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Fantasy Trinity Crescent School For The Talented *Main* ( Closed )

Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Garden
Featured : Monokuma.is.best Monokuma.is.best , narcissisticnugget narcissisticnugget , Slappy McHuge Slappy McHuge , Kairon Kairon , CasualTea CasualTea

After getting called out by Lance, Shinku is definitely was certain that she was not welcomed, assuming by Lance's tone. Shinku had overheard that the girl named Lily had the ability to draw or write things into reality. She didn't know if she should feel relieved that such an ability wasn't been paid attention to by the Headmaster. Shinku grabbed her belongings and exited to School Garden to leave the four students to their conversation.

After returning her tray, Shinku decided to go to the rooftop as an excuse to not go back to her dorm room. Walking in the directions of the map she remembered seeing, she arrived to the staircase to the rooftop. While climbing up the stairs, Shinku thought of the awkward situations if she encountered someone on the rooftop.

When she turned the door knob of the Roof top's entrance, Shinku heard a blade slicing through the air. Shinku walked forward to see who was there. A familiar figure appeared in front of her. " Hyunjin ? "
Monokuma.is.best Monokuma.is.best Kairon Kairon Slappy McHuge Slappy McHuge
Arlo grabbed the map from Lily's hand and inspected it. "Wow, your ability is really useful." After he was done inspecting the map and coming to the conclusion that it was an almost exact replica of the map, Arlo stood up and gathered his tray of food. "If anybody's finished with their food, I can take it back to the cafeteria."
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Garden
Featured : Monokuma.is.best Monokuma.is.best , narcissisticnugget narcissisticnugget , Slappy McHuge Slappy McHuge , Kairon Kairon , CasualTea CasualTea

After getting called out by Lance, Shinku is definitely was certain that she was not welcomed, assuming by Lance's tone. Shinku had overheard that the girl named Lily had the ability to draw or write things into reality. She didn't know if she should feel relieved that such an ability wasn't been paid attention to by the Headmaster. Shinku grabbed her belongings and exited to School Garden to leave the four students to their conversation.

After returning her tray, Shinku decided to go to the rooftop as an excuse to not go back to her dorm room. Walking in the directions of the map she remembered seeing, she arrived to the staircase to the rooftop. While climbing up the stairs, Shinku thought of the awkward situations if she encountered someone on the rooftop.

When she turned the door knob of the Roof top's entrance, Shinku heard a blade slicing through the air. Shinku walked forward to see who was there. A familiar figure appeared in front of her. " Hyunjin ? "
Hyunjin continued to practice until she heard a familiar voice. She stopped once she had planted both feet onto the ground and sheathed her blade. She then looked over at Shinku, and you can tell she was practicing for quite awhile. Her breathing a was a slightly heavy, which seemed like she could go for a while longer. She then put her hand on her side and bent a leg, putting most of her weight on the other leg. "Ah, hey Shinku. How're you?" Hyunjin asked noticing that Shinku seemed... Troubled? She wasn't exactly sure, but she could make a guess she didn't feel welcomed anywhere so that's why she'd head up to the rooftops where no one usually goes to. Hyunjin then offered a smile as to make Shinku feel a bit more welcomed up here as she walked over to her satchel to grab her water bottle and take a sip from it.
Eva gave Lance an impish thumbs up. "You got it, boss. Total confidence from here on out." She could feel the awesome cosmic power building in her fingertips as they spoke. Though it might have been his hand on her shoulder. Sparks.

"I'm not dangerous!" Lily interjected. Eva looked up and gave her a curious look.

"Don't worry. Furthest thing from our minds!" Eva reassured, although slightly less convinced of the girl's harmless nature than she was a moment ago.

Eva returned to the map with visible delight on her face. Unfortunately there was nothing labeled "secret dungeon" or "evil lab", so there would have to be a little more legwork to do, if they wanted to get to the bottom of this. It was still a sight better than nothing, and for that she was grateful.

"You can learn a lot from maps. But what can we do with it?" she asked. She ran a finger along the hallways, which diagramed to look like the arteries inside some great beast.
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

Shinku looked around the rooftop. There was thankfully no one there, apart from her and Hyunjin. " I'm fine. How about you ? " Shinku replied, forcing herself to smile. Hyunjin seemed to be doing well, her wounds from the recent mission looked almost fully sealed.

Shinku sat down at a nearby bench. The view from the school rooftops were really breathtaking. " So, how was your dorm room like ? " Shinku asked Hyunjin.
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

Shinku looked around the rooftop. There was thankfully no one there, apart from her and Hyunjin. " I'm fine. How about you ? " Shinku replied, forcing herself to smile. Hyunjin seemed to be doing well, her wounds from the recent mission looked almost fully sealed.

Shinku sat down at a nearby bench. The view from the school rooftops were really breathtaking. " So, how was your dorm room like ? " Shinku asked Hyunjin.
Hyunjin replied. "I'm good. Still got some questions on my mind, but the air up here clears them." She then sat next to Shinku, gentling placing herself on the bench so that Shinku wouldn't feel the vibration of her just falling on the bench. She then leaned back and crossed a leg over the other. When Shinku asked how her dorm was like, she replied. "Small and cozy. The window's big enough to have natural light flow into the room and my dorm is on the higher floors of the dormitory, so I don't have to worry about anyone peeping in, I think. I thought I'd get a roommate but I guess not. Less risk of the same incident happening again. What about you?" She asked as she turned to Shinku. It was surprising that they got to have such a normal conversation. It was probably the first ever normal conversation she had with anyone during her time in the school.
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

When Shinku heard Hyunjin's answer, she was slightly relieved. Shinku was reluctant to talk about her dorm room, due to its condition. " My dorm room is.... cold. The Headmaster adjusted it so that it would be a power-nullifying room that is in low temperatures so I wouldn't burn the place. " Shinku mumbled, " But overall, all of the necessities are there, so my dorm room is pretty good. " Not wanting Hyunjin to worry, Shinku forced another smile on her face, hopefully to show that she didn't mind her room's condition.
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

When Shinku heard Hyunjin's answer, she was slightly relieved. Shinku was reluctant to talk about her dorm room, due to its condition. " My dorm room is.... cold. The Headmaster adjusted it so that it would be a power-nullifying room that is in low temperatures so I wouldn't burn the place. " Shinku mumbled, " But overall, all of the necessities are there, so my dorm room is pretty good. " Not wanting Hyunjin to worry, Shinku forced another smile on her face, hopefully to show that she didn't mind her room's condition.
When Hyunjin heard about Shinku's dorm, she was concerned. She obviously looked like it too. She was about to speak but she decided not to when she saw her smile. Hyunjin smiled back and patted Shinku's head gently. "Well, as long as you're okay with it, I can't say anything." She said before she took another sip of her water bottle smirked before she looked to Shinku. "Hey, wanna see something cool?"
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

When Hyunjin patted her head, Shinku felt slightly embarrassed and flustered. "Hey, wanna see something cool?" Hyunjin asked. Shinku was slightly doubtful for a second, but she nodded.

Shinku tried not to think what bad things could happen and decided to trust Hyunjin when she said, " Something cool. "
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

When Hyunjin patted her head, Shinku felt slightly embarrassed and flustered. "Hey, wanna see something cool?" Hyunjin asked. Shinku was slightly doubtful for a second, but she nodded.

Shinku tried not to think what bad things could happen and decided to trust Hyunjin when she said, " Something cool. "
Hyunjin then held her hand in front of Shinku, just above her lap. As it was obvious, there was nothing in her hand. She then closed it and opened it up slowly, as a flower made out of pure ice blossomed from it. It looked like a white lily in the form of ice. Hyunjin then looked at Shinku to see what reaction she'd give.
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

Shinku was both surprised and shocked when a flower made of ice appeared in Hyunjin's palm. It was actually really beautiful,considering it wasn't really a plant.

" It's... pretty. " Shinku told Hyunjin. She was about to say something else when the bell rang, signalling the students that Lunch Break was over. Shinku grabbed her satchel bag. " I'll be going back to my dorm room. See you soon. " Shinku told Hyunjin, giving her a small smile before turning to leave.

As Shinku walked back to the dormitory buildings, she noticed many things about the school. There were many little children here. There were some that were 3 years old and even below that age. When she arrived back to her dorm room, she opened the door to her freezing room and reluctantly entered it.

((I'll be offline for a while. See you soon.))
Shinku's POV
Location : School Grounds ; School Rooftops
Featured : CasualTea CasualTea

Shinku was both surprised and shocked when a flower made of ice appeared in Hyunjin's palm. It was actually really beautiful,considering it wasn't really a plant.

" It's... pretty. " Shinku told Hyunjin. She was about to say something else when the bell rang, signalling the students that Lunch Break was over. Shinku grabbed her satchel bag. " I'll be going back to my dorm room. See you soon. " Shinku told Hyunjin, giving her a small smile before turning to leave.

As Shinku walked back to the dormitory buildings, she noticed many things about the school. There were many little children here. There were some that were 3 years old and even below that age. When she arrived back to her dorm room, she opened the door to her freezing room and reluctantly entered it.

((I'll be offline for a while. See you soon.))
Hyunjin nodded and spoke as Shinku left. "You take care Shinku. I'll stay up here for a while longer.." As she watched Shinku pass through the door, the ice flower in her hand quickly melted into shards. Then nothing. Though, Hyunjin was satisfied of the reaction Shinku made. For once, she was actually happy to show off her cryomantic abilities.
Victor Sokolov's Pov
Location: School Entrance
Featured: CasualTea CasualTea
"Fuck me are there no good bars around here..." He said with his thick accent looking in his backpack."I only brought 10 bottles of vodka. That is going to last me only 2 days." He looked up at the huge school he then decided to go and find his room. He threw his bags over his shoulder and turned into mist he swept past everybody and found his room. He opened up his door and jumped on his bed grabbing out a picture of him and his friends. He then promptly pulled out a flask a took a big swig. He decided since lunch period was over was to explore and find his way around the school. He kicked his door open and staggered out flask in hand. He then began singing The Soviet National Anthem only song he could think of at the moment. In his drunk karaoke session he tripped over a girl and he spilled some of his vodka.

"What the fuck... I was drinking that...you asshole." He slurred out swaying from side to side. (C*** is censored didn't know that) "Wait a minute how the fuck did I get on the roof ?" He looked around completely confused.
Victor Sokolov's Pov
Location: School Entrance
Featured: CasualTea CasualTea
"Fuck me are there no good bars around here..." He said with his thick accent looking in his backpack."I only brought 10 bottles of vodka. That is going to last me only 2 days." He looked up at the huge school he then decided to go and find his room. He threw his bags over his shoulder and turned into mist he swept past everybody and found his room. He opened up his door and jumped on his bed grabbing out a picture of him and his friends. He then promptly pulled out a flask a took a big swig. He decided since lunch period was over was to explore and find his way around the school. He kicked his door open and staggered out flask in hand. He then began singing The Soviet National Anthem only song he could think of at the moment. In his drunk karaoke session he tripped over a girl and he spilled some of his vodka.

"What the fuck... I was drinking that...you asshole." He slurred out swaying from side to side. (C*** is censored didn't know that) "Wait a minute how the fuck did I get on the roof ?" He looked around completely confused.
Please tone down on the cursing. I would like to keep this RP friendly in language. Thank you.
Slappy McHuge Slappy McHuge "Alright stand over by that tree." He pointed, "Once you are ready, I want to see your reactions to my movements." narcissisticnugget narcissisticnugget He looked at Lily, "Madam," he gave her a small bow after standing up, "Could you possibly draw two lightning bolts made of electrical tape? Maybe make them yellow? My headphones are cracked." He continued bowing until he got a response from Lily.
Victor Sokolov's Pov
Location: School Entrance
Featured: CasualTea CasualTea
"Fuck me are there no good bars around here..." He said with his thick accent looking in his backpack."I only brought 10 bottles of vodka. That is going to last me only 2 days." He looked up at the huge school he then decided to go and find his room. He threw his bags over his shoulder and turned into mist he swept past everybody and found his room. He opened up his door and jumped on his bed grabbing out a picture of him and his friends. He then promptly pulled out a flask a took a big swig. He decided since lunch period was over was to explore and find his way around the school. He kicked his door open and staggered out flask in hand. He then began singing The Soviet National Anthem only song he could think of at the moment. In his drunk karaoke session he tripped over a girl and he spilled some of his vodka.

"What the fuck... I was drinking that...you asshole." He slurred out swaying from side to side. (C*** is censored didn't know that) "Wait a minute how the fuck did I get on the roof ?" He looked around completely confused.
Hyunjin was taking a break and staring up at the sky. That was when she heard the door bust open and someone singing an anthem. She tried not to mind it until she felt someone trip over her foot. Luckily, she didn't feel the vodka soak into her clothes because it froze over them instead. She straightened herself up and looked at the drunkard. He was carrying vodka, alcohol. Was that even allowed in school? Shouldn't it be confiscated? Hyunjin looked at him and already knew he was drunk. Before she would act on anything, she would like to interrogate him first. "You do know that alcoholic beverages are forbidden on school grounds. I thought every student knew about this."
"And?" He looked at her and took a swig from the flask. "Hey question you know were the nearest bar is?"
She shook her head and got up. She walked over to where her satchel was on the ground, and took out a water bottle. She held it up to the drunkard, at arm's length since she didn't exactly want to touch him. "Here. Drink this." She said as she glared at him. What is such an irresponsible person like him doing here in the first place?
He grabbed it and took a drink from it. "Damn I though it was vodka." He was very disappointed then tried to turn into mist, but ended up tripping on his on feet falling on his face.He took off his mask and procided to projectile vomit even getting some in his black long hair."Man I just took a shower..."
He grabbed it and took a drink from it. "Damn I though it was vodka." He was very disappointed then tried to turn into mist, but ended up tripping on his on feet falling on his face.He took off his mask and procided to projectile vomit even getting some in his black long hair."Man I just took a shower..."
Hyunjin smirked seeing how easy it was to trick him. She didn't even have to tell him it was some sort of alcohol. Then she saw him puke and back away, shaking her head. "That's just nasty. Come on, seriously? Ugh, please tell me you'll clean this up?" She hoped he would know how to clean this up. To be honest, she would think she could clean it better. This was just disgusting...
"Nope bye!" He grabbed his mask then turned into mist and dashed to the door. Victor put up his middle finger and did a little taunt dance and he tripped again. falling down the stairs a loud thud was heard at the end of the stairs. "OW! GOD DAMNIT THAT HURT!" He then limped away swearing in russian.
"Nope bye!" He grabbed his mask then turned into mist and dashed to the door. Victor put up his middle finger and did a little taunt dance and he tripped again. falling down the stairs a loud thud was heard at the end of the stairs. "OW! GOD DAMNIT THAT HURT!" He then limped away swearing in russian.
Hyunjin didn't even tried as she chased after him. She just hastily walked towards him and pulled him back up to the rooftop by his ear. On the way back, she got a mop and bucket with her free hand and pushed Victor to the spot he vomited on and threw him the mop and placed the bucket of water next to him. She then stood by and walked, crossing her arms. "Clean it. If not, I will use your clothes to clean it." She said in a joking tone, but she was serious. She'd rip off his shirt and use it to clean the vomit. Maybe even his pants as well.
Arlo picked up everyone's tray and brought them to the cafeteria and put them where the dirty dishes went and walked back. As he was walking back he saw a black mist past through him and keep on going until it turned a corner. "Hey! Watch where you're walking... flying... doing whatever you're doing!" he came back to the garden where everyone was in a sourer mood and noticed tha Lance and Eva seemed to be in a fighting position. He sat down on the grass, making sure to not be in either person's crosshairs and waited for the fight to commence.

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