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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

Do I get another attempt at a feat of strength before the ones on the ship act, or..?
Sorry for the delay in getting an answer to you. Its been a hectic day for me.

Yes, you can do one more feat of strength roll before anyone on the ship will be in a position to stop you.
Thanks for the info! I checked my email, and found the link to my own copy. I'm super excited to check it out.
Oof, the nerf to lunar ox-body hurts a bit. I might be forced to grab the pain tolerance merit at some point just for that. I liked those extra -1 health levels.
You don't need to flurry a basic move action. It's Reflexive. You only need to flurry if you're Rushing or Disengaging, as those are Combat Actions.

So if I'm following, your dice pool is 12 because you take the demolition pool of 10 for your form, which is 6 above your normal pool of Str 3 + Athletics 1, so that's 6 Charm dice added, and you're stunting Str 3 + Per 5 for an excellency cap of 8, so you can add two more dice from the strength excellency? Oh, no, wait, you don't have the strength excellency.
I want to check it out too!

I don't have a Lunar char. But I like checking out for new spells and artifacts.
A probably important thing about combat: Defense values are usually raised with charm use before attack is rolled. This make it so people can over or undercommit to their defense and a less accurate opponent able to get a lucky hit in on a cocky fighter.
Well, in a standard tabletop game that would be easier to deal with, but in the PbP setting, it would just take too much time between posts.
Haha! Time to make up for my lousy dice pools with poison shenanigans!

Boy do I need a Dex charm so I can get better at hitting stuff.
"A successful clinch adds +1 to the base Initiative it resets to for every round of control it gains."

That's really nice. That doesn't mean she resets to 4, it means she resets to 3+ number of net hits on her control roll, so she resets to 11.
Ah. I am still new at this edition. I'll fix it now.
Pffffffffft lol xD

one 7 and nothing else on 11 dice with double 7's. That's still 4 damage with the autos but damn that's a lousy roll.

If she's still alive let's just give her a maimed right arm.
Yeah. that botch she did was super critical. The two could just have withered me down together easily, now the action economy isn't necessarily on their side anymore. This guy may be slippery, but one of my bites will count for many of his attacks, and he can't crash me unless he has weird special magic stuff.

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