death The Omen of Death

"No it's alright. And please it's Alm. I rule nothing. And I'm helping this village because I was raised in one just like this. I'd sooner be called Alm even if I ruled something. And Celica is tough if anything I'm more worried about this group then her. Dying once can do a lot for what a person can take." Alm mentioned remembering the fact said death was him trusting Mila and Falchion.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"Of course I am! I'm a Micromaster!"
the diminutive Cybertronian ranted, "The name's Big Daddy!"

"I'm with the Hot Rod Patrol and Humans aren't allowed near the Micromaster village!" He said as he pointed at an equally small village.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


Kaede rolled her eyes at the Swindle's remark.


"Anyways, you're in IaTowa... well more specifically the Cybertronian District. My Friend and I are from IaTowa's human district but I'm trying to help my friend better interact with people... And she does seem more comfortable with Robots so here we are!" Kaede explained to Penny.


"Actually, I think this might be a good learning experience for her, let me get her!" She said as she went of to get her friend, presumably to apologize to Penny personally.

... The pair seemed to be arguing about the situation... Lots of swearing was involved.

"Now, go apologize to her," Kaede said as she shoved Miu right in front of Penny.

"..." Miu choked up. She didn't know exactly what to say as she has never really apologized to a "pleb" before.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Lord Kenobi
Aboard the Reborn
Above Gladius-I

Lord Kenobi was confused, shifting his gaze to Yularen as the Chiss was talking about negotiate and he shift his gaze back to Thrawn. When Thrawn said about him being arrogant than his duplicate at the Jedi Academy, he raised his eyebrows for a bit when Thrawn mention about his duplicate on a location that is shrouded by the light side of the Force. For him, that is surprising and twisted, seeing this Thrawn he interact at this moment as another Thrawn from another universe, Kenobi believed that he has another self from another universe as a Jedi. He shake his head in a negative manner as Thrawn makes a threat to Kenobi.

Kenobi listened when Thrawn shift his attention to Yularen and began interacting with the Grand Admiral.

"I'm sorry, Thrawn, but my allegiance is to the Sith Conglomerate and I will never ditch Lord Kenobi on this ship." Yularen replied as he looks at Lord Kenobi. Lord Kenobi was impressed because obviously, Yularen have been loyal to the Conglomerate ever since the Empire was created.

When Thrawn decides to interact with Kenobi once again, Kenobi listens to the Chiss. Talking about diplomacy, surrender, and refuse. Kenobi understand him, he isn't a fool to fight against Gladius defense fleet and they are clearly outnumbered and outgunned. Yularen is just standing there, awaiting Lord Kenobi's command. Lord Kenobi has no other choice but to use diplomatic skills he haven't used since the Clone Wars.

"I will give you one condition, Grand Admiral Thrawn, we will not surrender as it is a disdain to the Camarilla ["New Sith Order"] but we will not fight you, we are ready to cooperate with you and the Gladius defense fleet even if this means going against the rules of the Camarilla. I am not a fool to fight with a grand fleet who are fresh and ready to destroy the Conglomerate. We will release your men but before I do that, why have you sent your men to this ship?" Lord Kenobi awaits Thrawn's response.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Padme Amidala-Skywalker
Latverivin airspace

The starfighters and the civilian ships began to transmit communication from the unknown forces. They heard it and the civilians became nervous as their 'new home' was populated by another people, good thing the stormtroopers on the civilian ships calm them down.

"Your highness, what should we do?" the co-pilot asked.

"I'll handle this, tell the other ships that it's gonna be okay." the Queen replied. The Queen's co-pilot have sent a transmission to the ships. Meanwhile, the Queen answered back.

"Commander Rhee of the Latverivin Defence Squadron. This is Queen Padme Skywalker the first of her name, the Queen of Naboo and the Senate President of the Sith Conglomerate. We are not here to invade or declare war wth you. We are fleeing from the darkness and finding a new home, declaring war with us will be devastating. You will kill millions of people and those ships you are seeing right now are carrying civilians, millions of civilians. If you think this is a trick, you are wrong. My people are very happy to find new lands to stay, please don't destroy their hope, I assure you, commander, don't open fire on us. My people have already lost their families from the darkness, please don't do it." the Queen tried to convince Commander Rhee that this isn't an invasion but an exodus coming from Padme's people.


The Skywalker twins who were wearing dark suits )that resembles the Dark Lords and Dark Ladies), and the search party encountered a lone man where the Sith Knights ignited their red lightsabers, the stormtroopers raised their blasters and the war droids aiming for the lone man however the Skywalker twins didn't ignite their light sabers but instead the Skywalker twins signaled them that the man isn't a threat, yet, although the search party is still aiming at the lone man. The lone man claims that this is his country.

Prince Luke Skywalker's yellow eyes observed the man's appearance from head to toe. He dressed like a Sith but the Prince scratched it as an ordinary man.

"We are here to find a new home as our homeworld was destroyed by the darkness. Our people were happy that they find a new home but if you are the leader of this nation the please give us permission to settle." the Prince awaits the man's response.

Meanwhile, Princess Leia Skywalker, a woman that is very identical to General Leia Organa but a darker version of her, began to speak.

"I know that you are defending your land, ready to attack us but those ships on the air right now are carrying millions of civilians. Please don't make a bad decision." the Princess said.

The Skywalker twins also felt a bit of disturbance on the Force, especially that this land is somehow shrouded by the light side of the force but they have no other choice but they have no other choice anyways.



The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

James Gordon
Mos Eisley Cantina

Before that, he looks at the anime-looking brat who stuck her tongue towards Jim make him shake his head, he doesn't have time with brats. He shift his attention to Harley Quinn as she began to speak, he crossed his arms as he listens to her while standing.

"Well ye-.." however Jim's statement was cut off when Harley Quinn said that he don't which cause Jim to take a sigh however he decides to listen the clown lady anyways. When Harley discuss about the multiverse theory and his other self on different worlds, he nod however he chuckled at her for a bit while shaking his head a bit when Harley said that the moustache fits him although Jim can't because he is still young for a late twenty and he wants a clean hygiene for himself.

He raised his eyebrows when Harley talks about the darkness. He remembered it when Professor Strange was having a vision about the darkness and a multiverse colliding into one although Jim never believed him as he called Strange a crazy scientist.

"So what Professor Strange had said to me was right all along.." Jim replied.

Jim caught her attention when she called him 'Commissh' meaning Commissioner although he smiled at her after giving Jim a welcome.

"So that's why the thugs here are talking about this so-called credits and of course, the scorching heat of this land."

"So in your universe, I am a Commissioner of the GCPD? Maybe I am already a dad there then." Jim joked.

"By the way, what is your name? It isn't fair if the stranger knows you but the other stranger doesn't know you." Jim said as he waits for the clown lady's response.

However he takes a look at the bug lady again who was avoiding him, it clearly shows that the bug lady knows him too which it is the result that Jim assumes her as part of the Indian Hill escapee but then again he shift his gaze back to Harley Quinn.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Particle9 Particle9 Fran DeArc Fran DeArc @RoxanProoxicus

Victor Zsasz
Vinciguerra Estate, Rome
Vice Rome - Gladius II

Victor grabbed the incoming gangster's collar and shot his head. The lifeless gangster was used as a human shield when the two incoming gangsters opened fire. Victor aims at the gangster one by one while defending himself using the lifeless body. He pulled the trigger one by one and the two gangsters were shot on the head, killing them instantly. Victor throw the lifeless body and face Victoria, smiling like an evil person. He raise his dual Desert Eagle, aiming at Victoria and opened fire at all costs while he was walking directly to Victoria's position.

Hokage Hokage
~New York~

--Yu Narukami--
Zamasu Zamasu (Team Black Egrets)

"Nice to meet you all." Yu nodded with a smile in response to everyone's introductions. As far as first impressions go, they all seem to be really nice persons.

Adam, who seemed to remind Yu of himself being going to Inaba, was said to be one of the Princess' highest ranking generals of the Egrets.

"I'm sure you have more experience than me, Adam-sama." Yu responded to Adam's comment on him, as the next one was introduced; Panzerfaust, the powerhouse of the group. His attitude makes him kinda similar to Kanji without his sexuality issues.

The next and he final one to be introduced was Roxie, the resident Engineer. She appeared to be more laid back than the rest of the crew. She must've had an incredible amount of talent to have lasted this long in her career.

"Oh, this? It's just your run of the mill Katana." Yu explained as Roxie asked about his weapon. "My friends and I picked it up on a local Metalworks store when we first gained our powers. We thought that summoning our Personas too much wouldn't do us any good judging by how tired we got just by first awakening to it." He nods in a fit of nostalgia. "Now that I think about it, the blacksmith who made this must be really skilled not to break after almost 2 years in service..." He contemplated, soon looking at Roxie. "Well, you can do whatever upgrades necessary to it after we reach our destination."

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

--Minato Arisato--
>>"Big" Daddy
"Not to be rude, but you should probably get your name changed." Minato said in a straightforward manner as he soon looked a tiny village he was pointed at. It explains the lack of people here, too. "Say, is there a train station around here?" He asked, assuming that he can get to the Human District that way.

--Penny Polendina--
>>Miu and Kaede

Before Penny could thank Kaede, she soon headed back to her other friend, Miu, to presumably make her apologize to Penny for her somewhat rude insight on her dilemma.

Penny didn't mind meeting new people, so a genuine smile was on her fight as Kaede returned with Miu after...Some debating on her friend's behalf.

A moment of silence swept the area as Penny waited for her input first. But as it was made clear to her, Miu isn't exactly the most sociable of people. In fact, she's quite comfortable with Robots as a whole.

"Uh..." Penny tilted her head, as of trying to get her words right. "If it makes you more comfortable, I'm not exactly human." She admitted while keeping low as to what she really is. It could really mean anything! It could either be a Faunus, a Ghost, or even a haunted machine!...Okay, the last bit hits close to home, but she tries to be vague enough for Miu to be slightly comfortable.
A Waitress approached Komaru and Kyoko, "Welcome," she greeted, oblivious to what is about to come next.
Kyoko stepped forward deliberately as Komaru watched. Her face conveyed a mood of grave seriousness as she approached this normal girl living her everyday life free from thoughts of emergencies like this interrupting her daily life.

Kyoko merely gave the waitress a small nod as acknowledgment. She didn't want to come off as alarmingly urgent, yet she desired to convey this seriousness believably. One's explanation of the incident at the apartment complex in this situation would only be written off as something crazy if he or she had come here in a panic to warn everyone.

"Do you know that apartment complex...the one just down the street from here?"

Kyoko paused to let the weight of her words sink in.

"There's just been a mass murder there. ...I'm with an investigation crew that just got here. I need everyone out of here now and off this block immediately. If you have speakers, I need you to make an announcement," She calmly explained, trying to be a reassuring but assertive voice of reason.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Parasoul Renoir & Valerie "Valentine"
-New York-

"Oh cool." Roxie says in a happy tine "You can count on my expert engineering skills to do the upgrading." After a long time, the group would find themselves a building that is somewhat barely intact and away from any nearby Symbiotes. It also has a communication tower similar to the previous, but a bit smaller.

"This should do..." Parasoul says before she and the others, save for Molly, get off of the Graham-O-Tron. She turns to the communication officer and say "Molly, contact the person that you've managed to get connected with. Ask hm every detail of the situation and tell him to get over hete and bring us some backup."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Molly responds and then she activates her mech's thrusters to leap up and land on the roof with a loud thud. Parasoul turns to Adam, Panzerfaust, Roxie, and the surviving soldiers to say to them "All of you, set up the defenses around every perimeter in this area. Me, Valentine, and Yu will go inside and check for any survivor to save or a Symbiote to kill. Say about we "clean the building inside"."

"Yes ma'am!" Adam, Panzerfaust, Roxie, and the soldiers all say to their superior before they proceed to set up the defenses. Parasoul turns to both Yu abd Valentine and say "Now then, shall we? Yu, take the lead."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


"There is, just head your way to Swindle, Swindle and Swindle, that tourist trap's just a few kliks that way," the Micromaster pointed away from the Micromaster village, "I'll give you a map if it'll keep your clumsy butt away from the Micromaster village!" he finished as he handed to him a map that was oddly larger than him...
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


"BWA HA HA HA HA!" Miu laughed at Penny's attempt to make her feel comfortable, "Yeah, I bet that's what the doctor said when they got your flat ass out of your mom's pus--" Suddenly a quick chop to her head by her own friend's hand stops Miu from finishing her vulgar joke.

"Hey w-what was that all about?" Miu recoiled from the strike.

"That wasn't an apology," Kaede shook her head with disappointment, "And I thought I was making progress with you."
The two then began arguing.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


Marco's enjoyment of his food paused as he heard of a warning of Mass Murder from the silver-haired girl.
Marco gulped as he leaned into to Star who was oblivious to the news, "Star! I thought you said this place was a Utopia!"
Star swallowed her food and replied, "Uh, what?"
"Oh that, It seems like you're forgetting who you're talking to Marco," Star said as she showed off her wand, "I've got this! We've got nothing to worry about!"
Star stood up from her seat as Marco tried in vain to get her to sit back down.
"Star what are you doing?" Marco whispered
"Trust me, Marco!" Star winked at her squire before she walked up to the Silver-Haired Girl, "So, who's behind these Mass Murders!" Star then began to gnaw on her wand.
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
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