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Fandom Vessel of Darkness


*tumbles around*
If asked whether she enjoyed extravagant parties like these, the young girl would answer their question with an enthusiastic, albeit slightly sheepish, nod of her head. But there was more truth to that than the eight-year-old had the literacy to admit. With her stature still too short and a demeanour too shy, venturing onto the dance floor was a huge feat that was not yet ready to take. With dancing out of the agenda, there was not much for Leia to do in most balls and galas that her parents dragged her along to. She was usually by Mr and Mrs Bexons heels, following them as they introduced her to the other attendees. It got rather dreadful, especially for an eight-year-old. but she would not dare to admit it for the sake of courtesy. Doing so would only put a deep frown on her parent's faces. So Leia kept up with it.

There was an exception. The Mirado Manor. Not something, but someone which always brought her joy and diminished any traces of reluctance to attend. Dear cousin, the beautiful Iris. So to put it simply. Yes, she loved extravagant parties like this.

No, it had not been too proper for her to skip the custom phase of introductions, Leia knew very well so. Yet the moment of arrival, after chirping a lighthearted "Good Evening Mr Mirado," The young girl in all the ethereality of the angelic lilac dress she wore, flew up the grand marble stairs, destination set. The hem of her dress flailed behind as her light footsteps pattered hastily down the hallway. Leia knew the place like the tiny back of her hand. Navigating with ease, Leia found the door, almost skidding to a stop with the bundle of nervous excitement that she had become. Her palm ran against her dress in a futile attempt to smoothen out the creases. With Iris, Leia always strived to meet the perfection that the older girl exuded. Reaching up and placing two firm knocks on the wooden door, she would announce her arrival.

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