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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

Sia nodded, and followed Ciera. Rip walked at her side, as they were at a slow enough pace for him to do so. Occasionally she would glance over at the masked figure, lying pathetically on the horse. But more often she would listen to the crickets, the tiniest intelligent animals in the forest. The smallest creatures she understood. They were the great singers, more so than any of the birds.

There were hundreds of them as they passed through the forest, and to most ears they sounded like a waterfall of buzzing, but to Sia's ears, they were so beautiful. It was a mourning song for the wolf pack that had been killed. Other animals, including the fox and the squirrels and even some birds, joined in. Sia sucked in breath, shocked.

But animals often understand where humans fall short. Some tears escaped her eyes, as she listened to the songs. Rip had jumped up to her, and was listening to the songs, understanding not quite reaching his eyes.

The sun continued to beat down on them through the trees, and only the crickets remained, continuing the mourning song throughout the day.
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The buzzing of the crickets was starting to get on Ciera's nerves. It was a constant high pitched noise, and the hot sun had already made her irritable. Every now and then she glanced back at Rengar, just to make sure he was still alive and on the horse. They continued through the forest, and the sun sank on the horizon. They hadn't covered enough distance for her liking, but it would do for now. She stopped the ragtag group in a small clearing, which had enough space for a fire and their bed rolls.
Lixa slowly made her way through the trees, using them for support as she walked. Her pulse was beating in her ears, trying to circulate whatever magical energy she had remaining through her system.

"Damn it..." She said to herself "This is not how I expected to go out..."

She was exhausted, out of energy, and hadn't eaten any food whatsoever. She'd just spent the last of her energy, both magical and physical, fleeing from a group of Humans that had discovered her identity. It wasn't easy, and she couldn't get away from all of their attacks, but she was in one piece. Probably not for long, though. All she needed was some food, then she might be okay... She didn't even care what it was, as long as she ate something she could refill on magical energy later.

She came to a clearing which a group of people had camped out in. By the time she'd realized they were there, they had already spotted her "Aw, crap..." She said, knowing she didn't even have enough energy to hide her demonic features.
Daray closed his eyes, enjoying the sun shining on his skin. The night was rather cold. Thank the gods it hasn't rained yet... "Come on, Celestia." He told his robotic horse, kicking it slightly.

He yawned as she carried him on her back, walking through the trees in a slow pace.

His armor and heavy swords clinked as he moved forward, the noise keeping him awake. He travelled for days on end, without getting any sleep.
Sleeping in the forest on your own is suicide, after all, and well... He doesn't have anyone who could accompany him. At least the sun gave off some heat.

Yes, it was a beautiful morning, and he didn't have to dirty his blades with these filthy body fluids of any pesky creatures yet.

He smiled, getting comfortable in his seat. He turned around and layed against the mane of the mechanical horse, resting his feet on the saddle. It was impressive how he managed to keep his balance, not to mention how he thought this was a comfortable position to sit in.

He untied a small pouch from his belt and pulled out a map, looking at it with curious eyes.
"We still have a lot to travel, and i'm running out of food. Think i'll starve before we arrive?" He said aloud, realizing that he talked to Celestia again. She wasn't even alive, yet he kept talking with her. It must be the loneliness...

If only he could have an actual horse. Alive, you know? But animals always avoid him. They either run away or attack Daray. He never understood why... He never hurt them.

Letting out a sigh, he covered his face with his scarf and closed his eyes. That dragon is going to be a tough opponent... He must be crazy for trying to slay it.

But what does he have to lose? Might as well make himself useful.

Suddenly, Celestia let out a strange neigh. Did she spot something?

Daray immediately turned around again, sitting up in his saddle.
"What is it?"

That scent... Fire.

A camp? Other people are here as well?

He jumped off of his horse and peeked through a small gap between two trees.

Yes, indeed!

One of them wore a mask, another one looked like a warrior, and the third one had a small wolf pup standing next to her.

Appearantly, another person just joined the group... She had wings. She definitely wasn't human.

She looked surprised, and the others looked like they didn't expect her to appear.

He decided to keep to the sidelines for now.

Daray stepped back to hide behind the tree, placing one finger on his lips to show Celestia that she mustn't make any noise.

She understood and layed down on the ground, the smoke coming out of the furnace in her chest reducing.

(Sorry for all the unnecessary text >_>)

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Sia was used to the forest being full of surprises, but she probably acted too hastily.

As soon as the crickets had quieted, and Sia had wiped what few tears she had shed, she was alert. The forest was never this quiet, and it was unnerving. Even in a wolf pack, the forest was loud about them.

She heard something behind her, and jumped up. Identifying a woman of some sort, she reacted like she would had she been in a wolf pack. Attack.

She drew out one of her knives, long and flashing, and tackled the woman, her knife on the woman's throat. Rip barked, but she didn't hear what he said.

"Who are you?" She growled at the woman. You could say that she was a bit startled.
The assassin stopped snoring when Ciera decided to make camp in the glade. He'd fallen off of the horse and been dragged for a few hours by his tied hands, but his sleep had never ceased. As the fire started to crackle, Rengar yawned and tilted his head. I seem to still be alive, and that dream was not half-bad. My neck is a bit sore and stiff, but I've had worse... Huh? Can't move my hands? He found himself hanging from the horse's side. Oh, I see. Good thinking, leader.

As he got up slowly, his hands became shapeless and slid out of the knot like oil that drips through a net, and the assassin was free to stretch his limbs and rub his neck. Ah, I'm strangely relaxed. Oh, what's that? A woman! Where did I put the perfume...? While he was rummaging through his robes, Sia sprung up and put a knife to the stranger's throat. Hey, hey, what are you doing?! Oh, wait... she has wings and a tail. A siren, harpy, dragonkin, vampire, mutant? Oh, so many possibilities! Still, I didn't quite expect such an agressive reaction from the non-succubus. "Guess you need to release some frustration from the whole werewolf thing, eh?". When will I learn to keep quiet? Let's hope that she didn't hear me.

Rengar's stomach growled and he took out the supplies from the magical pouch. "Food, foody foooood", he mumbled, and looked around to make sure that nobody would see him if he lifted the mask to eat. A faint sigh could be heard from his mouth as his gaze fell upon an unfamiliar shadow under the moonlit trees. A puff of smoke replaced Rengar, and he appeared next to an armored man who carried two swords.

"Which one of those is made of silver?", he said, with the grinning demon hovering around and examining the man.
Vespertide said:
Sia was used to the forest being full of surprises, but she probably acted too hastily.
As soon as the crickets had quieted, and Sia had wiped what few tears she had shed, she was alert. The forest was never this quiet, and it was unnerving. Even in a wolf pack, the forest was loud about them.

She heard something behind her, and jumped up. Identifying a woman of some sort, she reacted like she would had she been in a wolf pack. Attack.

She drew out one of her knives, long and flashing, and tackled the woman, her knife on the woman's throat. Rip barked, but she didn't hear what he said.

"Who are you?" She growled at the woman. You could say that she was a bit startled.
Lixa gasped and yelped as one of the people tackled her, pinning her to the ground. She struggled against the stranger's grip, but with her lack of energy the only strength she could muster was a small squirm. She sighed and closed her eyes "If... If you must know, my name... Is Lixa..." She said, struggling to even speak.
That didn't look good... One of them held a dagger to her throat.

Should he step in? He hates crime, especially if it's meaningless... Will this escalate?

He tightened his grip around the hilt of his light weight sword, letting out a sigh.

Traka said:
"Which one of those is made of silver?", he said, with the grinning demon hovering around and examining the man.
"Wha-?!" That caught him off-guard. He stepped back, staring at the man with the mask. "Celestia!" He called out, pointing the tip of the sword at the assassin to keep him at distance. The mechanical replica of a horse neighed and walked up to the two, smoke coming out of her nostrils. He ignored the man's question about his swords and simply looked at him suspiciously. "Who are you?" He asked, still holding the blade. It's rude to answer a question with another question, but he did not know or trust this man. He possibly doesn't deserve his kindness.
LegoLad659 said:
"If... If you must know, my name... Is Lixa..."
Sia narrowed her eyes, trying to decide whether or not it would be worth it to kill this woman or that she might have something valuable. A week ago the choice would have easy. But now, for whatever reason, when she looked into the tired woman's eyes, she saw her pack, lying dead. Flashes of their bodies went before her eyes.

Sia sprang off of the woman, but she kept her guard up. Lixa, a strange name. She was breathing hard, and growled, glancing at the fire pit where the others were... except the assassin was gone. Good riddance.

"Warrior, I found someone." Sia spoke, directing her speech to the warrior. Rip was interested, but too busy tearing away at a mouse he had caught to really pay attention. "What shall I do with her?"

Why am I asking permission? These people aren't my pack. They don't tell me what to do. Why bother asking them?
Ciera stood as the daemon-woman entered the clearing, drawing her sword, but Sia got to her first. Then Rengar disappeared and she could hear his voice a slight distance away under the trees, then another. Sia asked her what she should do.

"Tie her up for now. I will question her in a moment." Since Sia seemed to have that under control, she moved closer to the other pair. Her armor clanked softly, but the other man seemed not to notice her. She drew her sword and pointed it at the back of his neck.

"State your business," She commanded loudly, pressing the tip hard enough into the skin that a trickle of blood ran down the man's neck.
Sia picked the woman off the ground, and she seemed limp. She didn't seem human, either. It was something of her scent, but Sia's human nose wasn't that good. She half-carried her to the fire, and tying her seemed like it would be useless, since the woman could barely sit up.

"Rip, come here. What do you smell of her?" Sia asked in wolftongue. Done with his mouse, Rip came over and sniffed the woman's knee.

He shook his nose, and barked.

"Not like you! I no know. No smelled her like before."

He hadn't smelled anything like her before. And she wasn't human, that much she gathered. Sia glanced around to see where the warrior had gone, and saw that they had another visitor. She could just barely see the edge of the warrior's sword pierce the man's neck, and it was like she wasn't around the fire anymore, but back in that grove.

Wolves lying around, covered in blood, mangled, didn't stand a chance...

Intense fear filled her, and she went pale. She froze, the memory incredibly strong. She couldn't shake free of it, just kept seeing them, again and again...
Vespertide said:
And she wasn't human, that much she gathered.
(The Succubus wings and tail are kind of a dead giveaway ( :P ))

Vespertide said:
Sia picked the woman off the ground, and she seemed limp. She didn't seem human, either. It was something of her scent, but Sia's human nose wasn't that good. She half-carried her to the fire, and tying her seemed like it would be useless, since the woman could barely sit up.
"Rip, come here. What do you smell of her?" Sia asked in wolftongue. Done with his mouse, Rip came over and sniffed the woman's knee.

He shook his nose, and barked.

"Not like you! I no know. No smelled her like before."

He hadn't smelled anything like her before. And she wasn't human, that much she gathered. Sia glanced around to see where the warrior had gone, and saw that they had another visitor. She could just barely see the edge of the warrior's sword pierce the man's neck, and it was like she wasn't around the fire anymore, but back in that grove.

Wolves lying around, covered in blood, mangled, didn't stand a chance...

Intense fear filled her, and she went pale. She froze, the memory incredibly strong. She couldn't shake free of it, just kept seeing them, again and again...
Lixa let the woman lead her to the rest of the group, the apparent leader telling her to tie her up. Well, she didn't have a problem with that, though she knew another Succubus that would enjoy it better...

She was getting off track. What was happening, again? Right, the group. They were going to tie her up and question her, but the thing was, the girl that carried her hadn't done that. She just kind of stared at her as a wolf pup came over and sniffed her knee, then growled and barked at her, its aura making its attitude painfully obvious.

The girl's aura, however, told her something completely different. It was an aura of intense sadness, fear, and anger... Lots and lots of anger. Lixa feared for her life at the moment, as if she hadn't already, as she didn't know exactly what this anger was directed towards. What was going through her head? She wasn't a mind reader, she could only see people's emotions. She couldn't very well ask either, not that she thought it was a good idea anyway. She rolled onto her stomach and tried to push herself to her feet, just barely gaining success.

"Please..." She found herself pleading to them, which shocked even the demoness herself "I need... Food... Anything is fine... Just something to eat..." She wanted to get at least some kind of energy so that she didn't have to worry about dying any second anymore. Magical energy could wait.
LegoLad659 said:
"Please..." She found herself pleading to them, which shocked even the demoness herself "I need... Food... Anything is fine... Just something to eat..."
Sia glanced at her. She looked pathetic, weak. The pack would have kicked her out. Her pack was dead. Were they weak? No they couldn't have been.

Focus. Anger won't get you anywhere. Focus on reality.

Avigpip's voice reached her. She heard the woman's cries, and just then noticed wings, a tail. Horns. She was so clearly not human that Sia nearly hit herself. Stupid. Idiotic. She should've noticed them before.

Now the anger was at herself. She was blind, so much so that she missed a pair of wings.

But she looked at the woman, whatever she was. She was just asking for help. And Sia was refusing to help her.

Sia looked around her, and saw a berry bush, behind the woman. Sia leaned past it, and grabbed a branch, stripping it bare of berries. With about twenty in her hand, she bent down and held them out to the woman. She didn't know what else to do.
[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"State your business," She commanded loudly, pressing the tip hard enough into the skin that a trickle of blood ran down the man's neck.

Daray let out a sigh, lowering the sword he was holding. "How rude." He commented as he felt Ciera's sword pinching the back of his neck. Why was everyone's first intention to hurt others in some way? They should use their weapons for getting rid of evil, not people.

Daray stepped forward to get some distance between him and Ciera's sword. He turned around to look at her, seeing that it was the warrior.

He cleared his throat and rummaged around in one of his pouches, pulling out a crumpled up letter.
"I'm on my way to find and kill the dragon, and i just happened to find you as i travelled." He replied, showing the letter to her. It was the king's request.

"I'm planning to continue my travel, so i'd like to ask you not to hold me back. I'll let you know that I'm trained in the arts of swordsmanship." He added, looking at Ciera's sword. She certainly is a warrior. That's all he can say about her.

Let's see what she has to say.

Vespertide said:
Sia glanced at her. She looked pathetic, weak. The pack would have kicked her out. Her pack was dead. Were they weak? No they couldn't have been.
Focus. Anger won't get you anywhere. Focus on reality.

Avigpip's voice reached her. She heard the woman's cries, and just then noticed wings, a tail. Horns. She was so clearly not human that Sia nearly hit herself. Stupid. Idiotic. She should've noticed them before.

Now the anger was at herself. She was blind, so much so that she missed a pair of wings.

But she looked at the woman, whatever she was. She was just asking for help. And Sia was refusing to help her.

Sia looked around her, and saw a berry bush, behind the woman. Sia leaned past it, and grabbed a branch, stripping it bare of berries. With about twenty in her hand, she bent down and held them out to the woman. She didn't know what else to do.
Lixa quickly took the berries from the girl's hand and practically swallowed them all whole as fast as she could. Once she was done, she looked up at the girl, smiling. Already she felt some of her strength returning, and she wasn't struggling for life nearly as much anymore "Thank you... I'm very grateful for your help." She said, glad she could finally at least stand up straight without assistance.
Skychild said:
I'm on my way to find and kill the dragon, and i just happened to find you as i travelled." He replied, showing the letter to her. It was the king's request.
Ciera's eyes narrowed and she reached out with her free hand to snatch the paper, staining to read it in the dim light. "This does not make sense. Did he think that a lone man would have a better chance than a company?" Ciera looked back up at the man, sword tip wavering slightly. She thought silently for a moment before making a decision. "Would you like to join us?"
"Be careful with that, it looks sharp", said Rengar to the man who pointed a sword at him. A rather large blade, must be cumbersome to carry around; and the thickness is ridiculous. Probably a very specialized weapon, perhaps made to slay larger monsters with fewer swings or to hide tricks inside of it and surprise the enemy. Might this be a new generation of...? The clanking neigh of a metallic horse made the assassin turn his eyes toward it while letting a faint gasp escape his lips. "Ohh, nice thing you've got here, witcher. Is it magical? What does it eat?". What kind of steel is it made of? Oh, wish I had the knowledge of a blacksmith! Wait, did he just ask me something? Ah, no matter!

"Hey, leader, had you ever seen one of these?", said Rengar to Ciera as she approached, pointing at Celestia and glancing at the man. Huh, now that I think of it, he's a handsome guy. I dislike him already. Or... might he be that type of man? That would make me feel more at ease and more threatened at the same time, quite confusing. The assassin got lost in thought for a moment, staring at the stranger's face with his head cocked. Suddenly, his stomach growled again as the man gave explanations to Ciera. Almost forgot about eating!

Rengar walked leisurely toward the fire, passing by both warriors as his eyes focused on the new woman. "Hey, those berries look good...", he started, but the winged girl snatched them fast, seemingly paying no attention to him. My, such fearsome hunger! Makes me more hungry as well. He stuck a hand into his dark robes and pulled out an iron pan while approaching the women near the fire. "I assume that you'll be having dinner with us, correct?", he said to the stranger, observing her carefully and feeling a slight warmth in his cheeks. "Uh... You look... Alluring". What was I going to do, again?

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Traka said:
"Be careful with that, it looks sharp"
"...What..?" Is this person mocking him, or is he just stupid? Did Daray look like someone who doesn't know how to use swords? Don't think so.

Traka said:
"Ohh, nice thing you've got here, witcher. Is it magical? What does it eat?"
Wow, this man sure liked to ask a lot of questions. Celestia is powered by heat. Fire, so to say. Fortunately, Daray is a half-blood fire nymph. He can simply fuel it by heating the system up. Handy, isn't it? Of course, all of this couldn't work without a little bit of magic, that's obvious.

Traka said:
"Hey, leader, had you ever seen one of these?", said Rengar to Ciera as she approached, pointing at Celestia and glancing at the man.
Daray smiled. Looks like someone is fascinated. The warrior walked up to them, and the assassin left the two alone. Just as quickly as he appeared, he vanished again. Great. He didn't even catch his name. Couldn't answer his questions, either.

Oh well.

[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"Would you like to join us?"

Daray raised an eyebrow. Were these people on their way to kill the dragon as well? Is that the case?

"Well, you do seem to be quite capable to fight." He commented, touching the back of his neck and looking at his fingertip afterwards, seeing a little bit of blood sticking to it. What a way to greet someone.

"Daray Tegyas. I am interested in joining you and your companions. Nice to meet you." He sheathed the sword he held and reached out his left hand for a handshake, glancing at Ciera with a sceptical look on his face. As much as he hated to admit it, he can't possibly slay the dragon by himself. However, even if these people could help him out, he's going to be very careful around them. They seem to be quite violent towards people.
Traka said:
He stuck a hand into his dark robes and pulled out an iron pan while approaching the women near the fire. "I assume that you'll be having dinner with us, correct?", he said to the stranger
"Judging by your leader's initial reaction to my presence, I'd say that's a no..." Lixa replied to the man that had just randomly walked up to them. Wasn't he involved in another conversation already? "If I am, I don't think it's going to be a very pleasant one, anyway."

Traka said:
observing her carefully and feeling a slight warmth in his cheeks. "Uh... You look... Alluring".
Lixa giggled in response and gave him a small wink "That's the point." She said. If she didn't look her best at all times, then she was out one - And possibly even the most effective - form of gaining energy.
Skychild said:
"Daray Tegyas. I am interested in joining you and your companions. Nice to meet you."
"Ciera," she replied, firmly shaking his hand. "Have you eaten yet? We were just about to have supper." She grabbed his arm without waiting for an answer and led him over to the fire. "The mammering clay-brained dewberry over there is Rengar, our assassin," she said pointing. "And that is Sia."
[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"Have you eaten yet? We were just about to have supper."

"Well, I--!!" He didn't even get to answer her question. She pulled him along with her, Daray being quite confused.

[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"The mammering clay-brained dewberry over there is Rengar, our assassin," she said pointing. "And that is Sia."

So that guy from earlier is Rengar, huh?

Daray glanced at Sia and her pup, raising his hand and waving at her with a smile. "Hello. I am Daray. I will be joining you for a while." He said, his gaze jumping back and forth between Rengar and Sia. The pup was adorable, but just like all the other animals, it was probably going to hate Daray as well. It would surprise him if it didn't. Sia didn't look like a normal person, but she still looked human. There was something odd about her, but he couldn't tell what it was.

Rengar is just... strange...

Yes, strange. That's all he can say about him so far. His mask was quite unique.

After noticing that his gaze had deviated from the woman's eyes and fallen upon her chest, Rengar took a moment to blink and scratch his neck. I think it had something to do with... Oh, that's right, I'm holding a pan! Time to eat!

"Nonsense, supper is always pleasant!", said he to the winged girl, turning to face the fire and getting ready to cook. As he was rummaging through his gown and gathering ingredients, his name was mentioned by the leader and Daray introduced himself. "Oh, will you?", the assassin took a glance at him, then went back to the potatoes, "can't say that I'm happy to hear it, but you seem to be a tolerable fellow. Just don't sing the song of dawn".
[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"And that is Sia."

Sia blinked, and realized that she must have blanked, for a minute or two. The strange man from before seemed to have joined them, and the assassin was preparing dinner. He could cook? Surprise surprise...

The warrior mentioned her name, which brought her out of her stupor. Sia shook herself mentally for checking out. What was wrong with her? Anything could have happened. Freeze and you die. It was the way of the forest.

Skychild said:
"Hello. I am Daray. I will be joining you for a while."
Sia glanced at him, sizing him up. Unlike the creature sitting on the log, he looked like he could fight if need be. He would survive, had for this journey, if he came this far. She knew that the only human city near here was the city they came from. So he must know a thing or two about survival in the forest.

But his neck was unprotected. A blade up his chin would make short work of--

Sia shook her head, and walked away from the camp without a word. Rip stayed, eagerly barking at Rengar. "Food? Food? Helpful man have food?"

What was happening? She felt so angry, and had half a mind to kill the stranger without a second thought. But wolves hunted for food, not for pleasure. They didn't kill for sport, but for sustenance. And sometimes protection.

She needed her pack. With them she would be protected. Why kill a wolf pack? Sia shivered, and stared at the moon. The wolves would howl to it every so often, to bring good luck. She almost howled to it, but it would be too painful.

Sadness wasn't useful. It didn't provide energy for war. Anger did. But anger was blind.

Sia kicked at a rock, and watched it fly into the night, landing in some bushes. She didn't want to feel anything. Nothing at all.
Traka said:
"Oh, will you?", the assassin took a glance at him, then went back to the potatoes, "can't say that I'm happy to hear it, but you seem to be a tolerable fellow. Just don't sing the song of dawn".
"I'm truly not a good singer, so you don't have to worry about that..." He replied, wondering why he had a problem with it. Was he a shadow type? He sure looked and behaved like one. It makes sense if you think about it. He glanced at Sia, and she glanced back.

Vespertide said:
Sia shook her head, and walked away from the camp without a word.

Daray frowned. Was something wrong? She looked at him and left, and she didn't look very happy to see him. Okay, he's a stranger, but he isn't a monster!

Reluctantly, he approached the fire and the others, letting out a sigh. He didn't feel very... Welcomed. Can't get out of it now, though.

He turned his head, hearing the little wolf pup barking at the assassin. He didn't understand what he wanted, but he assumed he wanted something to eat. That's what most animals wanted when they're trying to get somebody's attention, right?

Even though he knew he wasn't good with animals, he was curious to know his name.

"What's the little pup's name?" He asked, addressing anyone who heard him.

The only thing he could do right now is talk.

It would be awkward to join a group and not say anything the whole time.
Rip didn't understand humans. Or language. Oorfang (Sia) did, but she was sad now. Rip didn't know why. But she was.

The helpful man (Rengar) wasn't giving him food. It made Rip sad. Maybe that's why Oorfang was sad. Because Rip didn't get any food.

The girl thing (Lixa) he had smelled before looked better. She looked sick before. But now better.

Rip spied another mouse, at the clanky man's (Daray) feet. Immediately he pounced on it, getting the mouse. He was a good wolf. Rip had caught lots of food today. He took the mouse away from the clanky man, and sat near the fire. He ate the mouse. It was small. Rip swallowed it whole.

The wind was chilly. White ground was coming. The pack had told him about white ground. But he had never seen it. Rip was excited. Maybe his new pack had seen it before. He wanted to ask. But humans spoke weirdly. Like birds. And Rip couldn't understand birds.

((Because I felt like it.))

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