Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

AlannaTrebond said:
Basically, when rpers don't read the info section. For example, it might say, "X event happened a century ago." Cool. Then, you see a character that says "Y was there when X happened." Hmmm...
lets check the age. Ah, you're sixteen. How does that work?

Also, the overabundance of teenagers. Yeah, it makes sense to have a lot of them, but in, say, a harvest moon RP, there should be more than one person twenty or older.

Also, it's been said, but mental illnesses. My brother has schizophrenia and another is bipolar. I have a social anxiety disorder, myself. It doesn't bother me if done properly, but people tend to just make things up and I HATE it.
Tragic backstories will be the death of me. Yes, everyone has gone through some things in their life, but seriously why is every other character and orphan? It's good to have flaws in your back story, but it gets really boring reading about angsty teenage foster children. The worst part is that, although both their parents are dead and half their face got burned off when they were a baby, they still manage to be emotionally stable. There's a difference between creative and unrealistic.

A lot of people create very detailed character sheets but don't translate those details into their writing.

It's really hard for me to hate something, like you would have to actually try to get me to hate something. I've played both genders, I've done all types of RPs and most of the time everyone is respectful and, if needed, asks me out of character what's a good place the RP should head to. I've been very fortunate except a very low amount of times.

And in these few instances it's always the same thing, the other RPer just stops for no reason. I've had too many good romances and action adventures end because I dunno, maybe it got boring or something. I was having fun. Hell, most of the time it's their plot. If someone's account gets reported they usually let me know and I'm wary of that, but these people are still there, still RPing with others and leaving me hanging.

It's completely disrespectful and even worse if the RP has going for a long time. If you're busy irl, let me know and I'll understand. If it's getting boring, also let me know and we'll work stuff out. Just don't, for the love of everything that is good and fun, don't stop abruptly without letting me know why. Like I said this has only happened to me a few amount of times but it still irritates the hell out of me.
When people think writing in "Detailed RP's" means making a bunch of paragraphs per post. MULTIPLE Paragraphs DOES NOT MAKE DETAILED.

'Detailed' RP's, in my opinion, should be more based off of the detail and writing level of the posts themselves, rather then making a bunch of paragraphs every single post. This isn't to say that I WOULDN'T write multiple paragraphs in a RP post, because I will. It just irks me that some define writing detailed as writing 3-5 paragraphs all the time.
When they say, "I'll get right on it," so you wait for them, then you click their portarait and it says, "Last seen: doing not-what-they-said two minutes ago." I don't care if you're gonna be late, or take a day or two, but don't say you're going to get to it right away and then not. I mean, that's just plain rude!
Dragongal said:
When they say, "I'll get right on it," so you wait for them, then you click their portarait and it says, "Last seen: doing not-what-they-said two minutes ago." I don't care if you're gonna be late, or take a day or two, but don't say you're going to get to it right away and then not. I mean, that's just plain rude!
Omg this! People have done this too me so effing often, the last site I was on it led to both the rps i was doing (that i had worked very hard to write the stories for myself) dying because the others were saying that and then taking another 3-4 days to post tiny effing posts that give me like nothing to actually add on to (exactly like when you send someone a long text and they give you a two word answer)
Dragongal said:
When they say, "I'll get right on it," so you wait for them, then you click their portarait and it says, "Last seen: doing not-what-they-said two minutes ago." I don't care if you're gonna be late, or take a day or two, but don't say you're going to get to it right away and then not. I mean, that's just plain rude!
CursedDawn said:
Omg this! People have done this too me so effing often, the last site I was on it led to both the rps i was doing (that i had worked very hard to write the stories for myself) dying because the others were saying that and then taking another 3-4 days to post tiny effing posts that give me like nothing to actually add on to (exactly like when you send someone a long text and they give you a two word answer)
Agreed! I've been on both ends of the spectrum, and I understand how the receiver might feel overwhelmed by too many things but not want to seem mean or rude. Unfortunately, it tends to have the opposite effect. I've taken to let people know that I am busy and might not take care of something immediately to be a lot more respectful.
A lot of this was probably already said, but:

*One liners.

*Refusing to read everyone's post in a group story. Honestly, that's the best part of having so many writers in the same game. It's like skipping an episode of Game of Thrones and saying, "I could watch it later on the internet, but fuck it: I'll just ask the guys at work what I missed instead."

*When you know you can't trust someone to write a fight scene with you because they'll more than likely use you like Warf in order to display how bad ass they think their character is.

*Moving someone else's character without asking.

*Dead parents.

*One liners.

*Writing a character sheet that demands a list of weaknesses and watching everyone's idea of a lack of aptitude amount to having a B- in the field.

*One liners.

*Using blunt words like beautiful and breath taking to describe how other writers are supposed to view your character. Describe your character with some nuance and let me decide if yours is hot or not.

*Child prodigies. I'm in my late twenties and still prefer to play characters older than myself because I'm old enough to know that people in their twenties don't know shit. ;)

*One liners.
I hate the rampant flakiness within the various play by post roleplay communities. Especially the ones who make a character and then drop without making a post.

Like seriously why even bother?
Raizel said:
Casual writers on detailed RPs: There are times when we have Writer's Block, yes, but when I write at least a paragraph and a half on each post and another player writes a sentence on every post, it makes me angry. Not for the work I had in writing that, it's that the player doesn't give me what to work on.
This all the way, or someone who writes one post! and can't get them to write anymore. They come up with reason x,y,z as to why they can't post. Bugs the crap out of me.
I HATE it when I post character sheet(s) of a character that took me two hours to make, then minutes later somebody uploads a character that is literally a carbon copy of my character. This has actually happened multiple times. Whether its the person who uploaded the character sheet's fault or not, it annoys the hell out of me. It happened just recently, with both characters being the same in almost every area. Even the same formatting was used!
Okay it already bothers me when people opt out of the History portion of a character sheet, but it irks my soul when they write "will be revealed in the rp" and it's NEVER revealed because they keep saying it's a secret even after almost a year (in roleplay time of course).

When people write their posts like

Josh walks up to Amy and whispers her name. Instantly their giggles fill the air and they are both extremely happy.

rather than

Josh walked up to Amy and whispered her name. Instantly their giggles filled the air and they were both extremely happy.

I know it's just personal preference but I just find the 3rd person, past tense more organized and professional.

ALL THE DAMN PERCY JACKSON AND CAMP HALFBLOOD ROLE PLAYS THAT ARE OUT THERE. Like COME ON! SERIOUSLY?!?!? THERE'S ALREADY 505935676324028. Why do you have to make your own when you can join one?

When people get annoyed because you don't want your characters to be love interests. Like dude, come on. It's my character let me do what I want with him/her.

12 year olds who act either 5 or 20. Seriously, 12 year olds don't have to be dumb as dirt nor should they be incredibly beyond their years.

When people think mental disorders are cute. They aren't. I'm not against people creating a character who has one though. I mean, I made one with Paranoid Personality Disorder and I did my research. I'm not gonna be all, "Alex fell in love with Jera and for the first time in his life.. He trusted someone fully." Like what the hell no. That's not practical at all.


When people are hellbent on making their character the victim.

The list goes on.
HighFlyer said:
Okay it already bothers me when people opt out of the History portion of a character sheet, but it irks my soul when they write "will be revealed in the rp" and it's NEVER revealed because they keep saying it's a secret even after almost a year (in roleplay time of course).
When people write their posts like

Josh walks up to Amy and whispers her name. Instantly their giggles fill the air and they are both extremely happy.

rather than

Josh walked up to Amy and whispered her name. Instantly their giggles filled the air and they were both extremely happy.

I know it's just personal preference but I just find the 3rd person, past tense more organized and professional.

ALL THE DAMN PERCY JACKSON AND CAMP HALFBLOOD ROLE PLAYS THAT ARE OUT THERE. Like COME ON! SERIOUSLY?!?!? THERE'S ALREADY 505935676324028. Why do you have to make your own when you can join one?

When people get annoyed because you don't want your characters to be love interests. Like dude, come on. It's my character let me do what I want with him/her.

12 year olds who act either 5 or 20. Seriously, 12 year olds don't have to be dumb as dirt nor should they be incredibly beyond their years.

When people think mental disorders are cute. They aren't. I'm not against people creating a character who has one though. I mean, I made one with Paranoid Personality Disorder and I did my research. I'm not gonna be all, "Alex fell in love with Jera and for the first time in his life.. He trusted someone fully." Like what the hell no. That's not practical at all.


When people are hellbent on making their character the victim.

The list goes on.
I agree with everything you say.
Let's see types of roleplayers I hate :

People who create unrealistic and over powered characters and then get all angry when they're godlike being isn't welcome in your roleplay. I literally had someone in a superhero roleplay create someone who had " all of superman's powers and none of his weaknesses" and also time travel and the ability to shoot lazers out of their hands. And like seriously their weaknesses was " hard headed , arrogant, and comparable force."

And they described comparable force as "anyone with the same power would be able to fight them equally". I'm like your character is basically a God, so comparable force is stupid because there is no one who has the same level of power. Then they tried to change it to "villains with special weapons to take out the character."

I'm like the only two villains in the roleplay are a illusionist and a girl with hex abilities. None of which use weapons. And also your character has no weaknesses so what exactly are these weapons supposed to target.

Also blatant rudeness.

Like I once had a girl chew me out for creating a "mary sue n00bish plot" based on her favorite fandom when i tried to ask her to roleplay a different fandom entirely. And I even sent her the link the show's synopsis and it was like not remotely the same thing as her fandom.

Or another time I was a member of a group and pretty active. I had helped come up with plot points and stuff and was the first person to join in. So I've been active and plotting for weeks in this roleplay and suddenly some random roleplayer decides to cause trouble by saying "well i don't think i can do this roleplay because i don't like mary sues - and bow's player is a mary sue." and what does the owner do? tell me i have to either make an entirely new character or change the one i have because that one person complained. oh she says " people have been talking to me about your character " but i'm like i've been in this roleplay for at least two weeks and plotting nearly every day. not once has anyone come up to me and said anything about my character. still i like the idea and i had put enough work into the roleplay that i change my character. and wouldn't you know the one who caused trouble left anyway.

made me so mad because it was just blatantly rude.

Now for roleplays that drive me up the wall

These pairing roleplays where it's like I want to play this character and you have to play the person who is obssessed with them. Or a roleplay that revolves entirely around some super unrealistice relationship that is being romanticized. Like your mom dating your boyfriend or whatever.

It just makes me super uncomfortable and I do not understand the appeal at all.
readingraebow said:
Let's see types of roleplayers I hate :
People who create unrealistic and over powered characters and then get all angry when they're godlike being isn't welcome in your roleplay. I literally had someone in a superhero roleplay create someone who had " all of superman's powers and none of his weaknesses" and also time travel and the ability to shoot lazers out of their hands. And like seriously their weaknesses was " hard headed , arrogant, and comparable force."

And they described comparable force as "anyone with the same power would be able to fight them equally". I'm like your character is basically a God, so comparable force is stupid because there is no one who has the same level of power. Then they tried to change it to "villains with special weapons to take out the character."

I'm like the only two villains in the roleplay are a illusionist and a girl with hex abilities. None of which use weapons. And also your character has no weaknesses so what exactly are these weapons supposed to target.

Also blatant rudeness.

Like I once had a girl chew me out for creating a "mary sue n00bish plot" based on her favorite fandom when i tried to ask her to roleplay a different fandom entirely. And I even sent her the link the show's synopsis and it was like not remotely the same thing as her fandom.

Or another time I was a member of a group and pretty active. I had helped come up with plot points and stuff and was the first person to join in. So I've been active and plotting for weeks in this roleplay and suddenly some random roleplayer decides to cause trouble by saying "well i don't think i can do this roleplay because i don't like mary sues - and bow's player is a mary sue." and what does the owner do? tell me i have to either make an entirely new character or change the one i have because that one person complained. oh she says " people have been talking to me about your character " but i'm like i've been in this roleplay for at least two weeks and plotting nearly every day. not once has anyone come up to me and said anything about my character. still i like the idea and i had put enough work into the roleplay that i change my character. and wouldn't you know the one who caused trouble left anyway.

made me so mad because it was just blatantly rude.

Now for roleplays that drive me up the wall

These pairing roleplays where it's like I want to play this character and you have to play the person who is obssessed with them. Or a roleplay that revolves entirely around some super unrealistice relationship that is being romanticized. Like your mom dating your boyfriend or whatever.

It just makes me super uncomfortable and I do not understand the appeal at all.
I feel really bad for you man ;n;
[QUOTE="Jaw Breaker]I feel really bad for you man ;n;

Well those are fairly old examples and I've come along way since the two people where so rude. It was back when I was newer and didn't like rocking the boat. Now if stuff like that happens I just walk away. I'm like I'm not going to bend over backwards for people who are going to treat me like that.

If your nice to me I'm a super sweetheart marshmellow crazypants in return. But if your rude then I'm just not going to even bother roleplaying with you.

Even if you come up with the most amazeballs plots known to mankind. It's like no. I'm not going to be treated badly when I'm doing something that is supposed to be fun.
I guess this applies more to off-board roleplays, but I hate when a roleplay's website has this supertinyfont ALLLL across the board. Like... I can't read that. Please. Stop. ;_;
About Schizophrenia

As a Schizophrenic individual (medicated, obviously) I think I can shed some light on the topic. Hallucinations are a big part of schizophrenia as one of the "positive" symptoms (by positive/negative, I mean symptoms that "add something" or "remove something" to an otherwise normal person, that's how it was explained to me..) so a lot of people who write schizophrenic individuals tend to write them while focusing on the hallucination aspect. Other aspects include delusions (i.e.: believing something is true even though everything would indicate it to be false to anyone "sane") and disorganized thought and speech. For some, that's simply losing track of their thoughts mid-sentence. For others, it reaches full on word salad levels. The difficult aspect of mental illnesses like schizophrenia is that different symptoms have varying gravity for different patients. On the other side (negative symptoms), we have social unawareness and paranoia. There are many more of course (memory problems, attention deficit, processing speed difficulties, and catatonia, for example) But these symptoms do not occur in all schizophrenics.

That said, RPing a diagnosed schizophrenic is not difficult. To be diagnosed, you just need to - according to the DMS-5 - have: A) Delusions, or Hallucinations (the sensory sub-type does not matter), or Disorganized Speech. B) At least one of the many negative symptoms listed above or severely disorganized or catatonic behavior C) These symptoms must be observed over the course of at least one month with no sign of diminishing (whether they worsen or remain the same does not matter) and these must have had a severe impact on a social or occupational level for at least six months (you can fake that part since they take your word for it, if you really wanna get diagnosed that bad)

Also, sub-types of schizophrenia are no longer used in the field (catatonic schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia) and so "schizophrenia" is now an umbrella term for all types of schizophrenia. I know because when I asked my shrink what "sub-type" I was, he pompously belittled me saying those were no longer a thing.

Hope that sheds some light on the matter!

RPers that annoy me

I am annoyed by people who don't follow basic RP etiquette (No god-modding, power playing or auto-hitting) and people who refuse to improve (newbies happen, but not improving after a few months of practice is intolerable) or refuse help in improving altogether.

RP types I dislike

I have no real fondness for RPs which have been made with the intent of the GM beings its sole and only center piece with the other players being a decoration. You want to highlight yourself? Write a book or a fanfic.

I also dislike the type of RPs where the GM has made up so many new terms that an index is not only helpful, but needed. It gets tedious.

Finally, RPs where the GM essentially crosses his arms and does nothing MURDER my nerves.

That's my two cents on the matter ^^
Oooh, ooh! My turn :)

My biggest pet peeve is the lack of ethnic diversity in a lot of games.

Probably my worst experience was in a Hogwarts forum-wide game... They had really strict rules about what ethnic groups could apply to certain schools (no Japanese kids at Hogwarts, please!). This made sense to me at first because that's like a secondary branch of my ethnic rage: People always want to be either Caucasian or Japanese. Aaanyway, I made this really awesome British character with an Afro-Caribbean background. Accepted without a hitch. However, when I made a character with a South-Asian background, the moderator in charge of accepting the sheet was like "ummmm great story and everything but how did she even end up at Hogwarts?" Ummmmmmm that's explained in my story... which I probably shouldn't even have to do because of the concentration of South Asians in Great Britain... But the idea of a Tamil student at Hogwarts was so absurd to this moderator that she wouldn't accept my sheet. Of course, I complained and another mod accepted my sheet.

Luckily in forums like these it's a little easier to find like-minded players that appreciate a diversity in their stories. To me that is really important. If a story takes place in the modern era, ignoring the world of ethnic backgrounds that are available to us seems kind of lazy to me.

Just a thought!
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One thing I really dislike these days: Munchkins. They derail the RP. A good example to imagine is that someone wanting to play as a ninja in an RP involving Renaissance Italy's political intrigue. Those who play to win even if it's not the point. My reasoning is modest. Structure is very important to me. So the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
Xixo said:
Oooh, ooh! My turn :)
My biggest pet peeve is the lack of ethnic diversity in a lot of games.

Probably my worst experience was in a Hogwarts forum-wide game... They had really strict rules about what ethnic groups could apply to certain schools (no Japanese kids at Hogwarts, please!). This made sense to me at first because that's like a secondary branch of my ethnic rage: People always want to be either Caucasian or Japanese. Aaanyway, I made this really awesome British character with an Afro-Caribbean background. Accepted without a hitch. However, when I made a character with a South-Asian background, the moderator in charge of accepting the sheet was like "ummmm great story and everything but how did she even end up at Hogwarts?" Ummmmmmm that's explained in my story... which I probably shouldn't even have to do because of the concentration of South Asians in Great Britain... But the idea of a Tamil student at Hogwarts was so absurd to this moderator that she wouldn't accept my sheet. Of course, I complained and another mod accepted my sheet.

Luckily in forums like these it's a little easier to find like-minded players that appreciate a diversity in their stories. To me that is really important. If a story takes place in the modern era, ignoring the world of ethnic backgrounds that are available to us seems kind of lazy to me.

Just a thought!
OH MY GOD YES. most roleplays are 90 percent white kids and ten percent eastern Asian kids.
[QUOTE="Jaw Breaker]OH MY GOD YES. most roleplays are 90 percent white kids and ten percent eastern Asian kids.

Hahaha yuuup. I mean I kiiiind of get it. IDK the statistics of English-language RPers (my experience in the past 15+ yrs is that most are either North American or European and white...) but if you're supposed to be writing interesting and nuanced characters... why they gotta be white? ._.

Part of it too is that fantasy settings draw on European myth a lot ;o i guess that's not really RPer's faults... *sigh*
Xixo said:
Hahaha yuuup. I mean I kiiiind of get it. IDK the statistics of English-language RPers (my experience in the past 15+ yrs is that most are either North American or European and white...) but if you're supposed to be writing interesting and nuanced characters... why they gotta be white? ._.
Part of it too is that fantasy settings draw on European myth a lot ;o i guess that's not really RPer's faults... *sigh*
The main reason is exactly that statistic; most RPers (with some notable exceptions) are white. A lot of RPers fear they won't be able to identify with or (worse) portray accurately a character of another ethnic background. Personally, I am guilty of this. I will only play a white character unless absolutely impossible because I am TERRIFIED of being called out on inaccurate portrayal, stereotyping or racism.

Example: Once, I made an african-american character for an RP. The character sheet was really weird and included things like "favorite food". I blanked, so I wrote simply "fried chicken" because that's a good food. It's not my favorite, but I like it and I can easily identify with - and thus, portray accurately - a character who likes it. The mod of the RP, who happened to be of an african background himself and who knew I was caucasian, FLIPPED HIS SHIT so hard about the fried chicken thing I gave up joining the RP altogether.

I know those kinds of situations are the exception, not the norm, but having been raised in a Canada where multiculturalism is enforced, yet "only white people can be racist", I actively avoid any form of discussion on the topic of race unless I am 100% aware and avoid portraying people of other races in my writing.

But that's me, other cases may differ.
I personally think that the fried chicken stereotype is just bizarre. I mean, most black people probably like it, but that's because most PEOPLE IN GENERAL like fried chicken because it's freaking delicious. It's a human universal and turning it into an ethnic stereotype is just sick and wrong. Fried chicken should be a symbol of unity, not division.

I'd have to say that my biggest pet peeve is people being rude. Most other things I can understand as being due to real life/inexperience with roleplaying/etc., but there is no excuse for being a jackass. If someone makes a suggestion or points something out, consider it and respond politely. If someone's being rude to you, respond maturely. It's not that hard.

Also, typing in all caps/lowercase or using godawful spelling, grammar, and punctuation outside of OOC. Everyone on this site should have graduated the third grade, and most people are at least in high school. I can understand if you're having writer's block and your storytelling isn't the best, or if English isn't your native language, or if you're having a bad day and making some typos, and in fact I'll think it's pretty neat that you're giving it the old college try anyways. But for the love of god YOU SHOULD USE PUNCTUATION, GODDAMMIT. This is a source of legitimate anger and frustration for me. I cannot accept that this many people are getting through childhood/adolescence being this illiterate, so if you type up an IC post or CS or overview or whatnot with spelling/grammar that's really really bad, I'm going to come to the conclusion that you just didn't care. And that's just plain inconsiderate to the people who then have to decipher your hieroglyphics.

Also, when people go bonkers with formatting. It looks neat within reason, but just please don't make your posts look like 90s HTML sites.

Also, when people write their post in a different POV or tense than the rest of the role-play. Especially in a group RP, it's generally pretty good to have a standardized POV/tense, because if you're reading through a bunch of posts that are third-person limited past-tense, reading one that's first-person present tense can be pretty jarring. This might be a little idiosyncratic, though.

And when people add traits to their characters because they want that trait rather than because the trait suits the character. This goes for mental illnesses, tragic pasts, mafia ties, extreme attractiveness... in every case where I've seen these traits done well, the character had the trait because it suited them. Some traits just fit with a character, and you have to go along with that or things turn into a mess. Some things don't fit, and you can't force them or it's obvious. One of my characters has depression, and I had originally intended for her to be undiagnosed Bipolar I. However, I just couldn't for the life of me envision her having a manic or hypomanic episode, so I let it drop. Some writers just don't seem to know when to let things drop, and that really gets on my nerves. It's probably the only newbie behavior I'm not terribly understanding of, because I kind of feel like it shows that you care more about coolness/cuteness/badassery/whatever your Fascination of the Week is than about creating a vibrant, three-dimensional story.
[QUOTE="The One Called X]

Also, when people write their post in a different POV or tense than the rest of the role-play. Especially in a group RP, it's generally pretty good to have a standardized POV/tense, because if you're reading through a bunch of posts that are third-person limited past-tense, reading one that's first-person present tense can be pretty jarring. This might be a little idiosyncratic, though.

Omg that is hands down one of my top tier pet peeves ( the other is rudeness so pretty much everything in your previous post i agree with completely. ) But I just can NOT handle it when people just arbitarily change points of view in a thread - whether it's a onexone or group. I mean even if it's not a rule you should at the very least respect the majority rule.

I did have this happen in a group ( and a few onexones which is more me not mentioning this being a thing than people just being rude ) but it was like five posts in and this person decides their character is going to be the special snowflake that writes in first person perspective and it just drove me UP A WALL.

Like seriously if you can't write in third person POV then say something. Don't just decide that your too good to follow everyone else's lead without any kind of warning because I will straight up kick you out.

I think it's rude and inconsiderate and I won't have it.

Granted I usually try to say that you gotta write in third person POV for your posts when I'm doing groups anyway just to avoid this but like. ..

Ugh and worse is when people try to argue with you. Like it's my rule, my roleplay, and if I say you write like it's a novel then that's what your going to do.

I can't stand people that try to argue with you about your limits or rules for a roleplay.

If I say no then please respect my decision. It's not for you to sit there and try to badger me into changing my mind.

I hate it when people do that. Like I shouldn't have to justify myself to complete strangers.

For that matter when people skim rules and stuff when trying to contact me about a roleplay.

Like I'm going to know if you didn't read the rules or my requirements ( if it's a onexone ) and it just wastes my time.

Because if you can't follow the rules as they are laid out ( especially if you were too lazy to read them in the first place ) then why should I waste my time vetting you when I could be talking to people that have read the rules and are willing to work together to make the story great.

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