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Fantasy Trulane - A Fantasy RP

Arryn frowned. Thankfully, not that she knew it, they hadn't gotten her her last name, but the comment about Cross was interesting. "Cross - Warlord Gallium Cross?"
"Yes, that's the one." Alonne exclaimed. "Those were the good days, where wars were real wars! Your father and I kept a rather impressive army, and Gallium held a substantial part of it. Gallium was the best tactician we had, so we let him control most of the army, although we still held high positions."
Ferron seemed to listen in closely, but his expression was still stone. "I tell you, when they day came that we finally got rid of that bastard Emile, it felt that I was dreaming. Finally, it came time to divvy up the roles, I took the advisory position, Gallium took the title and the everything that comes with it, and Dante just went back to his old life. Gallium went on doing warlord-y things, until your brother dethroned him." Alonne said casually.

"My brother?" Ferron asked, his fist clenching. "Julian?"

"No, the one who went off to live with Gallium. What's his name... William, that's him. The younger one."

"I don't have a younger brother."

"Ah, I guess you don't remember. Quite the childish one, he was."
"Yeah, that's him. The one Gallium renamed." He said. "William didn't quite fit with his style. All his kids names started with C, so he indoctrinated Will and changed his name to Callum. To fit in better."
Ferron's expression was calucated and blank, seeming to work out the details of this. "Do you have proof he's my brother?"

"Well just go ask anyone in your family. Little Will turned to Corrupted Cal, just like that. Power changed him, and he's no longer a Hyde, I'll tell you that. You may have shared lineage, but Gallium's got his hooks in him. If he gets another chance at a leadership position, I have no doubt he'll be just another Gallium."
Arryn looked up at Ferron, trying to figure out if this is true. She said to Alonne, "We know Callum. He's not a bad leader at all. He and his wife take good care of the northeast."
"Did you see Gallium at the start of his warlord status? He did better things than Callum did! He just lost control and became a tyrant. The same thing will happen with Callum."
"He'll get taken off the spot soon. When their older brothers hear this, they'll come back, and they'll take the title and no one can do anything about it. And let me tell you, their older brothers are ruthless. They're Gallium encarnate."
"It's simple; Callum knew his older brothers would want the title, so he simply didn't tell them he overthrew Gallium. But I bet he hasn't told that to Cameron, and Cameron's been no doubt sending letters to let them know he's alive."
Alonne chuckled. "Nothing, no one can. It's legally the eldest's title, so they don't even need to start a castle or anything. Just show up, and kick Cameron off. Maybe start a manhunt for Callum, and save Gallium from prison."
Arryn shook her head. "They can't get Gallium out of prison, he's jailed under King's law for an attempted coup against the king."
"You obviously haven't met them," Alonne said. "If you think Gallium is scary in what he could do, then he's a saint compared to them. Cold, analytical. They'd scare the other warlords into submission easily, and maybe even throw a coup for the king."
"You obviously don't have the knowledge to understand from a tactical standpoint, it's impossible to do that." His wife slapped his arm.
"All due respect, Sir Alonne, youve spoken much about your lineage and my fiance's, but you never learned anything about me. That being said, you should probably consider that before making such a comment again." As per usual, Arryn had no "nobility" barrier and didn't care for status. That being said, she did have a very valid point.
Alonne's wife knew that would rile him up, so she slapped his arm preemptively. After a glare, Alonne said, "It doesn't matter what your background is. Anyone who tries to overthrow Gallium's kid will be given a sentence, and Cassian can't do anything until he openly attacks him. Meaning, all the king can do is watch as they build their army to destroy him with."
"Well they can't really guess they'd start a coup until they were given the title. Caspian would hide his intentions until it was too late. Cassian wouldn't know anything."

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