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Realistic or Modern Villmont OOC

yo is there a due date for the character sheets to be completed? :0
i'll try and get mine done soon but i was just wondering. erzulie erzulie
one down, one to go!
thank you! ^^ i'm really happy with how she came out. frank should be done soon~
So! I’ve decided that the due date for characters sheets will be Saturday, December 21. Also feel free to tag anyone that you think will be interested in this.
omfg i love jamie sm
also, idk if its just me, but his bio text is v light and almost unreadable on dark mode :<
thanks ^^
they’re both like β€œdanny devito!!! i love your work!!!”
both of them when they meet each other:
aaaand frank is done, yeehaw
I can't decide whether to dig up and update the character I had in the last version of this who I never really got to play, but don't really remember some of the tidbits of, or just ground-up a new character. Either way I will get that going tomorrow. Heres the old un-updated version if anyone feels inclined towards towards opining on the matter.
She’s great but she wouldn’t have been able to find the academy. Also her family would most likely have been enemies of the academy since the school had been around for such a long time. SweetRose SweetRose
She’s great but she wouldn’t have been able to find the academy. Also her family would most likely have been enemies of the academy since the school had been around for such a long time. SweetRose SweetRose
I still need to actually sleep first but I'll keep all that in mind as far as that choice goes. In some ways adjusting along those lines along with general tidying could be more interesting. I need to go pass out now though lol so real thinking o will have to take rain check.
Is there a way to get an extension? This week is midterms so I don't think I'd be able to start until Friday afternoon, and I take more than a day to make my characters.

If not, that's okay.
Is there a way to get an extension? This week is midterms so I don't think I'd be able to start until Friday afternoon, and I take more than a day to make my characters.

If not, that's okay.
How many days do you think you’ll need?

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