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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

Ciera made sure that dinner was being prepared efficiently before following Sia. She was sure that the woman could take care of herself in the forest, but that didn't keep Ciera from worrying about her state of mind. She quickly caught up to her, armor clanking softly. "Sia, are you okay?"
[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]She quickly caught up to her, armor clanking softly. "Sia, are you okay?"

Sia looked at the warrior. She didn't say any words, because what could she say? But her eyes were full of hurt, of anger, of pain. She was far from okay.

Sia closed her eyes, wiping away the emotions from her face before returning to the camp, brushing past the warrior. She sat on a log, near the fire, watching Rip tear at a mouse he had caught before swallowing it whole. Her back was flat as a board as she glanced at the flames.
Daray shivered. The cold wind brushed past his cheeks, and he quickly pulled up his scarf to cover his mouth and nose.

He frowned.

Is that... Snow?

Vespertide said:
The wind was chilly. White ground was coming. The pack had told him about white ground. But he had never seen it. Rip was excited.

"C-Celestia... Come here..." He said just loud enough for the robotic horse to hear. She approached Daray, knowing what was wrong.

She layed down next to him, and Daray leaned against her, putting his two swords down on the ground next to him.

"Yet another tough night..." He thought to himself as he crossed his arms, watching his breath condensate in the air. Cold... It's the worst weather. Rain is awful, but snow is the pest.

He looked at the winged girl and smiled at her. He figured he should talk with the others a little more. Maybe they won't notice how sensitive he is to the cold. Talking will also keep him awake: Falling asleep will get him killed sooner than getting stabbed in the chest.

"S-soo... U-Uhh.." Curses! The cold is making it hard to speak! Focus! They mustn't find out what his weakness is!

"Wha-hat's your name, m-miss?" He asked her, trying his best to breathe normally.

Ciera didn't introduce her to him.

She looked like a succubus, but Daray wasn't too sure about that. He hasn't seen many succubi in his life yet.

Interacting: @LegoLad659

Mood: Tired/nervous
Skychild said:
He looked at the winged girl and smiled at her. He figured he should talk with the others a little more. Maybe they won't notice how sensitive he is to the cold. Talking will also keep him awake: Falling asleep will get him killed sooner than getting stabbed in the chest.
"S-soo... U-Uhh.." Curses! The cold is making it hard to speak! Focus! They mustn't find out what his weakness is!

"Wha-hat's your name, m-miss?" He asked her, trying his best to breathe normally.

Ciera didn't introduce her to him.

She looked like a succubus, but Daray wasn't too sure about that. He hasn't seen many succubi in his life yet.
(Thanks for mentioning me, Sky, I didn't even notice another page had started xD )

"My name's Lixa." Lixa told the man that had joined their group. Great, it was snowing now. That was just what they needed, especially with her wearing so little. They would probably have to find shelter of some kind soon.
LegoLad659 said:
(Thanks for mentioning me, Sky, I didn't even notice another page had started xD )
"My name's Lixa." Lixa told the man that had joined their group. Great, it was snowing now. That was just what they needed, especially with her wearing so little. They would probably have to find shelter of some kind soon.
(You're welcome :P )

"Nice t-to meet you, L-Lixa." Daray replied, glancing at what she was wearing. He was a half-blood fire nymph, but at least he had decent armor. Lixa, however... Her clothes weren't really fitting for this kind of weather, to say the least.

Daray turned around and rummaged around in the holdall Celestia carried on her back.
"You're p-probably freezing. H-here. You can u-use it as a blanket." He pulled out a large piece of cloth and tossed it to Lixa, quickly sitting back down and leaning against the hot metal around the furnace in Celestia's chest. Brrr!!

Ah, whatever! He was freezing!

Daray folded his hands and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, his hands caught fire. He folded his arms again, letting out a sigh of relief as he felt the flames on his hands heating up the already numb parts of his body. Thank the gods... He can do this for three or four hours until his energy runs out. That should be enough for now...
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It's getting chilly. Nothing better than a warm meal in the cold weather! Rengar hummed a tune and took ocasional glances at his companions as the ingredients started to emit a soft, sweet smell.

"Ready!", he said, taking five wooden plates and spoons from his robes. Who would have thought that keeping so many replacement utensils would be useful one day. He served the food and, once everybody had recieved a portion, dissappeared behind a robust tree. They won't be able to see me here, correct? The assassin lifted his mask and swallowed the entire dish at once.

(Sorry, I'm kinda short on ideas today, haha)
Cira picked at her food, not really interested in eating. She was paying more attention to her company. Daray was acting oddly and chatting with the succubus, Rengar had disappeared behind a tree, and Sia was glaring at everything around her. It was a ragtag group, but if she was able to keep them held together, she had a strong feeling they would succeed in their mission.
Sia, for her part, was starving. She had grown accustomed to raw meat, but whatever the assassin had made for them was suitable for her. She gave Rip the bowl to lick, and he eagerly cleaned it up.

Snow began to fall, and Sia wrapped her cloak more tightly around her. She wished she could huddle with the pack to keep warm, as they had done for so many nights in so many winters. But she couldn't, because of a dragon.

She was personally going to rip its throat out. Bare hands and all, in the proper wolf way.
Daray inspected his plate, stirring the food around with the wooden spoon. He couldn't tell what it was, but the scent was delicious. That means the actual thing should have a good taste as well, right? "Thank you--..." Well, looks like Rengar vanished.

He looked down at his plate again, shivering. Why was he hesitating? It's snowing, and this right here is a warm meal!

So, he tried it.

At first, it was pretty good; like a stew of some sort. But once he started to chew it, he... Well...

Daray isn't picky when it comes to food, but there was something about this dish he absolutely couldn't stand. What was in there?

He covered his mouth and put the plate aside, dropping the spoon as he ran to the nearest tree.
"Oh, gods! Why?" He thought to himself as he stood behind the tree, spitting out Rengar's cooking. If you listened closely, you could hear him gagging in the background.

After a minute or so, he returned to the group. His face was as pale as the snow around him, and he let himself fall back to the ground next to Celestia. He hoped that Rengar didn't see what just happened.

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Skychild said:
(You're welcome :P )
"Nice t-to meet you, L-Lixa." Daray replied, glancing at what she was wearing. He was a half-blood fire nymph, but at least he had decent armor. Lixa, however... Her clothes weren't really fitting for this kind of weather, to say the least.

Daray turned around and rummaged around in the holdall Celestia carried on her back.
"You're p-probably freezing. H-here. You can u-use it as a blanket." He pulled out a large piece of cloth and tossed it to Lixa, quickly sitting back down and leaning against the hot metal around the furnace in Celestia's chest. Brrr!!

Ah, whatever! He was freezing!

Daray folded his hands and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, his hands caught fire. He folded his arms again, letting out a sigh of relief as he felt the flames on his hands heating up the already numb parts of his body. Thank the gods... He can do this for three or four hours until his energy runs out. That should be enough for now...
Lixa caught the cloth and watched as Daray tried to warm himself up by setting his hands on fire. Not the safest way of going about it, but she figured if it worked for him then she probably shouldn't complain. She wrapped the cloth around herself and sat down, feeling the small amount of energy she got from the berries slowly deteriorating as her body burned it to stay alive. She wasn't in danger yet, but she would have to find some form of food other than a handful of berries obviously.
Sia laid down and went to sleep next to the fire, Rip curling up against her stomach.

((I'm sorry I really don't have anything else to post....))
Having eaten, Rengar stepped out from behind the tree and walked slowly toward the group, watching delightedly as Sia devoured the food. Hungry, were you? Still, enjoying every good meal is a fundamental part of life; you shouldn't eat so fast! Wait... Have I made a contradiction? No matter. Where's the new guy? His plate is still full, just sitting there... And that noise? Is someone choking?

The assassin strode cheerfully toward Daray, who seemed to have gone pale, and stood in front of him. "Something wrong, chap?", said Rengar, leaning close to Daray as if the grinning demon wanted to kiss him. "Didn't like the stew? It's a special recipe of mine, ice-pepper and frost-salt are the main ingredients; always paints a smile on the faces of elves and dwarves!", he laughed loudly, standing straight again. "Do you mind if I eat your portion?"
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Ciera kept a careful watch of their surroundings. While Daray was spilling his guts over by the tree, she heard a rustling noise over to the right, among the underbrush. She loosened her sword in it's sheath and went to investigate. She crept closer to the place she had heard the sound, and spread apart the shrubbery, revealing a small furry creature she couldn't identify. She was wary at first, but when it made not threatening movements, she reached out to touch it. It opened it's mouth and latched on to her finger, it's sharp teeth easily slicing through her skin. She cried out in surprise, stepping backwards and tripping over a tree root.
Daray felt even colder than before. He pulled his legs closer to his body, his teeth chattering. What did he eat just then? It can't be healthy for him...

Traka said:
"Something wrong, chap?", said Rengar, leaning close to Daray as if the grinning demon wanted to kiss him.

He didn't notice Rengar until he was right in front of his face. Honestly, it startled him. Rengar was a
little too close for his liking.

Appearantly, he loved to try and scare people. Daray leaned back to get some distance between Rengar and him, looking at him suspiciously. What, is he trying to kiss him? Gods...

Traka said:
"Didn't like the stew? It's a special recipe of mine, ice-pepper and frost-salt are the main ingredients; always paints a smile on the faces of elves and dwarves!", he laughed loudly, standing straight again. "Do you mind if I eat your portion?"

...ice-pepper and frost-salt...? That explains everything... The sickness, the cold, the headache... It all makes sense. Damn it, this is bad! Never accept any meals from strangers. Lesson learned! Rengar didn't intentionally use these ingredients to harm him, though... Right? No... He didn't know that these things were basically poison for him. Even if he's creepy, he was just trying to be friendly.

"N-no... You c-can have m-my por-tion..."

His voice became very faint. He has to warm up soon, or else he'll freeze to death. He survived many nights out here in the forest, but now it was snowing. Not to mention that he ate ice-pepper and frost-salt. Great.

Then, a scream.

Daray turned around to look in the direction it came from, but didn't see anything. Where's Ciera? Was it her who cried out?

He freed the heavy blade from it's scabbard and darted to the underbush to look for her, letting Rengar stand there. Was he going to help or just eat his portion in the meantime...?

Maybe he was that kind of guy.

Only a few seconds later, he found Ciera, sitting on the floor.

He approached her from behind and grabbed her by her armor, pulling her up to stand.
"What happened?" He asked, spotting the strange, furry creature in front of them.

It had sharp teeth and a weird look in it's face. What was that thing? It attacked Ciera, didn't it?

Daray raised his sword and swung it down at the creature. Unfortunately, it was fast and dodged his attack.

The heavy blade slammed into the ground and got stuck. Awesome. Despite it's absolute deadliness, it is hard to use, even for a swordsman like him. He should've used the lightweight for this thing! A heavyweight should be used for big monsters like dragons! He can't think straight... Must be the cold...

The creature made a strange noise. It was neither a growl, nor a hiss, but it sounded angry. Of course it did.

Where were the others? Shouldn't they help each other out? Curses... He never fought such a creature before. He didn't know what to expect. Better be careful...

"Quick! Raise your sword!" He told Ciera as he looked at her for a second before turning his attention back to the "thing".

There was no time to try and pull the heavy blade out of the ground, so he reached behind his back to unsheathe the lightweight. He used his other hand to create a flame and threw it onto the ground. It drew a line between the thing and them, quickly turning into a wall of fire, melting the snow around it.

...Hopefully the creature was sensitive to heat. Maybe it'll leave.

Daray's whole body trembled. He just wasted precious energy, didn't he?

...Hopefully it was worth it... It might work and scare the thing away. If not, they had to fight it. He did not feel like fighting. At all.

He can do it, but he's tired and cold. It would be a pain in the arse.

A cold gust blocked Rengar's ears as Daray spoke faintly. Curses, what did he say? Just looking at his trembling lips I can almost hear his teeth clacking. Suddenly, the armored man dashed toward some bushes and disappeared. Uh... Was that a yes? It's going to get cold, and cold stew is not a good thing. He paced slowly toward the plate, scratching his neck as the snow crunched under his feet and looking around. The new woman didn't seem to like my food either, what a load of tasteless people.

After picking up the plate, he heard a low, thick noise coming from whence Daray had gone, followed by a clicking that evoked an angry beast. Having fun over there, it seems. Perhaps that werewolf has come to take back his eye, though I don't think that it would be of much use to him at this point. Might he be wearing an eyepatch now? Captain Wolf, they'd call him! "Where's my rum?! Aaaarrrrggg!"

Fantasizing about the life of pirates, Rengar, still holding the dish, vanished and appeared behind Ciera. It's getting hot around here... Oh, why is that blade in the ground? The assassin leaned on a tree and looked at Daray, getting a spoonful of stew. "Something wrong, witcher? If you wanted some heat, the campfire is right there". Shit, the food is already cold... What a waste.
Sia heard the cries, but thought they were in her dreams. When she awoke, a thin blanket of snow had covered her, but she brushed it off. At the opposite edge of their little camp there was a small commotion. She heard the cries of Daray and Ciera, and was stirred from her sleep.

Skychild said:
The creature made a strange noise. It was neither a growl, nor a hiss, but it sounded angry.
Sia heard a threatening call, and sharpened her magic. The creature, a Werzini by the sound of it, was yelling threats in its own language.

"I'll carry your ears to the mother's hollow, I will!" It was shouting. Ears were considered to be the most valuable part of an animal, by Werzini standards. The bigger the ears, the better chance at mating it had.

Sia got up, and shivered slightly. It was snowing, but the snow had come early this year. Strange, but not Sia's problem at the moment. She walked up to the group, and saw Daray cast the fire spell at the Werzini's feet. Anger welled up inside her, but she couldn't blame Daray. How was he supposed to know what the werzini was actually doing.

She couldn't put out the flames, but she did speak to the werzini. "Calm. These people are fools but don't mean you any harm."

The werzini jumped out of the way of the flames, and ran to the bush. "Fire will kill us! Fire will kill us!"

Sia spotted in the bush a small family of Werzinis, and she immediately began stamping on the fire. Luckily it wasn't very big, and was out in a few seconds. The werzini family disappeared in the underbrush, the mother gathering the babies onto her back. She and her children were all saying, "Very big ears! You have very big ears!"

Sia didn't smile, and she turned back to Darray and Ciera. Without a word she glared at them, and went back to where she was before. Rip was still there, sleeping away, and she curled up beside him, wanting to return to sleep but couldn't.
Ciera blinked in surprise at Sia's actions, ignoring the steady trickle of blood dripping from her fingers. "I did not mean to threaten them," she said simply, then shrugged. She went back to her food, which by that time had grown cold, but she ate it without complaint. Blood drips stained the snow at her feet, but she didn't seem to notice the blood from her hand.
Daray glanced at the creatures hiding in the underbush. What a half-faced piece of scite he is... That "monster" was trying to protect it's progeny. Daray pulled his sword out of the ground and walked away from the Werzini family, shaking his head. He's no different from the others, is he?

Traka said:
"Something wrong, witcher? If you wanted some heat, the campfire is right there"

"I'm not a witcher." Daray told Rengar, letting out a sigh. "Okay. First, the fire's heat is too low. It's basically useless to me. And second; wouldn't it be quite rude of me to just absorb your campfire?"

Daray sheathed his sword, walking back to the spot he sat at earlier. He avoided eye contact with Sia. She seemed to be quite annoyed at him, but he couldn't blame her.

He didn't leave a good first expression. At all.

He noticed the blood in the snow close to where Ciera sat, but decided not to do anything about it. The amount wasn't life-threatening, and Ciera seemed to be okay with it.

He crossed his arms, waiting for the sun to finally rise. Enough with the snow. Just let the light through these dark clouds already, gods.
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"He kind of has a point..." Lixa agreed "If you need warmth, why did you give this to me?" She asked, indicating the blanket she had "If you need it more than I do, I can do without it for a while..."
Not a witcher, he said? Then why does he carry two swords? Why did he feel the urge to slay that funny creature? And what do I do with this cold meal? The assassin thought, twisting his mouth under the mask as Daray sighed. And why does he talk of absorbing the campfire? Is he some sort of elemental, salamander breed, jinn, phoenix-man? "I don't get it, you say that it's useless, but still want to absorb it? Whatever that means", said Rengar, watching as the armored man sat on the same spot as before. Uh... Nevermind, then.

"Hey, leader", he spoke to Ciera, walking cheerfully toward her, "do you want me to keep watch tonight... Oh, what's with the blood on your hand? Don't tell me that you intend to perform a ritual of sacrifice". Rengar looked at the red snow while sitting down next to her. "Though it doesn't appear to be forming a circle of alchemy. Might you have cut yourself only for pleasure; or perhaps to aliviate a different kind of pain? That's no solution, trust me".
Ciera glanced at her hand, then at the assassin. "I was bitten, which you would know if you paid any attention to your surroundings. Speaking of surroundings, you should keep watch, considering your powers."
Rengar got distracted for a moment by Sia's snores, then looked back at Ciera. "...keep watch, considering your powers", she seemed to say.

"As you command, my dear leader-overlord-of-darkness", he said before vanishing and appearing on the top of a tall tree. The assassin put a hand above his eyes and looked around for a moment. Nice view, this is a great place to read under the moonlight.
Daray decided to stay in the background and not say anything because Skye messed up I'm sorry He didn't know what he could do right now. The assassin disappeared right in front his eyes and reappeared on top of a tree. Impressive, if i do say so myself. So he's going to keep watch?

Eh... He didn't feel like sleeping. Not anymore. Instead, he got up and walked to his mechanical horse, took something out of one of the bags and sat back down.

A piece of wood and a small, simple dagger.

And then, he started carving.



It was supposed to resemble a songbird, but, well... Heh...

It looked more like a... Umm... Something?

He frowned, holding the hilt of the dagger tighter.

This isn't relaxing! What were the people at the pub talking about?!

'Try carving. It's good for calming down and getting sleepy, trust me.'

Yeah, right. Why did he listen to these drunk men? This is frustrating! He worked on this for a week, and it looked like something he picked up from the ground!

He threw the... Something into the fire and started playing with the blade instead. Throwing it up in the air and catching it by the hilt, again and again.

*Rustle rustle...*

"...?---AGH!" The blade fell on his head with a thud before falling to the ground.

He rubbed his head, letting out a sigh.

Not paying attention for a second and there you go. Well... It was his fault for playing with dangerous weapons. Karma? Probably.

He turned around to look in the direction the noise came from.

Something just moved behind him. Somewhere. Between the trees...

...No, don't.

He didn't want to do something stupid again. Like trying to kill the mother of these small creatures earlier.

Rengar was keeping watch, anyway. It should be fine, right?

...But what if it's actually something this time?...

...Damn it.

"Hey, assassin! Is everything clear?"

(Writer's block. This is all I could come up with. I'm sorry.)
The assassin was engrossed in his reading when a large cloud blocked the moon and dimmed the light. So, the magic energy of wands is different from the enchantments of staves, since they're fueled by... Curse this, what does it say? Potato something?

He looked up and around before searching in his pockets. I brought a candle, right? Must be here, somewhere. There! Now, how do I light it? Will have to climb down and use the campfire. Huh? The new guy asked something. "Is there any beer", I think he said.

"Yeah, sure, sure", answered Rengar, pulling out a cylindrical container from his robes. "Catch!"

He tossed the vessel, gazing at the moon that slowly appeared once more. Oh, good. I don't need the candle anymore... Wait. Rengar turned his head, like an owl does, to look at Daray and the jar as it fell, spinning and evoking the image of a feather. Wrong one, I see. Have to pay more attention next time.

"Don't drink that!", said he, scratching his neck before mumbling "forgot that I ran out of beer a while ago". The assassin put away the book and jumped down from the treetop like a cloth carried by the wind. When he landed next to Daray, Rengar looked at the underbrush. "Huh. That's a rather strange bear over there, wouldn't you say?"
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