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Two Winchesters and a Baby Angel

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Sam and Dean were speechless. How Cas went from an incredibly powerful angel to a mindless, drooling, diaper-wearing 'baby', was a mystery. But the two knew one thing - that they now had to take care of their friend, which wouldn't be an easy task, seeing how Cas was really unable to much of anything on his own anymore.

Cas, on the other hand, just laid on the blanket, bringing his toes to his mouth and drooling on them, giggling happily. This was going to be interesting......
Throwing confused looks at one another, the two brothers just stared for a moment before Sam took action, "Hey, Cas. Uh...try not to do that, yeah? It's not good for you." Removing the angel's toes from his mouth, the younger Winchester looked up at Dean for help.

"What? How 'm I going to help?" the older replied stubbornly.

Sam rolled his eyes, "I don't know. Maybe...get some supplies at the store? S'not like you're going to let me drive the car. And both of us can't leave Cas," the long-haired hunter gestured to the man-child now sucking on his fingers beside him. Prying the angel's fingers from between his lips, Sam replied worryingly, "Cas, don't do that either, man."

Huffing, Dean begrudgingly agreed, "Fine. I'll go get some things for 'im." Walking from the room, leaving his younger brother and the angel behind.
Cas whined, and brought his fingers back to his mouth, sucking on them again. He looked around the room, with big, curious eyes, kicking his feet slightly, as he hiccupped softly, and started wetting his diaper, smiling at the sudden warmth. This was his first time to urinate in a diaper, and it was quite relieveing.
Realizing what his friend has just done, Sam's eyes widened, Crap. Dean's not going to be here for a while longer. What was he going to do? It wasn't entirely sanitary to leave someone in a soiled diaper. Plus, the fact that the previously powerful and intimidating angel, laying on a blanket in front of him, just urinated, was very uncomfortable for the tall hunter.

At least Cas was smiling.

"Okay, if I can't change you right now, I'm gonna get you to stop sucking on your fingers, Cas." Knowing that doing that would rub them raw, and be painful for the angel, Sam tried to seem as gentle but also as firm as possible. Prying Cas' fingers from between his mouth once again, and holding both of his hands, Sam instead tried to entertain the little one as best as he could.

Making funny faces, which was the only thing the hunter could think of, was both embarrassing and an odd experience for Sam.
Cas grumbled and went back to sucking on his fingers again, ignoring the hunter's efforts to stop him. He may have been mentally regressed, but he still had some strength in him. He obviously needed something to soothe his oral fixation. A pacifier, teething ring or really any toy would be useful in this situation. Otherwise, Cas would end up wearing mittens.
Sam frowned, forehead wrinkling. He remained that way until he heard loud footsteps and a door opening nearby.

"Alright, I'm back," Dean hollered as he entered the room, carrying several bags filled with supplies like teething toys, stuffed animals, food, and adult diapers. Pulling a pacifier out of the bag, the bowlegged hunter popped it into Castiel's mouth without a word, then went to go unload everything he had bought.

"You...uh...got a lot of stuff, Dean. You sure we're gonna need all of that?" Sam wondered aloud, watching his brother carefully unpack the supplies and setting them on the table.

"Sure. Who knows what Cas is gonna need. Besides, chicks dig the whole 'single dad' thing," Dean smiled.

Huffing in annoyance and pulling a bitch-face, the younger retorted, "Well, if 'Mr. Single Dad' wants to look good, then he can change his 'son's' diaper."

"Dude. Come on. I got the stuff!" But once he said that, Sam was already out of the room, hopefully looking for a cure to all this.
Cas gently suckled on the pacifier, enjoying the feeling of rubber against his teeth. He grabbed Dean's shirt in alarm, whenever he was picked up and carried over to the couch, and laid down. He wasn't expecting that.

Cas giggled behind his paci as he squirmed and kicked, making the diaper change difficult.
Dodging Cas' legs from kicking him in the face, Dean managed to change him after some struggle. It was friggin' embarrassing too, having to see your friend's privates and ass and then put a diaper underneath, let alone putting powder and then taping said diaper.

"Okay. You okay, Cas? Try and say something," the hunter semi-demanded. Dean secretly hoped the angel could say something; anything. Even if it was just a few strings of jumbled letters.
Cas whined softly, and shifted a bit, looking up at Dean with his baby blue eyes, and confused expression. He truly was an adorable 'baby', and he would probably bring the brothers lots of joy. But right now, he wanted food, as his tummy kept growling. Cas spat out the paci and poked out his lower lip in an adorable pout.
Looking at the pout he received, Dean gave a one-shouldered shrug, "Eh. Close enough." But hearing Cas' stomach growl, the green-eyed hunter sped into action, "Oh. Guess you're hungry, huh, Cas?" Patting the angel's shoulder, Dean grabbed a jar of baby food and a spoon, then sat back down next to Castiel.

Opening the jar, and spooning some of the food, Dean huffed out a laugh, "Uh...here comes the...airplane?"

Coming back to the room, Sam watched his brother and Castiel do...whatever it is that they were doing.
Cas opened his mouth and contemplated the taste, moving his toungue around in his mouth. He gagged and made a disgusted face before spitting the food out all over the front of Dean's shirt. He whined softly and pouted once more, wanting something different to eat.
The older Winchester groaned in disgust at the half-eaten food Castiel spat on his shirt, while the younger Winchester was trying not to laugh, deciding to stand in the doorway and watch.

"...Okay then. Let's try something else," Dean muttered before grabbing a different jar, this time it was fruit rather than whatever the hell Dean had given the angel. Grabbing a different spoon and opening the jar, the hunter sat back down and tried again.
At first, Cas turned away from the food, not wanting to eat it, but he could no longer ignore the growling of his tummy, and decided to give the food a try. He opened his mouth and took a bite, contemplating the taste. He loved it. Cas bounced excitedly, as Dean began to feed him more.
Breathing a sigh of relief at Cas' positive reaction, Dean continued to feed him more until the angel had finished it all, getting some all over his face and on his clothes. Cleaning his friend up with a wet cloth, the hunter couldn't help the next words of affection and praise that spilled from his mouth, "Good job, Cas. You ate all of it."

Sam quirked a brow at his brother's statement, "Wow. You're really getting the hang of this early, aren't you?"

Making an unsure sound in the back of his throat, the older replied, "Yeah. I mean, he's kinda cute like this, isn't he?"

"Never heard you use the word 'cute' before..."

"Shut up."

Putting away the empty baby food jar and spoon, Dean gathered Cas in his arms and started to burp him, not caring who was watching.
Cas burped softly, and hiccupped slightly, spitting up a little bit. He looked around curiously before letting out a yawn and cooing softly, resting his head on Dean's shoulder. Cas was starting to feel a bit sleepy, but kept himself awake, so he could enjoy being a baby.
Seeing the blue-eyed angel yawn, Dean smiled, "Looks like someone's getting tired." Picking up Cas, he laid him down on the bed and covered his frame in blankets, getting a pacifier and putting it in between the angel's mouth. Smoothing the shorter's usual bed-head, Dean watched as sleep started to tug.

In all honesty, Sam was amazed at his brother. Sure, he knew Dean was good with kids, but he didn't think he'd take their friend becoming a man with the mind of an infant this well. Maybe this could be a chance for them to have a normal life, with no monsters or anything, and Castiel could finally have some form of peace in his life.
Cas gently sucked on the paci as he fell into a peaceful slumber, gripping the blanket with his fist, his chest rising and falling evenly, as he breathed.
As the two brothers watched their friend sleep, blanket tightly gripped in his hand, they couldn't help but smile. Castiel looked downright adorable.

Looking up at Sam, Dean gave a knowing look, "Okay, come on. Don't tell me he doesn't look cute."

Rolling his eyes, the younger had to agree, "Yeah. I guess so. And besides, maybe it'll be good to take a break for a while."

"So...does that mean...we're his 'dads' now?"

"I think so."
Cas shifted slightly, still sucking on the pacifier, as he released his grip on the blanket, moving his arms so that they were resting over his chest. He smiled behind the pacifier and rolled onto his tummy, the blanket slipping off in the process and revealing his cute diapered bottom.
Dean groaned, "That's it. We're keeping 'im."

That statement baffled Sam, "Seriously? Just like that?" Not like the younger was entirely protesting at the prospect of taking care of their friend, and ultimately having a normal life; or as normal as it would get.

Readjusting Cas' blanket so he wouldn't get cold, the older nodded, "Yep. Don't tell me you don't want to keep him either."

And that was that.
Cas wakes up a few hours later, with a yawn and stretches a bit. He looks around and starts whimpering when he doesn't see Sam or Dean. He feels alone, and thinks that they have gone and left him here.
Hearing their baby boy begin to wake up and whimper, both Winchesters hurry to go see him. In all honesty, it wasn't very hard to get into the mindset of 'Daddy' and 'Papa' in the slightest. Dean was already rather protective and a caretaker. And Sam felt like the least he could do was take care of his friend, plus he was kind of a gentle guy anyways.

Rubbing Cas' tummy, Dean shushes him, "Hey, Cas. Sam and me are right here." Checking the angel's diaper, and seeing it's a bit messy, the older changes him, while Sam makes sure he's still okay.

"Don't worry, Cas. We're not gonna leave you," the younger murmurs.
Cas whines softly and squirms as he's getting a diaper change. He still wasn't used to those yet. But when it was over, he smiled, feeling much better in a clean diaper, rather than a messy one.

Now fully awake, Cas looked up at his caretakers, and cooed, reaching for them clumsily.
"Awww," the two cooed in unison, before giving each other strange looks. But, they were thinking the same thing, so, Dean picked Castiel up, then Sam also did. With this, Castiel's upper half was being carried by Dean, and the angel's lower half/legs were being carried by Sam. With his bottom in the air, the angel looked like he was "flying", so to speak.

Dean grunted, "Alright. Let's go...destination: his playpen." Moving quickly along, the two Winchesters made whoosh-ing noises and cheered in the air, claiming the little one they carried was an airplane.
Cas giggled and squealed, a big smile on his face, as the brothers carried him around until they reached his playpen. Cas had never done anything like that before, but it was fun.

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