Other What is your Go-To RP character Idea?


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I've always wondered if other people have go to ideas for character design.

Personally, I really like my teacher-type character, Asa West. She's studious and loves the idea of others learning and expanding their minds :)
Does any one else have a go to character?
My main was always an engimatic, telekinetic, alcoholic/drug addicted lecher. Knock out all of my vices vicariously, you know.
Endless, scary, confusing, bio's. And history.
A bearded Irish drunk that may or may not be involved in criminal activities of the drug and human kind.
An arrogant smart ass who falls into either the so bitter he has to make everyone else's lives miserable or the other stereotypical hates being reminded of his humanity so he tries to make everyone see how much of a monster he is to cover up his real humanity. 
It all depends.  For women, I love doing seductress-type characters (Poison Ivy is my favorite fandom character to play) or like "awkward girl who tries her best."  Guys are usually smart nerds, mostly because I'm terrible at making guys who are good at being seductive.  They mostly just turn out awkward and asexual, lmao.
Tragic characters who were put up against long odds and fell short, now having to cope with it. Normally, being vengeful and emotionally detached with a protective layer of satire and silly playfulness. 

Or completely left field, Animaniacs-type character with zero restraint and even less sense of self-preservation, usually sporting a cartoonish personality and basic un-involved background. 
My characters for awhile were all very sarcastic and self deprecating who wanted to come off as not caring about anything. Always veering into the smart ass classification eventually. I also mainly wanted to start them off as very cowardly and try and move them towards self-sacrifice to varying degrees of success lol. 
I usually like to give a character a vice that he attempts to overcome during the course of the rp. That aside I'm often in the mood for putting my own spin on somewhat sily archetypes like; whimsical thieves, haughty nobles and gruff brawlers etc.
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I tend to like fish out of water characters, someone from one environment coming into another, either with a curiosity about their new surroundings or a hardheaded idea that their ways are the best that need to be challenged or changed. 
All my characters (Both the ones I've used in roleplays and those I haven't) all seem to have emotional problems either via. mental disorders or other reason. They especially have this if they have powers that seem "strong", to sort of even them out. I do not know why I do this but I do it.

I've also created characters that are neither heroes nor villains yet still both at the same time.
As of late, I´ve  been pretty driven to characters who are either children or were turned into children or are confused with children.
I usually enjoy it when my characters suffer, but I don't like to make them pitiful, so their problems tend to be of their own making. Which means I lean towards assholes with complicated thought processes who have some redeeming qualities, but numerous personality flaws. It is fun to develop them over the course of the story and that is another plus.
In all honesty, I prefer characters that are more on the solemn side of things. I like to make ones that have seen a lot, and have a lot to share with the world. I like to have a character that leans on the side of optimism. I just like nice guys that don't seem so nice I guess. 
Depends on what mood I'm in. For girls, its either the hyper, happy-go-lucky, with hairbrith temper or a girl that's nearly stoic that thinks actions speak louder than words. For guys, its usually the kind gentle type but somewhat stoic. Been branching out of that with having a guy as a dancer.
This might be self-insert, but I like a rational, down-to-earth character as my main. That is, a character which valued logic over emotions or superstitions.

But usually I used tropes for multiple characters. One character will be the joke type, the other one is the chivalrous one (the one who died first), the leader type who is used as that guy who advance the plot, etc. It's easier to make characters into one-dimensional mold to quickly identify them and ease the need for our brain processing a lot of characters. Then we can start fleshing their personality beyond the simple mold we initially use, and voila, "character development", they said.

So in short my strategy is not "make one multi-dimensional character" but "make multiple one-dimensional characters which, when combined, provide a dynamic which advance the plot and provides the multi-dimensional need for character development"
I love love love using loud, social people. It makes for interactions, plot advancement, and it's just a lot like my own personality so it's easy to play.
I usually prefer smart, but still blunt and brutish characters. Y'know, the kind who uses their engineering degree to design the best possible club to beat the shit out of people with.

Oh, also, I love ambition in characters. Most of my characters want to really change the world at large somehow, usually through violence. "Peace through power", huh? lel.

edit: I posted here already?
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