Other Unpopular Opinions

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The mega rich are inherently immoral as long as they continue accumulating wealth. I don't think there's any reason at all for billonaires to morally justifiably exist in a world with this much income inequality. The cult of personality that's built up around many famous billionaires disgusts me.
Agreed. Another very unpopular opinion of mine; money accumulated from the exploitation of others at any level (e.g., exploitative overseas labor in unsafe conditions, underpaying and mistreating employees at home, etc.) is not "earned". That isn't to say that no multimillionaire or billionaire has ever earned any of their money. I'm sure they did earn plenty of their wealth, but as soon as they made the conscientious decision to exploit others in order to maximize profit and accumulate more wealth, they made the decision to stop earning their money.
May I ask why here? It shouldn’t be that difficult to change from he to she or vice versa. I don’t understand the hassle?
Well, it generally goes back to Riley Dennis. If you're going to act like a dick and demand that I call you what you want to be called, or it's violence, I'm going to be a dick right back to you.
I was one of the people who played Telltale's TWD game, but despite people's emotions, I didn't react at all.

however, I reacted towards Alice Madness Returns, the game was really intense.

i never liked Disney and didn't say it, although their animations are nice, the concept of making a "family-friendly" for tales hasn't aged very well. i wish Disney had followed the true nature of the stories, it would have been interesting.
Making everything with smart technology doesn't automatically make it good. Sticking the tech of an iPhone into a salt grinder is pointless. Why do it? Have you consumed so much estrogen that you are physically incapable of rotating a salt grinder's cap unaided?
Well, it generally goes back to Riley Dennis. If you're going to act like a dick and demand that I call you what you want to be called, or it's violence, I'm going to be a dick right back to you.

Oh god not Riley 'lesbians should be open to penis or else they're horrible bigots' Dennis. There's my unpopular opinion: sexuality is not based on gender identity.

Also pineapple on pizza is legitimately good fight me
Oh god not Riley 'lesbians should be open to penis or else they're horrible bigots' Dennis. There's my unpopular opinion: sexuality is not based on gender identity.

Also pineapple on pizza is legitimately good fight me
The very same. Every time I see one of his videos, I think he can't get any more stupid. And every time, he proves me wrong.
Being for equality doesn't make you a feminist. There are plenty of words that mean equality. Egalitarian, humanist, etc. Or you don't have to label myself at all. You can just be a decent human being.
Actually, people who doesn't support the lgbt aren't monsters at all, it's called "choices", we have all choices to support or not something.
Actually, people who doesn't support the lgbt aren't monsters at all, it's called "choices", we have all choices to support or not something.
Which reminds me, I feel like the LGBT use a lot of emotional arguments. While I support the LGBT, emotional arguments aren't going to get you anywhere. You need to use arguments that come from a legal standpoint.
Which reminds me, I feel like the LGBT use a lot of emotional arguments. While I support the LGBT, emotional arguments aren't going to get you anywhere. You need to use arguments that come from a legal standpoint.
I said that because i get tired of the "not support = homophobia" spam from Tumblr before i left it, honestly, it's up to people to choose, i won't judge them or make assumptions like many does.
apart from he and she, I won't use whatever pronouns you want me to use.
I was going to pop in here with my opinion on gender pronouns other than he/she, but it seems I'm quite late to the party XD Yes, trans people I can deal with - If you don't want to be the gender you were born with, I'm good with that. I've wanted to be a girl on occasion too XD - but not only does adding more than two pronouns make things unnecessarily complex and confusing, it's also factually wrong as well. Show me the genetic code that goes into creating a xe/xir. And not in a hypothetical sense, show me actual lab results showing the existence of a third or fourth gender.

And they/their just sounds massively dehumanizing, and I refuse to use that either. But anyway, rant over XD
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