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Two Winchesters and a Baby Angel

Finishing the diaper change, Dean scooped up Cas and placed him on his hip, ruffling the dark hair, "What do ya want to do now, Cas?"
"Alright then. Sam, we're goin' outside," Dean called out, with a tone that urged the younger to come with them. Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps as both Castiel and Dean went outside, the older smirked to himself.

Setting their baby down on the grass, the brothers waited to see what he'd do.
Cas sat there for a minute, before he got onto his hands and knees and started to crawl around, exploring his suroundings.
Keeping an eye on their friend, the two brothers bickered at one another, while also enjoying how nice it was outside. While it was a bit cloudy, it was warm but not humid. Perfect outdoor weather.
Deciding to sit down with their little one, the two men settled themselves down on the grass. A light breeze blew by, with a few bumblebees coming their way, buzzing along happily.
Sam and Dean smiled brightly at their baby's babbles, and knowing how much Cas seemed to like bees. They would've caught one for him, if they hadn't known that bumblebees still have stingers. But they could still get one close enough and let Castiel see one closer.

So, getting a bumblebee to come closer to their little one, Dean managed to get it to stay on his finger, simply crawling around and buzzing softly.
"Cool, huh? Bees are pretty docile sometimes...at least bumblebees are," Sam commented, his smile only growing wider at Cas' widened eyes and tilted head.

And with a sudden twitch in movement, the bee flew off and landed on Cas' thigh, flapping its wings lightly.
Frowning at their baby's heartbroken expression, the two hugged him tightly.

"S'alright, Cas. We'll get you a bee of your own someday. Besides, you got Apple, right?" Dean said cheerfully.
Cas nodded and leaned against his Daddies, enjoying the closeness and warmth. That's the advantage of having two Daddies, more cuddles and snuggles.
After some cuddles, the two brothers stood up before Sam pulled up their baby boy and gave him a piggyback ride. Looking up so he could see his baby's face, the shaggy-haired Winchester asked, "Is this okay, baby?"
Moving around so Castiel could see everything in their backyard, from the towering trees along the edges to the wildflowers growing everywhere.
"Someone's a curious guy, huh?" Sam murmured lovingly as he brought Castiel over to a small creek that ran through a corner of their yard. Large enough for frogs to live nearby, but narrow and thin enough to where Sam and Dean didn't have to worry about the angel too much around it.
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Cas looked down and saw the water, whining and fussing to see it more closer. He then felt himself being lifted off Sam's shoulders and placed on the ground.
Standing by their little one and on the edge of the creek, the two brothers enjoyed the peace and quiet of their new life. While it was a far cry from their previous one, full of fighting and noise, this one was so much different. And better.
Happy at their friend's excitement towards the water, the two wondered what would happen next as a little, green frog hopped beside Cas, giving a mild "Rrriibbit!"
Cas gasped, surprised by the frog, and then giggled at his behavior, reaching down and touching the frog, running his fingertips along its wet skin.,
The brothers watched, interested, it seemed like their little one had a thing for nature.

Meanwhile, the frog simply blinked a few times, uncaring of who was touching it at the moment.

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