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Two Winchesters and a Baby Angel

Cas giggled and smiled at the wet, slimy creature, holding out his hand, and allowing it to hop into his palm, squealing excitedly when it did.
"Be careful, Cas." Dean said firmly, though he couldn't help the smile etched on his face. Hey, it was kinda cute. Sam, having a happy expression on his face too, felt affection wash over him as he heard Cas' squeals.
All three of them settling down on the couch, after washing their baby's hands from touching the frog and other things. Giving Cas Apple and letting him scoot between them, they decided to relax for a few minutes.
The older gently tickled their baby's tummy, "Geez, Cas. With all this cuddling you're givin' me, I think I'm your favorite." Dean smirked and threw a wink at Sam, who rolled his eyes.
Cas giggled and squirmed. He didn't really have a favorite, as he loved both brothers. But sometimes, he just preferred to cuddle with one over the other.
Holding their baby close, and breathing in the scent of baby powder and damp grass, Dean sighed. If you had told him, a year ago, that he'd be taking care of a powerful angel with his brother, the older probably would have punched you. But now, it seemed more like a paradise than a curse.
Cas smiled and relaxed in Dean's arms, the faint sound of the tv running in the background and soft breaths were all that was heard.
Thinking about their times outside, and how much Cas seemed to like nature and the animals they saw, an idea popped into Dean's head. Looking down, he asked, "Hey, Cas. Want to go to a zoo sometime? Maybe tomorrow or somethin'? There's this pretty cool one not too far; makes it look like your in a rainforest and other stuff." the older rambled.
Cas thinks for a moment, then nods, smiling up at Dean. He'd never gone to a zoo before, and would love to see all the different animals that are there.
Returning the smile, both brothers remained inside with their baby boy for the rest of the day, because tomorrow would have a big event.

(Skip to the next day?)
Cas woke the next morning with a big yawn, pulling himself up into a siting position, and feeling his full diaper squish beneath him.
Being the first to wake up between the two, Sam entered Cas' nursery and smiled softly at their little one sitting up in his crib. Scooping up the angel, and changing his diaper, then taping a fresh one around the blue-eyed one's waist, the taller mused, "I think you'll like the zoo, Cas. Maybe they'll have some bees there we can see. Butterflies too."
Laughing at the angel's squirms, Sam managed to get Cas dressed in a cute romper with a light blue onesie printed with animals on it. Putting socks on their little one's feet, then some shoes, Castiel was dressed and ready to go. After breakfast of course.

Carrying their baby to the kitchen, where food was already made and begging to be eaten, Dean smiled and blew a raspberry on Cas' cheek.
Cas giggled, and blushed, as he felt himself being put into his highchair and a bib being tied around his neck. The food on the table looked so yummy, and inviting. Cas couldn't wait to eat.
Giving their little one a bottle of milk to go with his breakfast, Dean fed Cas and talked amiably about their trip today. Admittedly, the older Winchester was just as excited as Cas at the prospect of visiting the zoo.

Listening to his brother's excited chatters, Sam smiled warmly, knowing today was going to be awesome.
Cleaning up the mess from their baby's face, the two brothers gathered their things and brought Cas into the Impala. Strapping the angel in his carseat, and giving him Apple and a few toys, they started on their way to the zoo.
Arriving at the zoo a while later, Dean parked the Impala into a free space and grimaced at how many people were there today. But the older brushed it off, knowing that no matter what, Cas would get to see as many animals as he wanted.

Sam unbuckled their baby from his carseat before sitting him in his stroller, accompanied by a blanket to hold and Apple.

Once they had paid to go in, Sam walked with Dean while pushing the stroller. Looking down at Cas, Sam smiled, "Ready to go see all the animals, Cas?"

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