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Fantasy Unnamed Spirit Hunter RP [Interest Check, WIP]

Spirits. They’ve existed as long as anyone can remember, their presence instilling into man both fear, and respect. In the days in which we now live their existence is as natural to us as that of animals, but presenting a threat far greater that any lion or tiger could ever hope to pose. That is why we, The Spirit Hunter’s Association, exist, to control the threat that they pose, and put a stop to it. Now, to clear up any misunderstandings, the purpose of the Association is not to exterminate the Spirits as a whole, trying to wipe the Spirits out in their entirety is a fruitless cause, believe me, we tried that back in the 1900s, and they just kept cropping up as fast as we could cut them down. No, we’re around to try and… Keep them under control… Namely, to neutralize any threats that present themselves, rather than actively going out of our way to find and exterminate them.

Modern Setting

Enemies are Spirits, played by me for the start of the RP, will allow players to do so once they are more familiar with the setting and how they work.

Players are recently graduated from the Academy, a prestigious facility funded by the Spirit Hunters Association with the purpose of training Hunters how to use their abilities and combat Spirits. They’ve been assigned to the same investigative team, and have been working together for a few days/weeks/months.

Spirits [unfinished]

Spirits are beings that appear in the world naturally, as despite all being classed as Spirits, vary widely in their abilities and behavior. The majority of Spirits are aggressive, being mostly split between more territorial Spirits, staying in a designated location, attacking anyone who comes near it, and Spirits who actively roam, attacking anyone they come across. Spirits have a core and a primary body. Any damage dealt to the primary body can be regenerated, to kill a spirit the core must be destroyed.

Territorial Spirits are the more common variety for which the Association is called in to deal with, generally presenting a problem when they manifest in populated locations, such as cities and towns. Though, despite being the more common case Hunters are called in to deal with, they are also considered the smaller threat, as loss of life and injury can normally be avoided by instructing the population at large to avoid their territory until they are dealt with, allowing greater preparation time for Hunters before having to take them out.

Roaming Spirits present an entirely different problem though, usually appearing suddenly the only real hope at preventing loss of life when dealing with them is mobilizing against the threat as soon as possible, generally resulting in a lack of information on them while going into battle, leading to them presenting a larger threat to the average Hunter until more details can be ascertained.

Spirit Hunters [still editing]

Spirit Hunters are Humans who have somehow come into the possession of the powers of a Spirit. The methods with which this can be achieved vary, falling into one of four categories, A Pact, Binding, Possession and Birth. All Hunters have a Seal located somewhere upon their body, the appearance of which varies depending on the nature of the spirit they use as a source for their powers, with the location being based on a different factor for each method of gaining their powers. The powers of a Spirit Hunter also vary, being based on the type of spirit and method used to gain their powers.

I'm still working on the lore and etc of the world, but I have a decent amount more than what I have above done so far, so just ask if you have any questions. And if you know of anything similar anime/games/etc to this, could you PM them to me? Inspiration and such ya'know?

Oh, and as a side-note, the Spirits are supposed to be more like something out of Asian mythology, not ghosts and the like.

And as a side-side note, I don't really want this to be an RP with a huge amount of responses in a short time. I'd rather have 2 - 3+ paragraph posts at a more... manageable pace, so if you like faster paced RPs (with like, 20, short posts for one conversation) this probably isn't for you.
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This sounds like the beginning of something great, I'm definitely interested. Mind tagging me when this gets started as well?
Woah, waking up to interested people, always fantastic. Will be sure to notify you all when I'm done, which could range from anywhere within a day or two to a week. Also, if you'd like to take a look at the other stuff I have done PM me and I'll send you a link.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Still room probably yes.
Only help I really need is feedback, if you'd like to look at what I have so far I can PM you a link.

Feel free to do that if you would like :)
This does sound intriguing to join. Please let me know when you have something up, I'd love take a look at the finished product.

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