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Fantasy Trulane - A Fantasy RP

Ferron's hammers against the sword were no more than light taps at this point, his tiredness forcing his work to suffer. He slowly turned to her and said, "I told you to stay in bed Arryn, if you need something I can get it for you."
Arryn stared at him for a moment, then pulled him into a hug. "I can feel how tired you are, stop working for a few hours at least, please." The sorrow in her voice was clear.
Ferron didn't move when Arryn hugged him for a bit. He had to conciously move his arms up and hug her back. "I'm almost finished."
"You can barely lift your hammer, Ferron, please. At least eat? You didn't eat the food I got you last night, you're going to faint soon," Arryn said.
"And like I said, you got out of bed last night too when I told you to stay." His voice raised a bit, his fist clenching. "Get back to bed, you need to heal."
Arryn didn't want to fight, but she would. "Ferron, I'm a healer too, I'm fine to walk short distances alone. Trust me. Please stop ignoring yourself before I have to waste mana healing you when you collapse from exhaustion."
Ferron almost shouted at the top of his lungs at Arryn and he didn't know why. He instead sighed heavily and said, "I will take a break in a moment. Please, don't overextend yourself."
Arryn nodded, and could tell his temper was rising. She called to Brutus and went to bed to wait for Ferron, hopong he would actually follow through.
Ferron rested on top of his anvil for a moment as he thought about what had happened recently. He wanted to give up and just let go of life, but he still had Arryn to take care of. He eventually came back to the room, laying down slowly on the bed beside her.
"I love you too." He said quietly into the pillow, trying his best to show Arryn the love she deserved, but not sure how to get out of his stupor.
Ferron wasn't much for words, and just remained quiet. His hand slowly began running through her hair gently. "I don't know what to do with myself."
"It's okay, I know the feeling. Eat, sleep, work, keep to a schedule so you don't skip, okay? You can't be working without stop." She knew almost exactly what this was like and felt horrible for him.
Ferron nodded slowly, and after a moment, pulled Arryn as close as she could get to him, his arms wrapped tight around her.
Arryn nestled against him and simply held him, understanding that that was what he needed. "Remember, I swore to care for you," Arryn said softly. "That hasn't changed."
"And I swore to provide for you." Ferron said quietly. He couldn't stop imagining the faces of each of the relatives he had ended up getting killed, over and over again.
"You have provided just fine my love," Arryn said soothingly. She slowly traced circles on his back and was debating using her magic to help him fall asleep.
When Ferron woke up next, he quickly made his way out of the bed to finish his sword - as he had said, it took mere moments to finish his work. When he was done, he went out to get food for Arryn, returning to deliver it to her. "I brought food." He told her.
Arryn woke up, and could braely believe he had slipped away without waking her. She was peeved, but accepted the food on the condition that he eat with her.
Arryn pressed her head against his shoulder. "Ferron, I know you might not feel hungry, but you need to eat, even if its just a bit. You can't just pick at the food."

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