• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Weltschmerz (ALWAYS OPEN)



One Thousand Club

Game Masters of Weltschmerz
D d1uni5ys24si3o




Chapter One: There is Us, And Them


The world was beautiful, but no longer is. What was once Berlin now belongs to the living dead. Nobody really knows how all of this happened, nobody really has time to think about it. It unfolded so rapidly. As fast humanity rose in the evolutionary chain, as fast it crumbled down to the bottom. The world as we know it no longer is.

The Beginning
It started like most pandemics. A small cluster of people were affected and then it rapidly transferred from one person to another. Within a year, humanity fell to its knees. Every street corner had a quarantine center. The progression was slow for the first generation of infected, but as time went it became much more aggressive. At first, there was hope. That was until the last stage appeared. Within a month, when the coverage could no longer lie, civilization fell.

The Virus
It all began in 2018 when reports emerged across the globe. Many causes were hypothesized; meat, drugs, water, air, sex... Everything passed through the scrutinized eye of researchers but everything contradicted itself. Every breakthrough turned out to be false hope. Nothing worked despite the efforts of scientist continuously working on it, until their dying breath.

The Living Dead Transformation
The virus has a distinguishing feature from other pandemics. Within a day of being pronounced dead by most, the victims of the plague resurrect. Most are lethargic and completely out of it, until it spontaneously attacks other living humans. It doesn't matter if it's their mother, their brother, their son or the neighbour. Faces of pure fury flashes before the eyes of their victims.

Do they eat the corpses of their victims? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It really all depends.

There are very drastic differences between each living dead, but most can be narrowed down to humanoid-ish creatures. Make sure you don't get in contact with them, they become extremely contagious in that stage. You most likely will become one of them within a day.

The characters will begin in Berlin, Germany. It was the forefront of the research efforts, one of the last standing forts before it's untimely defeat six months ago against the living dead. The military planes are sometimes seen travelling across the sky, but they never help survivors. Only the laws of the jungle govern these scarce lands.

This role-play will revolve around a few survivors handpicked by the GMs. There are no reservations and a deadline will be set by the GMs for CS submission. We will choose the main cast of the role-play based on the quality of CONTENT and how well your character would FIT with others. Our advice to you is to not pass too much time on bbcode or choosing face claim if the personality and background of the character isn't fleshed out.


OOC Rules:
  • Always have fun
  • Don't create drama amongst role-players
  • Stay active on OOC
    • If inactive for a certain amount of time with no notice, the GMs will either feed your character to a corpse or take upon themselves the destiny of your character, mwahahaha.

IC Rules
  • In every post, indicate the location of your character and tag whoever is directly concerned with the post.
  • It is highly encouraged to read every post, out of respect for the efforts each role-player puts into creating a good post and also to avoid asking for recaps in OOC all the time.
  • Character death is inevitable.
    • That does not mean you are allowed to kill someone's main for the fun. Permission (whether GMs or Role-player) must be asked prior to any CD.
  • if anyone has any issue report to the GM first. Don't up and leave.
  • Posting Pace: one reply per character every three days
    • In a situation where you hold up a person, after three days, that role-player may choose to proceed without you.
  • Last but not least, we encourage you to have fun - as much as fun is bit dilated in this theme

Please copy-paste at the end of your cs "I read and understand the rules the GMs have proposed"


Character Sheet Rules:
  • Do not add more or less sections from the CS.
    • If we abstained from putting something, it's for a reason. (make your case in DM if you really insist)
  • You may propose up to 5 characters for the first round of selection, but only one will be accepted for immediate IC introduction.
    • Multiple characters are allowed once the role-play reaches a certain stability
    • NPCs are allowed and require a very simple CS (name, appearance, description)
  • The only face claims allowed are 1) description 2) Realistic (art/real life)

[b]Name:[/b] (whatever your character calls himself in the new world)

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] (the rp starts in 2018, age is bound to change but not birth year!)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (description required, face claim optional)

[b]Backstory:[/b] (how was your character prior to the pandemic, during the first stage of the pandemic, and when all hell broke loose, etc etc.)
- this section must include all the nitty gritty details in regards to any past martial art or weapon training, for example.
You know, that survival quality that makes them survive this world atm.
Just saying, it's better/more realistic if your character has more or equal amount of flaws and qualities.

[b]Personality:[/b] (MBTI is optional; describe your characters complex nature)


[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Physiologically, Behaviourally, & Mentally)

[b]Pre-Existing Relationships:[/b] (Optional, if your character is involved with any other character, please enumerate them here)
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[animation=typing] [keyframe=0]max-width: 0;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]max-width: 100%;[/keyframe] [/animation] [animation=caretBlink] [keyframe=0]border-color: transparent;[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]border-color: #14ad0f;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]border-color: transparent;[/keyframe] [/animation] [script class=next version=2] (= dialog [ "04.08.2019" "The World Has Forsaken Us." "May God Forgive Us." ]) (= currentLine 0) [/script] [script class=next on=click version=2] (removeClass "lastLine" "line") (addDiv "lastLine" "lines") (setText (index dialog currentLine) "lastLine") (++ currentLine) (addClass "line" "lastLine") [/script] [class=lines] align-items: flex-start; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-start; [/class] [class=lastLine] animation: {post_id}typing 3.5s steps(40, end), {post_id}caretBlink .75s step-end infinite; border-right: .15em solid orange; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=next] background-color: grey; border: 1px ridge black; color: black; cursor: pointer; float: right; font-weight: bold; padding: 1em; [/class] [class=typewriter] background-color: #191919; border: 1px solid #14ad0f; margin-left: 205px; width: 683px; color: #14ad0f; font-family: 'Courier New', Consolas, monospace; letter-spacing: .15em; padding: 1em; white-space: nowrap; [/class] [div class=typewriter] [div class=next]Enter[/div] [div class=lines][/div]
We are nothing but breathing human beings. Our place is placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither body nor soul exists. I’ve seen the two worlds collide as one and that one call to and know first, last, outer, inner and only that breath breathing human beings. I come to a realization...

We fear people and the things which are different from us. Our survival instinct? But what if there is more to our fears than we know? What if we start to understand our fears? Can it help us to rethink the decisions we made or that we are yet to make? We look to ease our pain, and this keeps civilization moving. Fear is the real architect. Our lives may be different, but we all experience the anxiety of life beginning and ending. Why is our first instinct to cry when we take our first breath? Could it be the innate fear of living in emptiness? The disheartening trials and tribulations of life awaiting us? The most human experience of all is the experience of love and loss. If anything can be sure, it’s that no matter how different we may live our lives, we will all one day experience the loss of a loved one, or we become the one who moves onto an end.

Can evolution explain?

Let’s motion all the way back to the beginning. Humans are the product of millions of years of slow, steady evolution. I may be getting off track but bear with me. I now understand that we are nothing, and everything at once. Confused? That’s ok. We are meant to be confused, to be dumbfounded. For we are but specks in a vast universe of even smaller bits arranged in orders by laws incomprehensible to the human mind. We are but specks made of smaller specks, which are made of even smaller specks. And those specks? The result of even smaller bits so little they cannot be seen by human eyes alone. So, what are we? We are beings made of specks. Those specks, adequately known as cells and atoms. They work in conjunction with one another to create a structure capable of thinking, of feeling, of behaving. That structure is you, or the person next to you, or even the parent that gave birth to you.

As you must have imagined, I’m already dead. I come to realise that we perceive life where there is none, the fact that we understand life, in general, is astounding. For we are but specks in a sea of smaller specks. And this speck is very near the end, the stopping point. All great things must come to an end eventually. We die, stars burn out. It is inevitable. We have to make the most of our perceived time in the universe…

Seeing as there seems to not be much left. For all those reading my note, stay out of the hidden, and the dark spots in your mind. For in those spots, your mind is a dangerous place to be.


There are no right words to describe this world. The dead came back! Niklaus shook his head with a laugh. That’s no good, urgHe told himself letting go of the broken graphite pencil. He pinched the candle plate between his thumb and index before walking over to the open window. He leaned against the white wooden frame as he stared up at the horizon. The sky was still dark and no sign of life present in the narrow streets of Berlin. He could see the erected cement wall bordering central Berlin, the last standing army of the living...if we could call the life here living…

It is so serene, like the calm before the storm. Nikolas remarked. He closed his eyes, feeling the fresh air of the morning filling up his nostrils. He let it all out. The small flame extinguished with a simple breath of air. Kind of like societies did when the flu took over everyone?

How do you prepare for something no one thought possible? How do you predict that the world would fall on its knees because of one, single lousy speck in the air?

That thought made Nikolas chuckle a bit. He grabbed the medallion around his neck and opened it. He saw the single picture of his mother in his possession. He placed a gentle kiss on it before pressing it against his heart.

“I promise,” he whispered.

He stepped out of his apartment wearing a casual outfit. It was kind of dirty, not really well cleaned. Let’s just say washing machines and dryers are a thing of the past now. You could wash it by hand of course, but running water has been scarce.

Niklaus took a sharp turn into a dark alley protected by two guards on duty. There was a fence on top of their head, on the sides and many warning panels. He showed an access card before walking up dark stairs. He flipped a switch on the side of the front door, and the neon lights started clicking to life. He took his seat and began his show.

“Good morning Berlin, it’s yet again me, Niklaus! Today is quite beautiful, I must say. The sun is about to rise, the weather is nice and serene… Nothing better than a good cup of coffee at this time, right?” he enthusiastically claimed. He didn’t believe a single word he said. Not a single one. He released the live button as he coughed in the crook of his hand, he then continued. “We sure have to give a big thank you to the soldiers working overnight to protect the Germany of our fatherland,” he read off the script. Now, as usual, the national anthem!” and he pressed play on the recording.

It was terribly nationalistic and not the modern day German anthem. It was, in fact, the old anthem of East Germany before the reunification of east and west. The recording was, well, in this remodeled neo-nazi underground radio station that he now uses to ‘keep the good folks in a good mood’ like the General said.

“Urg,” he told himself before coughing once more. He grabbed a water bottle and chucked it down before popping one of the few tic-tacks he found in the metallic drawer. He looked around the ex-neo nazi radio station with its posters, Gestapo uniforms, Nazi flags, medals and all kind of Hitlerian propaganda stuff.

“That guy must have gone a long way to hide this till now. I wonder what happened to him,” Niklaus said as he casually leaned against his rolling chair and closed his eyes. He moved his head to the final verse of the anthem. He smiled as he reached the record button and went live once more.

Suddenly, shots were fired! Four consecutive shots! Niklaus immediately jumped from his chair and turned his head towards the direction of the sound.

“FUCK! WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?” someone from afar said. A soldier then barked some orders from behind the door, ever so getting closer to the door. More shots were fired and suddenly a loud scream of horror could be heard. Niklaus ran to the door and locked it, his heart racing as he looked around. What was he to do… He was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Then loud bangs could resonated from the door. “Let me in!” someone shouted continued smacking their body against the metallic door. Should he let him in?

“Fuck let me in Niklaus!!!”

The young man immediately reached for the door and unlocked it. One of the soldiers barged in and immediately locked the door behind. He ripped part of his sleeve and looked at him. “Tie it up as tight as possible,” he ordered with menacing eyes.

Not knowing what was happening, Niklaus reached for the cloth and immediately obeyed the direct orders. Only then did he notice the missing thumb from his right hand. He gulped as he backed away.

“You’re infected…” he stated quietly, backing up ever so slowly.

“Yeah, so? Get your ass over here before I kill you with this Gun!” he sarcastically said as he pulled out a 7 inch black blade and slammed it against the desk.

“Now take my hand off you fuck!” he said. The soldier stole the seat Niklaus was previously using and sat on it. He grabbed the leather knife sheath, placed it in his mouth and looked at Niklaus with so much bravery and urgency.

“GHHOII!” the sound muffled by the piece of leather in his mouth.

Niklaus grabbed the knife, cold sweat on his face as he took a step forward. He took in a deep breath before letting out a loud scream, arms in the air before slicing through the air and SLASH!

The soldier screamed to the top of his lungs, the mouth piece falling from his mouth as blood pissed from his arms.

“FUCK!” he shouted even louder. Niklaus dropped the knife, horrified by what he just did and staring at the arm. He felt his chest bouncing and then the calm.

“I..I think I have something to help…” he said as he ran towards the back closet. He rummaged through bottom, trying his best to ignore the cries of the soldier. Then he found what he needed. He grabbed it and ran back towards the soldier. He noticed how he was sweating, like a lot, his eyes were fatigued and he was turning a bit yellow.

“That should stop a bit of the bleeding… I think?” he said as he opened the kit. There were so many things in there, he had no clue where to start…

“You idiot… get a towel and some tape. Get this thing TIGHT already,” the soldier yelled as he let his head hang in the back, moaning from the pain.

Niklaus nodded and immediately ran to the washroom, grabbed the only towel there which wasn’t very clean but it would do… He ran back towards the wounded man and placed it over his wound.

“JESUS!” The soldier slammed his foot against the floor and bit his lip till his teeth penetrate the skin. Then, he passed out.

“Oh crap…” Niklaus said. He clumsily let go of the towel which partially limped on the desk. He tried searching for tape, like the soldier had indicated…

Then it dawned on him. He cut off his hand but… he passed out… did that mean he was turning?

He didn’t know.

He turned around and he saw a large gun strapped around him. Niklaus grabbed the tape on the side, near posters and walked cautiously towards the man. He tried remembering the signs… Well, the first sign would be death.

He pressed his finger against the man’s neck. There was still a pulse. That reassured him, but the hand was still bleeding and it was a bloody mess. He grabbed the towel, wrapped it around the hand and then applied a good pressure with the security tape. He checked the man once more but… what told him he would come back in one piece? He cautiously unstrapped the gun and kept it on him, just in case. He looked at the radio station that was live the whole time and considered for a second what to do.

“The tape…” he whispered as he turned 180 degrees and hurried towards the drawers. He pulled many out and looked through many tapes quickly. When he found the appropriate one, he immediately slipped it in it’s slot and played it for everyone across inner Berlin to hear from the loudspeakers.

Warning, a breach has been detected. Find shelter and remain inside while the military makes haste extinction of all infected. Warning.

Coded by Invidia


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I really should have stayed in the inner parts.. Aiden thought grimly. He watched from the shadows on the alcove he was huddled in, hidden in the narrow alley. The wall was crumbling. Military personnel were in formation around the cracks, readying themselves for the onslaught of walking dead that was sure to show up after the wall's strength failed. There were only a handful of soldiers, not nearly enough to defend the city. Aiden's heart sank at the thought. He couldn't leave his hiding place for fear that the tense soldiers would shoot first and ask questions later, as they were keen on doing ever since the cracks started to appear. Yet he couldn't remain in his alcove as he was in as much danger as the soldiers were of being overrun by the infected.

He was pulled out of his inner dilemma by the sudden shouting of the soldiers as the wall finally gave and a hole was blasted through it. Rubble flew inward with the blast, hitting the front-line soldiers, either killing them instantly or injuring them gravely. The remaining soldiers immediately started shooting the horrors that started running and shambling through, yet they were great in numbers. It was a massacre. Aiden shuddered at the sight of the soldiers being torn to pieces, the sounds of their screams of agony. A few managed to escape, though badly injured and it was clear that the wouldn't last long and were probably infected on top of that. The male's nerve failed and he started making his way through the shadowy streets away from the breach. He jogged along the wall and noted that there were several cracks here and there and the whole section of the wall would probably collapse in due time. He soon encountered another breach, though this one seemed quieter than the one he witnessed. He suddenly heard footsteps from around the street's corner and he quickly pressed himself into a dark side street. Two people rounded the corner. A male and a female, looking quite similar in appearance and he noted that they were probably related. They quietly said something to each other and he wasn't able to hear what it was from that distance but the male wandered off towards the breach, clutching a gun. The female remained behind.

Aiden was about to turn and leave to continue searching for safe shelter when he heard something shuffling around the very same corner that the two humans came from. If it wasn't for his sharp senses and alertness, he wouldn't have even noticed. The creature was cunning, moving nearly silently and didn't make any sounds like how zombies did in media before all this mess happened, back when zombies were just fictional creatures. It approached the female slowly, its pale, soulless eyes clearly conveying its intent to murder. The male's back was turned, he was looking at the wall and the female was watching her companion, not realizing the danger she was in. Aiden could feel his heart skipping a beat. Should he intervene, or escape with his life? His self preservative instincts were screaming at him to just run away. Suddenly the creature gurgled and growled just as it was a mere five feet away from the woman. She turned, and seeing the monster that was behind her, she screamed in horror and fear. However before the humanoid beast could take another step towards her, Aiden had made his decision. He took aim with his desert eagle and shot the monster in the forehead, making it stumble backwards and make an awful screeching sound. Aiden shot forward, running at the beast with his wakizashi drawn as he knew that a single shot wouldn't kill the thing. He found out the hard way and didn't want to waste ammo. He sliced off the zombie's head with one clean strike at the neck, a definitive way of making sure that the monster was dead, though unfortunately his already filthy and tattered clothes got sprayed with gore. He grimaced in disgust and swung his blade a bit to flick off some of the gore off it before sliding it back in its sheath that was strapped to his thigh. "Are you alright?" He asked the female, voice slightly hoarse from disuse. The girl was shaking horribly with her arms wrapped around her chest as if she was trying to desperately to hold herself together. She whimpered and took a step back away from Aiden. He frowned in concern and took a step towards her hesitantly. He was about to ask her if she was alright again but she didn't give him the chance as she burst into tears and ran towards her male companion.

Aiden felt a stab of resentment. He bloody blew his cover for that girl and that was how she repaid him? He fought down his useless feelings and watched as the male hugged the hysterical girl and seemed to be trying to comfort her. He looked up at Aiden and gave a nod of thanks, which Aiden returned, after which he retreated back into the side street. At least someone acknowledged his help... Aiden started making his way towards the inner parts of the city, dodging military patrols along the way as he didn't want to have his weapons confiscated by them, even though he doubted they would care at this point. He spent too long hiding from the military to get caught now.

Mentioned: Nil
Spoken to: Nil
Location: Near the wall, Reinckendorf region approaching Mitte
Outfit/current appearance: Skinny jeans, t shirt, zipper hoodie jacket, combat boots. All black, dirty and torn. Wakizashi sheath strapped to right thigh.
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Aaron took a long, drawn out breath. He was leaning against the attic window in his grandparents house, which was on the border of Mitte and Pankow. From his vantage point he was a few feet above the wall, and could thus peek a small bit over it. Aaron tried to judge his distance above the wall in the metric system, nearly a year out of the US and he still had not shaken off the absurd imperial system. It made no sense, twelve inches for a foot, around five-thousand feet for a mile. What was the basis for creating such a system?

Shaking his head, Aaron focused on now, he had just returned from posting a sign on his door that would probably not deter anyone who survived. He had also been steadily watching the wall, which he presumed was made of some quick drying material. He may be wrong but he never really payed attention to what was outside, in fact he preferred to stay in his room, alone.

Back to the wall, it was crumbling, and had been for a few weeks. Longer, actually. Slowly, but steadily the infected had been scraping at it. It reminded Aaron of some guy who scraped a prison wall out with a spoon and escaped. Suddenly a cry rang out, and a shot blasted out of the wall, nailing an infected. Aaron flinched in reaction, the infected must have gotten in somewhere else. More shots rang out. Aaron presumed that the infected had already begun attacking those within the walls.

Another shot blasted through the soft spot at an angle, heading for his attic window. Spidey sense must have kicked in though, because Aaron ducked as the bullet shattered the glass where he was previously. He jumped back up and peered out the window to see gigantic spiderwebs criss-crossing from the two bullet holes in the wall. Then it gave way, taking the platform above it down too. Aaron calmly watched a guard plummet down to the Earth with a loud thump, for lack of better description. He watched a milky-white infected with a mouth that seemed melted together lunge at the guard.

The sound of his marksman rifle blasted through the air as he desperately tried to hold back the infected. Then a click, no more ammo, no more hope. The volatile infected snatched the gun from the guards hands, and then proceeded to beat him with it with such force that Aaron heard the guards armor break with just a few swings. In mere seconds the poor guy had no head and was missing a shoulder. The volatile tossed the gun down with triumph and clambered over the wall.

The end had already begun, though, Aaron didn’t know what to call this. It wasn’t quite the end of the end, so maybe the beginning of ends end?

No other characters were seen or mentioned in this post
Location: Near the Mitte-Pankow border
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Aurora Sterling
I walk the face of the earth once more,

a mindless puppet, my strings are torn.

the creaky bones, the bad eyesight,

yet the chance to turn wrong to right.

wars-a-waging, old mans guilt,

the worlds now on more then just a tilt.

parents weeping, children slain,

bloody thoughts, fear will reign.

I look in the shadows, a creature did lurk,

he whispered to me, hiding a smirk.

"Thou shalt be killed if thee can't find,

the demon lurking in thou mind."

So off I ventured, to quench my thirst,

of corpses piled with hearts-a-burst.

And on that quest what did I see?

The Wicked Path Of Destiny.

Aurora's pen swirled around the paper as she tried to keep her thoughts from going into the dark places of her mind. Everything was still so fresh in her memory she couldn't shake it off. Her eyes flickered to the window beside her at the slightest commotion from outside. She was afraid, no. Terrified. But who wouldn't be after the scene she had witnessed. Even the mere thought of what she had seen at her parents' estate was enough to make her sick. Her hands gripped the desk tightly as if the room was spinning. It wasn't the room but her thoughts as they swirled around her head so fast that she couldn't properly think out of fear she would be thrown back into that moment. It was too late she was there again. Someone was screaming beside her. Why were they screaming so loud didn't they know that the thing in front of them would attack them next if they made so much as a sound. Aurora quickly realised that she was the one who was screaming and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Why was her mother doing that to her father? No, not her mother. It wasn't her mother anymore. The thing was feasting on her father's flesh as if it was a ravenous wolf that hadn't eaten for days. The way it ripped at his flesh was terrifying. It had spotted her now she needed to run... Splash. A cold cup of coffee was thrown all over her and her journal.

Aurora stood from her chair so fast that it clattered to the ground. She spun around ready to rip the throat out of whoever dared to throw coffee on her. Her anger only intensified as she saw who was holding the cup, Dursely. The worst human you would ever have the displeasure of coming in contact with. When you met him, it was quite apparent that he had never witnessed the unspeakable evils that were going on outside the walls. He was the physical embodiment of everything Aurora hated wrapped into one fat package. She thought that being stuck out on the streets would do the man some good, but for some reason, everyone walked on eggshells around him just because he was an essential figure before shit hit the fan. She didn't see why it mattered anymore but whatever the bosses wanted. She personally really wanted to shove a stick of dynamite in his fat gob and set it off. Dursley was basically an overgrown toddler as he threw actual fits whenever things didn't go his way. He would throw himself on the ground kicking and screaming until everyone around him felt so uncomfortable that they just let him do what he wanted. If that wasn't bad enough, he was extremely unpleasant to look at. Dursleys face was round and covered in cyst acne. There wasn't a spot on his face no covered by it. Aurora theorised that he rubbed bacon grease on his face every night to maintain his complexion or at least that is what it looked like to her. These things wouldn't be that bad if not for the fact he was a grown adult even older than herself. The man was 52 which made everything about him inexcusable. He had the worlds worst straw blonde toupe which was only attached at the back, so whenever it was windy, the front would fly around wildly. He also had the body of a baby killer whale if the baby killer whale was obese and wore a toupe. He had the personality and mental capacity of a cliché douchebag high school jock without the attractiveness part or the ability to walk a block without needing a break.

Aurora was done with this mans constant bullshit and was about to let him know it. "Dursley! How dare you come in here-" she started, but he held his hand up to silence her. How dare he come into her office and disrespect her like that. Aurora was done with this mans constant bullshit and was about to let him know it. "Dursley! How dare you come in here-" she started, but he held his hand up to silence her. How dare he have the nerve to come into her office and disrespect her like that. She opened her mouth once again to yell at him only to this time be cut off by him wagging his finger in her face. "No need to get so angry I was just passing on a message." He walked around her office with his nose turned up like he was too good to be in the room. Sure it wasn't the largest office in the world, but things had gone to shit not everywhere was going to be perfect. She also happened to like her office very much. It was small enough that she didn't have to share it with anyone but big enough to have lots of workspace for her designs. Sometimes she wished that she had pretended to be just some normal poor survivor. She was so tired of day in day out designing landmines. Going out to make sure they were all still functioning as even worse. "You need to go out and check the landmines today." The way he said it made it seem like the job was nothing important. Almost like he was hinting that anyone could do her job. To make matters worse, he was picking up her designs while he talked. Dursley had this certain look he did whenever he wanted someone to know he was unimpressed. He was giving this look to everyone. "Oh, and you might wanna go change your clothes. You have a few stains on your top" he chuckled before walking out of the room. Aurora slammed the door so quickly that it hit him as he was walking out earning a satisfactory yelp. She couldn't stand that man.

Aurora ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm herself down. Anger was never a good look on the female as she usually tried to avoid getting angry. There was just something about Dursley that pushed all of her buttons. Her eyes scanned around the office, and she let out a small sigh. Whenever he came in to talk to her, it was always so messy when he left. Though he was right about one thing, she did need to change her clothes if she was going to go out and check the landmines. She lifted her chair and moved it back to its original spot before laying her eyes on the journal. The ink was bleeding, and the page was ruined but maybe if she left it out to dry the rest could be saved. As she moved the journal, so it was in the sun, she found herself pausing to look out of her window. Oh, how she would do anything to stay in and design some odd landmine. Maybe one that shot spikes out of the ground when triggered, no. That wouldn't work that didn't have the time or the supplies to waste time on things like that. They only needed regular landmines with slight improvements. Aurora never felt safe when she had to walk about outside so she would always slip a couple of sticks of dynamite in her pockets for good measure.

As Aurora slipped out of her office building and onto the streets, she found that a frown instantly made its way to her lips. She often tried to make herself look as unapproachable as she could manage. It was a defence mechanism more than anything to stop the poor from swarming her and asking for things she couldn't spare. You would see it every day. A kind woman who didn't get out much would be approached by one of the poor and beg for a morsel to eat. Being kind the woman would feel like they couldn't refuse and oblige pulling a small something from her purse to give to them. That is when they would attack all clambering towards the woman. They would strip anything useful from the woman and attack her if she refused. If you gave anything to those scavengers, it was a death sentence.

The journey to Aurora's house was quick as she lived quite close to her office. Her apartment was quite small, but it was also very charming. She had spent a lot of the first month making everything over until it felt like home. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't like she was going to be there forever. They would find a way to fix things she knew they would. After changing into something easy to run in and of course swapping her heels out for running shoes, she was off. She hated going out to check the landmines more than anything. It was quite terrifying as she had to waddle out in her big ass bomb suit that made her feel like a giant marshmallow. The worst part is that she was sent out alone because they couldn't come out with her without a bomb suit. But they also can't shoot while wearing bomb suits, so they stayed at the wall. The bomb suit always made her feel so vulnerable even though it was meant to protect her. Aurora had seen the things in action, and they could probably tear through her suit in seconds. Then what would she do? Maybe she could dump the suit and make a run for it back to the wall, after all, she knew where all the landmines were planted. But with just one misstep she could be blown up. She shook her head in an attempt to cancel out the thoughts. It wasn't right for her to think like that before going out.

Aurora blinked twice and looked around. When she got lost in her thought, she would often walk without paying attention to where she was going. Luckily for her, she had ended up going in the right direction and was relatively close to the wall. She let out a soft gasp and dived out of the way as a few military trucks zoomed past yelling something to her that she didn't understand. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she started backing away slightly. Sure the military sometimes zoomed around recklessly but not that recklessly. Did something happen? She was probably overthinking things, but she wasn't going to wait around to find out. She rushed over to the closest door and as she was about to knock on it static played through the speakers for a few moments before a message followed. 'Warning, a breach has been detected. Find shelter and remain inside while the military makes haste extinction of all infected. Warning.' Aurora banged on the door."Hey, can you let me in my place is too far to get too please." she pleaded into the door before knocking again. She pushed herself up against the door in an attempt to make herself as small as possible so she wouldn't be noticed. People were starting to scramble away from the wall now. That was probably a good idea. She would have to follow their lead in a moment if this person didn't open their door. "There isn't anything out here yet please just let me in" she begged again before trying the door. Of course, it was locked.
Location: Outside Niklaus' door. Tagged: D d1uni5ys24si3o

coding by cychotic poem source
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The infected’s siege on Mitte had been raging for several minutes now, and the sound of gunfire was diminishing. Was the military overpowered or were they cleaning up? Aaron took note of the steady trickle of infected still entering the walls. So he hypothesized that the military was running low on munitions and such. Aaron turned from the window and descended from the attic. As he headed to a room to reread his collection of books, for the fifth time, (Wow 40ish books does take a hefty chunk of time out of the apocalypse!) Aaron passed another window. Fast movement caught his eye as two people charged out of the quarantine, their adrenaline letting them reach speeds of Mach 7 apparently.
Another person was following them, but lagging behind as if injured. The two at the head rushed to raise the injured and haul him between their shoulders. They dragged him a few yards but then collapsed. They hefted him again and failed, they then resorted to dragging him across the pavement to the line of houses. Oh shit they’re Coming for my house, was Aaron’s first thought. He walked downstairs and heard a thud just as his foot hit ground level. Calmly walking over to the door he heard another thud. Aaron started running to the door, lest they break it down and destroy a vital line of defense. He slammed the door open just in time to get a kick to the abdomen. Doubling over, Aaron couldn’t protest when the three entered. They put the injured one on a couch and tore off his pant leg, exposing a roughly oval gash. It didn’t bleed for some reason though. One of the quarantine survivors, a woman, whispered to the injured “Shh shh, Hank it’s gonna be fine, this is fixable.” Hank didn’t believe her. “No, one bite does someone in, not even a bite, a single speck of blood would do it. It’s the end of my story now, so stop trying to help me.” Aaron guessed they had some sort of history, and he would have been happy to eavesdrop to find out more. Buuuuut a gun was being aimed at him. He turned his head at a moderate pace to face the other quarantine survivor. He seemed to be wielding an H&K P7, Aaron then noticed the guards uniform on Hank. Turning his head back to the pistol wielder he gave a blank stare. The survivor withdrew one hand from the weapon. Hank noticed the actions of his companion “Hey, put that down. This man potentially just saved your life!” Pistol dudes arm wavered in fatigue. So the gun is, or is nearly, fully loaded. Nevertheless he didn’t back down. Just then the front door burst open and a few infected spilt in. They were all so preoccupied with each other they didn’t hear the doors straining sounds.
One infected made it ahead of the others and managed to grasp pistol dudes lowered arm before he could react. Aaron took this opening and sliced his hammer through the air, hitting pistol dudes hand and nocking the gun into a back corner of the room. Aaron watched pistol dude struggle to push away the infected with only one hand. The infected was relentless, as per usual. Aaron took a few leisurely steps forward and spun the hammer in his hand. It had taken a few days worth of work, but Aaron had bent the nail removing portion of his hammer into a stabby boi. He swung his hammer down on the back of the skull, one of the weakest points on the head. And buried his stabby boi with satisfaction. He pulled his hammer free and assessed the situation: there were at least four infected in the living room minus the deader one. Aaron backed up and grabbed the pistol. Pistol dude was shoving the infected back. Good. Wait. No. An infected had grabbed his leg and was pulling Pistol dude into the small snarling mass. Another infected fell on top of him and Pistol dude screamed as he tried to fend it off. Aaron raised the pistol, checked to make sure the safety was off, and fired one round into the infected. Blood sprayed out of the side of its head in a calming red cloud as the casing fell to the ground. Pistol dude kicked free of the crawling infected and convulsed in horror, intentionally gagging his heart out. Blood covered his face and mouth and he leaned against the wall, only to have another infected pin him to the wall. Aaron motioned for Hank and the woman to go up the stairs. Hank retreated immediately, using another gun Aaron had not seen. It looked similar to the gun the other guard had used while trying to kill that feral infected. He was using it as a cane. The woman retreated with him. Aaron turned back to the scene, Pistol dude was causing so much noise every infected was targeting him. Aaron fired off two more kill shots in vain, before the screams were replaced with ever decreasing gurgles. Aaron retreated upstairs to find Hank and the woman waiting. Aaron knocked a bakers rack down the stairs to stall the infected, it did jack shit. So Aaron slid a tall desk over to block the top of the stairs. It would buy them some time, but not much. Aaron smacked his head to jumpstart his brain and think of a plan.

-No other RP characters were seen or mentioned in this post
-Location: Near Mitte-Pankow border

Rip Pistol Dude
You will be forgotten​
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Evelynne rushed about the hospital like a chicken with its head cut off. Soldiers were pouring in with bullet wounds, bite wounds, showing symptoms of the "Z-Virus" you name it. She was already having enough of it when the radio played the warning. "You've gotta be shitting me!" She cursed as she knew that there was no chance of her staying in the hospital anymore. It was time to get the fuck out of dodge. Dashing into one of the supply rooms she grabbed one of the duffel bags that had been stored there for transporting large amounts of meds and began piling supplies inside. Gauze, Splints, a couple of IV bags with water, a couple of IV bags with morphine, two small cases of Vancomycin (about 24 doses worth), some sutures, staples, stitches and plenty of needles and syringes for administration. If they needed anything else they'd have to rob a pharmacy. She had already told a couple of the men assigned to guard her about her plan for when the wall inevitably came down. She was going to load up on supplies and escape. Where to? That was still in the works, but she wasn't about to wait around to die.

As she stepped out into the hall a nurse seemed to spot her. "Dr. Volga, are you.....stealing medication?" The nurse looked appalled at the doctor's actions, but when Evelynne gave her the stern glare of a superior she shut up, momentarily. "But why? Did you take an oath to help people?" The nurse pleaded with her as best she could.

"I agreed to help and save people, not die for them." Evelynne's voice was direct as she threw the bag over her shoulder and headed for one of the emergency exits. Whether the alarm went off or not, the heavy stench of blood in the area would attract the walkers like the smell of food did for ANY predator. It had been weeks since they had had the time to sterilize the hospital and rid the smell. By now the rotting stench was getting too powerful for most of the staff to bear. "Look, I'm getting out of this death trap before it's filled with victims of the "Z-Virus." If you want to stay here and die then be my guest, but...." The sound of gunshots rang out from across the city. "And here they come." Evelynne growled as she stormed out the emergency exit, the blaring alarm sounding off as she ran into her two guards outside along with a truck. That was a nice touch. "Figured you two would already be here." She smirked as they backed the truck up to the exit. "So what are you going to do nurse? Die here or fight to live." The doctor didn't look back until she'd loaded everything onto the truck. When she turned around the nurse was gone. "Poor girl. Blinded by her desire to help a helpless situation." As soon as she got onto the truck, the group was off into the city and as far away from the soon to be overrun hospital. "We're swinging by the radio station. There's at least one person surviving there." She called out to her guards as they nodded and sped down the streets.

Ineteractions: None
Location: Heading towards the news station.


05:45 - The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.
Niklaus heard the banging of the door and walked near it. He looked through the peephole and noticed the fiery red headed figure. She looked in panic rightfully so. It was the end of the world once more. He took a deep breath, his hand reaching for the handle but he stopped. What were the consequences of him opening that door? He could end up getting bitten. Maybe she was infected or maybe she would kill him mercilessly. He saw how people could get in those moments. They became animals.

"At three, you run in! Ok!?" he said in a cracking voice. Oh lord, he did it again. He was too nice for his own safety. Fuck! he thought to himself. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes. Cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"One," he removed the safety lock

"Two," he turned the handle

"Three," he opened it wide open! The door slammed open and he grabbed on to her, pulled her on with all his strength before slamming the door shut. He would not risk one of those fuckers coming in a moment of weakness! He immediately locked the door up and turned around, his back pressed against the door as he shakily rose the gun.

"A-Are you infected?" he asked, his breath short but he took a deep breath and relaxed. His body less tense as he noticed no noticeable bites or blood. In this cramped up room, there was him, a knocked out soldier that was bitten and now a stranger. I am fucked if both of them turn... I need to leave as soon as possible he thought to himself.
Interactions: Maree Maree

05:45 - The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.
Niklaus heard the banging of the door and walked near it. He looked through the peephole and noticed the fiery red headed figure. She looked in panic rightfully so. It was the end of the world once more. He took a deep breath, his hand reaching for the handle but he stopped. What were the consequences of him opening that door? He could end up getting bitten. Maybe she was infected or maybe she would kill him mercilessly. He saw how people could get in those moments. They became animals.

"At three, you run in! Ok!?" he said in a cracking voice. Oh lord, he did it again. He was too nice for his own safety. Fuck! he thought to himself. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes. Cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"One," he removed the safety lock

"Two," he turned the handle

"Three," he opened it wide open! The door slammed open and he grabbed on to her, pulled her on with all his strength before slamming the door shut. He would not risk one of those fuckers coming in a moment of weakness! He immediately locked the door up and turned around, his back pressed against the door as he shakily rose the gun.

"A-Are you infected?" he asked, his breath short but he took a deep breath and relaxed. His body less tense as he noticed no noticeable bites or blood. In this cramped up room, there was him, a knocked out soldier that was bitten and now a stranger. I am fucked if both of them turn... I need to leave as soon as possible he thought to himself.
Interactions: Maree Maree
Aiden Richtofen


As Aiden made his way through the gloomy streets of Berlin, he noticed that it was quickly becoming flooded by zombies. People were panicking and rightly so as they were getting bitten left and right, with the no weapon restriction finally biting everyone in the ass. He sure was glad that he rebelled against THAT particular rule, even though he had to avoid all contact and survive the winter on his own as a result. Avoiding the military hadn't been a picnic for him, especially during night patrols. Despite the hell that living like a fugitive felt like, it was worth it as he felt reassured that at least he had a fighting chance against the monsters rampaging the city. Military personnel were becoming quite the rare sight since the breach anyway, leaving everyone defenseless against the horde.

Aiden neared a main street and observed it from the shadows of a doorway. There was a considerable group of zombies feeding on a small pile of corpses and a few stragglers were shuffling along the street. Aiden needed to cross, yet he felt trapped as it was all covered in the monsters. He supposed he should try and sneak his way across, and the best part to cross seemed to be where the group was feeding, as they were probably too distracted to notice little old him, while the stragglers seemed to be more alert. He took a deep breath, bracing himself and started sneaking his way across, taking cover behind broken down cars and other debris littering the wide road.

Inevitably despite his skills in stealth he eventually gained the attention of one of the walking dead which happened to look up just as he left the cover of a smashed Toyota. He froze when he heard a loud inhuman shriek coming from the group of feeding zombies and turned to see them all watching him in murderous interest. He shuddered, feeling his heart sink and his blood run cold as he shakily took a small step forward while staring in fear at the horde. Just as he moved an inch, one of them let out another inhuman scream and they all got up from their meal and started shuffling and stumbling towards him. "SHIT!", he yelped, terrified, and he sprung forward, running as fast as his long legs could carry him. Despite his considerable speed however, the zombies weren't slouches and they were easily keeping up with him, though by stroke of luck he kept ahead of them. He ran, dodging through side streets and alleyways to try and lose them, yet they stubbornly dogged his footsteps. He was tiring quickly and he needed to figure out what to do, and soon.

He ran on, not daring to look back and soon skidded into another main street, though this one had less debris littering it. He panted and looked along it, desperate for anything that could help him, as in this case his gun and sword wouldn't do him much good solo. He saw a truck approaching at a considerable speed and started waving his arms and jumping on the spot desperately. "HELP! PLEASE BEFORE THEY CATCH ME! I SWEAR I'M NOT INFECTED, PLEASE JUST HELP!", he screamed, his voice breaking near the end as he looked to the side and saw the horde rounding the corner. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled out his gun from its sheath at his belt and started shooting them, trying to aim for their head despite his shaking hands. It depended on what the truck drivers would do now, his bullets were barely putting a dent in their numbers, his aim shaky at best, and completely missing at worst.

Mentioned: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Spoken to: Evelynne (indirectly) ( Kiroshiven Kiroshiven )
Location: Mitte
Evelynne Volga
The truck had been a very useful tool as several runners had come onto the street, but one of the soldiers was a damn good shot. That was the ONLY reason she'd chosen him to be a part of this. His misogynistic views left his personality as anything BUT enjoyable. Evelynne could hear the idiot making a sexist joke in the seat through the cracked window. Thankfully she didn't have to comment as the driver told the man to shut up as their doctor and only life line if they got hurt was INDEED a woman. The driver wasn't a complete idiot. As they sped down the street, Evelynne heard someone cry out for them to help.

Popping her head up out of the bed she saw a man firing his gun into an alleyway. It was likely a horde that were chasing him. Great. She thought to herself while knocking on the window. "We'll need more than just the three of us to survive." She hollered as the pair turned the truck and pulled over to the male, while slowing down before pulling up beside him. "GET YOUR ASS IN THE TRUCK!" Evelynne's voice cried out as she kicked down the gate at the end of the bed. As soon as the man was half on the truck and Evelynne had a hold of him the soldiers slammed the gas. Once the boy was on the truck, Evelynne pulled the gate up and looked at the horde as they followed. "Oi, didn't you lugheads grab anything to deal with them?"

"Check in the green duffle bag." They called out. As Evelynne looked inside she saw what looked to be some kind of weapon she didn't recognize. "You know how to use a pipe bomb?"

"I'm a doctor, not a soldier. I don't even know how a handgun works!" She growled at the pair before looking to their newest addition. "Do you know how to use a pipe bomb?" She asked without expecting much. Sure the man had a sword and a gun, but that didn't mean he knew how they worked.

ShadowRogue ShadowRogue
Aiden Richtofen


Relief flooded his system as he jumped onto the truck with the help of the woman and he just lay there panting for a moment to catch his breath and get his bearings back on track. He was safe. Or as safe as one could be during the apocalypse. He sat up when he was addressed and looked into the duffle bag with a frown. "Afraid not. Never needed bombs before. Say, do you guys have any rifles or machine guns on hand? Those I can use." He shot a distrusting look at the duffle bag. He really didn't like bombs at all. What guarantee do yo have that it won't blow up in your face after all?

Aiden slid away from the bag a bit for good measure and looked at the woman instead, intending to put the bomb out of his mind. She seemed quite haggard, though he supposed everyone looked haggard nowadays. Despite that, she looked quite pretty, clearly of Asian descent judging from her appearance. She said she was a doctor and he could clearly see that from her attire. He didn't think any doctors were alive at all at this point if he was honest, they would be the first to go due to direct contact with the infected. She must be quite tough to have survived, he thought. "Thanks for pulling me in by the way. I'm Aiden", he said in a flat, unsure tone. He really wasn't used to interacting with people anymore.

Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Evelynne Volga
As expected, the male didn't know how to use one either. "Aww blast it all. Never ask a woman to do a man's job. Give the damn bomb here." Evelynne rolled her eyes at the man's comment while handing him one of the long cylindrical explosives. She watched closely as he turned the top and it started to make a very loud beeping sound. It started off slow and as the man stuck his head out the passenger window it started to go faster. Then he threw it. Watching the bomb go flying, the sound seemed to draw a good number of the walkers away. Though a few stragglers continued after the truck only to stop when the beeping wasn't moving anywhere and turned back. Shortly after there was a loud explosion and Evelynne finally seemed to relax.

"Evelynne, Evelynne Volga." She nodded a response to the lad's introduction. "Well Aiden, you're lucky that you ran onto our path. Otherwise you'd be a fleshbag right now." Straightening herself out she turned a serious gaze to him. "Strip." She pointed at him and motioned towards his entire person. "Down to undergarments will be enough, but I can't take you at your word for not being bitten. If you are telling the truth you'll be allowed to get dressed again. However, if not, you'll be pushed off this truck so fast you'll never realize it." Evelynne believed that the boy wasn't bitten. He showed no signs of the infection, after treating patients with the disease since the initial outbreak, she was familiar with the "Z-Virus". However, she knew her companions would be very aggressive if she didn't check.

ShadowRogue ShadowRogue
Aurora Sterling
Location: The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.
Interactions: D d1uni5ys24si3o
Aurora felt a wave of relief wash over her as she heard a voice call back to her. Oh, thank the gods she picked the right door. Her eyes flickered over her shoulder to the chaos that was the streets. There were now zombies ripping into people left and right. Luckily for her, she hadn't been spotted yet but the longer she was outside, the less likely her survival was. "Yes, of course. Please count fast" she begged, trying not to raise her voice too much. With all the screams that were sounding out, it was unlikely that something would hear her shout but she didn't want to take any risks. Oh, how she wished that she hadn't left her office. Oh, how cruel it was that she had so many lovely zombie killing devices, but she couldn't get to them.

Aurora looked back to the door as the man inside began to count. She adjusted her standing position and as soon as he said three she ran as quickly as she could before she was pulled into a hard chest. "T-Thank you," she said, taking a step back as he leaned against the door almost like he thought that would keep everything outside. Her eyes widened slightly as he pointed a gun at her so she quickly raised her hands. You never knew how people would react in times like these, so it was best to go along with what they said.

"No, Not infected. Would have blown myself up if I was" Aurora told him, but she knew her words weren't enough. She slowly lowered her hands and started to take her coat off before hanging it on the rack beside her. Luckily her pants were tight enough that it would be obvious if she were bitten on the leg, so they were kept on. She pulled her top off so that he could see her bare skin. "See. No bites" she said quietly as she turned so he could see her back as well. She pulled her clothing back on and turned to face him once again. "Please don't shoot me" she eyed the gun warily. He was shaking so much that he might pull the trigger on accident.

That's when she noticed a large amount of blood on his clothing. "Are you?" she looked around the room and realised that there was quite a bit of blood everywhere. Her face quickly went pale as she realised that she had just walked herself to her death. She backed away from him slightly but as she did the unconscious soldier came into her field of vision. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw something, so she turned her head to look at it properly. Aurora gasped in horror and backed up against the wall. Who was this guy? Was he going to do the same to her? "I-Is he going to turn? A-Are you going to turn?" she looked back over at the man her eyes wide with terror. She was going to die here.
coding by cychotic

Aurora felt a wave of relief wash over her as she heard a voice call back to her. Oh, thank the gods she picked the right door. Her eyes flickered over her shoulder to the chaos that was the streets. There were now zombies ripping into people left and right. Luckily for her, she hadn't been spotted yet but the longer she was outside, the less likely her survival was. "Yes, of course. Please count fast" she begged, trying not to raise her voice too much. With all the screams that were sounding out, it was unlikely that something would hear her shout but she didn't want to take any risks. Oh, how she wished that she hadn't left her office. Oh, how cruel it was that she had so many lovely zombie killing devices, but she couldn't get to them.

Aurora looked back to the door as the man inside began to count. She adjusted her standing position and as soon as he said three she ran as quickly as she could before she was pulled into a hard chest. "T-Thank you," she said, taking a step back as he leaned against the door almost like he thought that would keep everything outside. Her eyes widened slightly as he pointed a gun at her so she quickly raised her hands. You never knew how people would react in times like these, so it was best to go along with what they said.

"No, Not infected. Would have blown myself up if I was" Aurora told him, but she knew her words weren't enough. She slowly lowered her hands and started to take her coat off before hanging it on the rack beside her. Luckily her pants were tight enough that it would be obvious if she were bitten on the leg, so they were kept on. She pulled her top off so that he could see her bare skin. "See. No bites" she said quietly as she turned so he could see her back as well. She pulled her clothing back on and turned to face him once again. "Please don't shoot me" she eyed the gun warily. He was shaking so much that he might pull the trigger on accident.

That's when she noticed a large amount of blood on his clothing. "Are you?" she looked around the room and realised that there was quite a bit of blood everywhere. Her face quickly went pale as she realised that she had just walked herself to her death. She backed away from him slightly but as she did the unconscious soldier came into her field of vision. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw something, so she turned her head to look at it properly. Aurora gasped in horror and backed up against the wall. Who was this guy? Was he going to do the same to her? "I-Is he going to turn? A-Are you going to turn?" she looked back over at the man her eyes wide with terror. She was going to die here.
Niklaus Nemeth
"I am so dead, oh my God. For fuck sake,"

Tags: Maree Maree
Location: The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.

Niklaus gritted his teeth before dropping his arms to the side. She isn't bitten... he thought to himself before turning to face the soldier. He looked at his gun, realizing that the safe was still on and he let out a sarcastic laugh."The... The safe was still on," he said a bit more relaxed as he showed her the gun laughing and just unable to stop chuckling. He looked exhausted, emotionally drained at that moment. He grabbed a seat and sat on it before looking at her. "He was bitten." he said, " Hewanted me to cut his arm as if that could help but he got knocked out. Not too sure what to do... He just barged in while I was doing the broadcast...I...I don't really know if I want him to wake up. I'm not sure I want to find out in which state he would be..." he said outloud with the widest grin out there.

"Is it bad outside? How is it?" he asked as he turned to look at the girl. He whipped the blood from his hand onto his shirt as he shook his head. He looked around only to realize that they were kind of stuck here... No exit door, just so shady ass little room with Nazi flags and old army equipment. It was probably the worst place to be right now, he thought to himself.
Aurora Sterling
Location: The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.
Interactions: D d1uni5ys24si3o

Aurora let out a small sigh of relief as he put the gun down but there was still the dead/dying guy to worry about. Now that things were a bit calmed down she took a moment to look around the little room. There sure was a lot of Nazi propaganda in here but maybe that could come in handy. "You might want to flick the safety off just in case he comes back as one of those things" she advised as she carefully moved around the body. Maybe they could tape it to the chair? No. What if it bit here while she was that close it. They would just have to leave it for now.

"I can't believe you actually cut someone's arm off. I would puke" she said scrunching up her nose as she picked up the blade. "There wouldn't happen to be a sword anywhere amongst this Nazi shit would there?" she asked, turning the blade around in her hand. There was no use in wasting something useful. She wiped the blood off using a curtain, trying not to gag. She hated puking more than anything but it was safe to assume that she was going to be dealing with a lot of dead bodies. She would just have to get used to it.

When he asked how bad it was outside she frowned slightly. "Really bad. There are so many of them out there. Tearing people open left and right. Its like they are killing for sport or something. They would eat one person for a bit before leaving it unfinished and going after another person. Then again I probably shouldn't be trying to understand something like this." she sighed, running her fingers through her hair.

"Are his fingers moving or is it just me?" she asked, quickly grabbing the knife sheath before she retreated to the males side. "If we die here. I'm Aurora and I like exploding things" she blurted before moving slightly behind him in case the body came back to life. He was the one with the gun after all.
coding by cychotic

Aurora let out a small sigh of relief as he put the gun down but there was still the dead/dying guy to worry about. Now that things were a bit calmed down she took a moment to look around the little room. There sure was a lot of Nazi propaganda in here but maybe that could come in handy. "You might want to flick the safety off just in case he comes back as one of those things" she advised as she carefully moved around the body. Maybe they could tape it to the chair? No. What if it bit here while she was that close it. They would just have to leave it for now.

"I can't believe you actually cut someone's arm off. I would puke" she said scrunching up her nose as she picked up the blade. "There wouldn't happen to be a sword anywhere amongst this Nazi shit would there?" she asked, turning the blade around in her hand. There was no use in wasting something useful. She wiped the blood off using a curtain, trying not to gag. She hated puking more than anything but it was safe to assume that she was going to be dealing with a lot of dead bodies. She would just have to get used to it.

When he asked how bad it was outside she frowned slightly. "Really bad. There are so many of them out there. Tearing people open left and right. Its like they are killing for sport or something. They would eat one person for a bit before leaving it unfinished and going after another person. Then again I probably shouldn't be trying to understand something like this." she sighed, running her fingers through her hair.

"Are his fingers moving or is it just me?" she asked, quickly grabbing the knife sheath before she retreated to the males side. "If we die here. I'm Aurora and I like exploding things" she blurted before moving slightly behind him in case the body came back to life. He was the one with the gun after all.
Aaron ran through several possibilities in his head. He didn’t want to abandon the house to the infected, he and Hank could take care of them with their guns. Ammunition would be scarce though, and using guns to reclaim the house could draw even more infected. They could retreat though, lose the house, and be on the run. That would be safer, it was more logical than tackling the infected. Then they would have to either abandon or kill Hank because of his bite. Aaron knew they should retreat, but some small part of him didn’t want to. Aaron looked down the stairs and saw the infected slowly climbing them.

Aaron turned back to the two people, and noticed that the woman was crying. Hank was trying to calm her down, to little avail. Aaron looked to Hank for an explanation, and recieved a whisper. "That man down there was her brother, im a family friend that happened to be stationed here after the infection started. Aaron grimaced, realizing thet he had inadvertantly killed this woman’s brother. He heard a few words pass between the two before Hank rose to his feet, holding the wall to support his injured leg. "We dont care if you follow us, but were going back into the safe area to see if me and Lara can save someone." Hank started wobbling to the front of the house, Lara close behind. Aaron followed them, he wasn't about to risk another six months of solitude. Any more and he would go crazy. He heard Hank ask for a description of the man. Aaron heard Lara choke out a rough decription "He appeared out of nowhere, so i didnt have enough time to get a good look, but his clothes were dirty, he had some sort of baby katana and a really loud gun. I think it was a pistol, but i dont think those are that loud."

The trio hopped onto the porch roof and then, in a rather ungraceful manner, flopped down to the ground. Hank and Lara hobbled in the direction of the wall. Aaron ran to the house, noticing that the streets were clear and that the infected must have been drawn to his grandparents house by the sound of gunfire. He quickly reached in the doorway and closed the door. It swung into the house, so it would take some time for the infected to break the hinges on the door and force it to swing outwards. Aaron caught up with the duo as they were passing the dead guard. Aaron looked in dismay at his weapon, it was batterd and broken beyond use. Aaron knew that the guy wasn't infected because that feral infected didn't bite him and no other infected attempted to eat his corpse. Aaron looked over the guy and produced some goodies. He took the guard's battered tactical vest off, wiped the majority of the blood off of the liquid resistant material, and donned it. He also took the gloves off the guard. Aaron was done, the ammunition in the vest didn't work in the H&K P7, and he didnt see a handgun around, despite there being magazines for a pistol. Aaron guessed that it became unholistered in the guard's fall and buried amon-

Aaron flinched as the gunshot rang through the air, and saw Hank akwardly kneel down to retrieve something from an infected. It was a metal walking stick, suggested by it's pointy end it was used for rugged terrain. Catching up to Hank and Lara, they cautiosly wandered into the "safe" area. An infected wandered into their path and was subsequently smacked with a hammer. Wandering farther in they started to hear a low rumbling, then wandering into an alley the rumbling increased in intensity until a truck raced past and rounded a corner.Hank hobbled out into the open and seemed to recoil and stumble, suddenly a small hoard popped out of nowhere and surrounded Hank.

Aaron's eyes widened, the man wouldn't survive that many infected. Lara rushed forward just as Hank burst out of the hoard, yelling franticly. "FUCK! LARA BACK UP! NOW!" Lara froze, probably wondering how he managed to haul himself out of the hoard and why they weren't targeting him, or maybe in just sheer horror. Then, over the sound of the hungry infected, Aaron heard a faint beeping noise. He rushed forward, beeping usually meant explosives. Luckly Lara wasn't too far into the street, so he grabbed under her arms and started to haul her into the alley.

Then there was an explosion, Aaron's ears were deafened for a moment, then he collapsed. Lara's struggles against him had her center of mass easier to move, now she was slumped against his body. Aaron heaved her off of him and recoiled. There was a small piece of plastic imbedded in the back of her skull, and blood oozed out of a hole where most of her nose had been. Aaron crawled away, grabbed the walking stick because he had lost his hammer, and picked himself up and started to run like there was no tommorow. Gore splattered the street, and Aaron noticed a small piece of military cloth, and not far from it was Hank's gun. Aaron scooped it up and kept running, hoping that it still worked. His vision was blurry, his steps unsure, and he found himself in the Alex. He started running to the gate, it seemed clear of infected. Though it seemed blown in, the infected couldn't have done this themselves. His train of thought was interuppted by rumbling. Aaron turned and saw the truck heading for the ruined gates.

ShadowRogue ShadowRogue
Kiroshiven Kiroshiven

“Safe” area, Alexanderplatz

New Appearance:
-Light grey jogging pants
-Red shirt
-Battered Tactical vest
-Military gloves
-Black and white cross training shoes
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Niklaus Nemeth
"I am so dead, oh my God. For fuck sake,"

Tags: Maree Maree
Location: The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.

Niklaus shrugged, "I was about to if the instinct didn't kick in." he chuckled as he took her advice. He flicked the safety off while she spoke of what was happening outside and he could felt his skin hiss in danger. Nothing was going well and this place was doomed. "That bad... fuck where is this whole military prowess they were bragging about a week ago!?" he said annoyed. He frowned as he looked at her grab the knife of the soldier and although he wanted to call her out on it, he figured the soldier would do so if he was still human. It wasn't exactly her's to begin with nor would it be if that soldier ends up dead.

Niklaus wiped the blood off of his hands on his bloody pants before addressing her, "I think that was your imagination...His arm is on the floor, don't you see it?" he said as he glanced at the soldier. He looked around and noticed a box in the back of the closet. He wondered if...

Walking towards it, he pulled it out of there creating a cloud of dust. He coughed, waving his hand to dissipate the dust. "Maybe there is something in there? I'm not sure honestly..." he said as he opened it to find quite a few interesting stuff. He pulled out helmets, quite useful FOR the living dead but not him...Some punk CDs, "By the way... I did not choose the decor," he said attempting to relax from all this suspense...His only chance to get out of here was that soldier. He needed him alive... He really did.

"Ah! A dagger," he said as he pulled out a dagger with a swastika logo. He handed it to her and waved for her to give him the other one.
Aiden Richtofen


The male was pretty impressed with the bomb, if not intimidated. This is why I hate using them.. What if that blows up in your face? he thought, watching the zombies get torn to shreds with the explosion, gore splattering the street. Not to say that he didn't appreciate their use, but he just didn't trust them, and he didn't really recall how this distrust started.

Aiden turned away from the light show to give his attention to the woman, inclining his head in acknowledgement at her introduction. Evelynne.. nice name. He snorted at the word fleshbag. Lucky indeed.. His mind then screeched to a halt in response to her next words. Strip? Him? "Uh.. is that really necessary 'cause..", he started saying hesitantly, his cheeks stained pink with a blush. He stopped his line of speech when he saw how serious she looked though and he could see the guy driving giving him suspicious looks through the back mirror. He sighed and stood up, slightly unsteady due to being in a moving vehicle, though his training came in handy as he kept his balance quite well. He started taking off his clothes reluctantly. It was quite cold after all, and besides, he'd never really stripped in front of a female before. He never had time to pursue such things.

He slipped off his hoodie and his shirt first, shivering slightly at the chill, and dropped those on the floor of the truck, then took off his boots, unbuckled the short sword from his left thigh and then his belt, and finally slipped off his skinny jeans, leaving him in his boxers and socks. He crossed his arms to ward off the cold and glared at Evelynne grumpily. "Well? You satisfied?", he groused. He considered briefly if he would get away with suggesting that she strips as well for a checkup, but thought better of it. He didn't want his bits damaged, especially with only a flimsy pair of white boxers for protection.

Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Aurora Sterling
Location: The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.
Interactions: D d1uni5ys24si3o

Aurora nudged the man gently with her foot as her mystery companion searched through a box. Nope, still not moving. Then again she wasn't sure if he wanted him to move or not. Would he be useful? Or just slow them down? "You're probably right. We are going to have to leave here at some point. Do you think you will be able to leave him?" she asked, frowning slightly. Oh, how she hoped he wasn't the hero type.

Despite the situation, Aurora found herself laughing at his decor comment. "Really? Because I totally had you pegged as one of those hardcore Nazi believers." she teased, taking another moment to admire the decor once again. Why couldn't it have been a wannabe ninja so she could have a sword? That would have made things so much easier. "Of course you want me to have the swastica one. If someone tries to beat me up over this I'm using you as a meat shield" she jokingly threatened as she swapped weapons with him. It wasn't a sword but it would have to do.

"You know what doesn't make sense. I didn't hear any of the landmines go off. There were plenty of active landmines outside the walls. So why didn't any go off?" she asked, pinching the bridge of her nose. Something definitely felt off about this situation but she couldn't put her finger on it. Just the other day they were bragging about the tight security and how nothing would ever get in but here they were. Could it have been an inside job? Did someone want everything to be overrun and if they did... Why? Aurora let out a soft sigh. There was no time to waste on conspiracy theories they needed to get out of there.

"We need to collect anything useful into a backpack then get out of here," she said before looking out the peephole. It was chaos but they might be able to sneak through it. She had heard an explosion not too far off a few minutes ago so maybe that meant that there were still people alive. She at least hoped that was the case.

coding by cychotic

Aurora nudged the man gently with her foot as her mystery companion searched through a box. Nope, still not moving. Then again she wasn't sure if he wanted him to move or not. Would he be useful? Or just slow them down? "You're probably right. We are going to have to leave here at some point. Do you think you will be able to leave him?" she asked, frowning slightly. Oh, how she hoped he wasn't the hero type.

Despite the situation, Aurora found herself laughing at his decor comment. "Really? Because I totally had you pegged as one of those hardcore Nazi believers." she teased, taking another moment to admire the decor once again. Why couldn't it have been a wannabe ninja so she could have a sword? That would have made things so much easier. "Of course you want me to have the swastica one. If someone tries to beat me up over this I'm using you as a meat shield" she jokingly threatened as she swapped weapons with him. It wasn't a sword but it would have to do.

"You know what doesn't make sense. I didn't hear any of the landmines go off. There were plenty of active landmines outside the walls. So why didn't any go off?" she asked, pinching the bridge of her nose. Something definitely felt off about this situation but she couldn't put her finger on it. Just the other day they were bragging about the tight security and how nothing would ever get in but here they were. Could it have been an inside job? Did someone want everything to be overrun and if they did... Why? Aurora let out a soft sigh. There was no time to waste on conspiracy theories they needed to get out of there.

"We need to collect anything useful into a backpack then get out of here," she said before looking out the peephole. It was chaos but they might be able to sneak through it. She had heard an explosion not too far off a few minutes ago so maybe that meant that there were still people alive. She at least hoped that was the case.
Aaron jumped out of the way as the truck sped past, it wasn't the same model as the last one though. Picking himself up, Aaron turned to the gate and fell again. The sound of the vehicles motor had attracted the attention of every infected in the vicinity. Crawling, then picking himself up and running, Aaron stumbled farther back into the "Safe" area. It was rough going as he was still disoriented from the explosion that had claimed Lara and Hank. As he stumbled farther into the former safe area, Aaron noticed that the infected were increasing in numbers. Suddenly, a loud shriek blasted its way past Aaron's muffled hearing and the infected suddenly perked up from their corpses and bones. Aaron clutched his ears as his vision and hearing returned to normal. Taking in the scene around him for the first time, Aaron could barely restrain himself from being sick. Realising thet he was being targeted by more infected, Aaron groaned and shot off, his legs still sluggish.

Noticing a conviently stacked pile of relief packaging, Aaron clambered ontop of the boxes and clawed his way to the roof. Flopping to thr ground, Aaron took a breather. Most of the infected he could see seemed to be the iconic shambling zombies from standard zombie media. Though there were special infected, they seemed to be plucked from different games and movies. The feral infected were just like the Volatile from Dying Light. Aaron had a philisophical moment, what if some god had gotten bored as fuck and had no idea what to do, so they plucked some zombies from popular media and dropped them into this world.

Low moaning brought him back to reality as one of those feral infected shot down the street twoards the boxes Aaron had used to climb onto the roof. Aaron, still out of breath, took a second to stand up, then he jumped to the next building. One foot made it, the other did not. His other foot slid off the roof, but luckly Aaron caught himself with his hands. The infected had a mangled ankle, so it could not jump to the ledge Aaron was dangling from. With the momentum the infected had though, it was able to grab Aaron's pant leg. There they dangled for a solid ten seconds before anything happened. First Aaron yelled "Fuck off, this is my favorite pair of pants." Then the infected gurgled a response. Finally Aaron kicked it in the face a few times and sent it down to the ground. Heaving himself up, Aaron collapsed on his side. He hated the monkey bars in playgrounds, and had forgotten how hard it was to hold your own body up. Peering over the edge to see if the infected was dead, it wasn't. It was still writhing on the ground. Aaron rolled back onto his back and layed there for a moment.

Like two minutes later:

Aaron sat up, breath caught. He crawled to the other side of the building and peered over the edge, no infected and the ground seemed closer. Aaron used some light fixations to climb down. He noticed that there was a door next to him. Aaron didn't even try to open it. Then he heard the iconic gurgle and started frantically tugging at the door. Oh he hoped it wasn't a push door and he wasn't being stupid. Shit. Aaron turned to see another melted-mouth volatile rip-off. He leveled the metal stick and charged at the infected. The narrow alley restricted his sideways movement so all he had were thrusts of his weapon. He aimed to lodge the walking stick in the infected chest, but he missed and they both passed each other. Aaron faced the street and made a run for it. A fierce tug at the back of his shirt drew him back as the Feral reeled him in. Aaron's hands shot to the back of his shirt to dislodge the Feral's grip, upon feeling how cold and lifeless the fingers were he immediatly drew them back on reflex. This time he flipped his body to face the infected. He dug his heels into the ground and propelled himself forwards. Bowling the feral over, he sprung to his feet and raised his foot to stomp the things head in. The feral reached for his leg but it was too slow. Aaron felt himself let go as he stomped and stomped and stomped.

Breathing hard, Aaron looked at the frothy puddle at his feet. More infected were trying to push over eachother to get in, they weren't getting far doing thet though. Aaron grabbed the metal walking stick, and rapped on the door with his knuckles, loud enough for those within to hear.

Mentioned: N/A

Location: Outside Nicklaus' door
D d1uni5ys24si3o
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Evelynne Volga
Evelynne watched with a smirk as the male blushed. His innocence was rather amusing to say the least. However, now was the not the time for idle musings. As she observed him taking off his clothes Evelynne took note of everything she could. Making sure there were no recent scars, open wounds, and most importantly no bites. He's at least kept himself in shape and won't slow us down when this hunk of junk runs out of gas. Nodding Evelynne gave a thumbs up to the men in the cab. "He's clean." Turning back to the boy she motioned that he could get dressed again. "We're heading to the radio station to inspect at least ONE more healthy survivor. Though by now I figure there will be at least one or two more." The radio station wasn't exactly UNHEARD of, just not someplace you went if you had a choice. Now, nobody had much of a choice. There was a survivor there, that meant other people would likely start to group up.

After a few minutes the truck finally came to a stop. "We there?" Evelynne asked into the window and the men nodded. "Good. You two get out and stand guard." She ordered while waving for their newcomer to come along. "Grab the white duffel bag. It has my supplies in it." Climbing out of the truck she quickly made her way towards the location and saw someone else already there. "You there? You infected?" She called out just audible enough for them to hear. "I'm Doctor Evelynne Volga, I'm gathering up survivors before getting the hell out of this place." She continued to approach, hoping that those on the inside of the radio station would hear her, though the radio station's room was likely insulated and greatly muffled the sounds from outside.

ShadowRogue ShadowRogue Vanadium9277 Vanadium9277 Maree Maree Dionysus Dionysus
Aiden Richtofen

giphy (1).gif
Aiden shot Evelynne a small glare when he saw her smirk at him. He knew he was being ridiculous and too shy but damn, he wasn't used to this. He breathed a sigh of relief however when she deemed him clean and he started to put on his clothes again gratefully. The chill was getting quite bothersome, making goosebumps show up all over his smooth skin. Clean wasn't exactly the right word in his opinion though. He felt filthy. He eyed Evelynne in interest when she mentioned the survivor in the radio station, though he wondered if she could really call anyone healthy without meeting them first at this point. "You better make this survivor strip as well, can't be too careful", he snarked under his breath. He shot an annoyed look at the two guys that were her companions, the suspicious ones. It was ultimately their fault he had to strip and now he felt bloody cold, something he was a bit vulnerable to.

When they arrived, he was surprised that she made her companions stand guard and he was invited to accompany her. However he simply nodded at her order and grabbed the bag she indicated, feeling that he should just go along with the flow for the moment even if he did pride himself to be independent of any leader figures and was usually more likely to just do stuff his way. Survival was more likely in numbers and he couldn't afford to annoy his new companions. He let Evelynne do the talking and inspecting of the person near the radio station and instead of joining her, he decided to rap his knuckles on the door of the station. "Any one there?", he called, wondering if there were indeed any survivors or if it was just overrun by walking corpses.

Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Vanadium9277 Vanadium9277 Maree Maree D d1uni5ys24si3o
Niklaus Nemeth

Location: The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.

"What do you think I am doing?" he asked her. She was stating the most obvious of things. The girl thought she was playful and perhaps in other situations he would have laughed, but it just made him more nervous. She talks too much...Way too much... he thought to himself as he gave all of his attention to scavenged what little this radio station could provide. Within five minutes, he managed to find a small med kit, some drinks and half a bagel from yesterday. He finally stood up and bite his lip. "Yeah, I really don't have much." he said as he looked at her. "We have to get out of here though," and as if on cue...

SCREEEEETCH the sound of something scrapping the door resonated through his bones. The soldier jumped to life, kicking the desk before before blinking his eyes open. "The fuck...ARG," he said wincing at the pain in his arm. He gritted his teeth and looked at the two next to him. Niklaus had a gun pointed directly at him, it was shaking a lot. Like way too much.

"Ya might want to give to the lady instead," he trailed off looking at his arm, "You pussy." he said before standing up. He roughly grabbed the gun from Niklaus and gave it to the girl. "Can't even fucking use it... You should have killed me while you had a chance," His eyes met Niklaus and he then laughed before looking at the girl next to him.

"I remember you...Dr.Sterling. I'm lieutenant Harris. You were my first job within the walls, you will also be my last. I expect you to use that Gun the moment I act suspiciously. I know you won't fail me," he stated before turning to the door. He grabbed a handgun from his boot and looked at the door. He could hear the chatter outside and it sounded human. He shook his head one side and looked at Niklaus.

"Open it," and just like a little bitch, Niklaus obeyed and opened the door for him.

The soldier took a step forward and looked at the people before him. He recognized one of the soldiers in the back that followed them. They all looked surprised to see Lt.Harris and immediately saluted him. "Let's go boys." he ordered as he walked up all the other survivors around as if none of this mattered.

Niklaus looked at the ginger next to him and gulped, "Ye bitten or not I'm following him..." he said as he took a decisive step and pulled out the knife he still had in possession.
Aurora Sterling
Location: The News Broadcast, in the Center of Inner Berlin.
Interactions: D d1uni5ys24si3o

Aurora raised a brow when he shot a snarky comment at her. Jeez, she got that it was a terrible situation but he didn't need to be a dick just because she was trying to lighten the mood. She wandered around the small room trying to find anything else that could be useful but ended up grabbing a roll of tape and just stealing the wires from the little lamp he had at his desk. They could probably come in handy later. The only thing she wished she had was her little portable kit, it had everything she needed to make bombs. Maybe she could convince him to let her make a stop by her office. Then again he was really giving her some dickish vibes so she might just have to split off from him. She had managed to survive for a while on her own in the beginning so she could probably do it again.

Aurora was pulled from her thoughts when the soldier shot up swearing and groaning. Her eyes flickered over to the mystery man who was pointing a shaking gun at the soldier who she now properly recognised as lieutenant Harris. God if he even attempted to shoot like that he would probably miss entirely even though they were quite close. "Put the gun away, princess. The dead can't swear" she scoffed but before she couldn't make another comment as the soldier started talking down to mystery man. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he put the mystery dude in his place. She was kind of surprised to be given the gun but also wasn't because the other guy looked like a quivering chihuahua whenever he had it pointed at someone.

Aurora found a small smile form on her lips as he told her that he knew she wouldn't let him down. "Of course Sir. I do hope that you would do the same for me if the time comes" she said, her eyes flickering over to the mystery man. He was acting like an obedient little servant. Almost like it would hurt him to have his own thoughts for once. He didn't even stand up for himself when he was being insulted it was kind of pathetic to watch. She now had a feeling that this dude wasn't going to last a minute outside these walls.

Once the door was opened rather obediently by the dude who's name she still didn't know Aurora followed the lieutenant out before he had even finished his sentence about following him or not. Waiting outside were an interesting group of people but at least there was what looked like a doctor. That would come in handy. "Lieutenant Harris?" she spoke, hoping to catch his attention. There was no harm in at least trying to see if they could stock up on some bomb supplies. "Is there anyways we can stop by my office and pick up some explosive supplies? It could come in handy if we run into a large group of things" she suggested. At least his confident attitude made her feel a bit more certain that they would survive this. Well at least some of them would. She really did hope that the infection hadn't spread past where it had been cut off. She wouldn't hesitate to shoot him but she really hoped that everything would be fine.

coding by cychotic
Wolfgang Holland
Wolfe already regretted his descision to leave his house. He told his mom he was gonna take the car get some supplies he had stashed in the shop. Little did he know that some off the zeds had caught wind of him in Mitte. Wolfe looked down from the wheel to check on his gun. A masterwork of German design. He had his Sig sauer p226, his side arm he had in the army. The only gun he had other than is m870 at his home. Which he brought out and gave to his mom to defend herself. Wolfgang shifted his Vw golf into 3rd gear and began to speed up. He soon heard his radio in his car power up, he couldn’t quite hear what it was saying so he turned it up. The result of this made his eyes drift to the stereo system. The moment he did took his eyes off the road he heard a thump on the wind shield, which resulted in Wolfgang losing his control of the car. He looked up, seeing he ran something over. He tried to swearve but ended up hitting a traffic light. The car slammed head on, activating the airbags and flinging the body from the hood of his car. Wolfe reeled in his seat, slaming his head in the airbag. The bag slammed his face back into the seat. Wolfgang tasted blood and had a ringing in his ears. He felt a thud in the back of his car. Something was trying to get on. The thumping on the back end became louder, and louder, or maybe he was regaining his hearing. Wolfe turned his head back to see a mangled human clawing at the rear windshield

“Fucking... the dead have broken in?”

He turned his head at the cracked window in front of him. The body he hit begins to stand up... or at least attempt. The head is turned the wrong way and a leg is bent backwards. Wolfgang reaches for his gun , nestled in his waistband of his pants. he pulls his seta back as to allow himself more room and opens the door of his golf. He attempts to stand up, using his left arm to pull himself up but finds a searing pain.

“Shieß. Dislocated my shoulder.”

He then rolls out, further aggravating his shoulder even more. The zombie st the back of the car jumbles toward wolfgang

“Back the fuck off”

He says puts a bullet in the zed’s brain. The zed falls to the floor. As wolfgang shuffles to stand up he sees he has a following. A few slower ones seem to jumble from the street and alleyway. Wolfgang clutches his gun his his right hand and begins to pace away.

He began to hear a somewhat loud rapping noise. Out of curiosity he followed it. The zombies following him seemed to be losing interest. Wolfgang held out his gun and turned the corner and found himself in an alleyway.
He saw a short, adolescent kid about a foot smaller to him. He shouted in a hushed whisper.

“Hey. Kid.” He says.

He holds his gun up, not pointed at him but ready to do some QuickDraw if the boy is undead

“You living or dead” Wolfgang states

Wolfe looks over his shoulder to see if any zeds follow him. Only one is shambling in the general direction of him but not st him. The rest are now milling against the car he just totaled.

Location: alleyway of the radiostarion

Mentions: Vanadium9277 Vanadium9277

Interacted with: Bill Nein Bill Nein Vanadium9277 Vanadium9277

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