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Realistic or Modern ∆ What happened to Abby? ∆ OOC ∆

finally got my char up! i just need to add relationships and edit his history a lil bit n then he's totally done ^^

sry if i missed it but where is the school located?
We got a start date btw? Just curious
oh yeah, about this, I'm not sure if you saw but villian said a few days ago we might be able to start some time this week but there are still some 8 character slots to fill so idk exactly
happy fourth of july everyone :D if youre not american, happy tuesday lol. i hope you had a good day
I’m trapped indoors for a few days with a sinus infection so I hope we get to start soon hehe
rip hope you feel better x and yes mee toooo. there are still some characters that have been posted but not assigned roles.

there are more characters applying for one role than there are available slots I think so idk, maybe the amount of roles will increase a little. also I'm not sure what the minimum is for the start.

also this is something I've been wondering, it might be a little nitpicky but I wonder how much actual school is going to be involved in the plot. what the school schedules are going to be like n stuff.

most of our characters are 16-17 so they would be probably be somewhere around 10th to 12th grade. ofc I'm not expecting to RP a full 8 hr school day but I just thought it might be interesting to think about.
Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been active lately, but I've got a stomach bug and haven't been feeling the best. I just wanted to tell everyone that starting might be a little delayed since we've had some people join late, but I think everyone should take this time to maybe further your character's relationships. Maybe have some of your characters already know each other beforehand if you haven't done something like that already.
rip hope you feel better x and yes mee toooo. there are still some characters that have been posted but not assigned roles.

there are more characters applying for one role than there are available slots I think so idk, maybe the amount of roles will increase a little. also I'm not sure what the minimum is for the start.

also this is something I've been wondering, it might be a little nitpicky but I wonder how much actual school is going to be involved in the plot. what the school schedules are going to be like n stuff.

most of our characters are 16-17 so they would be probably be somewhere around 10th to 12th grade. ofc I'm not expecting to RP a full 8 hr school day but I just thought it might be interesting to think about.
Actual school is going to intertwine with the plot at some point, but probably never for the full day. Since our characters are in different grades and the chances of all of them having the same class are slim, it's not gonna be often. If everyone would like a schedule for your characters, I'd be willing to make one for everyone, although it might take a while! I hope this helps.

Stay safe everyone! I hope you had a happy 4th of July if you celebrate it, and make sure to drink lots of water!
gonna be finishing up leon's thoughts on abby and aiden tonight! if anyone wants to talk ab potential relationships feel free to hmu ^^
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Hello everyone. I just wanted to apologize for disappearing for a few days. A Lot of things right now just haven't been going my way, and this hasn't been my top priority. I'm sorry for delaying the start of this, but life has kind of just decided to kick me in the balls out of nowhere. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I just wanted to let everybody know I'm not completely gone. I hope your day is going good, and once again im sorry for delaying this.

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