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"Goddamnit man. What part a broken don't you seem to get??" Sisceal snapped as he hauled his ass into the vehicle as fast as possible. Barely managing to get the door shut before they were off again. He got a good shocked glimpse of the police and they got one of him right as the door close. He could tell by the looks on their faces they saw the ghastly sight he was. With what that one officer had to deal with earlier and now a bloodied filthy mess and a greased weasel barreling out of a graveyard at breakneck speed....it wasn't good.

Sisceal groaned and threw himself flat onto the back seat. "What did you do?!? They're going to be on our asses forever for murder or kidnapping or God knows what! You're lucky your driving right now or I'd wrap my hands around your scrawny neck!" He threatened with his hand over his face, one of his mismatched eyes peeking through the gap where his ring finger was cut off at the middle knuckle.
With the skills he learned from playing Mario Kart every night after coming home from work, Vincent pulled off a magnificent stunt. The SUV screeched onto the street, crashing through a few gravestones en route. He sped past the officers and the cars they momentarily exited—they were all blobs in the distance. “Woohoo!”

Consistently driving at extreme speeds throughout the night was definitely helping him cope with the craziness of it all. The barking from behind him dragged him back into reality, though. “Uhh, nothing too bad. I think they just want to speak with me?” He looked at the holes in both windshields. “Maybe they’re mistaking me for someone else…”

His eyes fixated on the road, calculating where to go next. “Well, now that you’re healed, you wanna get out? If you beg, I’ll drop you off at your house.”
"Don't lie to me I heard most of it while unresponsive. You drove off after he thought I was dead! Which also hurt by the way. And now they've seen my face lookin as insane as you and are after us. Did you not hear the gunshots?" He grumbled. "And I don't know what you classify as fully healed either but this ain't it chief. So if you even think for a second of dumping me on the side of the road now I will chase you down and shove my shoe up your ass...just..take me home or somewhere to clean up for now like a truck stop. Somethin. Just don't get caught. I don't need more than time in the drunk tank for 'unruly behavior' on my records. I got enough problems."

Sisceal reached over and grabbed the seatbelt to latch himself in. "Do a good job and maybe I'll give you a sticker or a lollypop."
A snooty smirk crept ever so slightly onto his face, but his lips straightened before any wrinkles could show themselves. “Lollipop, eh? Ahem. Sorry. I meant to say, how the hell did you hear all that? You’re a sharp one.”

He winked through the mirror. “But even if you’re sharp, you’re silly if you think I’ll be taking you home. At least, not until these cops lay off.” Raising a finger, he lazily motioned towards flashing lights in the distance. They must’ve lost them in the darkness, especially now that Vincent’s backlights were shot out of function. A blessing in disguise, he convinced himself.

“Lemme take you to a nice spot out of town. They’ve got a great bathroom—trust me, I’ve had fun in there. More importantly, I’m hungry. I’ll take you to to some motel after, if you’re still in that sort of mood.”

With that, the speedometer’s arrow shot forward, and the car lurched further at a recklessly high speed towards McDonald’s.

“So, tell me about yourself.” He waved his hands, pretending he wasn’t intensely interested. “Just a little courtesy that I’m showing ya. Also, I need to make sure you’re not really a serial killer. You say you’ve got problems? Well, what makes you so special, Mr. Silverfox?”
"Just because I wasn't responsive doesn't mean I couldn't hear. Think of it like a coma." He snapped. Irritated even more by the prospect of being taken off to some restaurant in God knows where rather than home.

As Vincent floored it he lurched forward. Groaning in pain from being jostled around again. "It's Sisceal, not mr. Silverfox....I'm not that old...and I'm not telling you jack shit! Think you're the only one worried about a serial killer?? you near turned me into roadkill then tried burying me out of town! You're insane...And my problems are none of your business." He sighed heavily. Flopping an arm over the edge of the back seats. "Just get me home soon as possible i've got something extremely important to be doing. People might be looking for me if you don't then you're extra screwed. Understand yet?

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