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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

'...I just so happened to have a pen in my jacket from the night before when I had closed my tab. I took it out along with a scrap of paper left over from some grocery receipt and jotted down my name, number, and email, and Handed it to the girl before looking up at her and shooting her a goofy smile...'

I'm sure you're right about the majority not agreeing with a psychologist who sides with ghouls... however, regarding your image... no worries. Your secret is safe with me and I won't tell a soul because I myself am a ghoul.

'...He laughed a bit and before she could say anything else he stepped past her with an odd amount of speed and continued down the sidewalk behind her at a light jogging speed...'

Catch ya' Later, call me!

@Lilah Tunth
Violet keeps dodging taking hits but shaking them off when in pretty close violet gathers some energy Her hand the air around starts to vibrate and as she thrust her forward shock waves rip though the air towards the girl.
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Shizuka Akagi

"Called it," She muttered out, 'So that man is a ghoul after all, I was right,' She smirked, she then contiued on her way to the bus, practicaly skipping from the little victory, then realization stuck her like the metaphorical bus she needed to catch, "Damn, I skipped the bus," She groaned, 'I guess I'll walk my way there' She started walking in the direction of the CCG's main headquarters, 'This is going to take a while,' She thought.

Ayane Hisakawa

"The fuck?" She muttered out, looking at what Violet was doing, she blinked and didn't dodge the attack in time, her Koukaku Kagune tried covering her body, trying to protect her but it was to slow, and she got thrown back. "Some how I doubt that you're human," She recovered quickly though, standing up, she stumbled a bit and then she crystallized her Ukaku again, spikes were flying in the air aiming for the woman. "Ayane! Quit it! I know I never listen to her, but I agree with her here, we can't kill anyone! And I'm not talking about Chika!" Ayane then hesitated, but continiued shooting.

@Leo Radomir
Suzo Shitori "CCG's Sin"

Suzo gave out a childish giggle "Don't worry, I feel bad for killing girls so I'll only give you something to remember me by" he said with a gracious smile as he rushed over again ramming his knee into the girls face and sending her flying off towards the alleyway's wall; His strength was definitely inhumane in fact it could match up to many other ghouls who are said to be much more naturally stronger than the average person; Then again Suzo was far from average. After delivering the kick he skipped off and picked back up his bike, hoping the woman ghoul would be conscious even after being sent flying into a wall "We'll have fun again some other time miss!!~" getting onto his bike and starting it before zooming off.

@Lilah Tunth

Kiyaba Hideki

Kiyaba observed everyone from a safe distance, making sure that no one got away while Violet was taking care of the new intruder; another ghoul from the looks of it Kiyaba made his way around the back and towards Chika, focusing his attention on her he wanted to make sure none of them could get out without a fight, slashing towards Chika he aimed slightly more behind the woman instead of infront, attempting to make her dodge to his left and clear away from the exit.

@Leo Radomir
Electo And Marcus

"So this is where all the fun has been happening?" Electo asked looking over the CCG's main building from the rooftop of another building, her mask muffling her voice, Marcus answered her with a "Yeah,", she then looked at him, who was also wearing a mask, "I heard the Serpents are behind this," She stated, her eyes now again focused on the building again, "That would be interesting, wouldn't it?" He asked, she smiled and replied, "It would,".

They went inside, Marcus quietly killing the guards and Electo disabling the cameras.

Chika Mizushima

Chika sluggishly moved to the left wincing as her legs left a pool of blood, Daiki helped by grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him, she inhaled and started whimpering, "M-monsters..." She mumbled out. "Wh-what's the w-worst is that they th-then have the g-gull to call u-us monsters, can't the-they see..."

Tim Imada

"What the...?" He looked, he looked back and saw the blonde boy ride off, He walked closer to the ghoul "Are you okay, miss?" He asked, he knew that the girl was probably a ghoul, but that didn't really bother him, his big brother was, after all a ghoul. He was taken aback by the reply, he wasn't expecting one, "No! I'm not 'okay'!" She screamed her voice shaking, "Miss? I know a place, you are a ghoul right?... We'll then yes, you would be welcomed there..." She looked up at him, blood trailing behind her. "What place?"

@Sinister Clown
Violet smirked at the comments as she continues ti dodge taking some damage before jumping in the air and throws the shield full force knowing that there's a good chance it will badly wound even if doesn't cut her in half. Violet then crack a bad taste joke saying" humans might feel sorry for you oni like me love seeing your blood flow it's like watery paint for the wall paper, also i'm human just one that happens to be able have some control of the elements in my body"
Jason Ren

"That powerful? I'll be sure not to piss him off." Jason thought about the egg once more, and how it had changed him. "That egg....did this 'Author' give it to you?" The egg seemed to give Jason new abilities, including his new kagune limbs. If it could change his Rc cells around and change how his kakuhou acted, then if more were implanted into him.....
"Blood really is like paint, isn't? It's very beutiful, so how about I spill some of yours and then I shall paint smilies all over the place?" Ayane asked, "And with the way you act, well I'd say you're suffering from RoS, but I don't know enough about it to say that!" She shouted, a manical grin on her face, she just continiued shooting.

"I must say, I'm dissapointed, I thought this would be a glorious battle, turns out this is a petty fight between schoolgirls," Electo said, she and Marcus had sneaked in all the way to where the fight was going on, "And we went such a long way too," She sighed and added, Marcus smirked and said "I bet I won't even use my Kagune on this one,"

@Leo Radomir @Sinister Clown
Violet taking damage while at laughing them while dodging then unleashed a shit load more chains not caring if the two monkey's in the back got to impaled during the fight then said" So your say stuff about me yet again with out knowing the signs wow your ignorant as hell and spill my blood and make smiley laughable three of you against me and the two money's in the back i'll take you on some time it's just here i can't use my full ability's here because i'd take a good chuck of the building with me".
"If you would take a good chunk of the building what will I take?" Electo crept up behind the woman, "The answer is! Half the city!" She answered, her short black wig flying up a bit as she tried to struck down the woman in below her with her bare hands. "Trust me, I'm no monkey! But if I was one I would still be-" She attacked again with the claws she called nails, "-stronger then you!" Electo continued, her lower face revealing an insane grin, Ayane growled at the newcomers, angry that they stole her victims not recognizing Electo at all, "Who the hell do you think you are!" She shouted at the two Kakujas, Marcus turned to her, "The better question would be, who the hell are you?" He asked her in return. Daiki seemed unconcerned with anything except getting Chika out, he slowly tried dragging her, hoping that with the new intruders they would go unnoticed, they passed the fight going on with Violet, and they heard the woman taunt the other one, Chika's eyes widened , 'I recognize that voice. But who is that woman?'

@Leo Radomir

As soon as Kato noticed her, she grinned. The woman who had the foreign accent waited for him to approach her then grabbed his face. She moved towards him and kissed him which resulted in them toppling over. As soon as she fell over, her bangs moved apart to reveal her left eye being yellow. She knew that Kato would recognize it and grew a grin. "I found you my pet. Did you think I would let you run away from your owner? After all the kindness I gave you!" She grabbed his collar and stood up. The woman then made out with him again to keep him into shock. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tomu coming, but she didn't care at all about that. "You are mine Kato, never forget that." She pulled apart for a brief moment then connected them again.

@Sinister Clown

@Lilah Tunth

Guwā Monogatari

"Come on CCG investigator, you will be joining me for an important meeting. You will be participating with the rest of us. As the official representative of CCG, you will be helping us make decisions based on your thoughts and what you know! Don't worry, there isn't a lot of people, so you don't need to feel shy or anxious." He hummed to himself and looked back at Rio with a sincere look. "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean you harm. I promise you no harm in this meeting. After this, you are free to go. We will also be deciding if you share this information to your CCG partners or not." He shrugged then muttered a few curse words to himself. "Sorry, two members are missing from the meeting at the moment, so I am trying to think of what to do now." He grinned at least Rio for a short moment then continued walking. He continued making comments such as "do you want my autograph?" And "I know I am so amazing" until they reached the entrance to the meeting room which was a small circular shaped room with a campfire in the middle. Guwā could sense the unexpectedness in Rio at how the conference room less formal than he thought.

@Sinister Clown

Toki Sadame

Toki noticed that Tristan was in deep thought and debated to ask him about it, but he chose not to. Instead of doing that, he called out to Tristan to follow him into the basement which was a set of stairs hidden beneath the stairs that required them to bend down and crawl through. "I never understood the point of having a secret stairs that pretty much no one can pass through!" He groaned to himself. Honestly, Ame has been watching too many mystery movies to create all these hidden rooms in the household on top of the numerous ones we have already! Once he reached down to the basement, there were two doors. One led to the a large arena type room and another into a body disposal. "Come on, I want to see how strong you are." He motioned to follow again.

@Sinister Clown

Daku Akuma

Daku turned and saw Kyle. He just nodded him off before getting ready to leap off into the sky. "Park," He whispered lightly enough for him to hear. Daku leaped off into the sky and landed right behind Angel which startled her. "Are we ready to go? School should be starting soon around this time right? We can't keep taking detours." He deactivated his kagune and and approached her.

@Flame Demon

(Sorry I have been working on this post for multiple days, so I didn't really have the time to finish it all at once I am thinking of splitting my posts into multiple ones to make things go faster and easier.)
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Angel Blake 'Demon Fox'

Angel gets up "Yeah, we should go, you alright?" she asks and trows the apple core away, her stuff was still at school, so she wasn't worried about that. "But why do you wanna see someone who's just a jerk?" she asks and looks at Daku confused.


Kyle Black

Kyle heads back to HQ and he sighs, wondering who was chasing Daku and Angel, he'd have to go through files to find that out "There are tons of ghouls, this might take a while" he mumbles.
"Pet?" Tomu asked from afar, her eyes on the scene infront of her, 'Who is that pretty girl?' Tomu thought, she looked onwards wondering what was going on. She peeked out a little further, by now they probably noticed her, so she just walked closer.

@LordFang99 @Sinister Clown
Daku Akuma

Daku just remained silent to Angel's question. He was told to do this by his former member in the group, The Story-Teller, but he didn't know what was going on between them all. "I just have to do it okay?" He was starting to get a headache from trying to remember everything that happened between them. He knew he just had to help a fellow survivor that managed to find him.

@Flame Demon
Angel looks down "Sorry for asking, but I don't even know if he's coming to school or not" she says and sighs "There's a strange girl claiming a few students are ghouls, no one believed her so far" she says and puts her hands in the pocket of her jacket.

Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

Giggling the clown had continued down the hallways where just recently the investigators had just been trapped in a maze of riddles and often death occurred, blood stains all over the floors and walls the only different thing was that the walls appeared normal and with the Clown being familiar with Guwa's kagune he could always recognize where he had been, looking back to his now new partner Jason he smiled "Hurry along now, we're late for the meeting already it seems." he said with a deep toned chuckle as he continue down the hall to the end of it, where a room with a meeting taking place occurred.


Rio Shitori

Rio nodded and went along with Guwa, he couldn't help but not being able to shake off this horrible feeling he got being in this place as they walked down the hallway Rio couldn't help but constantly think
I feel like I'm walking towards my own death or something.. his deep thinking wouldn't be hard to notice, as they reached the room with a small table set Rio was surprised to see how low-class it was for such a high-spoken organization, however remaining to keep his mouth shut for the time being Rio took a seat at his designated spot and looked around to the others at the table; mostly noticing a larger figure who wore a black coat with snowy long hair once making eye contact with the figure, it was as if your eyes were drawn towards him Out of everyone I've met...He's truly the most terrifying.. Remaining quite at his seat, Rio looked down to his hands and waited for the meeting to start.


The Mysterious Author

The mysterious cloaked figure had been waiting at the table for some time now, continuing to write in his book he started making statements of the current situation; writing all the info of what had happened the man grinned at his own words on paper
The story of my creation...I create the story..and I make history; as god. he thought to himself letting a deep chuckle out as the man waited he looked to Guwa with a stern eye "Where has that Clown gone now? I'm tired of his foolishness." he stated to the man.

Tristan Taylor "Happy"'

As they walked down the series of hidden hallways and stair cases, Tristan was only relieved when hearing they'd finally reached their destination, and to an extent agreed with Toki on the fact Ame was probably watching too many mystery movies; although he couldn't blame her Tristan often felt drawn towards those sort of things as well. Entering the room Tristan wasn't too sure about fighting than again he never was, even though he was confident in his skill he also knew of the strength many others have achieved.


Kato Sasuke

He couldn't believe it..After all this time trying to run away and just forget, the very woman who made it all come alive appeared right before him; in his mind he cursed himself as he was pulled towards the mysterious girl and kissed Why..Why now...When I was just..about to forget.. he didn't seem to have a freak out reaction like last time in fact Kato would explain the feeling much differently, he simply stood and allowed her to do whatever pleased her it was as if he were brainwashed, only emptily glaring towards her a tear broke and went down his cheek "Why are you back for me.." he said in a quite tone, as if mumbling.

Violet vanished from the area through her ability of her shield then coughed up blood from using a forth time then repapered near chika and the guy trying smirking at their weak attempt to escape and the money that thought he had her where he wanted, then said" I'm not interested in a monkey and some back seat driver ghoul get stuffed your screwing with my work and i'll deal with you later, now where was i oh yes was going to kill you at last and then go home i'm fed up of dealing with this crap".

Violet attempts to impaled the first two intruders with her chain and preparing some more chains putting some in the ground and some in the air just in case the money and the backseat driver thought he's so smart and special.
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"Lateness always makes for dramatic entrances." Jason walked alongside the other ghoul, trying not to get overwhelmed by the smell of all the blood and flesh. He'd already eaten, but now it seemed his hunger had grown beyond what it used to be. What else had the egg changed?

two unknown ghouls manage to sneak into the building and up to the fight area then said Why"hello step mother it's been a very long time since the day you decided to spare our lives because of the promise you made to him, we won't ask you to accept us at this stage but we don't like the idea of unpaid debts so we'll fight along side you to repay the promise you kept to him all those years ago"
Gūwa Monogatari

"Father!" Was the first thing Gūwa said before he ran up to hug the man. He backed away soon after he heard the question the mysterious author had asked. Why must he think about the clown instead of me when I am the one actually here?

"How am I supposed to know? That woman,
Julia, was supposed to keep watch over him, but I suspect he is here now." He simply shrugged. The Story-Teller then looked back to Rio who appeared terrified of father. He frowned at the sight then wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Shh, don't worry! You are our representative. We cannot hurt you as long as you are participating in this meeting." Gūwa comforted. He then sat down and patted the seat next to him which was directly across from the author's seat.

@Sinister Clown @Yoshiro

Julia Biki

She noticed that Tomu approached closer and smirked. "Oh Kato? Did you get yourself a girlfriend? At this age already? It's already been two years! You should have gotten permission from me first mister." She then began to cradle the motionless boy. "Shhh go to sleep..." She began to hum a lullaby until he actually fell asleep. Julia then lowered him to the ground and began to walk towards Tomu. Once she was in front of her, she did a curtsy. "It is a pleasure to meet you! I am Kato's mother. I even breast-fed him as a young boy!" As she was bent down in her curtsy, her right eye's kakugan activated, but her left eye didn't change presumably due to the yellow contact she wore. (BTW I have been working on her character sheet, but it has been taking a while.)

@Sinister Clown

@Lilah Tunth

Daku Akuma

He just continued to frown at Angel till he thought of a question. "Do you know where else he would be? If not, then we can search through the school records for a house location or a relatives or a friends location." He snapped once he finished talking. "What do you think?" He looked down at Angel before putting on a demon mask with goat horns on it.

@Flame Demon
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'Mother? But she looks so young!' Tomu nearly tripped at those words, "No, no you misunderstand Ma'am, Kato is just a friend!" She spluttered out, a blush forming on her face, "My name is Tomu Akagi!" She bowed back, "I'm a classmate of Kato's," She smiled at the beutiful woman, but then focused on the sleeping Kato behind her,"Err... is Kato alright? He is, after all.. err.. sleeping on the ground,"

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"No clue where he could be, but honestly, I don't really care, I mean, he came to save me that day, but in the end it was Kyle who got me out" Angel says looking down "So you could ask the headmaster of the school for an address or something" she mumbles and adds "Sorry, but I don't think he wants to see me..."


Kyle heads back to HQ and sighs, he wanted something interesting to happen, he normally hunted down ghouls, but he didn't feel like doing that at the moment.
Kuro Hato "Sinsiter Clown"

Kuro remained silent, chuckling at the comment before continuing to walk ahead where he found another room with a hallway to what must have been the meeting place, looking back to Jason he mused as he spoke "We're finally here ~ I'm so looking forward to playing with Guwa-san again.." tilting his head like he were daydreaming about it; his walking pace suddenly got slightly faster as they went down the hallway to the meeting place.


Rio Shitori

Rio cursed himself in his mind 'Shit; he could easily tell I'm afraid - Then again how should I not be I'm completely outnumbered, one wrong step and I could end up dead in an instant..Then again I'm always some what afraid, I've gotten out of worse...I think.' sighing at Guwa's comment he took his seat next to him and awaited for the others to arrive; He hoped that by being at this meeting he could learn something of their identity's or if they really are the Akatsuki.


The Mysterious Author

After finishing off a few more lines the Mysterious author closed the book - The book label being "The Rising Dawn" once lifting his head up slightly the bottom half of his face could be seen showing a large grin "I wonder what his reason for being late he has this time; That bastard Clown" he said before bursting in laughter he looked back to Guwa "Where is my precious daughter anyway? I hope she's getting the representative for the Masked Demons..I'm curious of their current movements." he kept both of his arms on the table however not one piece of skin could be seen at the time however judging by his face the man was rather pale.

H-hey!" Jason said, walking faster to catch up to the clown. "Who is Guwa? Hell, who are these people?" It seemed to be a room full of ghouls, but were any of them that "God" clown boy spoke of?

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