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Fantasy Two sides of the same coin (Private)


Ninja art of cookies!
-Current time: Night time-

Yawning some, a young male was laying down on top of a empty building in the middle of town. It had been boring the past couple of weeks with nothing really going on at night making the bored Retsu just want to go to bed. His father however told him he was not allowed to take a break unless he was close to death or injured which, since nothing had been going on for a while, he was not hurt at all. Groaning, he started to take out the candy bar he snuck and opened it up starting to take a bite. Enjoying the taste of the caramel inside the chocolate made the young man perk up a bit. If nothing happened tonight, at least he had the weekend to take a long nap. Possibly even hang out with friends as he did get paid recently for his patrols which gave him enough to go out to eat. Not paying anymore attention to the world around him, Retsu started to daydream about going to the local burger joint and getting a nice juicy burger with some salty fries and a milkshake. Gosh dang it he was getting hungry as he started to now reach for his special medicine. The red substance inside looked like blood but it was obviously not blood as he began to open it up as the scent of the medicine was now in the air, which had the scent of blood in it. It was totally not going to make anything bad happen... right?
The smell of a sweet scent went through the air carried by the wind towards the forest near the city. There sat a young vampire girl awaiting nightfall to find a midnight snack. Of course she could just be fed with a spoon at the castle but she did not find that appealing. She liked the taste of the warmth and the feeling of their pulse. So as the scent of blood swirled around her she began to follow her nose and found were it was coming from. Silently she climbed up the building to peak over the top looking for someone in pain to feed off of. Instead she saw two completely healthy men that made her very sad so she decided she would wait till they fell asleep and try to take the small one out for a taste. So she found a window ceil and sat on it waiting.
Finally finishing his medicine, Retsu has a satisfied smile on his face but blinked when his father got up and started to stretch. "You remain here and keep on watching out for anything strange to happen. I'm going to another location to check it out." Knowing full well that arguing with his father about this was meaningless, the young male sighed and nodded as the father soon walked next to the roof and soon jumped off. Rolling his eyes, the yellow eyed teen watched his father jump away showing off like he always did. Rolling his eyes, the young male laid back and sighed some. "Man this guy always showing off. Hes just lucky he is stronger then me!" Mumbling, he soon closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of the night time weather. The cool breeze occasionally hitting him. Soon, his eyes shot wide open as he started to smell around. His eyes glowed a slight shade of red for just a second before turning back to his normal shade of yellow. It smelled like someone was nearby. Standing up, the now on guard male started to look around trying to find out where it was coming from... and who it was coming from.
The young vampire girl watched as the older man went to another building and this was her perfect opportunity. She went up the ladder and saw whom she was waiting for. Walking towards him she smiles her fangs sticking out over her teeth. "Hello dear might I ask you a favor? It is a very good offer. If you come with me we you can have everything you have ever wished for. Isn't that a good offer?" She smiles widely hoping to give him a very calming feeling and help him feel comfortable. She was holding in her hands a glowing necklace to hypnotize him to not remember how to get back if he agrees or not. She wants to give him a choice first.
Spoting a figure walking over toward him, he glared at her. What confirmed his suspicions of what she was happened to be the fangs that she was showing. Thinking of how to play this, he blinked some at her. Did he know her from somewhere? Shaking his heads, the now on guard Retsu started to walk over. Keeping his spear hidden from view, he looked at the girl and tilted his head. "Everything I could ever want hmm? Well that would be interesting but my father told me not to trust strangers in the night. Besides..." he said as he now was now closer, he slowly took his spear out and soon ran at her aiming to stab her with it not noticing the item that was in her hands. "I was told to especially not trust vampires!"
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She runs past him fast grouting her teeth as she stands away. "I was trying to be nice but I guess I will have to take you by force!" Smiling she holds her glowing necklace infront of him to hypnotize him to do whatever she says. This was her first time to tame a human but other people her age did so why not her?

She looked at him hoping to see him falling under her spell so she can then give him instructions. The vampire girl had gotten this necklace from her mother's room so it must work if it was her mother's.
Growling as he missed, Retsu had to quickly stop himself from falling off the roof from the momentum. Taking a sigh of relief as he managed to do so, he watched as this vampire jumped over him and landed behind him. Turning around, he tilted his head in confusion when he saw the necklace. Something about it seemed... off. He tried to look away but something kept on drawing him back to it. The swirls inside seeming to take over the young male as eventually, his spear dropped to the ground as he stood there in a trance. Waiting for instructions.

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