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Fantasy We're all Heathens Here | FxF or MxF| Dark Fantasy


The Void Prophetess
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The tale of a Monster Hunter brought back to life and a Necromancer that lives in hiding.

It started with a letter...
A letter came to you, in the middle of the night. Your monster hunting mentor was alive after all. You were relieved when your eyes skimmed over the familiar handwritten scribes of the old fool. It had been a year since he went into The Deadwood on a suicidal mission. You never knew what it was but this letter explains it all.

“My dear student,

I do not have much time to dabble into pleasantries in this letter. For I fear I do not have long. I have travelled through The Deadwood in hopes to aid my hometown. One I have left in my youth. I thought I was strong enough but I see now the state of affairs in my town of Armagh had only gotten worse. What once was one vampire had turned into many. I sought to kill the one they call the Priestess, but she has many followers now. A Council of Elders and I fear the town are willing pawns to their schemes.

I cannot do this alone. As much as I fear that I will lose you, I need you. Please, make your way through the mountain pass and into The Deadwood. Two weeks travel northeast and you will make it into Armagh. Find me in the Cabin by the Swamps.

Be ever watchful,
Gustavo Rastani"

The Deadwood watches back…
The woods, covered in thick foliage and a heavy mist that caresses the ground. It seems to never lift, not once during the two weeks of travel. Wildlife is plentiful in both prey and predator, every path is the path less traveled, and at nighttime you feel as if you are being watched. No map from the main lands show anywhere in The Deadwood. Everything that goes deep into those woods are as good as dead, hence the ‘clever’ name. Thankfully, you make it through unharmed thanks to your hunting skills and survival tactics of choice. Whether that be sneaking, trapping or straight up fighting. You go into the cabin by the swamps. An old, rundown cabin that has no love given to it. You see your mentor and rejoice.
Not for long however as they have been turned. They attack and capture you. Dragging you back to the rundown village that must be Armagh.

The End is upon you…
It is dusk when you are dragged into the center of town. You see a middle-aged woman standing on a pedestal. Hair as dark as night with piercing red eyes. She was surrounded by four others that all shared the same red eyes. The villagers are all brought out to watch. To see what happens to those that oppose the Priestess Yara, chosen of the blood god. You are then sacrificed in front of everyone, throat slit with blood lazily scooped in a cup. Before your vision fades, your eyes meet someone’s in a crowd. Someone who does not look as broken as the others. Then darkness consumes you.

A Second Chance…
You died, yet it only felt like a second. You wake in a warm room in a stone building. The same eyes staring at you. The eyes that belonged to a necromancer in hiding. They see you as their only hope of escaping the hellhole. However, you do not wish to leave, not before fulfilling your promise you made a long time ago to your mentor, Gustavo: if he ever turns then you will end his suffering.
And you will, and kill the Priestess, as she soon wants to expand her power past the Deadwood. The Necromancer, being native to the land agrees to help.

How will this story end?

Welcome all!
If you made it this far I assume you read the little story and wish to know more. I am looking for a semi-literate to literate roleplayer for a long term roleplay. The role of the Hunter is available and can be either female or male. As the Necromancer is female this can either be FxF or MxF. Hoping the posts will be at least 3 paragraphs or longer. With dialogue heavy posts being on the shorter end. I am also aiming for there to be posts at least twice a week to keep the story going, but the more the merrier!

While I did write a rather in depth hook above, the story itself is rather flexible to changes and is open-ended. If we want a happy ending we can work towards one. If we want a story of the two slowly becoming corrupted by the dark forces in the Deadwood we can plot that out. Romance, friendship or something else can happen as well. I am just looking to have fun and create an interesting, compelling tale of two people who should be enemies working together.

While we do have these characters, we both will have to take on the roles of NPCs equally. We will also have to discuss how we want to play the Priestess and the Council. Any other world building details we can work out together as well.

If this plot interests you and you wish to pursue this further then please contact me through private message with the following:
  1. What interests you about this plot?
  2. What sort of roleplays you enjoy the most?
  3. How would you like to play your Hunter?
  4. Anything about the plot you have concerns about? Or wish to change?
  5. And tell me a little about yourself :)

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