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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Kitty sat there on a streetcorner curled up in a ball her eyes where bound up by wrapings. She looked weak and starving and for her that wasn't good at all because of her little situation with her eyes with only seeing blackness with or without the wrapings. "Will some one spare some money please." She said in a weak and inoccent voice to the humans that walked past her as if she wasn't even there, there scent driving her crazy but she kept her cool and kept begging for anything. A penny, a quarter, a coupon to a coffe shop anything that would get her closer to something in her stomach.
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

The clown mused "Oh my~ Calm down new one it'll be fine, and god? Well you'll staring right at him." moving aside and using both of his hands to gesture towards the black cloaked figure behind him sitting at the head of the table; he appeared to be rather tall and large figure although whether it was just the clothing he was wearing or his actual build would be uncertain.


Kato Sasuke

Although he was passed out at the time, Kato could still hear the conversation going on; the lies the Julia had used to manipulate his friend only lead him to believe the worse 'This...Is bad' he could only hope that Tomu would just be smart enough to run away, That woman seemed familiar although he couldn't quite place his finger on it yet he knew it was bad.


@Lilah Tunth
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Jason Allenson

Having gotten what he wanted, Jason makes a break for the exit, hoping not to be noticed. Thankfully, there was nobody there to see him. He heads back to where he chained up his bike and rides back to his home, stopping by a local convenience store to grab a small bento box. Once he gets back to the orphanage, he sets his bike on the side of the main building and opens up his bento box to chow down. After finishing the food, Jason heads back to his room and quickly puts away the small cylindrical cases in his matress, figuring that Aio would soon be there to check to see how school was. He lays down on his bed, takes out one of his notebooks, and begins to jot some things down.

@Sinister Clown
Jason Ren

This is the "God" the clown spoke of? "Tch, some god. In the words of the Hulk, 'Puny God'. You said this......Akatsuki group was like me. That we all shared a common goal. All I see here is a group of mischievous kids. You'd all better be fucking fantastic anarchists and fighters if you look like this." Jason was pissed. That clown had gotten his hopes up! If these people aren't strong or ruthless as promised, Jason was walking the other way.

(Jason's a bit of an asshole, sorry.)

@Sinister Clown
Gūwa Monogatari

Gūwa frowned at the fact that the mysterious author called Julia his "daughter," but he didn't comment on it. He simply shrugged. He could tell that the others including Rio noticed it, but he didn't really care. The moment after that, the two came in with an uproar. To start an uproar was to be expected from the clown since he is always mischievous to all sorts of plans and schemes, but he didn't like the sound of the man who was next to him. As the the conversation carried on, Gūwa became more annoyed by each second until he decided to act. 4 rinkaku kagune that formed the shape of dragon heads. They each erupted from the ground beneath Jason and wrapped around each limb of his. They each could move their facial features to the point that they could all bite off his flesh if he chose to. He didn't like that he had to copy Julia's kagune in a sense, but it was the first one he thought of. "One more word you arrogant little rodent, and I will be removing those body parts of yours," he spoke with a threatening tone. He then looked at the clown. "Didn't father say that we were inviting members and representatives here only? Then why did you bring that rodent here?" He was getting sick of all the interruptions today. Father wasn't making him happy either. Surprisingly the only one who was making him happy at the moment was Rio who practically has no choice but to obey.

@Sinister Clown @Yoshiro

Julia Biki

"Pshh! He is fine. He just stayed up all night on homework that is all. He is such a hard worker. He makes me proud day and night! Such a sweetheart, but I hope he remembers me. It has been a long time." She was talking to Tomu first, but eventually she just kept going on about her thoughts. "Oh dear! It looks like I am late to my meeting!" She did another curtsy before running away. "Oh also! Please tell him that I will see him at school!" She then waved back at Tomu.

She was faster than she appeared in that dress as in only a few minutes, she arrived at the meeting. "Gūwa! Strauss! I am here at long last!" She leaped into the air and landed on top of the table, but her whole demeanor changed as she turned from hyper to extremely calm in a moments notice. Once again she did another curtsy to greet everyone there. "Hello, Clown, did you bring me another pet already?" Her voice even changed from cheery to serious. "Also, I thought I told you all that there is no fighting in the meeting room no matter what the place." She glared at Gūwa who froze up instantly then she shot another glare at Kuro. "Now that all of this is taken care of! She sat down on a chair to the left of the author, and rested her head on the knuckles of her hands which she lifted up to be used.

@Sinister Clown @Yoshiro @Lilah Tunth
Jason Ren

The kagune was wrapped around him tightly. If he made one mistake, he'd die. But that didn't bother him one bit. "Haha, that's cute. You think I fear death? The only thing I fear right now is that you aren't all that tasty." Jason's single kakugan released, turning his right eye into the normal ghoul's eye. "I'm hoping you don't disappoint me too much, cupcake."

@Sinister Clown

LordFang99 said:
"Pshh! He is fine. He just stayed up all night on homework that is all. He is such a hard worker. He makes me proud day and night! Such a sweetheart, but I hope he remembers me. It has been a long time." She was talking to Tomu first, but eventually she just kept going on about her thoughts. "Oh dear! It looks like I am late to my meeting!" She did another curtsy before running away. "Oh also! Please tell him that I will see him at school!" She then waved back at Tomu.

"Wha....?" Tomu's eyes widened, she blinked slowly and then looked in the direction the woman run off to. 'What in the world.....' She thought, standing there, her hands falling limply to the sides.

She then looked at Kato, steadily asleep on the ground, she inhaled, this would be a
long day for her.... Tomu sat on a bench closest to where Kato was laying down on the not very clean footpath, and looked at him, 'Who was that woman....? I have a feeling that she is not just his mother..... and that this is something bad.....' She frowned and closed her eyes.

@Sinister Clown
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Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

Chuckling in amusement at Jason's comment before shooting a glare at Guwa and giving his answer "Don't worry little-one~ I have this one under control, he's going to play my pet for a while." glaring back at Jason he mused before continuing onto Jason "He may not look like much, But you see...Now we all belong to him." this statement had only been half true; Since the Clown was able to make another willingly take the egg that 'The Mysterious Author' implanted into him at the moment the Clown was the only ghoul in the room to have no traces left of the egg; however this wouldn't be found out until Jason told them about it or they had the chance to look inside the Clown.

The Mysterious Author

The cloaked man remained fairly silent as he heard the others speak; Choosing to ignore what Julia had to say for the moment he felt as if he couldn't get passed the fact someone had come into his domain and had the guts to defy him. Standing up from his chair compared to sitting down he became a much more imposing figure; within a second's notice he was in front of Jason playing with the man's hair he smiled for a moment before looking towards The Clown "It seems you haven't explained to this man what we really are...Normally I'd find that unforgivable..But as of now you're my only source of entertainment.." he sighed walking back, the kagune which Jason released seemed to oddly dissepate the moment the Author made physical contact; showing odd signs of what else the egg inside Jason was capable of.

@Yoshiro I'm going to explain this here so you're not confused with what is going on; Strauss' mainly gains his fire power by promising power and strength (Like The Clown did to you) and implanting an egg in them which increases and can even mutate the RC cells in your body; naturally giving you a stronger kagune and perhaps further expanding on an attribute like regeneration for example. That's the upside to the egg...The downside is basically being under control of Strauss 'The Author' as the egg gives him control over the kagune and egg at will, being able to create multiple kagune this could work nicely as well if Strauss & a member with the egg worked together - If the member makes a wrong move Strauss can fix it by taking control)

Kato Sasuke

It wasn't long after Julia ran off to her 'meeting' that Kato started to slowly open his eyes; as he did suddenly that strange woman's voice triggered something in his head to remember, after viewing a few flashbacks of him being strapped down and tortured as Julia sat by and watched; He was still unable to remember the worst part of it all. As he opened his eyes only to see two small legs in front of him, he sat up rubbing his eyes to adjust them to the light before looking up to the girl and recognizing who she was and gesturing a small wave "Just so you know..This wasn't on purpose." he sighed after.

(Is the character an investigator @Daniel reaving )

Jason Ren

Jason noticed how strong the man was, traces of what appeared to be a fraction of his strength were in his touch, as if the man choose to show that even a touch was stronger than him. "Listen, I'll play nice, but only if you promise that the work you do here involves lots of screaming and death." Even if the man was stronger, Jason wasn't going to bow down so easily to him. He still needed to find out if he was worth eating.

@Sinister Clown
The Mysterious Author

A sharp grin appeared on the man's face taking a step back from Jason "Screaming and death? That's only the beginning, I'm going to dominate, conquer everything; I have a vision, and as the God of this vision which I am going to create; will be built on blood and bones and this world will be drenched in madness and death, I'm creating the perfect world for ghouls. If that doesn't satisfy you..It seems you've wasted your life by encountering us." the man spoke in a deep tone, he was completely serious about what he was saying.


"Sinister Clown"

The Clown interrupted the conversation for a short moment "Oh, there's no need for that my lord~ As I told you he is going to be my little pet from now on" a psychotic grin appearing on his face as he spoke in a deadly tone "He belongs to me" his intentions turning ill for a short moment before he turned back to his more lighter nature "Since I serve your purpose he's basically apart of the family now, whether he likes it or not." his casual tone at the last sentenced could have been taken as far fetch, but no one could ever guess with someone like him.

(@Daniel reaving Sorry can't help you there right now)
Yoshiro said:
(Is the character an investigator @Daniel reaving )
Jason Ren

Jason noticed how strong the man was, traces of what appeared to be a fraction of his strength were in his touch, as if the man choose to show that even a touch was stronger than him. "Listen, I'll play nice, but only if you promise that the work you do here involves lots of screaming and death." Even if the man was stronger, Jason wasn't going to bow down so easily to him. He still needed to find out if he was worth eating.

@Sinister Clown
(No my investigator is in an ER right now that's my full ghoul)
Jason Ren

Perhaps this was the place for him. "I don't do families, but this is the one time I'll make an exception, as it seems I've got no other choice." Still, this would give him a chance to freely engage with the CCG and eat people. One day, I will eat this God, and become strong enough to take on anyone and anything.
(I know Flame Demon, but like I said before. I planned on splitting my posts into separate characters each. Typically ones relating to each other or with more or less action)

Daku Akuma

Daku thought about her suggestion for a moment before finally making up his mind. "I guess that is worth a shot, but if he is smart, then he would probably have a fake address." He then recalled the events that occurred at the park. "Hey Angel, do you remember that woman who was also with them? The one that wasn't fighting? We should try to search for her instead. Do you think she goes to your school?" They both did not know her name, so it would be difficult to track. Though, Daku didn't think it would be too hard to find a person once they search the school. "Also it doesn't matter if he wants to see you, it matters that you have a chance to fix things." He looked down then motioned Angel to follow him back to their path to her home.

@Flame Demon

Toki Sadame

Toki led Tristan into the arena-styled room. He knew that Ame and Cho would take a long time to get back, so they had time to spare. He moved to the opposite end of the room expecting Tristan to do something stupid such as sneaking up on him before he could start, but he also had doubt that he would do such a thing. 'To think that this is also a test of trust as well, how interesting' he waited until Tristan made the first move.

@Sinister Clown
Angel Blake "Demon Fox"

Angel tilts her head confused "Why are we going back? If I don't show up they might starts thinking I am a ghoul, which is something I don't want, there's a girl claiming to think she knows what students are ghouls and what aren't" she says, she really had nothing to worry about as the 'Demon Fox' seeing she hadn't 'shown' herself for a while now, she was also on good terms with the CCG.
Tristan Taylor "Happy"

Tristan was actually quite impressed they had something like this in their home; If it weren't for Toki actually showing him into the room he doubted that he would of ever found it on his own. Walking down the a small hallway which lead to the Arena styled room Tristan noticed Toki took his place on one side of the room. Assuming he'd take the other side Tristan casually walked to his spot before facing himself towards Toki, after a moment he could tell by the expression on Toki's face that he was waiting for him to make the first move. Putting his left foot forward he pushed himself off the ground and accelerating himself towards Toki, leaning back onto his hands axe kicking towards Toki beneath his chin it was also a way to make himself flip over and give him time to react to the next move Toki would make.


The Mysterious Author

The Author grinned at his response "At least you have some brains." looking back at the Clown he stared sternly at him "Your pet? You have this all wrong bastard clown...My pet's aren't allowed 'pets' for themselves...Especially not you." he said in a deep tone, giving off a worse vibe than the Clown would with his bloodlust towards the Clown at the time the vibe quickly died down however as the Clown responded. Looking to Jason he offered the man a seat at the table "Well, since you've decided to join I'll take you through the recruiting process soon."


Sinister Clown

"Oh you never let me have fun, My lord~" he said in a cheerful tone as he swiftly sat down next to Guwa; Seeming to let his attention off Jason and the Author he focused his attention towards Guwa "So how have you been my little dove~" he said with a large and some what seductive grin on his face "Showing your kagune like that to me is such a tease you know...It's been so long since we played together." his intentions were the same as always. What the Clown did hide was the fact he whispered in Jason's ear as he swiftly walked passed; Giving him enough information to allow him to understand to mention nothing about having the egg inside him already.


Kato Sasuke

Kato rubbed his head slightly before picking himself up off the ground and dusting himself off, taking a large breath when looking back up to Tomu all that could be seen in his eyes were fear "That woman...It means bad things are going to happen, a lot of bad things.." Kato was most likely the only person outside of the Akatsuki who knew the real extent of Julia's power, being far more than just her mere strength or kagune..She had what most men would call 'true' power; She had an Army.

@Lilah Tunth
Jason Ren

So, no talking about the egg, and no pissing off either of these two. I'm sure I won't forget it. Jason walked over to the empty seat, sitting down in a relaxed position. "So! What's the order of business today?"
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]
Kato Sasuke
Kato rubbed his head slightly before picking himself up off the ground and dusting himself off, taking a large breath when looking back up to Tomu all that could be seen in his eyes were fear "That woman...It means bad things are going to happen, a lot of bad things.." Kato was most likely the only person outside of the Akatsuki who knew the real extent of Julia's power, being far more than just her mere strength or kagune..She had what most men would call 'true' power; She had an Army.


Tomu Akagi

'That woman... why would he call his mother like that.... unless..bad things?...What? I don't get you.... What are you so afraid of?....' She scrunched her nose, and cocked her head to the side, "Huh...." She muttered out, her eyes staring behind Kato. She then zoomed in on Kato again, "What do you mean by that?"

She lifted hand up and sheepishly scratched her head, what was she doing still sitting on the floor? She stood up, lifting herself up with her hands, she then stretched her hands out and said, "And who is that woman? I don't exactly believe she is your mother. I mean you look nothing alike and she looks young enough to be my age... and of course the way you talk about her..... it doesn't add up.." She looked at Kato, with no smile on her face, but instead a furrow of the brows.

The Mysterious Author

As everyone began taking their seats, the Author had done the same taking his seat at the head of the table he looked around the room for a moment glancing at each and every individual standing there "This is a very important discussion...Think of this as a play and each of you have your very own roles...Including you Mr. Shitori" the mysterious cloaked man that was the Author knew of the Shitori name, although from the rumors Rio wasn't as popular he felt that Rio would be a more responsible representative than any other and even before the meeting had kept tabs on the investigator and found out much more about the man than Rio would have realized; Although Rio didn't have much comment he simply nodded at the Author's gesture as he continued "We are going to discuss how we're going to take over Tokyo and make it our ideal world, we usually have these meetings casually..Before I begin for the new member I want to make one thing clear; As of right now we only work behind the scenes and without the knowledge of others; We will orchestrate the downfall of the CCG just like how I made them rise...".

Rio Shitori

After intently listening to what the Author had to say Rio was shocked to say the least..'What does he mean by 'just like how I made them rise', does he mean that sudden ghoul rating drop?' thoughts rushed through Rio's mind in and out as he tried grasp exactly what was going on. Turning his attention towards the Author and interrupting for a moment he did so in the most polite way he could think of "Sorry for this, but I have to ask what you mean about the 'rise of the CCG' are you saying that was done by YOU." his glare seemed stern despite Rio knowing the gravity of the situation he was in; From the words told to him earlier Rio should have been safe to speak his mind about this.

Kato Sasuke

Kato rubbed his head "I can't really remember clearly...But she was one of them." he said with a slight pause as he glared at Tomu, although he was relieved that his fears of the woman from earlier killing Tomu didn't come true he wasn't sure if this was going to end much better. He knew he had a lot to explain but the worst part at the time was he couldn't recall anything from back then, The only reason he was able to recognize the lady from before was due to her voice.

[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]
Kato Sasuke
Kato rubbed his head "I can't really remember clearly...But she was one of them." he said with a slight pause as he glared at Tomu, although he was relieved that his fears of the woman from earlier killing Tomu didn't come true he wasn't sure if this was going to end much better. He knew he had a lot to explain but the worst part at the time was he couldn't recall anything from back then, The only reason he was able to recognize the lady from before was due to her voice.


Tomu Akagi

Tomu blinked,
'One of them does he mean...... The Akatsuki?' The crease in her forehead gone and now a rather blank look replaced it, "I hope you remember..... actually scratch that I hope you never remember.... I don't know how is it to be in your situation, so I don't know how to act or what to do.... so I won't offer you my advice.... but.... if you need anything I can help you with... don't hesitate to ask.."

Somewhere in the middle of her little speech she started smiling again, she adjusted the collar of her jacket and said.

"On a lighter note... how about we start the walk around this place we planned yesterday... hmmm?" She said, her hands gesturing to the little pathway of the park.

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Jason Ren

The heck were they talking about? "Not to be rude or anything, but what are you talking about?" They better translate soon, or else he'd fall asleep.
Zack Ren

He walked back into the CCG, hoping that they'd have a task for him to do. His quinque briefcase was slung over his shoulder, and he was smoking another cigarette. "Hey, Kanashimi, got anything for me to do? Elimination of those two binge eater ghouls is over, and my report has been sent in."
Gūwa Monogatari

In response to the Clown's comment, Gūwa elbowed him in the chest. The Story-Teller then smirked at him. "Oh? This is a new one, most people are more into my eyes and my looks rather than a limb of mass destruction dedicated to the natural predators of humans." He stared right into his eyes with an intimidating look before sighing. His look was one thing to be afraid of, but Julia right across from him had an even scarier look. She had an aura that appeared to be very threatening. Her glare was stabbing right into the clown.

@Sinister Clown

Julia Biki

Julia couldn't believe what she was seeing. The clown already caused her trouble in the first place, but this was crossing the line. She had blocked out most of the meeting, and had her focus set on the clown. Julia activated her Bikaku kagune which shaped into a small dragon head, small enough to go unnoticed. It moved under the table like a snake and eventually bit into his leg. The kagune also began to pull him under which gathered the others' attention from the table. She eventually forced him under the table, and began to drag him to her. With each moment she began to rise out of her seat with a demonic look on her face and an aura of condescension. In an instant the kagune grew bigger and bit off his leg and swallowed it as if it were chicken.

"Right! So where were we everyone?" She played an innocent smile and sat down after the clown's leg was gone. She then whispered under the table, "be glad it wasn't your whole bottom half." She then snickered to herself.

@Sinister Clown @Yoshiro
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