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Fandom Warhammer 30k: A Split Path OOC

so many charismatic wise primarchs need someone who is actually heavily specked to fighting.
Name: Santiago Aguilar
Race: son of the emperor
Gender: male
Age: N/A
Appearance: he has black short hair with dark green eyes, he has tanned rough skin along with a few minor scars in the face. You will rarely see him smile, only a small frown. His face has also been noted to be a little sunken in. He is the shortest of his brothers and sisters. And like all other Primarchs is ripped to the max.

Personality: santiago is a man of determination and resilience. It doesn't matter what you throw at him, he will do anything to beat it. He is patient enough to wait out anything. If you're a psyker watch out, he has a big distaste and distrust of them. (Except his father of course) Though be warned santiago is extremely bitter when you do something against him and he might not ever forget that grudge. If you manage to get santiago by your side, then you will gain absolute loyalty from him. And finally Deep down he's also a man of honor.

Homeworld: sparthene was a fairly diverse ecosystem, for example it had dangerously high mountains, almost un liveable wasteland, and finally where most of humanity lived in the large forests of sparthene.

History: sparthene was ruled by many minor kingdoms, but one grow at a frightening rate was known as españia ruled by their king Philip the tenth. Though instead of landing in the king's castle, he landed in his brother's fortress. Who just so happened to be the general of the kingdom. After looking inside he was utterly amazed to find a child of all things. But ultimately he decided to raised him, and so the general Augustus trained for years in the art of war. Some of this training included drink and inhaling small doses of different poisons. Santiago still continues this practice to this day. Still any mortal man would normally break in this kind of training, which involved running for days with out end, survival with food or water for two weeks, or even a hold 20 ton rock for an entire day. These were only a few examples, even the smallest of mistakes meant severe punishment. Despite this helps successfully finished the training and became the Primarchs he is today.

He also was taught the ways of the forge and construction for times of war and peace. It of course didn't take long before santiago had practically learned all he could from the general Augustus. The royal family sometimes visited the fortress, which after some time, made a strange bond with them. Then he was finally ready to go out in war, he was appointed leader of the newly formed "Trojan guard". Who he himself choose from the best of the best. Finally with his army ready, he set out for conquest castle after castle, Fort after fort All fell to him,one particular battle was with the enemy kingdom germina. Which during the seige of it's capital the Trojan guard and santiago were ambushed from behind by germania's two army reinforcements. Each with almost a million men,Despite this Santiago and the remaining Trojan guard held out the three armys and captured the capital.

Though one day the majority of royal family were victim of assassination. And shortly after that his adopted father, the general was killed in battle. In a fit of rage brutally conquered the few kingdoms that remained, and tracked down the assiaasns and their contractors brutally tortured in public. As an example of what will happen when you disobey him. And month after the conquest of sparthene, he married the king's daughter who had survived to try make his rule valid. On that very day his father, the Emperor of mankind came down from the very heavens. At first Santiago was utterly confused at the giant golden man who was even taller then he was. But after some clarification he finally understood his great purpose, and so was ready to take on the very stars of the sky.

Base attributes:
Charisma :100

Technical attributes:
Weapon skills:25
Ballistic skill:20
Psychic potency:10
Psychic control:10

Unique traits

Warp Resistance(B-rank)
this character has an inherent resistance to the warp and it's affects.
Absolute Resilience(SSS-rank)
for a limited time(30minutes) he can be completely immune to all bio weapons and damage in general. But afterwards a great amount of stamina will wasted.

This character can break through any structure,trench, and defenses in general.

Inspiring presence(B-rank)
This character will boost a army's will and morale, by his mere presence.
well i meant more in terms of being more special forces over a straight up fighting type of battle strategy

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