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Fandom Warriors || OOC

I've been saying that we didn't need a summary. We just needed a GM. We can, and should, just continue where we left off now that Ambra is back.

Just have DemonKitten change the original post back the way it was and we can continue where we left off.
Since Wolfheart no longer holds a position as deputy, I'd like to switch Palewing as a prophecy cat and hand that over to Wolfheart instead.

If that's fine, of course.
Oh jeez, what even.
DemonKitten DemonKitten Thank you so much for taking over our mess. Just in case it hasn't been said yet. You're amazing and thanks so much haha.
Thank yall, tag me if you need me to add anything to the character sheet. I can always manage that. If yall have a dispute, you can tag me in that as well.
Lethal has always been a great roleplayer partner, so I am happy to of helped her roleplay a little, though it looks like I just decluttered it mainly.
Idk if you'd really wanna be tagged in anymore disputes (lol) but feel free to pop in every now and again to see what the heck's going on I guess! We need a leader for this thing. xD

The only thing I can think of that could be added to the main page in the future would be like a map of the territories. But that would be kind of hard to find...

Maybe we could get someone to draw one for us. I'm an artist, so I would do it but I'm usually pretty busy so it would take me a year. lol
Lethal described HollowClan as like a mix of thunderclan and riverclan territories, and MoonClan as like a mix of ShadowClan and WindClan territories.

Idk though, we will just have to RP it and make up what the territory looks like as as go.
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Logo Logo Xylona Xylona
We didn't time-skip, so Birdstar should come to MoonClan with Fernpaw. From there we will RP everything Noivian mentioned in her summary.

Also, I made an edit to one of my posts. (Again. lol)

I figure that the meeting place for MoonClan should not be underneath a giant tree. Honestly, HollowClan should be the one that have a giant hollow tree at the center of their territory
Man I'm beginning to think I am the biggest stickler for my own grammar that ever lived. Do you have any idea how many times I've edited all of my posts?

Anyway, I really hope someone makes a post soon. At this point I'm dying to RP so bad I'm about to scribble sentences on a piece of paper. lol (I'm not actually going to do that.)
Eh, It's probably just a mistake, I tend to copy and paste stuff from other places so as to take up less time completely rewriting things.
I'm still wondering where all the new members are. Nobody still hasn't posted, except for Logo and I.

Everyone does know it's ok to post, right?

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