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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

OOC: I will, and I'll also tag everyone in my post. It's probably going to be kinda long, and I may get interrupted a couple of times, so bear with me.
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Avainea was bustling today. The market places were still filled, as usual, even though the sun was going down. Ciera wandered the streets, her cloak flapping in the wind and her armor clanking with each step. People gave her a wide berth. People usually avoided warriors, as they, as a rule, were dangerous fighters and had famously short tempers. Ciera was an exception to this rule, and watching the people in this city avoid her and give her distrusting looks hurt.

Eventually she made her way to one of the less busy taverns and entered. The main room was mostly empty, with a few people seated at the bar, and less at the tables. A young man. an elf by the looks of him, played soft music in the corner. Ciera sat at one of the empty tables and waved at the barmaid to come and give her a drink. The woman brought it and Ciera took a long drink.

The past few weeks have been hell for the young fighter. She had been traveling across the country looking for people to help her in her quest, but her search hadn't been going well. It seemed that no matter how much trouble it causes, nobody but Ciera was insane enough to go up against a dragon. If the issue of companions wasn't solved here soon, Ciera was going to go back to the king and forfeit the quest. There was no way she could do this alone.

(@Traka @Vespertide @LegoLad659 @drummerboi make your way to the tavern guys.)
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Cornas was having a gig in the capital it was not the biggest one he had but hay coin is coin. He had the crowd under his finger merry happy and some were singing with him. He was getting the crowd involved making sure every one of them had something to drink to, he saw another person come in he gave her a smile and begun to pull a chair for her with his foot. He then walked back to his stage still singing his song's. after the song has ended he looked at them all "Your a brilliant audience i didn't know people from the capital had some good taste." He said as the crowd were clapping, he then got his lute "Now one of my favorite's Sera Was Never" He said before strumming his lute it was like it was butter in his hands spreading chord after chord with a hint of brilliance to it. His voice was like bird's chirping on the window side in the morning. A brilliant sound to wake up to


Sky sighed as she entered the gates of the capital city. She'd been trying to track down her sister, but with the massive headstart she'd been given at the end of their last encounter it was impossible for her to pick up on a trail of any kind. Trying to keep a steady expression so that nobody would think anything was wrong, she walked down the street and eventually found a tavern to crash at for a while. Finding the nearest table, she set her staff down on it and sat down while listening to the local bard sing his song. As she listened, she had to admit that the song was uplifting. This bard sure knew what he was doing. She just sat there and listened for a while, trying to let go of her troubles for at least a few moments.
Coming back from a successful job, Rengar walked down the street while flipping through the pages of an old tome that he had acquired from one of his latest targets, a nobleman who was said to collect magical instruments and store all sorts of rare books in his library. When the assassin lifted his gaze, the figure of a young woman with a flashy staff appeared in front of him. A mage, no doubt, he thought, that staff certainly does look intriguing. Instinctively, he followed the woman without a clear objective in his mind. Upon reaching a tavern from which a soft melody emanated, Rengar noticed the emptiness in his stomach and decided to enter. The man sat at the furthest table and ordered a large steak with fried onions and a mug of beer. He made sure that nobody could see him before stuffing his mouth full of food and swallowing it in one gulp. Now satisfied, he pulled out the old tome and continued reading.

OOC: That song was a nice touch, Drummer.
((So sorry, guys. I'll try to be better at replying in the future. This is my last reply for the day, though... School. Gotta love it.))

Silently Sia sat in the chair. Her face was obscured by her green cloak, and she only raised in a little to drink her ale. The wolves had warned against the drinking of firewater, as they called it, but tonight was an exception. Avigpip, the mother that had raised Sia since she was a small lass, had died under a hunter's arrow. The way of the wolf decreed that the hunter must be killed, and tonight, Sia had completed the deed. She didn't follow the laws of men, but the laws of the forest. A simpler, more just way of life.

The bard sitting upon the stage played another tune, and the crowd seemed to love it. Sia reached under her cloak and brushed some hair behind her ear. She did like the tune, and it reminded her of Avigpip. But no smile reached her lips.

A warrior entered the tavern, and Sia watched the woman sit down, her eyes trained on this new danger. Warriors were known for their merciless killing, and the wolves hated them most of all. But Sia knew better than to blame every warrior she saw, unlike her brothers and sisters. Still, she watched the warrior woman, out of distrust.

Others entered the tavern, and Sia dropped her gaze. She knew better than to watch someone for too long. Many people had a sixth sense, and knew they were being watched. Perhaps this warrior was one of them.

She watched the bard as she lifted her cloak a bit to take another drink.
Ciera took notice of the green cloaked figure sitting near the bard. A ranger maybe? They definitely had that air of mysteriousness about them. Ciera couldn't even tell if they were male or female. Two new people walked into the tavern. A female with a staff, and a male with a book. They sat at separate tables, and Ciera studied them carefully. They were both travelers, with worn clothes and weary faces. Ciera decided she'd give them a few moments of peace before she asked the question she had asked almost everyone she had come across. But soon, she would ask these people if they wanted to go on a suicide mission.

She listened to a few more of the bard's songs and then stood, walking over to the table the book man was sitting at. He seemed the least openly hostile.

"Hello, friend," She greeted, with a smile. "Would you mind if I sat here for a moment?"
OOC: Sorry, just to clarify, is it my turn now? I assumed that we were going in order. Also, please remember that my character always wears a mask, so his face can't be seen.
OOC: We don't have an order. You say something when there id something that has to be said. And yes, I was talking to you, Traka. And masked people. Fuuun. That's going to disturb Ciera a bit.
A feminine voice interrupted Rengar's concentration. He lifted his gaze from the book and slowly turned his head, with a slight inclination to the side, to face the person who had spoken to him. My, a cute girl approaches me? Must have done something right. Oh, I hope she didn't see me eating! Unless that's the motive of her interest in me; perhaps she's into that kind of stuff? Yeah, might be some sort of pervert with strange... The assassin noticed that he had gotten lost in thought, and forced himself to respond. "Of course, I'll be glad to share a table with you".

Hope she doesn't think that I'm weird. Ah, it's probably too late for that already. At least this mask covers my shame. He examined the stranger for a moment, then said, "Nice armor you've got there, are you a warrior? Here for my head? That's unfortunate, I had the feeling that we could get along". Wait, did I just say those last two things aloud?
Ciera blinks in surprise. She didn't expect a rush of words like that. Recollecting herself, she sits in a chair and smiles.

"Is it that obvious I'm a fighter? I was hoping the armor wouldn't attract too much attention, but I guess I got my hopes too high. If my battle senses are correct, you have also done your fair share of fighting, no?"
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Cold sweat appears on Rengar's forehead, hidden by the grinning demon face carved into the mask. That doesn't answer my most important question: are you friend or foe? He closes the book and stores it somewhere among his dark, strange robes. "Fighting? Me? Pffft! No, of course not. The people I've killed didn't have a chance to draw weapons, I'd hardly call those encounters fights". Shit. Did it again, didn't I?
Ciera raises an eyebrow. The nervous energy rolling off this dude was stifling, but she grinned and bared it. "So you are an assassin then. Working in the shadows to dispatch of the people of your choosing. I find that... alluring." She smiles. "My name is Ciera." (@Traka )
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Sky, overhearing a conversation between a warrior and what sounded like an assassin - The warrior even confirmed it, but by then Sky had already been convinced anyway - she reached out to her staff on the table and grabbed it, not wanting to be caught unprepared. She didn't think she was the assassin's target, but she realized it would be best to be prepared just in case.
"Pleased to meet you, Ciera", he responded. You don't need my name, warrior. Or maybe you know it already? That would be impressive, honestly. "That guy over there is Cornas the bard, I've grown accustomed to his excellent music", said Rengar, pointing at the man who managed to get a round of applause after every song. He then scanned the room and spotted another interesting character. "And that cute girl, over there, seems to be a mage. Would you have guessed? So young, must be very talented, eh?" You're just too suspicious, I need to distract you and get away.
Sky heard the assassin's compliments and couldn't help but blush a little bit. Cute? Talented? Her? No, he had to be kidding... Right? It took her a moment to realize that she was staring right at him while she was thinking this, and quickly looked away, opting to instead focus on the bard and his music.
"I have taken notice of them, along with the ranger over there." Ciera nods in the cloaked figure's general direction. "I was going to ask them the same question I am going to ask you. I just came to you first because you seemed like you would be the most willing to listen to what I have to say."
He glanced at the cloaked person when Ciera mentioned them. Right, that one. Certainly a woman, judging by the shape of her body. Is she like me? Probably not. Might be covering herself because she's shy or something. He looked back at the warrior. "Oh, a question for me?" That's comforting, seems like she's got a job offer. No, wait! She might be that kind of pervert...! Haha, that'd be even better! "You have my attention, go ahead".
(This guy's thought process is so weird)

"How do you feel about going on an adventure?" Ciera asks, eyes sparkling with excitement.
Adventure? Is this girl serious? Too many chivalry novels, it seems. "What, something like an expedition to the deep roads? Just tell me what the job's about. Whose head do you want and how much are you willing to pay?"
Ciera shakes her head. "We won't be killing a person, but it is well worth it. The king himself is endorsing this."
"Not a person, eh? Then what?" Does the King want a really special deer on his dinner table? He should hire a hunter for that, and Ciera here doesn't look like the type. Is it a monster, then? He'd have to look for a witcher, which this warrior certainly doesn't seem to be either. "Oh, maybe you mean it in a figurative sense; like he's so evil that you can no longer call him human. Is that it?"
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