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Fantasy Torn to Shreds (Fantasy RP) (Open)

FireMaiden said:
"Damn it, that shit was expensive."
Nate let out a huge belch. "You saved the world 3 times. Between you and Tyr, you should be some of the richest people on the planet."
FireMaiden said:
"Shut it," Bailey said quickly. She then sighed, walked over to the table and quickly finished her scotch. "So, now that that is out of the way, why don't donot we pout the weapons away. This isn't a suggestion, nor am I asking, I just fucking cleaned in here and I don't want to have to do that again."
"Uh, Bailey? Would you mind telling me why your deceased father is here?" Tyr whispered, before walking with her to the kitchen to put the groceries.
Kylesar1 said:
Nate let out a huge belch. "You saved the world 3 times. Between you and Tyr, you should be some of the richest people on the planet."
"Nope. I do work around Loudwater and Tyr does some mercenary work. Ari and Arabelle are the rich ones."

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"Uh, Bailey? Would you mind telling me why your deceased father is here?" Tyr whispered, before walking with her to the kitchen to put the groceries.

"He was in a coma and you buried him. Then he walked around with amnesia, lost a bar fight, got his memory back, and the found his way back to his family."
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Kylesar1 said:
Rey stopped moving. He seemed to study the weird man. "Aye. We're not close to any cities, but the closest one is Bradford. Mountain's too harsh. The only notable thing here is the Well. You ain't dressed for these parts. How'd you get here?"
"Magic. Actually, it is more like Elder God-level-powers slash force of nature. Not that I can control it, no. This is supposed to be my last trip." Xer'Lai looked down at his attire and realized that the mountain man was right.

"I guess I'm not at all properly dressed. I'll remedy that presently. You don't mind if I borrow inspiration from your clothes do you?"

Not really caring for the man's answer, Xer'Lai snapped his fingers and removed his ornate robes in a surprisingly revealing screen of smoke. He snapped his fingers again as he copied the mountain man's shirt, pants, and boots in a luminescent black. Topping it off with an over robe the same shade of purple as his previous robes.

"You are right, that is much better. Thank you. My name is Xer'Lai, by the way. What's yours?"
Kylesar1 said:
Nate let out a huge belch. "You saved the world 3 times. Between you and Tyr, you should be some of the richest people on the planet."
Try chuckled. "You're talking to the guy who is holding three jobs."
(Hey guys what's a good time to wait for three hours pass by in the Rp? Or should I just wait till tomorrow IRL to make my next post?)
Delacare said:
"Magic. Actually, it is more like Elder God-level-powers slash force of nature. Not that I can control it, no. This is supposed to be my last trip." Xer'Lai looked down at his attire and realized that the mountain man was right.
"I guess I'm not at all properly dressed. I'll remedy that presently. You don't mind if I borrow inspiration from your clothes do you?"

Not really caring for the man's answer, Xer'Lai snapped his fingers and removed his ornate robes in a surprisingly revealing screen of smoke. He snapped his fingers again as he copied the mountain man's shirt, pants, and boots in a luminescent black. Topping it off with an over robe the same shade of purple as his previous robes.

"You are right, that is much better. Thank you. My name is Xer'Lai, by the way. What's yours?"
Rey arched his eyebrows as he "changed" clothes�. "I'm Reynard Linares. Just Rey is fine. Anyways, if you're heading towards the closest city, Bradford, then you head East." He pointed behind Xer'Lai

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Try chuckled. "You're talking to the guy who is holding three jobs."

"What in the hell happened to the loot? Did your partners in world-saving take it all?"
Kylesar1 said:
Nate put his weapon away from Tyr's throat. "Since she chose you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, even though everything screams at me to reconsider. You were a ladies man when we traveled. If you pull that shit, I'll show you what it's like to be buried alive. I know from personal experience." Nate sat back down. He grabbed the entire bottle of scotch and drained it all from the bottle
@Safety Hammer

Ari studied the man for a couple of seconds while taking in the info. "Well what's going on? I'm sure you're not here for a simple chat."

Rey stopped moving. He seemed to study the weird man. "Aye. We're not close to any cities, but the closest one is Bradford. Mountain's too harsh. The only notable thing here is the Well. You ain't dressed for these parts. How'd you get here?"
"Well, the nations tearing itself apart. The regant can't complete his duties, and there's a lot of violence in the capital. Then, there are the reports that monster and chaos worshipper activity has skyrocketed. We've been trying to put down as much as we can, but with the Sons getting corrupted, and all the monsters, the Cardinals are starting to get stretched thin, and Lord Vivor was knocked into a coma a little while ago, too. I mean, they sent me alone to handle a whole cult of Tzeentch worshipers, and any Sons of Malice activity in the area. That shows you how bad it is. It's so bad, Commander Ceralder's been considering taking the throne and declaring martial law," Lorn said. "Oh, and about a hundred of the Cardinals were killed last year by ratmen in the south during their incusion. They released a plauge among the men, killing most of them. There were enough to stop them, but lots of people died," Lilarcor the sword said sullenly.
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Kylesar1 said:
Rey arched his eyebrows as he "changed" clothes�. "I'm Reynard Linares. Just Rey is fine. Anyways, if you're heading towards the closest city, Bradford, then you head East." He pointed behind Xer'Lai
"Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance then, Rey. Thank you for the advice, but I was hoping if you would have any idea where I could find the King of this land, Valerian."
Kylesar1 said:
Rey arched his eyebrows as he "changed" clothes�. "I'm Reynard Linares. Just Rey is fine. Anyways, if you're heading towards the closest city, Bradford, then you head East." He pointed behind Xer'Lai
"What in the hell happened to the loot? Did your partners in world-saving take it all?"
"We had a son. We had to plan a wedding and fund an entire army."
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Well, the nations tearing itself apart. The regant can't complete his duties, and there's a lot of violence in the capital. Then, there are the reports that monster and chaos worshipper activity has skyrocketed. We've been trying to put down as much as we can, but with the Sons getting corrupted, and all the monsters, the Cardinals are starting to get stretched thin, and Lord Vivor was knocked unconcious a little while ago, too. I mean, they sent me alone to handle a whole cult of Tzeentch worshipers, and any Sons of Malice activity in the area. That shows you how bad it is. It's so bad, Commander Ceralder's been considering taking the throne and declaring martial law," Lorn said. "Oh, and about a hundred of the Cardinals were killed last year by ratmen in the south during their incusion. They released a plauge among the men, killing most of them. There were enough to stop them, but lots of people died," Lilarcor the sword said sullenly.

Arabelle frowned. "What can we do to help you with?" she asked, not wants to become an adventurer again.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Well, the nations tearing itself apart. The regant can't complete his duties, and there's a lot of violence in the capital. Then, there are the reports that monster and chaos worshipper activity has skyrocketed. We've been trying to put down as much as we can, but with the Sons getting corrupted, and all the monsters, the Cardinals are starting to get stretched thin, and Lord Vivor was knocked unconcious a little while ago, too. I mean, they sent me alone to handle a whole cult of Tzeentch worshipers, and any Sons of Malice activity in the area. That shows you how bad it is. It's so bad, Commander Ceralder's been considering taking the throne and declaring martial law," Lorn said. "Oh, and about a hundred of the Cardinals were killed last year by ratmen in the south during their incusion. They released a plauge among the men, killing most of them. There were enough to stop them, but lots of people died," Lilarcor the sword said sullenly.

"I heard this place is going to hell, but geez............." Ari shook his head. ".......but what does that have to do with you being here?" Did this guy need help with his Cardinal work?
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]Arabelle frowned. "What can we do to help you with?" she asked, not wants to become an adventurer again.

"Possibly some support with dealing with the Tzeentch cult. Many of them are powerful sorcerers, though, so if you don't want to help, then that's fine." He said "I wouldn't normally ask for help on such a case, but the situation is rather bad," Lorn said. "Yeah. They live in a dark cave. I don't like the dark!" Lilarcor said
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Delacare said:
"Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance then, Rey. Thank you for the advice, but I was hoping if you would have any idea where I could find the King of this land, Valerian."
Rey was taken aback. "King Valerian? Holy shit, you must've been trapped in a Time Rift. Valerian died almost 7 years ago when Amos took over him. Since then, Alreos took over, went mad from Amos, and was taken down by that same group............"
Cross and Ellie had made it to Loudwater. Cross stopped near Arabelle and Ari's house carrying Ellie to the door. He proceeded to knock politely. "Hey guys me and Ellie are here."

@Paint The Wind
@Safety Hammer[/URL]


Baku said:
Cross and Ellie had made it to Loudwater. Cross stopped near Arabelle and Ari's house carrying Ellie to the door. He proceeded to knock politely. "Hey guys me and Ellie are here."
@Paint The Wind
Ari answered the door. "Oi. Cross. Come on in."

@Paint The Wind

@Dalamus Ulom
Kylesar1 said:
Nate was genuinely confused. "The fuck you fund an army for? If you're fighting to save the world, people are gonna fight for fucking free..........anyways, I can pay for that scotch."
@Safety Hammer

"Eh, don't worry about it. I mean, I get good money for my main job, and I can get the stuff down at the tavern do its no biggie."
Kylesar1 said:
Rey was taken aback. "King Valerian? Holy shit, you must've been trapped in a Time Rift. Valerian died almost 7 years ago when Amos took over him. Since then, Alreos took over, went mad from Amos, and was taken down by that same group............"
"I wasn't trapped in a Time Rift, trust me when I say I know exactly what that is. When you travel between realms, between worlds as some would say, time gets a bit strange. When I left, though, Alreos had risen and Valerian was still alive." Xer'Lai wasn't too pleased with Rey's shocked tone. it didn't bode well.

"Oh Dream. How much have I missed?"
Cross walked in making sure he didn't drop Ellie. "Could you point me to the guest bedroom? I have to get Ellie in a comfortable position. The kids getting more active everyday."

FireMaiden said:
"Eh, don't worry about it. I mean, I get good money for my main job, and I can get the stuff down at the tavern do its no biggie."
Nate took out his pouch of gold and threw a bunch of coins on the table. "I needed a drink to absorb that type of info."

Paint The Wind]Arabelle looked at Ari and sighed. "I want to help but we have twins to care for. What do you think Ari?" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10876-kylesar1/ said:
Ari sighed as well. He held Willow. She started to smell. She had to be changed. "I can only do that kind of thing if I'm hired on as a merc."

Delacare said:
"I wasn't trapped in a Time Rift, trust me when I say I know exactly what that is. When you travel between realms, between worlds as some would say, time gets a bit strange. When I left, though, Alreos had risen and Valerian was still alive." Xer'Lai wasn't too pleased with Rey's shocked tone. it didn't bode well.
"Oh Dream. How much have I missed?"
"For what it's worth, the castle is still there. It's being rebuilt though, because that group tends to destroy it."

Baku said:
Cross walked in making sure he didn't drop Ellie. "Could you point me to the guest bedroom? I have to get Ellie in a comfortable position. The kids getting more active everyday."

A maid stepped forward. "I can lead you to one of the many guest rooms in this house," she said in a pleasant and polite tone
Kylesar1 said:
"For what it's worth, the castle is still there. It's being rebuilt though, because that group tends to destroy it."
"'That group'? Who is this 'group' you speak of? Were they the same ones who raised Alreos from the Well? Do you know where to find them? Maybe they can help me."
Kylesar1 said:
Nate took out his pouch of gold and threw a bunch of coins on the table. "I needed a drink to absorb that type of info.
"You've been here for five minutes. You seriously don't need to do that."
Delacare said:
"'That group'? Who is this 'group' you speak of? Were they the same ones who raised Alreos from the Well? Do you know where to find them? Maybe they can help me."
Rey thought for a minute. "The adventurers. Ari, Arabelle, Tyr, Bailey. Them. They're all living in Loudwater, which is very far from here. 3 days on foot........... From here, You have to pass through Toron." He looked back towards where he came, which is looking towards the base of the mountain. He started moving back towards the base. "Just follow me, as there is no clear trail set. These mountains are extremely dangerous if you get lost. It is the home of the Well, so.........." The Well housed insane magic power, so it also had some incredibly dangerous animals, beasts, and monsters, as well as spirits and Ice demons around and in it. It's gotten even more dangerous since they've been in the Well multiple times

FireMaiden said:
"You've been here for five minutes. You seriously don't need to do that."
"Too late," Nate said, brushing her objections off. "I already put the coins down, so just take them."

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