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Fandom Undertale, trying to live a normal life! (Open!)


Papyrus couldn’t believe this! after vowing to lessen his pun telling, Sans shot of two MORE PUNS. How infuriating. Ah well, it didn’t matter much anyways. He knew puns made his brother happy so he let them slide and giggled a little.

He had to admit he was a little worried on how Sans would take this present, he hoped it would lift his spirits to how they were earlier. Oh now that was just adorable. He looked like a puppy who was given a treat! He’d never seen his brother make that expression! Or at least he couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen it. ‘Score one for Papyrus, best brother ever!’ The skeleton was so proud of himself. He knew exactly what would cheer up his brother, as usual. That’s what bros were for, to cheer each other up.

Woah there. ‘A…hug?’ His brother wasn’t the touchy feely show-any-emotions type. It really warmed his heart to know that his present had made his brother happy enough to hug him. He heard soft words coming from his brother and smiled.

“You’re welcome, Sans.” He spoke softly too, not wanting to mess up this tender moment. He knelt down a little so he could hug his brother properly because as it was, Sans was more hugging his waist. He held his brother softly and squeezed gently. “You don’t have to feel nervous or upset about whatever is making you sad. And as long as you put in effort like you always do, you’ll do great! Just give it 100% like you always do! Even if your 100% is zero! NYEH HEH HEH!!”

He always admired his brother in that way. Despite being obviously tired and weary, his brother showed up for sentry duty every day! And he kept his spirit up with his puns which, not that Papyrus would ever admit, were really funny most of the time. He gave his all in everything he did, or so it seemed to Papyrus, even though all of zero is still zero. He strove to be like his super awesome brother who always seemed to try his hardest!

With his motivational speech closing and his inherent joy rising, Papyrus was more than ready to meet Mettaton now. If both he and his brother were in high spirits, maybe he could successfully woo the robot with his seduction skills and Sans’ on-topic puns. He was getting revved up just at the thought! Interrupting his thoughts however, came a knock at the door. Could that be their escort, finally here to whisk Papyrus off to his lovely legged destiny? Oh he surely hoped so. He strode down the stairs excitedly, ready to begin romantic escapades.


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They were sunned for a moment, flinching when Greater Dog initiated a battle, displaying Frisk's soul. Nova was accustomed to battles already, as a few monsters had tried to attack them in the Ruins. They were already aware what their soul looked like, but not why their soul was shown in BATTLE, and not the monster's. To Nova, it now made perfect logical sense. They stood, a grim expression on their face. "Then... We should try to cross the barrier, right?" they asked. There was no way Nova was going to stay trapped down here. Really, if monsters belonged on the surface with the humans, then they should also be free... "Is there a way past the Barrier?"

@TheGossipLink @Lordvader59
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Coury could hear tidbits of what quite possibly might be a motivational speech from behind the door, which definitely kindled his spirits. He looked back and forth, examining the town. It definitely was a cozy-looking town, there was a diner called GRILLBY'S, and- the library's sign is misspelled! He would definitely have to go to the librarby at some point.

He could see the wolf throwing ice into the rover, and remember Undyne telling him that the ice travels all the way to the Core, to cool it down. He always thought that was a bit excessive, but kind of in a fashionable way.

He then realized that possibly no-one heard his knock (for they were either in the shower or in there room at the time), so he did the one thing a skeleton could do in this case, he knocked again. Nice and loud, unlike the previous knock, which probably was more of laying his hand on the door on awe. He stepped back a bit in case the door opens outward, and patiently waited for a response.

(@THEGREATPAPYRUS, @MoonLegend101)

The skeleton answered the door only to be…very confused. ‘What the hell?’ He was a little baffled. He didn’t know that there were any other skeleton-type monsters in the Underground, let alone in Hotland. ‘I guess being famous really does get you connections!’ Papyrus surmised. Mettaton amazed him more and more every day.

“Ah,” He quickly regained his composure, “Hello, fellow skeleton!” He grinned at the newcomer and shook his hand vigorously, thinking that this was the escort that would take them to Hotland. “I am the Great Papyrus! I hope the trip here was not too rough, but my brother and I are ready to set off to meet Mettaton!” He beamed, he was so ready to go. “SANS!! The escort is here!” He screeched for his brother who was no doubt still enjoying his present.

Meanwhile, a disgruntled burger flipper grumbled to himself. He couldn’t believe he had to play babysitter for some poor sap who actually liked Mettaton. It was almost as laughable as his existence. Through lurking around Undernet he had eventually found the sucker.

“Some nerd who calls himself ‘Great Papyrus’." He groaned to himself. Perfect. And he lived in…Snowdin. Well wasn’t that just icing on the cake. He didn’t own any clothes for cold weather, he worked 24 hours a day every day. He never left Hotland. ‘Hopefully this would be a quick job.’ He assured himself. He took off his uniform and put on a simple t-shirt and jeans, already steeling himself for the freezing weather. Climbing into the Riverperson’s boat, he relayed with much chagrin that he needed to get to Snowdin ASAP. The river person simply sang their little ditty while rowing along until they reach the snowy shoreline which was to be their stop.

“Beware of the man who speaks in hands…” The river person called out ominously to the cat.

What a lunatic. Burger pants tipped the cloaked rower 5G and set off to where he found that the skeleton might live. It was agony walking through the snow but the eventually made it. Hey, maybe if he was lucky, the frostbite would get him and he’d be free. No suck luck would befall him however as he walked to the ouse of the skeleton brothers. He saw someone else was at the door too. Oh great, just perfect. Now it was going to be even more awkward having to do this, he’d look like a fool yet again. The feline sighed and put on the fakest smile he could muster and strode up to the skeletons.

“Hi there! I’m here to escort you two to Hotland!” God, he hated this.

Papyrus was more than a little confused at this point. Two escorts? Mettaton must really want him to get to Hotland very safely. He kept his usually cavalier smile a little guarded, he normally gave people the benefit of the doubt but even still, this was enough to make even him a little suspicious. He called to his brother for back up.

"Um Sans? Could you come here for a second?"

@ferociousfeind @MoonLegend101
Coury was definitely confused, but quickly put the pieces together. The two guests Mettaton mentioned must be Papyrus and Sans! Papyrus's comment on his journey here definitely struck aomething, but he regained his composture, and smiled as genuinely as possible.

Then the actual escort arrived. Boy, was that unexpected.

Coury simply stood back, attempting to relieve the atmosphere, "I think there's been a bit of confusion, which is natural and healthy. I believe this," he gestured to Burgerpants, "Is your escort. Are you the special guests Mettaton mentioned? He told me that two special guests were making an appearance tomorrow, and that I would fit in nicely. At first, I thought some veterans of the great war between humans and monsters would appear, but the skele-bros makes much more sense. Anyways, I'm... Getting off-topic. Where is your brother, Papyrus?"


Frisk hung on the other human's words, inwardly panicking. She had no idea how they would take what she said, but thankfully for her sake, Ryan spoke up rather fast. His first reaction was about as good as it might have been, but the following question made Frisk think. There was no scientific answer as to why a BATTLE causes the odd soul fade. Perhaps it was magic? Certainly the combined magic from both the Barrier, and monsters' own magic, could be the explanation as to why. Because as far as the human knew, nothing like the 'soul fade' happened above ground. Or...maybe it was caused, because the monster can steal a human's soul? And not the other way around.

Deciding to leave the explanation to a real scientist, Frisk merely shrugged in response to Ryan. Then Nova finally spoke up. The girl's words struck through the human, making her go a little cold. The comment brought up the memory of Flowey, and Asgore...Frisk couldn't help but shoot a glare at the flower. The look was filled with enough menace to strike even a god down...only, not. Hoping that Nova didn't take the look as if it were pointed in her direction, Frisk tried to play it off.

"...no, there isn't..." The words came out as nearly a whisper. The human bowed her head, letting her hair cascade down to the top of her shoulders. "...I tried leaving." The girl clenched her fist as both anger, and sorrow mixed. "Let's just say...it didn't go well." It felt like the room got colder, at least to Frisk. 'It didn't go well', was a serious understatement. But the thought of the 'Prophecy' kept orbiting around her head. Perhaps, even if it would be for nought...she could tell them? At least so they wouldn't fall into depression, like she had? "...but...t-there is a part of the Story I left out. There's a...prophecy, if you will, that the monsters believe." She clenched her other fist, arguing within herself as she spoke every word. "T-they believe that...one day, an angel will fall into the Underground...and it will go empty."

@Noivian @Lordvader59

Nova nodded, taking in that information. 'It will go empty' could mean a multitude of things. The monster might all die... or they might all escape. Okay, so maybe not a multitude of meanings, but still. There was a possibility the prophecy was a death sentence, after all. Nova tried not to think about what such angel might do to the humans in the underground if they were bent on killing monsters. But the other option, where everyone goes free... that meant the Barrier could be broken. But only by divine intervention, apparently. So, both options were a no-go. Nova sat down again, feeling disheartened.

"What if one of us were that angel?"

The words had left Nova's lips before they knew what they were saying. They were visibly surprised by the suggestion they made, frowning. How would that work? None of them were gods, and Nova was pretty sure neither of their companions was about to go on a killing spree. Their hands started to shake. What if... the only way out was death? What if Nova had to do it? They bit their lip, mulling over the though. No, that can't be right. No, they weren't going to harm anyone, unless they were attacked first. Nova heaved a small sigh. "I guess if we were that angel, none of us would be sitting here right now, would we?"

@TheGossipLink @Lordvader59
(My apologies! It's been a busier day then expected, and now that I have two roles to keep up with, it's a bit difficult. xD Wonderful Burgerpants performance though, Papyrus! :) )


Sans was further assured by his brother's warm embrace. As the other one leaned down and held him in a soft and gentle embrace, he didn't think he had felt that... safe and truly relaxed in a long while. It felt so... good to be in a hug. While he didn't do it often, by any means, the times they had moments like this were the best of any day, or week, or month. He never really got to feel... safe like this, with his brother and so close that it felt like he didn't need to have undertones of dark or worried thoughts for once. It was times like this.. that he realized how much he truly cared about and relied on the other one for support. Heh. Already he felt too emotional about this. How could Papyrus manage to do to this to him in one day? His brother was so cool.... though honestly that word didn't even begin to describe it. The short skeleton didn't really meet his brother's gaze, rather just kept clinging with his short arms in a way that meant he definitely appreciated the returning hug.

It was all he really knew how to do, since he didn't know how to express... emotions all that well, or even communicate them. There wasn't much reason too, since no one needed to know what he knew, or at least how he felt. There was no point or use burdening anyone with such a thing. But needless to say, it made him a bit unprepared and awkward during these sorts of moments. Sans didn't necessarily like very emotional things, or such. He just wasn't that type of guy, and he didn't really understand such things either. But at least now he had seemed to do the right thing to express himself, plus it just... felt good, too. The short skeleton's small white pupils quickly snapped to meet Papyrus own gaze when the other one began speaking, in a softer tone then usual like his own.

Heh. If only he could feel more nervous and upset and certain stuffs. Frankly, it disturbed him a bit that he just found it hard to get truly upset or something like that anymore. But nothing cold be done about that, right? It was just how he was. He just wished his bad moods when he was feeling especially trashy wouldn't affect his bro like this, or at least cause the other one to notice too much. But oh well. Being attentive was.... well, how Papyrus seemed to be about these sort of matters, and he couldn't deny that he valued that in his own way. He wasn't sure about the effort part... but whatever his brother said, he supposed. Maybe it was just the fact that he didn't care about putting effort into certain things except some. Or something like that.

"heh...." Sans managed a sort chuckle and grinned a bit wider anyways, about what the other one said. "you're the best, bro." He managed to say this statement, still in a bit of a softer and hoarse tone, but he tried to get it out as normally as possible. The short skeleton leaned his skull a bit on the other one's shoulder for a moment or two, letting his eyelids slide shut a bit so he could enjoy this one moment, one that meant so much to him... one where he actually felt calm. But after a few moments, suddenly there was a knock at the door. Sans took this as a sign of either the kid returning or that escort coming, so he stepped back and released the other one from the embrace accordingly.

A shame that they were interrupted, but whatever. He was content with the time he had been able to spend with his brother, and this moment made sitting through any amount of confusing anomaly nonsense and other annoyances worth it. Plus it would be kind of nice to go to that place now with his brother anyways. At least he was certainly in a better mood now. Sans couldn't claim to be happy now per say, he didn't exactly know how to describe the emotion he felt, that was warm and also felt pleasant, especially as he thought about Papyrus. Of course, he still felt that disturbing hollowness that was probably the main cause of his apathy... but now he felt it a bit lessened. He actually felt pleasant emotions for once again.

How Paps could bring these emotions out in him he just didn't know, but one thing was for sure... the other one was one of the only things that could keep the spirit in him anymore. He was just too lucky to have a brother like Papyrus. But now, someone was knocking, and he could enjoy the thing the other one had given him. Sans motioned to the other one to go answer it with a wide and casual grin, and as the other one went to do that, he remained upstairs near their rooms, leaning up against the wall of the hallway now, as he slid the large bottle of ketchup out from under his arm to peer at in order to examine. Wow, was this a beaut.

Papyrus sure knew how to give the best presents at the right time. The short skeleton eagerly began to unscrew the lid with one hand, his grin now more satisfied with the pleasure of getting to indulge himself on his favorite condiment. It didn't take long at all for him to toss the now unscrewed lid of the bottle onto the floor somewhere, and lift the large bottle to his waiting mouth. He opened his mouth, waiting for the ketchup to pour in, in a nice steady stream, just like he liked it... and he was not disappointed. Sans let out a pleased exhale, and a bit of a huff when the sharp and soothing taste of ketchup entered him. What exactly his process was for consuming the stuff, it was up to interpretation, but he sure did enjoy it.

The taste wouldn't be considered soothing to most, probably, but for him it had such taste that it caused him to feel a bit of pleasure... and he wanted to feel that again. The skeleton was soon occupied with this pleasing and delicious treat, not paying much attention at all to whoever was at the door, and what his brother said to them. He was only alert when Papyrus loudly called his name. It didn't seem too urgent, just the escort going to bring them to the robot. Surely he didn't have to come right away... right? He wanted to satisfy himself a bit first, before doing so, surely Papyrus would understand. He paused his indulging of the ketchup for a moment or two, pausing so he could look in the direction of where his brother was calling.

"cool, papyrus. hold up a minute, i'll be there.. soon." After calling these words down in his usual baritone, Sans continued gulping down the contents of the bottle. His head was leaned back a bit as he did so. Ketchup started to drip down his mouth a bit and trickle down his chin... though only a few drops of the stuff got on his newly washed hoodie so far. It looked messy as always, but- since when did that stop him with such stuffs. He was able to do this for a little while longer, until he started hearing two voices at the door. Both were unfamiliar, and even though he didn't care for a little while or so, soon enough his brother called him to come down. Letting out a bit of a sigh, Sans shrugged with his usual grin, and lowered the ketchup bottle from his mouth.

He glanced down towards the door, where two figures seemed to be outside? Weird. The short skeleton carelessly took a few steps or so and set the bottle down near his room with a bit of a thump. He was more careful then usual, but still it was a pretty careless action. Not feeling bothered to go down the stairs and all the way to the door, he decided not to. The last thing he had heard was a voice asking where Papyrus' brother was anyways. Welp, that must be his cue, or something. In a split second, he appeared next to Papyrus in front of the door, standing at the taller one's side with a wide grin to inspect the scene before him. And boy, was it something that needed inspected. There was another... skeleton there? This definitely caused him to do a double take. Just what?

There were no other skeletons in the Underground... well, okay, none that were around anytime soon. Yet there was a fellow skeleton, standing before him and his brother. Oh. Just great. After getting a bit of relief and a pleasant moment to wrap up his day, this had to happen on top of all the confusing and puzzling things that had already occurred today. He really didn't want to deal with this right now... so he rather focused on detaching himself from the situation, and just going with it. It was the best he could do right now anyways, to not care about the rarity of another skeleton showing up at their door at this time. Also there was some sort of monster there too, that didn't look the best. That forced grin looked almost as bad as his on bad days... almost. The other monster looked like a.. cat of some sort? Perhaps that was it.

The best Sans could do about this puzzling and tired situation, was back up his brother a bit and at least confirm his presence and all. He turned his stare to be fixed on the skeleton that stood at the door, his casual grin giving nothing away as always as he inclined his head slightly in a nod, though then turned his gaze to Papyrus when he began speaking, winking at the other one teasingly. "no bones about it. i'm here now bro." The short skeleton peered back at the two visitors. So which one was going to be their escort, and such...? Was there going to be more on that show then just him and his bro? He wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that, but it wasn't like he cared about the prospect all too much either.

He didn't even want to attempt to try to figure it out yet, though. It was too much at one time, now he felt tired and kind of annoyed again... though mostly puzzled. Sans decided to lighten the mood a bit more...plus after seeing the cat, he kind of got in the mood to try a few of his hilarious jokes on them."so how are ya two.. feline today?" The skeleton indulged himself a small shrug and wink at his joke, before grinning a bit wider, even if it was kind of forced now. He stuck out one hand to the two visitors each for a couple of moments, whether or not they decided to shake it, deciding a sort of introduction wouldn't be so bad to whoever these two were. Hopefully Papyrus had somewhat of a better idea of what was going on then he did... though that was a bit doubtful. "i'm sans. sans the skeleton, if you didn't already know."

Tagged: @THEGREATPAPYRUS and @ferociousfeind

Papyrus felt more relieved now that his brother was there. He glanced down at him to see ketchup dribbling down his chin. That was actually kind of cute. ‘He really did like my present!’ Papyrus thought happily. He could also see his brother making small assessments of the newcomers. He was relieved that his brother looked as confused as he was about this mystery skeleton.

“This cat-like monster is our escort and this stranger is just a… visitor??” He was very unsure of how to address the newcomer or what he was even there for. The skeleton also felt a little bad too. This new skeleton had travelled all this way and now he and his brother had to leave. “I apologize for not being able to show you my premier hospitality skills! But I’ve got a date with destiny! And Mettaton!” He grinned wildly to himself, oh how he he was excited about it.

While the skeletons chatted, Burgerpants waited with the smile plastered on his face. He had already been here for five minutes. ‘Five minutes too many.’ It wouldn’t do him much good to only get frostbite in his hands and feet. He just had to get these skeletons moving so that he could get back to Hotland.

“Well now that this little, uh, reunion is out of the way. We really should get going to Hotland. The boss doesn’t really take kindly to waiting.” He winced at his unfortunate encounters with his boss. He was certainly an impatient guy. Luckily, the big skeleton seemed to really have a thing for his boss, so he immediately agreed.

“YES!! We must go! Superstars shouldn’t have to wait!” he posed dramatically then stopped. “Actually, WAIT!! I forgot something!” He ran inside and poured his glittery spaghetti into a plastic MTT-brand bowl and pours sequins on it before sealing the lid. He looked and saw Sans’s ketchup bottle on the ground with the lid next to it. Feeling generous, he grabbed that too. He strode back out, handing the bottle to his brother. “Wouldn’t want to forget these! Now we can go!”

Oh how Burgerpants wanted to smash his head in at the sight of this idiocy. Puns assaulting his personage and having to listen to that big skeleton exist was just too much for him. He wished there was a deep fryer he could dunk his head into. Regardless, he kept his tired smile on.

“That’s great! Now just grab your two brothers and lets go.” He began walking towards the River person, eager to leave this frozen wasteland.

Papyrus giggled to himself. How could that monster think that he was related to this stranger? They didn’t even look alike! Oh well. Maybe he could come to Hotland too, if only to watch Papyrus on Mettaton’s show.

“You can come along too, if you’d like, Mr. Stanger. While I don’t think Mettaton would admit you onto the show, you could surely sit in the audience!” He grinned at the stranger. “We can get a quick ride there with the River rower guy!” He looked down at his brother and grinned as he hoisted him up onto his shoulders. “You have been captured by the Great Papyrus!! No shortcuts this time!! You have to ride with me!! NYEH HEH HEH!!” He walked with his brother in tow to the River rower guy, letting the third mystery skeleton decide on his own if he wanted to come along.

@MoonLegend101 @ferociousfeind
(Oh ha ha ha, I forgot about this again. I had it all typed up, and then I went to do something else for a few hours. How fantastic.)

Once Sans appeared and introduced himself, Coury gasped slightly, "Oh, You're the anon!" he said to himself. He smiled, and followed the skelebros and their escort to the river person. Once aboard, he said, "Oh dear! I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Coury Reynolds Neu, or just Coury. On Undernet, You can find me as Patrolskeleton95."

He continued, "So, you're seeing Mettaton? Why is that?"

So the newcomer had decided to come along after all? The more the merrier! He boarded the boat and gently sat his brother down next to him. He’d probably fall asleep on the way there and would need someone to lean on after all. Oh, the stranger was introducing themselves. Coury? What a cool name!

“Well then it’s nice to finally know your name, Coury!” He took out his phone and immediately friended him on Undernet after learning his username. ‘That is true friendship confirmation after all!’ He was so happy to have met someone entirely new, even if it was a bit of a shock at first! A new friend! Could this day have no end to its wonderful surprises!?

Oh? Now he was asking about their journey. Papyrus beamed at a chance to make known his puzzling knowledge and tell the tale of his riddling prowess.

“Why I answered one of Mettaton’s most confusing riddles yet! And in record time too! So Sans and I are going to cook with Mettaton on his show!” He grinned a little softer. “And my charms will of course woo him into having a date, later on!” He was very confident in his skill of succeeding, he did it all the time! And now that he had his brother with him to back him up, there was no way his plan could fail!

@ferociousfeind @MoonLegend101

Sans' confusion about the other skeleton honestly just grew when this skeleton identified him with familiarity as an... anon. What? Well, sure he was the type of guy that told jokes to everybody and all, but he wasn't exactly anonymous or such. Or maybe this skeleton had him confused with a guy named Anon, or Aron or something. Though it was kind of hard to mix him up with anybody, right? Oh well, who knows. Unless... this was something that had to do with messed up timelines, anomalies. Or... science. But... that was hardly any sort of possibility that he wanted to even consider at the moment. He would rather just assume right now that this was some sort of guy that was asserting himself, or at least had done it quietly enough at some point for him not to notice. Hey, he knew that feeling for sure, even though it had been a long time. So maybe this guy wasn't tooo bad... but honestly it was a bit hard to tell yet. He'd just have to wait, and go along with it. The short skeleton merely shrugged in response to the visitor skeleton's assessment of who he was.

"uh yeah, i guess." Sans never really cared too much about the Undernet or such, really just doing it to get a bit of amusement for himself and have a way to tease Papyrus in his own way... so he didn't really quite catch on to what the 'anon' term meant just yet. Soon enough the cat spoke up again to get them moving on their way. Well, that was understandable enough, though he wasn't quite sure where the stranger would fit in to this. He watched as his brother went to go fetch things. He hadn't exactly been around to observe the whole pasta making procedure, so he wasn't too sure of what the other one was bringing out until Papyrus came back again. The short skeleton grinned just a bit wider when his bottle of ketchup was handed to him.

How considerate of the other one to fetch that too... heh, his bro was the best. "aw, thanks bro." Sans took the bottle of ketchup, and tucked it under one arm for the sake of convenience. Though he was a bit careful, not to drop it and such, since it would be annoying to lean down and pick it up again. Their apparent escort then spoke up again, with that rather unappealing forced grin. The guy looked like he wanted to smash his head against a wall, or something to end that miserable expression. Well, sometimes his hilarious jokes could have that... effect on people, which was actually pretty amusing to him... though even now just looking at the guy's face was pretty disturbing. His attention was drawn to his brother again though, when the other one offered for the strange visitor to come along. He was pretty cool with it, though not so cool with the fact that this skeleton had already been confused as another brother. Oh boy, now that would be annoying.

It depended on what this third skeleton decided, though. He wouldn't so opposed to going this alone with Paps like first planned, either. Sans was a bit surprised though, and let out a small grunt when the taller skeleton hoisted him up on his shoulders. He let the other one do this of course, letting out a bit of an amused chuckle at this action, even if it was a bit surprising. What Papyrus said next just made the moment all the better. He hadn't really planned on taking a shortcut... though it surely would have been the easier route, but this would do fine too. He chuckled once more, his grin wide and relaxed while sitting upon the other one's shoulders. It was always odd to have these sort of occasions occurred, when he was lifted or such, but his shorter size and stature made it all too easy.

He couldn't say he minded this all that much anyways. It was kind of... nice to be in this position, like with the hug. It just caused the short skeleton to feel kind of safe and relaxed... though it was hard to really relax completely with the strange skeleton around. That was still puzzling, and he wasn't so ready to completely accept that yet. Sans let his short arms wrap around the other one's bony neck a bit, though while not being too clingy of a hold, he did have to keep his balance up there after all. "heh, okay, whatever you say papyrus... i am feeling pretty tired to the bone anyways... heh.." He said this in a rather relaxed and amused way, before settling a bit more up on the other one's shoulders. His eyelids closed a bit, if only to show he was pretty relaxed up there. The short skeleton cocked open one eyelid just a bit wider, though, and glanced back to see the skeleton following them.

Welp, that was that, then. Heh. At least this would be interesting enough... and he'd still get to spend time with his bro anyways, even if this stranger was a bit distracting. It was good to know anyways if there were now more skeletons hanging around. He then turned his head back to glance tiredly ahead, as the four figures began the trek to where transportation in the form of that river person would be. Soon enough he was alerted by the feeling of Papyrus stepping into the boat and then then sat him down beside his brother. His eyelids had slid a bit more closed at this point, and after shifting around a bit into a comfortable sitting position, he was feeling comfortable enough to lean against Papyrus. The other people were there to make conversation, after all, maybe Papyrus could figure out a bit more information about the strange skeleton.

But as for him? Heh. Well, a guy like him needed his rest, after all. Or at least... sort of a break, before they arrived for the meeting with the robot and all. Apparently it might be even more tiring, with another guest there and all. The short skeleton took one swig of his ketchup bottle though, leaning his head back in order to properly gulp down some of the red liquid, before setting the bottle down at his side with a satisfied huff. As he had thought, soon the other skeleton began introducing himself and all. Apparently he had the name Coury. Oh, well that was cool. He let the two chat without interrupting, rather interested in leaning against his brother and relaxing. It wasn't an exact snooze, he didn't really want to deal with that at the moment, but it was at least the appearance of one, and he could relax his mind a bit too.

Sans continued this, though cocked one eyelid open when he heard Papyrus excitedly talking about his plans concerning Mettaton. Heh. His brother was so cool. While he wasn't exactly sure how to feel about the other one having a sort of...crush thing on a robot, he was pretty confident it was just a temporary crush thing, and it would blow over soon enough. He couldn't claim to know a thing about love stuffs like that, or even really want to for that matter, but if it made his brother happy for now and something to actually be pretty excited about, he was cool with it. He might keep an eye socket on it though... somewhat. The short skeleton still felt a bit uncomfortable about such stuffs...especially with the way these sorts of TV personalities were.

While he couldn't claim to know much about that sort of thing... he did know what it was like to be up on the stage, and what certain emotions were usually shown up there, whether they were genuine or not. He was a pretty good judge of character, so he would just have to wait until he actually met the robot, though. Sans couldn't help but grin a bit wider while the other one stated his plans, though. He didn't say anything yet though, expecting them to arrive at the destination soon enough, so there was no need. It was a pretty interesting trip though, especially with that extra skeleton. But now his brother was probably about to have the time of his life... and knowing that made the short skeleton just a bit more assured and confident about the situation.

Tagged: @THEGREATPAPYRUS and @ferociousfeind

The river ride was rather short, thanks to the magic of the River Guy, and soon enough they were at the dock of Hotland. Papyrus picked his brother back up and gently put him on his shoulders again. He seemed to be asleep again, well he could let this slide. Sans would need all his energy for meeting such an amazing celebrity. He took a deep breath, this was it! He was finally going to meet Mettaton! In person! He carefully stepped out of the boat with his brother.

“Where to next, Mr. Escort?” He inquired happily.

Burgerpants half wanted to tell the skeleton to sprint into the lava. But he didn’t. He’d have to face his boss’s wrath if he did that. He gritted his teeth and grinned once more. He hadn’t ever had to smile so much in one day.

“Just follow me and I’ll lead you backstage to the boss’s dressing room!” He walked briskly ahead of the group of skeletons. He was happy he would be rid of them soon.

Papyrus enthusiastically followed, but not too enthusiastically. It wouldn’t be good if his brother fell from his shoulders. He hummed to himself, completely contented, and surprisingly quiet. Soon enough through the use of “MTT-Brand Company Puzzle Bypasses”, the trio of skeletons soon were face to face with Mettaton’s dressing room door clad with a giant, sparkly pink star. Papyrus was quaking in his boots with excitement. ‘This is it! I’m going to actually meet him!’ His thoughts were frantic. Wouldn’t anyone’s be? He was about to meet his idol after all!

Burgerpants sighed. It wouldn’t be right to throw these three suckers to the lions before warning them. ‘Damn, I’m just too nice.’ He turned to the skeletons and spoke in a low tone.

“Look, be careful around this guy. He seems all glamorous on TV. But he’s…” Burgerpants shuddered. “Take it from me, don’t upset him. Good luck guys.” He lit a cigarette from his pocket and put it to his lips, satisfied that he had at least warned those guys. The cat knocked on the dressing room door and announced the arrival of the skeletons before he walked back to MTT Resort, ready to make some inedible food.

Papyrus was sad for the feline. He had obviously confused Mettaton for another, more temperamental robot! Mettaton wasn’t that bad at all! Of course not! He kept the words in the back of his mind, but didn’t really believe them. He saw the doorhandle turn and all shadows of uncertainty vanished. You could just see the sparkles in his eye sockets! He wondered if Coury and Sans were as excited as he was!

@MoonLegend101 @ferociousfeind @TheGossipLink


Flowey snickered as Frisk hung her head down and admitted her failure at successfully leaving the underground. Oh, you poor thing.

At the mention of the prophecy he looked at her with a mocking look on his face. "
Don't tell me you really believe in that." He rolled his eyes and muttered to himself. "And there I thought you couldn't get any more stupid."

He turned to Nova and Ryan. "
Look. There IS no prophecy. It's a load of mumbo-jumbo monsters used tell their kids at bedtime." As someone who once had control over SAVE and LOAD, Flowey knew that the concept of fate was a lie. Being able to start and reset timelines indiscriminately taught Flowey that your destiny could be changed. All it took was a simple reset.

As for crossing the barrier and actually leaving this place..." He knew the SOULs were still out there, somewhere. He wondered why Frisk was unable to leave the underground after his defeat; after all she had everything she needed to break the barrier... Perhaps it was because... He shook his head. It didn't matter why she wasn't able to leave. What was important right now was collecting those SOULs and getting them back under his control.

There WAS a way to get past the barrier. All you needed was your own human soul and the soul of a monster. Of course, not just any soul would do. There was only one monster in the undergrond who possessed a soul strong enough to allow you to cross the barrier." He turned to Frisk with a malicious smile on his face and smirked.

Unfortunately that monster is no longer alive." He deliberately chose not to go into detail at what happened in that throne room. At this point, it would be better off if he didn't. "Fortunately for YOU two I know another way to get past." He smiled happily at Frisk and winked at her.

Did you ever wonder what happened to those six human souls?"

@Noivian @TheGossipLink @Lordvader59

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A prophecy? An "angel from above?" I'm sorry, but this sounds incredibly cliché. Then again, so does this entire place, and it exists, so I will not be arguing." He patted Great on the head. "So, what's the plan? Maybe with our combined soul power... we can get through this so called barrier?" Then, he addressed the flower. "What gives you such strong opinions on this prophecy? Also... wait a minute, you said that the monster is no longer alive. Did you.... did THEY?" he turned to Frisk with a look of unsure horror.

@BetaNymph @TheGossipLink @Noivian


'Maybe one of us is the angel?' Those words rang around Frisk's head. She had often thought that, after she first read the prophecy. After reading the tragic tale of the monsters, the human had been emotionally distraught. So knowing that there might have been any hope...it sunk in, and took hold. But turns out, it was nothing other then some made of tale, to keep monsters dreaming of a way to escape one day. So when Flowey made it's comment on Frisk believing the prophecy, the human scoffed at him. Of course she didn't. Frisk had to learn the hard way, that stuff like that is...made up.

When the flower mentioned Asgore...the girl knew it was deliberately avoiding giving away any detail about the King's death, but it's stare got to Frisk. Her feelings on Asgore's death had changed a bit, but she still hated Flowey for what it had done. Yeah, the only one who could've granted freedom was the biggest jerk in the whole Underground. And now he's dead. The human didn't care whether the King died to her hands, or the flower's, but...she still wasn't okay with what happened. Something else was driven from Flowey's remark.

Ryan turned to Frisk, with a confused expression of horror. The way he stared...the girl could only assume he was thinking she killed the monster in question. Oddly, it felt like the knife in her sleeve was burning a little, and her are muscle was twitching. Yeah, in way she killed him. Not technically, no. But she didn't exactly prevent the King's death. Frisk returned a rather blank expression, not giving away any answer. If she said yes...well, that would go wrong. If she told them Flowey did it...they wouldn't believe her, most likely. So for now, the girl attempted to remain neutral to that topic.

The flower's dialogue about the other six souls did peek the girl's interest. Were they still out there? In truth, Frisk hadn't thought about them at all since escaping the Barrier. They had been around for such a short time...but certainly, they weren't still out there? But then again...I'm still here. The human assumed that was Flowey's reason to believe. But a human can't absorb another human's soul...so what was it's game? To get Nova or Ryan to hunt them down, so the weed could collect them? It was slowly getting to the point where Frisk couldn't hold herself back from slicing the plant. Her knife felt heavier, with the thoughts pilling up.

Frisk knew she had to do something. She needed to stop Flowey from influencing these humans, and to stop herself from getting any angrier before...something happens. Standing up from the chair, the human took a quick look around the room for Chara. The ghost hadn't made much of a fuss during this entire conversation, and the girl was thankful for that. But at the same time, it was a tad concerning. Shaking her head, Frisk looked back to Ryan and Nova.

"Okay...we've been in here for a while. I'm sure the snow's stopped by now, so...want to take a look around?" Not smooth, by any means. But the girl was hoping the other humans would understand at least partly why she wanted a break from the situation.

@Noivian @Lordvader59 @BetaNymph

Chara had decided to stay quiet through the whole discussion, but only because there was nothing she could do to talk to the other humans right now. The ghost was biding her time, biting her lip when Flowey spoke. She had taken a position behind Frisk, not wanting to distract the human while they talked, and just listened for a while. The six souls... she hadn't even considered them. If the flower got a hold of them... well, Chara would have to stop him somehow, right?

"Frisk, kill the flower."

The command came suddenly and without warning, surprising even Chara. "Kill him now. He'll only get in our way later on. He always gets in the way..." Her hands had clenched into fists, shaking slightly as she glared at the floor, not wanting to look at Flowey.

@BetaNymph @Lordvader59 @TheGossipLink
Ryan returned to normal, he was good at hiding his emotions. But on the inside, he was frozen with fear. Ok, I'm stuck in a room with a killer... and that plant... wonderful. She could have lied about that, too. Her response had done nothing to reassure him of his suspicions. He gave an occasional look at the two, realizing that he was in danger. "Umm... yeah, maybe we should go out?" He decided that outside if people were watching, she may not hurt him.

Great sensed Ryans fear and gave him a reassuring lick to the face. He knew Frisk was a good person, and he would help show his master that.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

Well, that had certainly mixed things up a bit. Frisk wasn't as innocent at she seemed. The flower knew what's up, Nova figured. Picking up the pot, Nova turned and headed to the door. They were just ready to go home. They didn't care how. If a monster had to take their soul, then so be it. Nova looked to Flowey. Could this flower actually take them across the barrier? Their gaze darkened. Nova felt like crying. Why them? Why did they have to fall down, of all people?

@Lordvader59 @BetaNymph @TheGossipLink


Things were spiraling out of control already. Frisk could tell Ryan was extremely...tense, at the least, being around her. In hindsight, not defending herself from the flower's remark wasn't the best decision. As it was, the human was trying to get them to accept their fate of being stuck down here. But trying to do so when they think you're a murdered...can't be easy. But I'm innocent...aren't I? Frisk's knife felt a little hotter, making her realize she wasn't. Going a little downcast, the girl tried her best to not dwell on it. However, she wasn't helped any by Chara, who finally spoke up.

The ghost talking made Frisk jump a little, not expecting Chara to be behind her. The killer's command echoed throughout the human's skull. At first, Frisk merely let it pass. But when the ghost followed it up with her logic...it made the human think on it. While it was a little too obvious what Chara said was fueled by her personal grudge against Flowey, it still made sense. The human spared the flower in the beginning, only for it to come back and kill the King. Even then, the girl spared it, only for it to come back and make Frisk seem like a murderer. The flower really did get in the way. If she let it go now, who knew what would happen?

But...no. The human knew she couldn't, not now. Ryan seemed terrified, even if he tried hiding it. And Nova seemed like she was already falling into despair...so no, not yet. Not in front of them. Deciding to ignore that all for now, Frisk headed out of the room. The girl walked a bit faster then the others, and made it outside first. Using this time alone, she made a comment directed at Chara.

"Find me an opening, when they aren't looking. I don't care how I'll play it off, but I will." The human tensed her arm, feeling the knife slowly sliding down. She wouldn't brandish it yet, not now. Really soon, though. When the two humans finally got outside, Frisk spoke to them. "So what do you wanna do? I have some close friends in town we could visit...or, there's a restaurant. Grillby's. And a library." The girl noticed her tone was a bit more...dry, then usual. She tried to make it a little more cheery, for everyone's sake.

@Noivian @Lordvader59 @BetaNymph

Chara nodded, following closely with Frisk. Already, the gears were turning in her head, trying to think up a plan. "That Nova person seems intent on carrying Flowey around with them. So, get their hands busy and offer to hold the pot. If they give him to Ryan instead, then get him busy, too. They both stated they wanted jobs, right? Get them jobs, get the flower." Really, it was a simple plan, but it was mostly fool-proof. So long as Flowey didn't hit the soil or use his pellets, it should be a piece of cake.

Or, there was always the option to possess Frisk's knife arm... Chara would keep that as a backup.


Nova followed tensely behind, albeit slower than Frisk. They were obviously downcast, and would rather not spend time near any monsters. But food sounded tempting, and their stomach had started to quietly rumble. Given they were still holding the pot that contained Flowey, they didn't have hands to spare to rub their stomach to try and calm it. "Um... I don't mean to be a burden, but perhaps we could get food?"

@TheGossipLink @Lordvader59 @BetaNymph

As Flowey was picked up and moved in the pot, he caught a glimpse of Frisk out of the corner of his eye. She was unusually tense, and Flowey had a good idea why that was. There was no doubt in his mind that she wanted to kill him. He could practically feel the murderous aura emanating from the human. He wondered what had brought about this shift in personality. It could be that she was particularly angry that he had killed Asgore, but he suspected something else. He had a slight idea of what - or who - was causing this. Regardless, the question remained: why hadn't she killed him yet? It's not as if the two humans could stop her. Unless...

Maybe that was the reason? Perhaps the reason she still hadn't made her move was because for some reason she couldn't do it in front of them. If that was the case then maybe escaping the pot and heading back underground would be the right move. But, then again, perhaps he was just as safe if he remained under Nova's care.

He looked up at Nova and noticed that her mood had dropped dramatically. She seemed to be on the verge of tears. Flowey stifled a snicker. He so desperately wanted to laugh at her predicament but, at the moment, she was the only thing stopping Frisk from cleaving his stem in two. He rolled his eyes and looked up at her, whispering loud enough for only her to hear. "
Hey. Cheer up."

He looked around to make sure nobody else could hear what he was saying. "
I wasn't lying, you know. I DO know how to get you out of here."

Unfortunately for you, our oh so gracious host," he tilted his head slightly in the direction of Frisk. "isn't particularly happy with me. As in, if I was left alone with her I wouldn't be alive for much longer."

So if you want me to help you get out of this place..." He grinned slyly. "I'd really appreciate it if you don't let her get too near me." Leaning away from Nova, Flowey resumed speaking at a normal volume. He turned to Frisk.

Well? I'm hungry too."

@Noivian @Lordvader59 @TheGossipLink
BetaNymph said:

As Flowey was picked up and moved in the pot, he caught a glimpse of Frisk out of the corner of his eye. She was unusually tense, and Flowey had a good idea why that was. There was no doubt in his mind that she wanted to kill him. He could practically feel the murderous aura emanating from the human. He wondered what had brought about this shift in personality. It could be that she was particularly angry that he had killed Asgore, but he suspected something else. He had a slight idea of what - or who - was causing this. Regardless, the question remained: why hadn't she killed him yet? It's not as if the two humans could stop her. Unless...

Maybe that was the reason? Perhaps the reason she still hadn't made her move was because for some reason she couldn't do it in front of them. If that was the case then maybe escaping the pot and heading back underground would be the right move. But, then again, perhaps he was just as safe if he remained under Nova's care.

He looked up at Nova and noticed that her mood had dropped dramatically. She seemed to be on the verge of tears. Flowey stifled a snicker. He so desperately wanted to laugh at her predicament but, at the moment, she was the only thing stopping Frisk from cleaving his stem in two. He rolled his eyes and looked up at her, whispering loud enough for only her to hear. "
Hey. Cheer up."

He looked around to make sure nobody else could hear what he was saying. "
I wasn't lying, you know. I DO know how to get you out of here."

Unfortunately for you, our oh so gracious host," he tilted his head slightly in the direction of Frisk. "isn't particularly happy with me. As in, if I was left alone with her I wouldn't be alive for much longer."

So if you want me to help you get out of this place..." He grinned slyly. "I'd really appreciate it if you don't let her get too near me." Leaning away from Nova, Flowey resumed speaking at a normal volume. He turned to Frisk.

Well? I'm hungry too."

@Noivian @Lordvader59 @TheGossipLink
Ryan raised a skeptic eye. "You require... food?" "Okay, it eats too. Good things to know." He shrugged "I'm ok with going wherever you guys want to." "As long as I can keep my distance from that killer, I'll be alright. I can make my escape, find this barrier, and go home." He gave himself a nod. "Alright, step one, a plan, now to find my window of opportunity and execute it." He was started to show a bit of fear. "Even the god damn PLANT is afraid of her! I need to get out of here and AWAY from her!" Ryan began to think of an excuse to exit the building. Thinking the flower's words over again, he stopped. "No, wait! The flower knows a way out! I can get him, take him with me, and have him guide me through! Perfect!"

@Noivian @BetaNymph @TheGossipLink

Nova looked down to Flowey, raising an eyebrow skeptically as he spoke with them. Nova was just so done with all of this. They were ready to go home, to go to sleep, to never think about the underground again. "Fine, whatever," Nova spoke in a low voice to the flower. "Just get me out of this mess. I really don't care anymore. Just tell me where to go." They were really starting to question just who was supposed to be the hostage here. Fear and despair had run Nova down, to the point where they didn't even care who was telling them what or who was who's hostage anymore. So long as all monsters stayed a good distance from them, they would be okay.

@Lordvader59 @BetaNymph @TheGossipLink

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