Other What do you do when you're feeling down?

Video recording/ editing random game play with friends. It's something I enjoyed since I was young and it was a year ago I started posted them for my friends and myself to enjoy and surprisingly enough they do enjoy it
Writing and music and sketching, takes time but it usually works. If it's really bad I will try and stay in the shower for as long as I can and create a new story or develop a new or existing character. Anything to block out reality. Very reliant on the old imagination.
Find a quiet, solitary place (typically my room) and listen to music that takes me on a little trip back in time. Then, for however long it takes, ride that wave of gloom and nostalgia until what I'm feeling has ebbed away.

It sounds counterintuitive to listen to music that makes you sadder when you're already feeling down, but I find it helps me work through it in a way. I let the feeling have free reign for a bit - exploring what it means through music and the imaginings said music evokes.

I've also written as a way to work through feeling down. Whether that be letting my thoughts spill out into a document, or coming up with a scene/short story depicting (yours truly) overcoming the suffering somehow.

Alternatively, I'll watch funny videos or lighthearted shows.
Cry. It's a very healthy way of expelling emotions, while it may not be pretty, it's far more graceful than a sudden explosion of bottled-up thoughts and feelings. Assuming what I'm feeling isn't really just sadness but instead a period of general down-cast mood, I'll go outside (while this may sound very cliche), I'll take a look at a lot of the life around. Know that there are people who live next door to me and across the street who are also working, stressing, struggling, and even with it, we're all encapsulated near one another. We never suffer in silence, and we never suffer alone, so a lot of the time, it just brings me comfort to know whatever slump I find myself in, there are others in there with me, willingly or not, it helps to surround yourself with others that bring out your more positive-side.
I forgive myself. Forgiveness is a powerful thing, and it’s often overlooked to give it to oneself. Not just letting go of old stuff and other component stuff, but the actual act of forgiveness.
Usually when I am feeling down I like to go outside and read a book or listen to music. I usually like to pick a book that has a lot going on in it so it can distract me on how I feel in the present moment. Personally when I read a book I feel like I am a new person. It's not about what's going on with me, it's about the book. If I am listening to music, I like to pick music that is a bit more calm. I am a big classic rock lover, but when I'm sad it just doesn't quite- fit. So instead I try to gravitate to more slow and calm songs to think about my feelings. But most of all, I think letting your sadness out is the best way to relieve it. I always feel loads better when I cry because I'm letting out what's making me sad in the first place.
As others have said, letting myself cry when I need to is the best medicine. It helps shed excess cortisol stress builds up in your body. I listen to music and dance (movement bumps up the creation of endorphins), and I channel my emotions into creative things, like writing, singing, etc.

I've had a lot reason to feel sad, anxious and depressed over the past month, and throwing on music and dancing it out, then sitting down to write it out have been keeping me sane.
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I drink. lol Or sleep. Or I drink and then sleep. But tbh, I don't really feel down too often. I'm pretty pragmatic and cold, for the most part. What I can't fix, I shrug off as stuff I shouldn't waste my time caring about.
Listen to Mac Miller and play racing games. IDK but driving makes me calm.
I listen to music almost 24/7. I will choose my music based on my mood, but also sometimes what mood I want to be in. I really like jazz music for when I'm feeling really down. No words, just lots of variation and a relatively fast-pace that lets me sort of get scooped up into the track and stop thinking for a bit. My go-to artist is GoGo Penguin.
If I'm feeling down, I try to distract myself. I do something that I enjoy, but that doesn't require much motivation on my end. For example, I would start watching some youtube or do some laid-back gaming that isn't very skill based or competitive. I never do anything that requires me to think critically or analytically, or do something that basically just involves- thinking. For example, if I started trying to write, I would get demotivated and end up with writer's block. If I try to complete some school tasks, I end up just not making any progress because I'm just not feeling it. Maybe even some reading, or listening to music is a good idea, as long as it doesn't make you feel worse.
My main coping mechanism for when I'm not feeling my best is writing in my journal. I'm on journal #7 for this year and I have to say, although it's cliché to keep a journal, it is SO helpful.

If my brain doesn't want to write about what's going on I work on my self insert fantasy-based story. It's a huge stress relief and it's a lot of fun.

And sometimes I just need a good cry, so I put on my (hand picked) crying playlist on Spotify and cry it out for a bit while sitting on my back porch.
I tend to work and do something quick with big returns. Or I will try to problem solve why I'm feeling bad or tell someone. Sometimes just having someone who cares and listens is enough to get me out of a funk.
I usually turn off all my electronic devices and draw at AI Mirror Pro APK. That might sound really simple, but it works for me, which is really good since I have depression. But seriously, if you're ever sad, just turn off your devices and don't go onto social media, because electronics can make those moments worse. However, if you're venting to a friend or talking to someone about it, then it can help in that case. But engaging yourself in an activity like drawing or going for a walk will help you get your mind off of whatever's bothering you.
When I feel depressed or stressed because of the pressure of life, one of the best ways to relieve and relax is to play games. During this time, I can temporarily forget the pressure and anxiety in life and focus on my game. In the game, I can control and guide the situation and actions of my character, creating a virtual world that I can unleash exploration and entertainment.
Treat myself with some sweet drink in a place I rarely visit so I can focus on contemplation. That or sleep so I dont make some dumb decisions.
Hurt/comfort fanfic of my favorite characters usually cures my blues, but if not, I put on some sad music. Don’t know why, but if I know that someone else has felt the way I feel, I know that I (metaphorically) have someone to talk to about it who gets it.

anyways that was philosophical and cringe. another good tactic is to bake (if you’re good at baking).

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