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Fandom Warhammer 30k: A Split Path OOC

Name: Eryx Augustus

Race: Son of the Emperor

Gender: Male

Age: NA

Rank: Primarch of the 13th Legion, the Faithful Sons

Personality: (What makes you who you are? Likes? Dislikes? Timid or outgoing? Be descriptive.)

Homeworld: Pergamon

History: Pergamon had always had a reputation for quality, order, and efficiency. Its products were always of the highest quality, sent out and delivered at the exact time they had to. The people of the planet dedicated themselves solely to this pursuit, adopting an almost religious fervor in their pursuit to perfect their methods. However, their zealous pursuit was doomed to fail thanks to the sudden outbreak of the Age of Strife.

After Mankind entered a rapid downwards spiral, the planet suffered greatly. As the planet lacked a stable food supply, order quickly broke down and the government collapsed within the first months of the Age of Strife. The immense hive cities and factories became battlegrounds for gangs fighting over the last sources of food on the planet. Blood flooded the streets, and the order and efficiency so cherished by the people disappeared overnight.

As time passed, and the population dwindled, those that remained began to organize more. Warlords claimed control over vast swathes of the planet, the sources of their power being a rare functioning factory or a cleaner source of water or food. Few managed to hold control for more than a few solar decades, and it wasn’t uncommon for an area of ground to exchange hands a dozen times in a century.

It was in this time that the people of Pergamon also rediscovered their faith in something else: the Triad, an entity that demanded quick and efficient sacrifices constantly to sate its appetite. It followed a pillar for warlords to rally around, and birthed the creation of blood-hunts, yearly periods of truce between the warlords to hunt down and claim the most victims for the Triad. This cycle of slaughter and destruction would go on for 5,000 years till the arrival of a flaming capsule descending from the stars.

Into the great abyss of space and crashing into the world of Pergamon, Ernx was discovered and raised by one of the planet’s many preacher-gangs named “The True Sons”. Savage and wild, these fanatics were some of the few to dispute the claim the Triad had over Pergamon. Instead of preaching of a bloodthirsty god, they followed the Path of the Golden Star. They believed in a god of glittering glory, and where he walked, gold followed his every step.

Ernx grew up remarkably fast, and adopted the faith of his comrades with great zeal. He soared through the ranks, becoming a brilliant, passionate speaker and a talented warrior. Ernx became a pillar of strength for the people of Pergamon, a beacon of hope and light in a dark and unforgiving world. Many flocked to the banner of the True Sons, and soon the small preacher-gang grew to become a mighty force on the planet. After beating down the leader of the Sons in a ritual duel, Ernx assumed control of the gang and began to subjugate the other warlords and preacher-gangs, one by one.

Through fanatic brutality and sheer force of will, the True Sons crushed, brutalized, and annexed all that opposed them. Warlords were converted to the one true faith, or put to the sword. Driven on by fiery sermons, the True Sons swarmed across the surface like locust, till only one stronghold remained, a grand temple dedicated

Base Attributes

Strength: 30 (How physically powerful you are. This determines the amount of damage you'll inflict with melee damage primarily and your carrying capacity.)

Dexterity: 30 (How quick and agile you are. This determines how fast you move, your initiative, and ability to dodge.)

Constitution: 30 (How much damage you can take. This determines your general health. Losing an arm might not slow you down or perhaps an immunity to diseases entirely with this being high enough.)

Intelligence: 30 (How much initial knowledge your character possesses and potential to grow. This determines what your character will know or not know right off the bat and how much they will be capable of learning about any given subject.)

Wisdom: 30(How much your character can notice. This determines how quickly you'll notice strange things around you, including seeing how others normally act. You will have a distinct feeling that something is off.)

Charisma: 300 (How good you are at convincing others and/or deceiving others. This determines how others will react to you, believing your lies or simply following you without question into battle.)

Technical Attributes

Weapon Skill: 25

Ballistics: 20

Psychic Potency: 10

Psychic Control: 10

Leadership: 27

Strategy: 28

Unique Traits

Warp Resistance (B-Rank) - This character has an inherent resistance to the Warp and it's effects. This includes all physical, mental, and spiritual effects on the character.

Faith Unrelenting: (B-Rank) Where Ernx walks, faith follows. All those who serve him in his Emperor are filled with a fanatic fervor to fight for the Imperial Truth, driving them on in the face of unrelenting odds. But all those oppose them are filled with terror and dread, for to face the brutality of the Truth given mortal form is a doomed venture.

So yeah this is all I have so far.
You are pod baby who was split with his father and found on a random planet. You fucked shit up on random planet. You got reunited with your papa. You now fuck shit up in space. The end.
i need to go redo my stats i am going more for a more or less extra elite army think like custodes level of training
I'm not sure how well that would work, its fine having soecializations, but having your army be the elite of the elite is a bit much :p
Yeah, I think the most you can get away with is just having a much higher ratio of specilized and "elite" troop. No matter what you still need to have basic bitch marines and scouts.
may have misworded that i am thinking a more you could say well trained group or something given the legion is tiny for a legion and as i am moving to more combat specialized that should reflect in the legion could be explained via the mental link thingy
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