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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Violet used her other keeps dodging taking some hits from the knives some Rinkaku attacks scrapes across her shoulders then smiles cold then says sarcasticly" I've never called my self a hero and i'm fine being the demon and your friend is far to weak and it's about time I showed you that your not above me either, cocoon form activate".

The chain vanished from violet's hand but it wasn't long before the chains quickly started to attach themselves to the wall to restrict her movement, meanwhile chains from other places around her and near by started to russel loudly which would make it even harder for the ghoul to focus his attacks.
Daiki raised his brows, "Chika is not weak, you are, she had the power to let go of her old life, she had the power to accept an unknown girl as her own daughter and resist pain you are causing her for a long time, you though, you are obviously not letting go of whatever the hell thats eating you, torturing ghouls like that, would be nasty if ghouls did that to you, wouldn't, you are lucky little boss told us not to kill and that I chose to listen for once, I usualy don't, or you would've been long since dead, trust me," He shrunk into the shadows dissapearing for a while, he reappeared behind her and throwed a knife, he shrunk in the shadows again, reappearing in a diffrent spot over and over again, all the while throwing knives, its not like he was trying to escape, yet,"Did I imply I'm higher then you? Well I don't really remember, but I must've been doing something right, that is after all, the cold and simple truth, and thanks for all the noise, it's making attacking you easier," Daiki mentaly cringed, Chikas legs were in a horrible condition, and if Ayane wouldn't arrive soon, they would probably lose.
Violet thinking well win some lose while she blocks some of the attacks and then made the chains silent again and turned off to his taunts, using some of the chain to cover her wounds, while sneakily tightening the cocoon and summoning her other weapon so she could smash into or cut him with the spikes on the edge of the shield. After a few minutes or so she had and idea so she sneakily sent the chains to where she has seen him come out and some to the near by areas to double her chance. After a few minutes or so violet smirked then said speaking of cold hard truths" I can sense your worry you know your time is quickly running out you killing me won't mean much if she's dead as well and besides I've already died several times and come back so I've got no reason to fear death like so many".

The shield now fully formed in her other hand it's just a mater of time before he surfaces and the more I cause him to panic the more lightly he is to slip up then violet could attack and defend with the shield awhile inflicting pain on the other ghoul. Violet had become stronger since that day where her and partner will ambushed they toyed with him before killing him right in front of her, then add salt to injury they left the body there cut into pieces like meat then dragged her back to their base and beat her up just when she had finished being treated the day before, after eighty days they grew board of it and stopped they made a bet that she wouldn't try and escape but when they were eating another still alive human beings she broke free of her bonds and grabbed her weapons and killed them all from that day onward she was no longer that kind hearted sweet women she became a demon that hunted ghouls she never killed or women but today that women really pissed her off she wants to make a point of her strength.
"There is a diffrence in fearing death and having something to love and live for," Daiki shouted, his Kagune getting more agressive, attacking more often. "But you probably don't know it," He gets wounded too though, his left arm felt like it was set on fire.

@Leo Radomir
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As violet took minor hit hits blocking some with the shield as she rushes him chains digging and shredding into his flesh (with her she demon strength lol) then said openly" Yeah half right now that I think about it what flip was I doing talking like a hero so cliché and love to live for that's the kinda crap that really pisses me off coming from a ghouls mouth even more so, i'll stick to what I said I was before I started to drift off into nonsense i'm a demon pure and simple I live for killing your kind and love every moment of it".

Violet flipped the shield to the side with the blades on, as she draws closer goes to slash him across the chest, hoping to hit and to a load of damage to him. In violet's mind there are some memory's that will always burn in ones mind don't talk like i'm weak that memory is what turned my world upside down a second time. I was a wife and mother to a happy family the first time round then it took six to heal from the damage the first time round but the second time losing a loved one was far to much for my heart to handle.
"What pisses me off, are people that kill because of a personal grudge," Daiki gets grazed by the weapon but quickly runs back into the shadows dissapearing again, "No one has the right to kill, human, ghoul, demon," He threw a knife, "Hilariously, that is exactly what we do,"

@Leo Radomir
Ame Hi

After managing to calm herself down, Ame grabbed the attention of the other three around her. "I don't know if you all have noticed, but the CCG has been crazy active lately. Also before you say anything," she moves to turn on the TV to show a news report about the power outage at the main CCG building. "This is not what you should call an 'opportunity' because of whatever is going on there. They will be most likely increasing Dove activity in this ward." She bit her thumb then looked down at her map that was located at the center of the table. "My best suggestion would not to make any moves, but if worst comes to worst, then we will have to move to the 7th ward where not many ghoul or Dove activities were spotted." Ame went upstairs and then returned with her raven, Nyx. "Me, Nyx, and Cho will be going out to find an area to mark as a specific territory where no hunting will be involved. You boys do whatever you want."

"Aww yeah! A girls' night out! Finally! I have never experienced one of those before what do we do?" Cho was bouncing up and down with anticipation while following Ame towards the door.

"Um this isn't really a girls' night out, but if you say so Cho." Ame carried a not-amused smug on her face.

@Sinister Clown


G?wa Monogatari

Amused with the choice Rio had made, The Story-Teller kicked the documents at Joffry, expecting him to catch it. The girl hiding behind him gasped slightly, but then returned to her corner. "G?wa I am going to head out since it doesn't look like that idiot clown is showing up soon." As soon as she said that, the ground shook and the chasm felt like it was being hit by an earthquake, but it slowly subsided in a mere few seconds afterwards.

"That woman never surprises me, but anyways! You young sir!" One moment to the next, G?wa appeared right infront of Rio grabbing his chin. "I need to have a private word with you." He swung his arm and a new wall of kagune separate Joffry from those two. "Geez, you made me late to my part-timer job!" He whined as he looked back at Rio then to his watch on his wrist. "Young sir, I have a job for you that I would like you to fulfill for me. My master does not know about this, but it is my job to have fun, not his!" He took out two envelops each with different addresses. "I need you to mail these off. I have two as a fail safe just in case something gets messed up. Do you understand?" He looked up at Rio. "Hm, if just given the right angle, then we would almost look like siblings huh? That is kind of funny since I know you will be back to kill me. While you are here Mr. Investigator, do you mind if I read you a story before you depart? I promise it will be worth your time." He showed a genuine smile.

@Sinister Clown

@Sir Grego

Daku Akuma

As soon as the feathers came within 5 ft of him, he activated his kakuja which consumed the feathers and spat out only air that follow with them. "Found you," Daku turned around with a crazy grin. The RC cells from his kakuja were scattering away from him in the form of a fog since he was weakened from the earlier fights as well as the fact he hadn't been eating much. He extended one of his kakuja claws towards a roof top and pulled himself to the top with ease with a gigantic leap which left the other ghoul staggered.


@Flame Demon

Toki Sadame

"You plan to use me don't you?" Toki randomly blurted out once the women left. "Don't worry, I don't mind that at all! You can use me as much as you would like as long as I am your friend." He smiled briefly before heading to grab another package which contained ghoul meat instead of human meat this time. "Your face is easily readable you know. The expressions you keep making me want to laugh." He ran a hand through his hair then leaned back in his chair. "What do you suppose we do now?" The girls probably want us to get something done in the mean time I guess?" He put a finger to his chin.

@Sinister Clown

Cho Iro

Cho and Ame ended up going hiking which was ironic since most humans were within the city, but with Cho's heightened senses, Ame was able to located some mounds of corpses that were fairly recent.

"Ame, why are we taking these nasty decomposed corpses? Shouldn't we be taking all the fresh ones?"

"Freshness has nothing to do with it Cho, if I can obtain samples of a corpse who was living not too long ago, then I can continue to try to keep the body responding and as alive as possible. This will allow us to have more to eat than the average ghoul as the body would continue to reproduce cells. For example if you take the frogs that you shock in biology, their body is fully capable of running even after death, so we can utilize that ability and manufacture some spare meals from these corpses even if some are...gross." She dropped a head of one corpse into a trash bag.

"Man Ame! Why didn't we meet before? You would have been so helpful to me a very long time ago!" She yawned and stretched her hands.

"Well, it is mainly because I didn't plan on seeing you ever again after our first encounter Cho. All I needed was some stress relief that is all! Nothing more, nothing less." She became all flustered.

Cho completely blocked out all her statements and asked, "Hey do you mind if I tell you a secret? But don't tell Tristan," Cho carried a serious tone.

"Uh sure? It can't be really big right?" Ame looked back at Cho with a puzzled look before dropping another corpse into the bag.

"Ame, after I get back to the house, I will be leaving. I know. I know. There is no reason for me to leave, but I am really needed else where. I have a job that I have been missing out a lot because of me being here, and I have been getting in a lot of trouble as a result."

"You mean your job at that one club right?" Ame sighed then looked towards Cho. "I understand, but you should at least say goodbye before you go."

Cho shook her head, but said no more.


The girl who was with G?wa was now at the park where Kato and Tomu were supposed to arrive at the day after the earlier events occurred. She managed to get a lot done in the mean time, but she couldn't wait till she could meet her old friend once again. She waited knowing that her old friend was coming because of the spies she managed to seduce within the school that managed to overhear the conversation between the two. She brushed a part of her hair to the side. Even though it was hot in the near end of summer, she still was wearing a large black dress that didn't seem to bug her at all. Once she could sense that Kato was coming, she grew a small smile before standing straight. She kept her left eye hidden to prevent suspicion, and held her appearance straight to the point of little wrinkle. "Oh G?wa, I hope you don't mind me spending time with this boy before I pull my attention back to you! I promise that I love you with all my heart even when it seems I am not," She whispered to herself before she regained her composition.


@Sinister Clown

@Lilah Tunth
Angel heads to the place where she saw Daku for the first time and she sits on the ground, eating an apple while waiting, she was was worried. Damion recovers quickly and shoots exploding feathers towards Daku, but a bullt hifs one of his wingsand he looks to where it came from to see Kyle "Move and I'll shoot" the young investigator says and Damion shoots feathers at him, but decides to go before he atracts unneccecary attention "Daku you alright?" he asks and adds "Where's Angel?".


Lucy arrives home and sees a note from Angel saying that she'll be home shortly "Couldn't she have stayed home" she mumbles and sighs, if her husband hadn't been a ghoul then there would be no trouble, luckily not many people know Angel's a ghoul.
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'...Waking up with a splitting headache, I sit up and cover my eyes almost instantly with the palm of my hand. Bright sunlight pouring through my drapes. I lazily get out of bed, stumble around and put some new clothes on before walking over to my front door and opening it...'

It's pretty bright out today... better wear some glasses...

'...I pull a pair of sunglasses from one of my pockets and slide them past my ears, pressing the bridge against my nose before stepping outside...'

Oh man... I could use some coffee right now... or some 'Pedialyte'... tch... guess I'll head to a cafe or something...

(@Uta )

Shizuka ran with a list in hand, hoping to catch a bus to the first ward, her mind was buzzing and she was hoping that someone might finaly pay attention to her observations. She had, after all, the list of students that one might suspect to be ghouls, with the so called 'Happy' murder at school more people might pay attention to her, not that she believed that 'Happy' was the actual killer, she had her own theory on that, but that wasn't the point, Shizuka hated ghouls with a passion, her hate for them coming from the death of her parents and elder sisters. While getting lost in her thoughts, Shizuka tripped, and landed on someone, her face catching a pink color she apologized to the man she tripped on, "I'm so sorry, I should really watch where I'm going..." (It runs in the family,)
Lilah Tunth]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23597-uta/ said:
@Uta[/URL] )
Shizuka ran with a list in hand, hoping to catch a bus to the first ward, her mind was buzzing and she was hoping that someone might finaly pay attention to her observations. She had, after all, the list of students that one might suspect to be ghouls, with the so called 'Happy' murder at school more people might pay attention to her, not that she believed that 'Happy' was the actual killer, she had her own theory on that, but that wasn't the point, Shizuka hated ghouls with a passion, her hate for them coming from the death of her parents and elder sisters. While getting lost in her thoughts, Shizuka tripped, and landed on someone, her face catching a pink color she apologized to the man she tripped on, "I'm so sorry, I should really watch where I'm going..." (It runs in the family,)
'...Uta was lucky enough to be paying attention, his hands outstretched and caught the girl before she had fallen too much as she just barely hit her forehead against his chest...'

Hey, you gotta watch your feet these sidewalks are like alligators... they'll catch you off guard and bloody your face

'...I laughed a little bit before standing the girl up on her feet steadily...'

@Lilah Tunth
Tristan Taylor "Happy"

It was as if the only words Tristan were able to hear while Ame was explaining the situation was the fact they were currently under what looked like an invasion pondering about the situation as he emptingly glared towards the TV he didn't say much in the presence of Cho & Ame only watching them as they left to do whatever they were planning; looking back at the TV, clenching his hands placing his chin on his hands he lost himself in thought This could be my chance to take out that Owari bastard..Sigh but is it really smart going to them? Letting them come try get me is one thing, I was prepared but this...What if they are already dealt with by the time I get there? That could cause trouble...But.. his eyes peered towards Toki, lifting his head and taking his hands apart he answered Toki's question "Yes, they would expect us to do something and I have just the idea I almost forgot..I have King Arthur on my side...He thinks I have no clue but I can smell it on him; funny I never thought he was just a child coincidencily Tristan had already been following up on several killings that 'King Arthur' had made over time yet in his time searching into King Arthur it seemed that he himself had already found Happy..


Suzo Shitori "CCG's Sin"

Suzo took out several more knives each between his fingers he tilted his head, seeming to be confused at the girls statement "Is that what you think? I guess we'll see won't we?" he said at first with a smirk on his face, lowering his head slightly he narrowed his eyes down at his target he sized up the girl


"I'm afraid this is going to be our last tea party, If you want your feast come at me with all you have."

@Lilah Tunth

(Sorry I've been falling behind on posts)

Rio Shitori

Rio had next to no choice but allow the ghoul to grab him and lift him in the air, Rio felt a chill go down his spine as the man spoke towards him and couldn't help but feel afraid, the fear would have been showing in his eyes that he was certain of Damnit, this is pathetic.. still trying to remain calm he nodded at Guwa's gesture "Sure, I'll hear you out but make sure that kid get's out of here." it was obvious he was referring to Joffry once Rio was let down he looked towards the hallway that Guwa had created for them, waiting for Guwa he was prepared to follow him inside, clenching his fist I hope this is going to be worth it..If I live through this that is..Shit I'm sorry Suzo I might have to leave soon.


Kanashimi Owari

Kanashimi headed back to his office as quickly as he possibly could; he had only hoped that Chika hadn't already made it out of the building She was always a slippery one.. he thought to himself adjusting his glasses as he reached the elevator that lead to his office, the waiting was tedious Kanashimi looked down to his watch, seeing the seconds go by Could this damn thing take any longer? once the elevator reached to his office, a small bell sound rang as the elevator door opened Kanashimi rushed right inside and took his suit case from under his desk and making his way back out while he was in the elevator his phone and vibrated, taking it out Kanashimi felt relieved Good, they found her he began making his way towards the room, the only issue was if he could get there fast enough.

Kato Sasuke

Kato left the school and went to his home, he couldn't stop thinking about the day and about the girl he met She's strange.. He wasn't use to the idea of someone actually being bothered to talk to him for that long. Heading towards the kitchen he opened the fridge looking at the Chinese food he had got early this morning "Looks like your dinner." reaching in he grabbed the Chinese and went to his room, turning his TV on he was listening to the current news reports on the rising Ghoul rates and the increasing CCG activity "They're all doomed.." he hated this channel, the news only ever showed tragedy turning it off he finished the food in his mouth before putting the food aside and rolling into his bed going to sleep.

The next day he got ready to meet Tomu again at the park he mentioned he noticed a girl standing at the park already at first he thought it may have been Tomu and started walking towards her "Uh, hello?" he asked trying to look over to see the girl.

Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

After The Clown was satisfied he rose up and looked back at the street down the alleyway they were in "Miss unfortunate.." he mused referring to the lady they had just butchered he started walking off again looking back to Yoshiro "Oh my, they're going to mad at us I was meant to be meeting with some of the others hours ago.." he thought about it for a moment "Hm, but knowing him he should still be having some fun.." smirking he licked his lips "I'd love to play with him sometime.." he started heading toward the location of Guwa and the two investigators, leaping up to another building the school and forest near the chasm was only another hundred or so meters away leaping down in the small forest he made sure he didn't go too far ahead for Yoshiro not to catch up, and waited at a tree beside the entrance of the Chasm awaiting his new partner to arrive.


Kiyaba Hideki

Kiyaba leaped infront of the knife coming for the girl beside him, casually slashing it away with his axe it appeared that he was able to manuver his quinque efficiently, hanging it to his side he lowered his body level slightly, bending his knees and placing his left foot a fair distance in front of his other foot he swung his axe around and pointed it at Chika "Give back what you stole and you may get out of this alive, Sir. Owari should be arriving shortly." he said with a smug smirk on his face, he felt confident about the situation taking out his phone and pressing a red button located, the phone on the back labeled "CCG" made it appear to be a separate work phone for this specific purpose he made his location known, hence meaning that Kanashimi now knew of their location.


@Leo Radomir
Violet keeps her guard up and isn't happy with the idea of letting them go the male even more so she just wanted to rip him limb from limb so in a calm manner said" I don't mean to seem like a wet carpet but they came here for this item I really don't see them giving it back with out more of a fight" In violet's mind I admit I was arrogant that's not me most times but i'm not taking anymore chance with them. Violet shift her hands really fast and the free chains spilt into four sections each meaning it would be easier to defend and attack at the same time.
Jason Ren

Jason followed silently behind the clown, hoping to meet the leader of this little group. "Clown, you referred to your leader as a God. Is he really that powerful?" If he was, Jason would be sure to cannibalize him. He hadn't eaten a ghoul in such a long time, perhaps they'd become tastier.

Zack Ren

Zack opened the other one and took out a pocky, eating it slowly.
Ayane Hisakawa

Age: 19, Race: Ghoul

Ayane jumped out of the vents, rather disgracefully, spreading dust everywhere like smoke, she coughed a bit, "Yeah, handing them back would be extremely counter-productive, so I'm afraid we can't do that," Ayane grinned, the dust clouded everywhere making it nearly impossible to see, smelling too, her hearing was going to work out great in this situation, "Took a while finding you guys," She coughed out, "Figures," Replied Daiki, "You are an incompetent flunky," After hearing the females reply, she grinned further, "That girl has the right idea!" Her Koukaku wrapping around her hand, she went and attacked the female investigator, she had a grudge to sort out with that woman, "I'm sorry ma'am, but that weapon of yours? Yeah, you don't deserve to be wielding it, not after what you done to Chika with it,"

@Sinister Clown

@Leo Radomir

Shizuka Akagi

Age: 17, Race: Human

"Well that is a weird analogy, but an accurate one," She giggled, the man was funny, "Thank you," She was about to walk away but instead she asked the man, she needed an opinion on ghouls from someone normal, "Can I have your opinion on something? What do you think of ghouls?" She asked her question. hoping it wasn't much.


Tomu Akagi

Age: 15, Race: Human

She skipped through the park, wondering where Kato might be, she was excited, it was a rare thing, for someone to manage her bubbly persona this long, but she wanted to make it last as along as she could, "Hello! Have you seen a boy with white hair?" She asked a woman, the woman pointed to the right, "Thank you!" She walked down the pathway in the park, a grin on her face.

@Sinister Clown

Akiko Fukushima

Age: 16, Race: Ghoul

"Oh, don't worry about that," She said in a calm manner, vanishing again "I won't underestimate you further!" She jumped at him from behind, daggers in both hand, aiming for the throat.

@Sinister Clown
(Sorry can only post with Sinister Clown & Suzo right now, having to hold back from the others until a few other people post)

Suzo Shitori "CCG's Sin"

Sighing again after seeing the woman vanish, having already turned around by the time the ghoul re-appeared seeing as she lept towards him, with one foul swoop he zipped passed the girl, grabbing a hold of the girl's kagune with his left hand he seemingly attached himself to her, using his right hand and the knives between his fingers he swiped his hand across, the knives piercing and cutting the kagune clean off the girls body and pushing himself back a few paces gaining some distance from the ghoul yet again, licking the blood off his knives "It's always a shame to get my coat so dirty.." the kagune he had cut off earlier laid beside him, being dropped once he landed on the surface and with a giddy smirk on his face "Any last words?" he said, poking his tongue out after he also yet again revealed a rather odd tattoo on his tongue.


@Lilah Tunth

Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

As they continued to walk the Clown noticed Jason's question, looking back he gave a smirk as if he knew something no one else did; but most would assume that's what he was trying to do, but no one ever knew what he said was true or not he replied to Jason "Have you ever heard of an old story about a Mysterious Author somewhere else in japan? It's sad that he was wanted for killing everyone in his town over a night." what he was saying would have made no sense "I wouldn't call it divine power...But he would rip me to shreds if he wished, he is for sure a very scary man~" he said in the same eerie tone as always he continued "I want to play with him so bad~" he said, continuing to smirk like always.


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Tim just went out to take a breath of fresh air, he hated being trapped, and sadly that was exactly what was happening, the nest was busy and they did not want to be suspicious, that meant no one can come and go in or out, in Tim's opinion that was stupid, but to avoid being made fool of he said nothing. So there he was walking after a escape out of the hell hole (in Tim's opinion), sometimes he doubted his big brother's choice of organization. Walking outside for an extremely long time, he betted he was already far from the forth ward, passing diffrent allyways, shops and tall buildings. Before long he heard a scream, running to the source of it as fast as he could, when arriving to the place where the scream originated he saw a girl with green-blue hair and a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stained in blood, "The hell is going on here?" He said in English.

@Sinister Clown
"A shame indeed," She tried standing up, failing miserably. Her eyes were welling up in tears, a scream escaping her mouth, both from the pain and her regrets, 'I didn't even saw big brother for the last time, or even little brother, I'm a failiture, I don't know how to deal with dying, why am I even crying, I know I deserve this,'

@Sinister Clown
Violet moves her shield and wanted to thump the other guy if he had just attacked her and the other guy instead of wasting time talking to her and just snatched the weapon back but she would deal with his stupidty later she wasn't going to chew or go to hit him here. Violet's blood lust skyrocket's as well her aura quickly became so blood thirsty it could choke to death her eyes went into killer mode and any pain she is feeling doesn't mean jack right now with that violet said" I see so you her just what I need another pain in the ass to deal with and my partners still not back just bloody grand well since you here i'll try out a move I've been wanting to try for a while". As the younger ghoul went to attack her violet quickly began to spin round like a tornado the chains dancing to her foot steps.
"Lucky you, I also have one, and I shall test it on you!" She grinned, her smile big, she threw a couple more knifes, Daiki seemed to have picked helping Chika in getting out of the chains, she tried coming closer to the female to engage in hand to hand combat, her effort was fruitless though, the woman just started spinning faster leading a couple of wounds on Ayane's hands (By a couple I mean a lot), so Ayane went back instead and jumped up, her second Kagune making an appearance, a Ukaku started growing in a flurry of red and yellow, it then continiued to crystallize and started shooting at the woman, Ayane then felt extremely tired, but forced herself not to faint, she probably would sleep for days afterwards though, she attacked the Investigators. Daiki was trying to help Chika out, he tried yanking the chains of, but it caused quite a few burn marks on his hands, a little of them broke, so he decided to try it again.

@Leo Radomir @Sinister Clown
(that's more like it I can do a fair bit with this post)

Violet took some more hits her other shoulder but smirked and shock it off still continuing to dance, violet sneakily sent some of her chains into the ground and some curving in the air to ready to strike while they are distracted as the energy built blades from the chain started to fly at the girl from many directions, violet said in a calm voice" So you were going to teach me a lesson ay you look kinda tired all three of you are the same think it's just cut and dry how I've lived my life and this is the price you going to pay for assuming so much with knowing next to nothing about me, ninja art shadow reaper stage one" The chains came from the ground and air and the walls aiming to impale the man and the women and the women at the same time and smash the girl into the ground. In violet's mind their bond is strong I give them that but i'm not going to die at their hands that's for sure.
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"Ninja art shadow reaper stage one? I feel like killing you just because of that name alone," Ayane jumped back down, her Ukaku still shooting at the man and woman, "Do you know the life I lived?" Ayane asked the bigoted woman, "NO! So why don't you just smile and bear with it, hmmn? You don't know ANYTHING about me, about Reptile, about Chika! And with the way you act, to me you seem to deserve everything you got!" Her Kokugan glowing a bright red, "And then your kind, no not even your kind, EVERYONE BELIEVES THAT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO THEM SUCKS! YOU THINK YOU HAVE A SOB STORY? DO YOU? WELL YOU ARE WRONG! THEY'RE GHOULS WHO SUFFERED WORSE THAN YOU! THEY ARE EVEN HUMANS THAT WENT THROUGH WORSE! I DON'T GO AROUND TELLING EVERYONE THAT MY LIFE IS HARDER THEN THEIRS AND I HAVE NEVER KILLED ANYONE BECAUSE OF PAYBACK! I DON'T HAVE THE SAME TYPE OF COMFORT AS YOU DO KNOWING THAT THOSE WHO WRONGED ME ARE DEAD SO WHY DON'T YOU SMILE, LEAVE US ALONE AND JUST GO!" (Man I'm having a fun time writing her screaming in caps-lock) She lunged for the woman not caring about anything, her Ukaku still shooting. Meanwhile the deserving of caps-lock screams where echoing around the room, Daiki had managed to free Chika from the chains, when released Chika crumpled on the ground, she was shivering, "That investigators weapon, it's too much, she herself isn't that strong, despite her not feeling pain, it's all the weapon," She whimpered out, her legs in a pool of blood, which would take quite the while to heal.

@Leo Radomir
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]

Shizuka Akagi

Age: 17, Race: Human

"Well that is a weird analogy, but an accurate one," She giggled, the man was funny, "Thank you," She was about to walk away but instead she asked the man, she needed an opinion on ghouls from someone normal, "Can I have your opinion on something? What do you think of ghouls?" She asked her question. hoping it wasn't much.


'...I raised my arm to the back of my beanie and adjusted it slightly before lowering my left arm to dangle at my side and my right hand onto my hip...'

Hm... well if I were a normal sane person... I'd say I hate them and that they're scary... they threaten the existence of the human race, and that for the sake of everyone... they should be wiped out... however...

I'm not normal when it comes to these kinds of debates... if you look at such an issue like that chances are you'll end up in a lot of trouble... because that's only one side to the issue. People are so rash and hasty to discriminate on something they don't fully understand in the first place... But if you take a look at it from the other end... what do we know?

Ghouls eat humans, why?

This could be the fact that Humans are the only source of food for them... think about it... have you heard of any cattle or farm animals disappearing? Any more than normal?

Ghouls are very violent, why?

Ghouls... I imagine... are just like any creature on this planet... nurture vs. nature... you could say. I'm sure there are some ghouls that aren't so violent. I'm sure there's ghouls that would put their life on the line for a human even though they understand how humans see them.

Ghouls are viewed as monsters, why?

Simple... mass, social, and civilized media... view them as such because they don't understand it. When we were all cavemen do you think we knew what fire was? You could go so far as to say that it was created by magic. We had no understanding of it, and thus feared it. Basic animals still fear fire to this day.

'...I paused for a moment adjusting my sunglasses and then looked at the girl...'

Oh! I'm so sorry! I get very intellectual, analytical, and skeptical when talking about popular world issues.

'...I laughed nervously...'

@Liliah Tunth
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Jason Allenson

Damn it. This is just perfect. Jason thinks to himself hearing the commotion downstairs. I'll just have to hope they don't attract anybody here. He looks around the room to see if there might be anything he could use. Well nothing here. They must have a database room somewhere. I'll just need to find it. Jason digs around in his bag and pulls out a miniature tablet. Powering it on, he starts up an application he had hidden on it. Now I just need to get into the building's layout... Bingo. Second floor, perfect. The boy pokes his head outside of the room to be sure that nobody is around. Upon seeing that nobody is out in the hall, he quickly heads down the hall, making a few turns, and finds himself in a room with numerous filing cabinets and large data storage units. He hooks up his tablet to one of the units and begins looking though it for any useful information. Huh? Akatsuki? I'll have to look into that. The tablet begins to file through and download any files that mention anything on Akatsuki. He then heads over to the cabinets while the files download. Shuffling through the folders, Jason inds the section on binge eaters and takes the entire folder. Stuffing the folder and tablet which had just finished downloading the files, he sneaks back out to where he came from, stopping at the stairs to listen in and see if the fight wa still going on.

@Sinister Clown
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Shizuka's eyes went wide, "No, it's fine, in fact I bet they aren't as much monster as people make them out to be," She says, looking up, "I was actually searching for someone to talk to about how I think that ghouls, if you look at the situation properly of course, are not as bad as the seem, but talking to someone about might be bad for my image, I do after all want to become a psychologist, people would not want a ghoul sympathysing psychologist," She narrowed her eyes, at first looking at the list, then at the man infront of her, "May I have your name?" She asked. 'This man has a chance of being a ghoul, no sane person would say that, but then again, I'm not a sane person, yet I still think that,'


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