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Realistic or Modern ∆ What happened to Abby? ∆ OOC ∆

Originally wanted to make a delinquent student who grew up on a survivalist compound/cult. (Not the dangerous oooooh we summon evil spirits to get up to mischief kind. The really racist kind) Im not sure how well the idea fits now tho, and wanted to get some opinions.

Some notes for my idea-
-Won't be racist (Since its cringe)
-Not really a delinquent, just terrible social skills and equally bad studying/test taking skills
-originally wanted to make a gal, but we already got a bunch of feminine characters and thought about maybe balancing it out would be better
I’m sorry I’m not help, but I’m not really sure about the compound/cult thing haha, sounds super unique tho
i like the idea but I'm sort of lukewarm on the cult thing (sorry) maybe instead you could have them in an equally intense past environment, like a military/boarding school or one of those wilderness camps for teens
Are we allowed to make more than one character?

If so, would it be okay if I make a member or student council or if he is the right fit, possible student president?
if we can make multiple characters i may have a drug dealing delinquent to add as well
Hey everyone, sorry for not replying for a while, I've been a little busy! I'm glad you guys are excited for this! I'm not sure if anyone else is going to jump on this idea, so when I'm done accepting everyone's first character, you are allowed to make a second ( I'll make another post when that happens). As for where this takes place, I imagine it somewhere in Florida.
If all goes according to plan, we might be able to start in a week at least. 💃
Hey everyone, sorry for not replying for a while, I've been a little busy! I'm glad you guys are excited for this! I'm not sure if anyone else is going to jump on this idea, so when I'm done accepting everyone's first character, you are allowed to make a second ( I'll make another post when that happens). As for where this takes place, I imagine it somewhere in Florida.
If all goes according to plan, we might be able to start in a week at least. 💃
Sorry I went ahead and posted a second but you can ignore that for now until we’re allowed to have seconds haha. I also might change Madison’s cs format into the second format I used, I hope that’s okay?
So i have a question for everyone, would it be okay if Lake knew a secret about everyone's character, just something that they wouldn't want getting out to go with his whole.. vibe. If not, that's okay too! If it is you can either tell me here or PM me so no one else knows. (Just so everyone knows I wouldn't unveil it without permission from you).
So i have a question for everyone, would it be okay if Lake knew a secret about everyone's character, just something that they wouldn't want getting out to go with his whole.. vibe. If not, that's okay too! If it is you can either tell me here or PM me so no one else knows. (Just so everyone knows I wouldn't unveil it without permission from you).
I think it’s a cool idea (if the character get accepted)then absolutely! I like the fire it brings to know secrets.
I think it’s a cool idea (if the character get accepted)then absolutely! I like the fire it brings to know secrets.
Of course, I already talked to villain about him and I think he's good to go, but I'll just wait for a sure go-ahead before confirming that.
Ok everyone, I've accepted everyone's first character, so feel free to submit a second if you'd like!
Also I've been thinking about adding more room for roles, like switching the limit from 3 to 5. Let me know if you guys wanna do that or keep it how it is!
3 seems like a good number. Unless more people want to join I think it should stay at 3. Maybe increase to 4 instead, though it depends on what role you're talking about
I was thinking about club size last night actually hehe. I think the more intimate feeling if if only a handful of people is nice. Especially for history since often, in my experience, students don’t love history. So I’m open to more people/characters. But the 3 feels good per role haha.
A little random, but is it just me or would half of our characters end up absolutely eclipsing Aiden XD 5'7, 5'8, 5'10... the only other people Aiden's height are Kenzo and now Riley. Idk it's just a very funny visual to me
What I was imagining was that everyone is sitting down around a table and Aiden looking like a toddler who got invited to sit with the grown-ups lol

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