Video Game Confessions

When me and my siblings played super smash brawl, We made stories and play around instead of fight.
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I consider XCOM 2 to be a slap in the face. My achievements in the previous game was rendered moot by the story.

For older games, I was ALWAYS the "fair play" player and was insisting on etiquette. During Goldeneye, there was a "no Oddjob" rule. He was so short and had a one-hit kill hat. Screen looking I always frowned upon.
My least favorite Mass Effect game is the first one, and the ending of the Third game didn't bother me too much. I also liked the Mako Sections of the first game
Lord. Where do I start.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This one is a little silly...after I finally beat the game at age...8? I was a little emotional. Somehow I had come under the impression that after you beat it, it became open-world and let you run around in saved Hyrule. I WAS HORRIBLY MISTAKEN. I just began sobbing, feeling like I seriously messed something up in the game, forgot to save somewhere or something. xD

Bioshock made me realize just how good video games have become as a story telling medium. This is even after Final Fantasy and Tales of Symphonia and Silent Hill etc. Bioshock...just changed me. It was the first game that made me cry at the end (for legitimate reasons xD )

Portal. ^_^ Just Portal. Completely new type of game that I fell in love with, could not get enough of. Once I got the graphics card necessary to play it at all, I beat it two-three times in a week and was so proud of myself. As someone who often needed to look up hints and suggestions, that was a big deal to me!

Bioshock: Infinite was the first game in my life to leave me literally speechless. I sat there staring at the screen while the credits rolled just...astonished. Never have I felt more emotion towards a fictional character than I did then...even thinking about it now, I get chills. I still hold onto that. I may or may not cosplay and write Elizabeth. It isn't some sort of "I UNDERSTAND her and she understands ME" thing or anything like that. I just have an alarming amount of respect for her, her plight, how she changed and grew...and stopped growing. ^o^ Love. Pure love. So sad Irrational disbanded.

Man, I know there's more. But that's all I'm drawing up right now for some reason for memorable events that really affected me.
One time I almost harvested a Little Sister. Since then I've made it a mission to hate myself for eternity. My mission is going swimmingly so far.
[QUOTE="Organic Mechanic]One time I almost harvested a Little Sister. Since then I've made it a mission to hate myself for eternity. My mission is going swimmingly so far.

Did it on my second play through. Realized I deserved to writhe and burn in hell. Saved the rest, discovered the second ending...
I actually teared up at the good ending of Bioshock 2.

And at the ending of Bioshock Infinite.

And at the ending of Professor Layton and the Lost Future.

And at the true ending of Undertale.

I tend to be very emotional over some games.
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Meisaki said:
When I was about eight years old, I used to have really bad raging. So whenever I lost a Crash Bandicoot round after playing for hours, I almost broke my controller by chewing on the wire and blamed it on my dog.... Yeah.. Good times, lads!
Dumb little young Ammy didn't rage at the Elite Four and totally didn't do that with a Gameboy. >_>;;

One of these days I'm going to have to make a list of all the stupid things that I totally didn't do. I have a feeling it's going to be painful.

billthesomething said:
I also liked the Mako Sections of the first game
Climbing mountains saved that entire gameplay mechanic for me.
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I must confess the I felt bad for killing Lenny in the desert (Hitman Absolution), so I left him to the ice-cream truck (little easter egg)

I must also confess that most letters from dead adventures/citizens leave me quite sad in Skyrim

And the last confession is... I'm sad right now because I can't play NV
I like horror games and yet for some reason i tend not to finish them. Take The Evil Within for example. Was hype for it for months then as soon as i get it I spend like 2 hours on one chapter sneaking around all anxious like. Then i finally manage to reach the second to last chapter and just stopped lol.

OH and I have ungodly amounts of nostalgia for games i played years ago at least once a week. *Stares longingly at old copy of Majora´s Mask*
I have a story I will post later, but this is exactly why Bethesda has so much success. Their lore as well as extensive detail like readable and attainable letters are what makes their games so great. Skyrim is so amazing, and finding letters like these are really moving.
[QUOTE="Scatman John]I must confess the I felt bad for killing Lenny in the desert (Hitman Absolution), so I left him to the ice-cream truck (little easter egg)
I must also confess that most letters from dead adventures/citizens leave me quite sad in Skyrim

And the last confession is... I'm sad right now because I can't play NV

OMG the Skyrim letters... Especially that one soldier who had like, five letters to his wife that didn't make it because he tried to hold the imperial fort but winded up dying.
OnMelancholyHill said:

This game was one HECK of an emotional rollercoaster! I was so heartbroken and mad at this game!!! And sad and depressed...

I was also upset that she turned out to be your daughter... Cause she was really hot...
Sicarius said:
OMG the Skyrim letters... Especially that one soldier who had like, five letters to his wife that didn't make it because he tried to hold the imperial fort but winded up dying.
Yeah, Skyrim has a lot of those letters that are so sad...

And also, Half-Life 2 makes me sad everytime I see a citizen/Rebel dies during the uprising... or even when they're fighting an ungodly amount of Combine with only a squad of 3 or 2
[QUOTE="Scatman John]Yeah, Skyrim has a lot of those letters that are so sad...
And also, Half-Life 2 makes me sad everytime I see a citizen/Rebel dies during the uprising... or even when they're fighting an ungodly amount of Combine with only a squad of 3 or 2

Also, I usually collect ALL the letters that I found around game (Like the ones for the soldier's wife, bounty, etc) So I can read them when I reach level 90
I just hate Final Fantasy's turn-based combat.

(but at least it's better than that awful half turn-based half real-tone garbage)
I cried intensely at various points in Majora's Mask. The climax of the Kafei/Anju sidequest literally has me sobbing in tears EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I PLAY. ;____;
Ok. So, one time in Sims 2 I locked an annoying neighbor in a room then deleted the door and surrounded them in mirrors. They went crazy watching themselves before starting to pee everywhere and such. When the grim reaper came, he didn't know how to get in so it was really funny to watch. I'm a horrible person.
Confessions?....i....i have a few

1.Shadow of the colossus true evil: I LOVED the heck out of Shadow of the colossus and when i first played it 8 years ago on PS2 i was lost like a lamb but soon i got the hang of it. When i met the first Giant i saw them as pure evil beings that desire to destroy the land and they needed to be defeated to save her. But as i slew the first one i wonder was it actually evil? he dint seem to bother of me at first only when i attack it it actually evil? I dint bother the question and continue killing every giant that roam the and (You...F****** Tortoise! JUST STAND ON THE DAM GEYSER ALREADY!!!!) Honestly i started to wonder if they where just protecting themselves free me? as the story went on and saw odd-mask dude appear and stuff now THEY look evil....Once the last giant has fallen and poor Wander seem....Demonic in such way...when i got to the whole vision change that...i was the bad guy all along...

At that age i was to young to understand much and dint get to deep in it...never even finish it...but a year ago was when i did and....i wont lie i cried seeing how all this time i was being the evil here killing innocent giants that dint seem to wish to hurt me...only defending themselves from me.being all but a puppet to "Him" the end she came back but at the cost of my lost...i will never forget that first moment i experience this game.

Warning spoilers ahead!

Episode 3 and 5 of telltale game walking dead:I might love slaughtering people but....when it comes to those famous telltale games ...its a whole different story...i have played many of there games (Tales of borderlands,etc) but none got me more deep than the walking dead version and episode 3 and 5 where the ones that made me cry,in some cases i shed a tear but some specific parts i wont forget.touches my heart for both sadness and bravery. In Episode 3 there is a part where duck (not a animal) gets bitten and gets sicker each time...After such a few small events happen but then there is a choice i cant stop thinking off...You have to choose to kill duck, you do it or leave Kenny do it.its a sad scene knowing Kenny has lost his whole family,it docent matter who kills duck but the fact you have lost everything you have hope to protect lost in seconds...its one heck of a scene

jumping to episode 5 once again with Kenny. After so many good episodes came one that honor my respect, im going to the grain. Some one falls in place,that person cant get up to safety,Walkers coming,some one has to go down and save her but they cant go back. Well Kenny dose such a brave act by saving said person and doing his last stand with the walkers. he dies at the end with a honorable sacrifice that i wont forget and i shed tears as it broke my fragile heart after all that has happens. speaking of honorable sacrifice.

Gears of war 3, Dom's honor=Gears of war who can forget such a bloody game? sure its all about slicing people in half but even such games can have sad moments...especially in 3. Image your wife was taken away by the enemy and prison,unable to go anywhere and dying and all you could do was finish her suffering,dom had to kill his wife he himself because of such. In gears 3 the team are in Dom's home town where they buried his family and wife called "Mercy" (If i remember well) and such they are overrun with the enemy unable to go anywhere and slowly meet there demise but dom being in his home town,his wife burial decides to go down with them all. he sacrifice himself by smashing a Tanker in the gas storage killing every locust and **** that wanted to kill them. giving his life to his friends to continue and he was so loyal to them that he was no promoted so he could stick with them on and his last words "Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh, Maria?!" .....I might be dam serious but F*** some games know how to pull your heart string ;-; and make me shed tears

There where other many games but those are the main 4 that made me shed tears.....
In Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, I played the campaign and sobbed when I had to kill Mason. That game was the only game I've ever been emotional with.

When I finished the Last of Us after playing it every chance I got, I just sat there looking at the title screen for about 5 minutes with tears in my eyes.
Does it have to be passionate an inspiringly? BecUse I have an embarrassing one.

I remember when I finally bought Morrowind on Steam, I've been wanting to play every Elder scrolls game. But I was not prepared for Morrowind. Modern gaming has pampered me with its hints and quest markers, so I went in there, feeling all good about myself. Asking NPCs for directions? Pshh, easy. (Or so I thought)

Until I tried looking for the Morag Tong headquarters in Vivec Ciry (I believe. Or was it Vvardenfell? I think it was one of those two places)

I kept walking back in forth through canteens and when I asked around, I was told if was somewhere near the arena. I went inside, I was told repeatedly to go to a certain area of the arena. It was a store room with two doors. Once I killed off the rat attacking me in the main room, I went to the door on the left, unlocked it, nothing inside. The door on the right was locked, but I ended up running out of lock picks because my security skill wasn't high & this door's lock was tough. So I ended up having to leave the Arena, figure out the canteen where the Mages Guild was, buy a scroll to unlock the damn door. But I was running out of health from my rat fight ((this was my first Morrowind play through, I didn't know about the whole getting higher agility & luck boosts your chances of actually hitting your opponent, not missing)) so I got hit pretty bad. Once I joined the damn Guild, I went to search for a bed. When I went to sleep, my sleep was interrupted by A DAMN DARK BROTHERHOOD ASSASSIN TRYING TO KILL ME.

I kept dying in the fight (thankfully I quick save frequently) once I saw my skills sucked because I was a complete noob, I attempted to run away.

After being chased for several long minutes, I managed to escape and head back to the Arena store room to where that troublesome door was.


The freaking spell I bought didn't work when I casted it.

(In Morrowind, when you cast a spell, there's always the slight chance of it backfiring unless your magic skills are very high? In this case, mine was not)

I gave up on the door, wandered aimlessly around the city for a while, left the city, came back, checked the Arena again, went to the temple, tried to steal something, got arrested & insulted.

Got fed up, searched the wiki page & felt like an idiot when I found out that door I couldn't open led to a room where behind a couple of containers was a hatch which led to the Morag Tong headquarters.

I screamed internally that day.

Because I spent the early afternoon until the wee hours of the morning trying to find that goddamn place when it WAS RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE.

(This was before I found out about that Morrowind on PC allowed console commands and before I knew how to bring up the box that lets you input console commands, before you tell me,

"Why didn't you use console commands, you pleb?"))

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