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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Daku Akuma

"We need to go because of..." He paused for a brief moment to think about what he was going to say. "Let's just say I have some family business I need to talk care of that is related to him." Daku looked at Angel directly in the eyes. "The CCG cannot beat me. My armor is inpenetrable, and my weapons are ones of massive power. It would be suicide for them to fight me." He patted Angel's head before walking again. "Always believe in second chances. Just as you gave for me, Angel," He spoke with that last part softer than the rest.

@Flame Demon

Toki Sadame

Toki activated his Kakuja half way on the right side of the body quick enough to land a blow on his waist right after Tristan kicked. Even though Toki was slow as a result of being a koukaku user, he was still faster than the average ghoul with the amount of strength and power he puts into his movements. "Happy! You haven't provided me enough fun yet!" He then activated his Kakuja which was streams of tendrils that had scythe like edges at the end. He began to swing each one at Tristan. Every tendril moved in different directions and acted as if they had a mind of their own. Toki then activated another kagune which formed into a long sword that detached off his body. He waited for Tristan to be worn out from all the koukaku before making his move.

@Sinister Clown

Ame Hi

"Cho have you finished eating yet?" She sat impatiently in the same spot they were in. "Your arm should have regenerated by now, so let's go home." She took Cho who was still in the middle of her meal and started to walk her home. "Actually, I have to do something."

"Huh?" Cho responded.

"Go on without me. I need to head into the city for some business." She took a different path from what they were on, and in a moments notice, she stood in front of the CCG main structure.

Cho Iro

Cho was confused by Ame's change of action, but she didn't question her. Cho decided that she would take a detour to the way to the house since she knew it would be her last visit.
"But..." Angel starts to argue, but she decides to give up "You're lucky you have armor, I have stupid wings and tail like things" she mumbles and looks at him "But why are you so nice to me anyway? I mean, you could've killed me back there".


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