Chitchat Weirdest School Dress Code Rules


Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee
Look, I understand the necessity of dress codes. When I was in school, I would always abide by them. But then, their are a few dress codes that just don't make a lot of sense. I'm wondering if anybody has had a rule like that, or that was just plain stupid.

For me, when I was in eighth grade, my school adopted the rule that if we wore sneakers, the color of the laces had to be the color of the majority of the school. Anyone else have any strange rules like that?
All the way back in about fourth grade, my old school had a weird policy on swimwear. Both girls and boys had their own school-brand swim attire, and nothing else was allowed. Girls got a modest one-piece swimsuit - which made sense - but boys had to wear these rigid speedos that would directly display the family jewels from underneath if you stood or sat with your legs too far apart. On top of that, lessons were co-ed - and if you forgot your speedos, picking from lost and found was suicide.

Also, if you didn't bring sandals for the ten-meter trip from the changing rooms to the pool, you'd be excluded from the lesson even if you were fully decked out with everything else.
Not completely dress code related but my high school kind of forbids students from posting swimsuit and swimwear photos on their social media accounts. One girl I used to go to school with got reprimanded because her father posted their beach photos and she was wearing a two piece swimsuit there.

College is a Catholic school so it has stricter dress codes but Architecture Students had to wear this heavy looking blazer when temperatures in this country can average 32 to 36 degrees Celsius. Some students protested against that because it's too hot but school won't budge. Instead, they compromise by wearing it when entering the building then taking it off immediately once inside. I was also reprimanded for wearing white socks once. For reference, my socks was plain white. No decorations of any sorts. Black was the default color apparently.
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At my high school we were not allowed to show our shoulders.

We were allowed to wear tank tops, technically, but we had to have a shawl or a jacket or something to cover our shoulders. If we didn't, we wouldn't be sent home, but the (female) principal would glare and nag at you all day. She even grabbed my friend's shoulders once (in a kind of 'trying awkwardly to be buddy-buddy' fashion) and told her she needed to "find something to cover up them shoulders, girl!"

Now, I followed the rest of the dress code just fine, skirt length, no tight tee shirts, always wore a bra, whatever. But this one I deliberately ignored as often as the weather would allow. Why? Three reasons.

1.) I wasn't 100% certain, but I was fairly sure this was a girls-only rule. I never saw a boy nagged about it.

2.) It wasn't even in the actual official dress code. It was some impromptu rule the principal laid out for no readily apparent reason. (I actually carried around a hard copy of the "student handbook" specifically so I could point this out--yes, I was actually that petty in HS.)

3.) Literally no guy in the history of ever has gone "Hey baby, that is a nice shoulder...;)"
we had rules about sock color up until i was in eighth grade or so. it was bizarre. did they think people's socks would clash with the school uniform or something?
no matter what weather we had to have our clip-on ties could be a million degrees and we would still be forced to wear the tie.Everything can be taken off but the tie
All of these are extremely mild in comparison to everything that I've ever experienced. Specific school uniforms were mandatory, with black shoes and maximum hair length requirements for boys and minimum for girls. No painted fingernails nor makeup were allowed, nor earrings, etc. I always thought that those rules were a tad bit too lenient - ties were optional when it was hot, for instance, and though my brothers went to a school with specific school socks as part of the uniform I didn't, and I even got away with wearing socks with dinosaurs on them and whatnot.
Since school uniform is mandatory over here, there's a multitude of things that we weren't allowed to do in my school:
1. Blazers had to be worn at all times and you had to ask for permission to take it off
2. Blazer sleeves were not allowed to be rolled up
3. Ties were not allowed to be taken off unless it was boiling hot and you had permission, and if you didn't have it you were given a detention
4. Shirts had to be tucked in at all times. On a side note, only long-sleeve shirts were listed in our planners but it wasn't really an enforced thing since everyone wore short-sleeved anyway
5. "Proper," black school shoes. If they had velcro straps, they were labelled as trainers (even though they weren't) and you'd be pulled aside and issued a detention

There are so many other things that I could mention but I should probably stop before I start ranting ^^'
I was once dress coded for wearing a tank top on an 80 degree day. I had to call my mother to bring me a cardigan to cover up.
I walked out of the office and on my way back to class, I saw a guy with one of those muscle shirts and it showed most of his chest from being cut up. I was fairly annoyed by this
In grade six, girls had to have their hair up if it was past the shoulders (headlice issue at the school) But the thing was you were only allowed to wear the school scrunchies. If you wore any other type or colour then they would call your parents to buy/bring you new hairbands XD

Other then that highschool is really laid back where I am :)
My high school had a bunch of dress codes that they never actually enforced... Like, showing off shoulders wasn't allowed. Wearing pants or skirts too short wasn't allowed. Wearing ripped jeans wasn't allowed. Wearing tank tops wasn't allowed. Dyeing one's hair crazy color and wearing it in crazy styles (like a mohawk) wasn't allowed.
Yet tons of people in my school broke those rules and nobody cared lol
In middle school, I remember how the girl's soccer team was not allowed to wear our uniforms unless we had a shirt underneath (it looked so stupid!) because the jerseys were tank tops. Now, I understand spaghetti straps, but the tank tops had long/thick/whatever straps. If we wore another tank top underneath, it still was against the dress code. In high school, they had uplifted the hair color ban, but we couldn't do anything crazy like have leopard print strands with polka dots and crazy colors alongside it. Piercings were not allowed unless it was in the ears still, and last I checked, ripped jeans are allowed as are skirts and shorts as long as they are within length.
There was this weird policy that almost all schools have- which is not showing your shoulders for girls. Would a guy seriously look at a girl's shoulders and go "DANG I'MA ASK HER OUT CAUSE OF THOSE SHOULDERS"...? I mean, it's stupid. Also, we weren't allowed to wear baggy sweatpants, tight clothes, shorts above your fingertips (which sucked for me, I have long arms and basically my arm to leg ratio was 5,000:1) and... My school wasn't too weird then, tbh.
My school would not let girls wear shorts above the knee, period. Or skirts. One time, my classmate BROKE HER LEG and had a brace over her knee that kind of like... Latched around her lower though to help prevent the knee from moving too much to prevent pain, so obviously she was wearing shorter skirts so the brace didn't catch it and rip it off her body.

She got two weeks of suspension and then her parents pulled her out because, um, bullshit???

Another weird one for me was no cuts SPECIFICALLY on the knee for skinny jeans. Thigh holes, fine, but oh no not the knees! I came to school once in a fair of skinny jeans that shrank a little bit in the dryer, so obviously I just gave myself some more wiggle room with a single slit on the knee. Sent home.

But guys could wear pants to their knees and show off their "suck me" boxers.​
Reading these makes me go all ???? bc I don't think we had any dress codes. And personally, I find it SO STUPID when they tell girls not to wear tank tops/shirts showing off their shoulders, shorts etc. bc what the hell??? Especially if the boys can wear basically anything they like. That is pretty damn sexist, if you ask me. And honestly, if a guy "can't focus in class" bc he sees some girl's shoulders... It's the boy that should freaking learn to control himself lmao. Sorry small rant.

And all those "not allowed to post swimsuit pics", not being allowed to dye your hair or wear ripped jeans or whatever sock color you want etc....??? what??
Never really took much issue with my previous school's dress codes since they're...pretty standard for a private school. Boys' hair shouldn't reach past the eyebrows or touch the uniform collar, girls' hair should be tied up by 7 AM, no hair highlights/hair get the picture.

But good god, the mandatory sorta military training was bad. In hindsight it wasn't completely weird, especially for the guys' side since all we literally had to do was buy the school-regulated pins and a garrison belt and wear all black. For the girls though? They had to have 25 or so hairpins in their hair and a hairnet. Apparently, it was even worse for the previous batches of students before us, who had to put in 100 hairpins. They would literally count the hairpins at the start of every training session. Oh, and if the hairpins disappear in your hair? Tough luck, you're getting marked up for having incomplete hairpins.

Training was wild, man.
For a long while, our school wasn’t allowed to wear anything black thanks to the dumbs little kids who thought it would be funny to start a “gang” called the “black brotherhood”.

Now mind you, this wasn’t anything racist. These were a bunch of seventh grade boys who stilled thought the best way to respect a wamen was to pull her hair. They wore black shirts with skulls on them or edgy bands and probably terrified the shit out of teachers for the implications.

(Because a gang?!?!! Death con 4 everybody, the seventh graders have started a ¿questionably? racist and ~v i o l e n t ~ gang! Quick, ban the color black! We did it Mrs. Elliot. Thank god. That could have been ugly.)

My school was a pretty straight edge kinda place. Our entire school district called us Hairy Tits. (The school was named Heritage)

Good times~
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I think at some point my school considered not letting the girls wear yoga pants. Pretty sure they gave that up.

If a girl wants to show her panty line, that's her business, not mine. I wear leggings under my ONE pair of yoga pants.
Reading about dress codes both fascinates and disturbs me. They're often really sexist. Like, I understand enforcing a level of decency, but the double standards are so tangible and disgusting.
Oh, I have one that actually made the news, kinda! This one's mostly from my sister since I'd graduated the year prior, but, basically:

My highschool didn't get a good OFSTED review that year so the headteacher was stressing about how to get back on track. She thought for some reason that heightening the uniform restrictions would solve this, and set about revamping it, giving them new blazers, ties, ect., and implementing.. The Dreaded Shoe Rule
Basically they said, "Your shoes have to be black, have no branding, and be polish-able." What happens if your shoes are brown, or have a cheeky logo on it or something? Well, you get taken out of class for the ENTIRE day to essentially sit in detention, and this will continue every day until you have the right shoes. Like, they argued wearing inappropriate shoes distracts you from learning.. so the best course of action was to like, prevent them from learning at all, I guess?

Now obviously they put this rule here to stop kids showing up with like, I'unno, Nike trainers and Gucci slides and whatever, but this one kid got put in Isolation for a few days for wearing shoes that were from the Marks and Spencer's school shoes line, had no visible branding, had been totally fine last year.. but oh no, they were BROWN, not black, so off to detention you go
The kid's mum actually kicked off with the school and got a bunch of other parents to kick off too, and even managed to get an article in the Chronicle about it. I think they ended up softening their rules after that. Weird times

TL; DR School takes kid out of classes for wearing shoes that are sold specifically to be worn in school because they weren't 100% up to standards, chaos ensues
I went to a public school for athletes and out of nowhere the preppy parents voted that this particular PUBLIC SCHOOL will adopt a school uniform.
My whole high school I was wearing clothes i wanted until 11 and 12 grade. To say the least, I didn't follow the rules. Not the skirt, always wore my hoodies that didnt match the ugly colors they chose. It wasnt because I wanted to disobey it was literally because I couldnt fit in those white girl uniforms. I had a lot more hips and a lot more breast than the stuff they offered for girls.
Oh man, this is so bizarre to me. Like, what the fuck. I can't imagine being banned from wearing tank tops in the summer when it's devilishly hot.

I live in a country where school dress codes don't exist and so far, the society hasn't collapsed on itself. (I mean, it probably will soon considering our political situation, but that's not the fault of non-existent dress codes).

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