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Fandom Total Drama Island RP (Always open until 22 people have joined, I will mark this as closed when that happens)


Caught in a storm
Hello my name is Claire Santros, I'm here to invite up to 22 teenagers to come join us at Camp Wawanakwa in the next season of...Total Drama Island! Total Drama Island is a reality TV show on a island where 22 teen contestants will compete until 1 person remains. There will be Drama, action and suffering for the contestants.

I will split the teens into two groups and every day I will give them challenges. Who knows what challenges I will give them? Oh I mean I clearly do! But they won't! Perhaps emotional challenges, physical challenges, mental, spiritual if I even can think of something along those lines. Maybe disgusting food, maybe physically draining tasks, maybe you get attacked by a animal, but don't worry all of this is live to the entire world because there are dozens upon dozens of hidden cameras everywhere on this island

The rules are simple! Every week we will tally up points based on performance and ofcourse who wins, and the winning team gets a reward to help them and the losing team gets to stab one of their members in the back and make them walk on the dock of shame, take the loser boat, leave total drama island for good. Every week the leaving person will be decided her here at this poor pathetic campfire where everyone but one will receive a marshmellow, by the way you that doesn't get one, that means you're gone.

The last person standing gets.... 1 million dollars! You also get a trophy ofcourse, and everyone gets a giftbag for participating! I don't see the downsides besides forming enemies for the entire season and getting your life drained out of your eyes...So join me! Sign up and win a million dollars.


(Here is the island)

Participants who join will spend their poor pathetic days in cabins with uncomfortable beds and no air conditioning. Then the evil person that I am I will wake them all up at 7am every day and present the challenge. You are free to make alliances as soon as the challenge begins, but remember, only one person can remain at the very end.

(Gameplay rules:
1. Be nice to me and others, no fighting.

2. You don't control other players directly but if a situation arises where you can set up a difficult situation for a other player, go ahead. (Say you arrive first at a location and you have a shovel, feel free to dig a hidden hole or something evil)

3. You must play as a stereotypical teenager trope, because this is total drama island! Try to keep expanding the roster's diversity if possible. No mary sues or gary stues, each stereotype has a obvious weakness, whether you are a dumb jock or a sunavoiding emo/goth. I will give out tropes to pick from

4. I will randomly generate a losing team each week using a random number generator, I will tell the team who has the loser so they can roleplay around that fact they are going to lose, but the person who leaves is up to popular vote. Please try to be nice and don't make people leave out out spite, having a rivalry inside the RP is different from having a rivalry between the actual roleplayers, so if your character in game hates another, it's okay to vote for that person, so long as it's not due to a problem with the person playing that character.

5. Romantic relationships, friendships, rivalries in game are allowed so long as you remain civilized.
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Hey, sounds interesting! Enjoyed the show way back when; never did it as a roleplay but I'd like to see how this goes. I'd go for it!

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