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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

"I travel around a lot, if that's what you mean." Lixa replied, sitting up as she tried to keep the blanket covering her "Mostly because I have to, but I do enjoy it."
"Oh, is that so? Why do you have to travel, if i can ask?" He asked, looking at her. Yes, he was curious to know what Lixa was doing. Can't hurt to learn about a person.
Lixa extended one of her wings and tapped it with her finger, in response "This, right here. I can't risk staying in one place for too long or someone will find out about it. Humans don't usually react well to discovering a Succubus among them..." She told him, before pulling her wing back under her blanket "I'm lucky you guys haven't just outright killed me yet. Thanks for that, by the way."
Daray looked at Lixa's wing with big eyes. It must be amazing to be able to fly. "Why would they try to murder you? Succubus or not, you seem like a friendly person to me." He replied. He heard about succubi every now and then, but he never actually met one until now.

...Or maybe he did, and he just didn't realize it.

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"You must not be familiar with the Humans' lore surrounding us, are you?" Lixa asked him "I suppose that just makes me even more fortunate. See, we're kind of known for killing those that we gather energy from. Stealing their souls, they say, but really it's just their life energy."
"I guess that's why you can live for centuries, huh? Just curious, how old are you now?" Sure, the thought of someone slowly killing you by taking your life energy while you're madly in love with them is terrifying, but fascinating at the same time. As long as it doesn't happen to him or someone he cared about, he was cool with it.

Meanwhile, in the distance, the sun rose, slowly replacing the darkness of the night sky with the warm, orange light of the morning sun as they talked.

((Awesome, daybreak!))

"The bear was not a bear, then? And this Wildling is allied with the dragon? I'd never heard of such a thing before; funny, what would any of them gain by working together? What is their goal? World conquest, probably", muttered Rengar, scratching his neck and slowly walking toward the campfire. He sat down near the flame and stared at it, watching the brightness become dimmer and, eventually, dissapear. What if the dragon only wants to make some friends?

Starting to feel the increasing weight of his head, the assassin shook his shoulders, from which fell sprinkles of snow, lied down on the wet grass near the ashes of the campfire, facing upward with his hands under his head, and drifted into sleep as the sun rose.
Skychild said:
"I guess that's why you can live for centuries, huh? Just curious, how old are you now?" Sure, the thought of someone slowly killing you by taking your life energy while you're madly in love with them is terrifying, but fascinating at the same time. As long as it doesn't happen to him or someone he cared about, he was cool with it.
Meanwhile, in the distance, the sun rose, slowly replacing the darkness of the night sky with the warm, orange light of the morning sun as they talked.
Lixa was silent for a few moments as she thought about her answer "Wow, has it really been that long...?" She asked herself "A couple of centuries, at least... I wonder how my village is doing...? And the princess..." She said as she seemed to fade into a short internal monologue before noticing the growing light around them and looking up at the sun "Oh, hey, daybreak already?"
Ciara watched the rising sun from her sitting position near the carcass of the bear. Rengar had already fallen asleep, and Sia was off doing who knows what. So she stood (with great pain) and started to cut the skin off the bear with her dagger. With as big as the animal was, it would take a while, and she needed some help. "Daray! Are you busy?" She called.

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"Help me skin this creature," she saide, pulling off another flap of skin. "We could sell the hide for a lot of money."
Sia had gone deeper in the forest, hearing the cries of some animals. It was only a pair of raccoons having a territorial dispute, but as Sia watched them from the shadows of a large oak, she sighed. Seeing scenes like that... It was just so normal. Something she was used to seeing. And yet, with everything that had gone on, sights like this had a nostalgic feeling about them. Like they were something of the past.

She walked away slowly, leaving the raccoons. She came upon the camp, where the winged woman was sitting. Day was coming, and the dawn was beautiful. She sat a few feet away from the woman, but as soon as she sat down her ribs immediately reminded her that they were broken. Vividly Sia remembered being slammed against the tree, and grimaced as she pulled apart the leaves of her shirt. She only revealed a part of her chest, and it was already bruised and extremely tender. There was some of the healing leaf that she had used on Ciera nearby, but it was for surface wound. This was something she would have to immobilize and wait for it to heal. It hurt badly, but there was nothing she could do about the pain except to bear it.
Daray nodded, kneeling next to Ciera as he began to skin the dead animal. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't extraordinarily difficult either. For him, at least.

Ciara was injured, though.

"I'd take a break if I were you." He said, using a carving knife to cut into the skin of the bear.

(Sorry for my inactivity. Life happened. I'll let you know beforehand next time.)
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Ciara glared at him lightly. "I am not a child that needs to be taken care off. I know my limits." She hacked off another piece of skin while thinking. "Daray, why are you here?"
(School. Life. Family. Sorry for my inactivity.)

Hm... That was a good question. Why is he here? He usually avoided joining groups, so why did he join this one?

He touched the deep scratch on his cheek, realizing that all of this made no sense whatsoever.
"I... I don't know." He replied as he cut into the bear again, ripping off a large flap of skin.

Why did he want to fight the dragon, anyway? For the treasure? There were more important things than treasure. Things he hasn't taken care of yet.

So what is he doing here?

He let out a sigh, looking at Ciara.

"I need to think about what to do with my life. Right now, there's something I need to take care of. I keep procrastinating." He added, continuing to skin the golden bear until he was done with his side. He then stood up, shoving the dagger back into its holster. They were almost done skinning it. "I.. I have to go. I'm sorry." He smiled at her, then looked back at the others. "Get well soon!" Was the last thing he said before he darted back to his horse and disappeared in the woods. It was sudden and anticlimactic, but that's just how he is. Not because Skye wanted to get rid of him or anything.

Ciara watched him go, before taking the skins and heading back to the main group. "We just lost a party member. Could someone get started on breakfast?"

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