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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Yoshiro said:
Bullets whizzed past him, but he was already too gone to care. Jason flung himself again at the other ghoul, this time using two limbs to protect his vital parts while he used the rest to try and pierce her.
Annabel just smiled as she dodged one of the limbs while bringing her scythe and pinning another appendage while her kagunes attacked him hard stabing into his kagunes and any part that wanst protected but mostly just giving him flesh wounds. She didn't mean to kill just cripple for interrogation.
The attacks tore into him, and he hit the ground with a thud. For a few seconds, it seemed as though he was down for the count. Suddenly, his kagune burst out again, lifting him up and putting him on his feet. "Insides.....torn out.....brother.....screaming....hahahahahaha!!" Jason's voice became incomprehensible as he began to cackle. He lifted his head up, and stared at the two doves. Screaming, he started for the girl, but quickly changed directions, heading for the male.
John saw the ghoul changed his sights upon him. John knew he couldn't go head to head with a ghoul so he popped a smoke grenade to try and obscure the ghouls sight and smell. "Annabel don't follow him into the smoke wait for it to clear" John said in a stern voice. He could feel the ghoul coming near so he took out his frag grenade cooked it for a second and then rolled it in the direction of the approaching ghoul. He turned and ran to escape the blast of his grendade and create some distance between him and his persuer.

@Yoshiro @Daniel reaving
The smoke burst out of nowhere to Jason, but he still pressed on. Even when another grenade blew off half of his kagune limbs. They were having trouble regenerating, so he "turned them off", and made his remaining limbs move and re-adjust. "Meat sack!!! Where are you?!??!" He screamed in madness at the male dove.
Yoshiro said:
The attacks tore into him, and he hit the ground with a thud. For a few seconds, it seemed as though he was down for the count. Suddenly, his kagune burst out again, lifting him up and putting him on his feet. "Insides.....torn out.....brother.....screaming....hahahahahaha!!" Jason's voice became incomprehensible as he began to cackle. He lifted his head up, and stared at the two doves. Screaming, he started for the girl, but quickly changed directions, heading for the male.
Saint Nhoj]John saw the ghoul changed his sights upon him. John knew he couldn't go head to head with a ghoul so he popped a smoke grenade to try and obscure the ghouls sight and smell. [B]"Annabel don't follow him into the smoke wait for it to clear" [/B]John said in a stern voice. He could feel the ghoul coming near so he took out his frag grenade cooked it for a second and then rolled it in the direction of the approaching ghoul. He turned and ran to escape the blast of his grendade and create some distance between him and his persuer. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16762-yoshiro/ said:
"John next shot you get aim for the legs and light them up, cripple this bastard." Annabel said through the coms before running just to the edge of the smoke and waiting.
"I hear you" John said as he ran around a corner putting his back to the wall. "This is one tenacious bastard I'll give him that." John said as he turned the corner to face his opponent. He was still charging madly with bloodlust in his eyes. John then fired four rounds in rapid succession at the ghouls right leg in hopes to cripple him.

@Yoshiro @Daniel reaving
Jason's leg suddenly lit on fire with pain. It was probably broken, and would take awhile to heal. "Aghhh! That one hurt!" His RC cells struggled to repair it due to the after effects of the gas, but he wouldn't be captured here. He had his limbs grab onto a nearby building and pull him on the top of it. "Next time, flesh toy, you're mine!!"
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

Being in the nearby area where the current two investigators were hunting down a ghoul that went by the name 'Jason' Kuro noticed the nearby fight that had been going on, viewing it all from afar Kuro was casually squatting down on top of the building watching the fight go on, of course no one would have noticed him to begin with up there even with the new scent; Due to them being so close together it would be hard for most ghouls to pinpoint how many of them there actually was. Sitting with an eerie smile he seemed amused by the current fight going on and once seeing Jason launch himself using the building he was currently ontop of to get in the air, he couldn't help himself but interfere; a strange trait of Kuro considering he was a ghoul is that he never seemed to wear a mask, even with investigators in the area. Leaping up towards Jason Kuro grabbed him mid air and tossed him back down on the building "You can have a rest for now little bird~" he said with a sinister grin painted across his face he hopped down into the area which was currently engulfed in smoke, his landing clearing the air a little it would have become slightly clearer to the investigators to see his figure through the smoke.

And with a slight bow Kuro introduced himself "My name, is Sinister Clown it is lovely to meet you both~"

@Saint Nhoj


@Daniel reaving
Jason hit the roof with a thud from the force of the strangers throw. He was out cold from all of the stress the battle put on him, and from the impact.
"Annabel we have a new contact that just jumped off the roof into the smoke. If you get a visual do not engage. Regroup at my position and let's hightail it out of here." John said whilst changing magazines. "I'm running low on ammo and we don't know how many more ghouls are in this area."

@Sinister Clown @Daniel reaving
Saint Nhoj] [B]"I hear you" [/B]John said as he ran around a corner putting his back to the wall. [B]"This is one tenacious bastard I'll give him that." [/B]John said as he turned the corner to face his opponent. He was still charging madly with bloodlust in his eyes. John then fired four rounds in rapid succession at the ghouls right leg in hopes to cripple him. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16762-yoshiro/ said:
Yoshiro said:
Jason's leg suddenly lit on fire with pain. It was probably broken, and would take awhile to heal. "Aghhh! That one hurt!" His RC cells struggled to repair it due to the after effects of the gas, but he wouldn't be captured here. He had his limbs grab onto a nearby building and pull him on the top of it. "Next time, flesh toy, you're mine!!"
Yoshiro said:
Jason hit the roof with a thud from the force of the strangers throw. He was out cold from all of the stress the battle put on him, and from the impact.
Saint Nhoj] [B]"Annabel we have a new contact that just jumped off the roof into the smoke. If you get a visual do not engage. Regroup at my position and let's hightail it out of here." [/B]John said whilst changing magazines. [B]"I'm running low on ammo and we don't know how many more ghouls are in this area." [/B][B] [/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20597-sinister-clown/ said:
@Sinister Clown[/URL] @Daniel reaving
Annabel quickly looked around. "Where is the new target?" She asked John through the coms as she looked around specifacly at the smoke and waited having lost sight of there first contact.
Alex awoke to the sound of a battle. he got out of bed and rubbed his head. "man, what a drag." he said as he got up and walked to his balcony. he lit a cigarette and leaned on the railing. he saw bits of ruble flying across the street and two CCG agents fighting two Ghouls. "man. can't I get one nights rest?" he said. "well, they can handle themselves. I can sense someone powerful." he took off toward the sky. flying to the chasm he had been at earlier to see if everyone made it out alright. he felt a powerful Ghoul in the chasm as he flew over. he went around to the secret entrance in the back. he walked in to find the Storyteller. "hey, what's going on? who are you?" he asked as he landed. he noticed the walls around them. "is this...your kagune?" he touched it. "amazing. I've never seen anything like it."

Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

With a short but sinister chuckle, using the current smokescreen he was in to obscure them from clearly seeing him his speed seemed to be ferocious, going from one place to another in one swift and quick motion it wasn't long until the Clown had gotten to the Investigators, at first attempting to take out what he thought would be the 'tough one' appearing out of the smoke he hadn't yet released his Kagune although his eyes showed the normal traits of Kagune eyes, attempting to kick Annabel at her side and launch her towards her partner John, his speed was surprisingly fast even for a ghoul. These two would have killed that other ghoul before if I hadn't interfered going out of thought for a moment he took a quick glance towards where he assumed Jason would have been right now going back into thought while still throwing his single yet powerful kick I guess I should make use of him after this..

@Saint Nhoj


@Daniel reaving
Once seeing the ghoul block his kick his eyes widened in surprisement, using the current force of his kick to launch himself back at enough distance so that he could watch any other movements she tried to make as he landed and skid across the ground slightly before coming to a short stop he gave off another sinister glare, even the average man would be able to see the bloodlust within his eyes as he gazed upon the woman "That's a treat, normally your type would be dead by now.." his voice was rather eerie as he spoke and it seemed to never change as he continued "So, your the brawn and the other is the brains? Am I right?" his remark was rather sarcastic as he changed his footing slightly as if he were preparing to strike again "May I ask one question before we start playing? What is your name..?" After asking the last question it appeared that Sinister had put his guard down slightly.

@Daniel reaving

@Saint Nhoj
John sensed how dire the situation was. This ghoul was on another level and they needed to get out. "Fuck he's fast, Annabel I'm popping another smoke and when I do we fall back and regroup at the squad car to radio higher about our situation." John then fired a barrage of rounds at the ghoul who called himself "sinister clown". Once he had finished firing he slung his AR and popped his last smoke grenade in hopes to slow his aggressor. With that John turned and waited for Annabel to follow.

@Daniel reaving @Sinister Clown
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@Daniel reaving[/URL]

@Saint Nhoj
@Daniel reaving[/URL] @Sinister Clown
Annabel had no intention of obeying John as she stood ther facing the man. "Oh trust me I'm both the brains and the bron. And the names annabel." She said before she let her kagunes out while she picked up her scythe and got into a fighting position and glared down this new ghouk.
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

While in the midst of everything he appeared to dodge the bullets that were fired at him without moving from his position apart from one which he grabbed using only two fingers before allowing it to hit his face, his expression appearing sadistic and insane he let out a crazy laughter as the smoke grenade clouded the area he took a leap back engulfing his figure into the smokescreen giving him time to think over the situation
Either they want to get away, or this girls partner is trying to hide her attack..No I believe the other is smarter than that, but that wouldn't explain the ghoul investigator to unleash her kagune and get into an attacking position..I see he gave off another sinister smirk although none of them would have seen it he dashed through the smoke to where he assumed would be the other Investigator hiding from around the corner, going from the gun shots directions from before he leaped out of the smoke and landed in front of the male investigator, giving off his sinister glare before striking with his hand like a dagger, his nails were sharp and hard which was abnormal for nails.

@Daniel reaving

@Saint Nhoj
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John was waiting for Annabel when suddenly Clown appeared before him in an instant. John tried to react in time but no human could match that speed and Clowns nails went straight through his left shoulder. Trying to keep his composure John pulled out his pistol and unloaded as many rounds as he could pop off into the figure in front of him whilst trying to free himself from his opponents nails.

@Sinister Clown @Daniel reaving
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@Daniel reaving[/URL]

@Saint Nhoj
Saint Nhoj]John was waiting for Annabel when suddenly Clown appeared before him in an instant. John tried to react in time but no human could match that speed and Clowns nails went straight through his left shoulder. Trying to keep his composure John pulled out his pistol and unloaded as many rounds as he could pop off into the figure before him while trying to free himself from his opponents nails. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20597-sinister-clown/ said:
@Sinister Clown[/URL] @Daniel reaving
Annabel had quickly noticed what was going on and spun around the blade of her sythe moving to face like it was a spear tip before she ended in a kneel facing the clown and drew back the weapon then threw it like a spear as hard as she could knowing that because the clown was preoccupied with John he would realize the blade to late as it would enter his left shoulder ripping through his shoulder blade and sticking its self there.
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

At the moment he felt his hand impale the Male investigator's shoulder he began pulling back and noticing the man pull out his pistol, when he unloaded as any bullets he could at point black Sinister fell back and skid across the ground on his back, curling his body along with his hands while in mid air in a quick motion it appeared as if he were shot, as a result the Scythe flying above him had torn into his skin and stuck was stabbed in his shoulder. When laying on the floor the clown opened his eyes another smirk creeping up his face as he revealed his hands, and the bullets caught between each of his fingers he flipped himself up backwards and landing gently on his feet with a slight bow "So your the brains hm? Mind giving me and your 'partner' a little room to play for a while?" he said with an eerie tone, the long smirk still remaining on his face as he clenched both of his hands and dropping the bullets in front of him. Looking back to Annabel for a moment "I have no intention to kill your partner as long as he doesn't get in the way of our little play time." he was aware that she would probably not listen to reason however he still had an ace up his sleeve. For some strange reason it didn't seem to bother Sinister Clown that much that a scythe had been hanging out of his shoulder, casually tearing it out and dropping it to the ground; however his body appeared to be lowered slightly as he still took damage from the blow the wound didn't take much time to regenerate after taking out the Scythe.

@Daniel reaving

@Saint Nhoj
@Daniel reaving[/URL]

@Saint Nhoj
" so you wanna play HUH?" Annabel asked in a cold and sinister tone as she cracked her nuckles then pulled out a small vile poping the lid to it then pouring it over the tips of her kagunes and smiling. "Because I'll gladly play." She said with a smile as she started twoards the clown ready for this fight.

@Saint Nhoj
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((Damn, I wish I kept myself caught up..))

Chikara Kaiketsu

Half an hour later, Chikara arrived at his house with Ari. Surebu had decided to wander off on his own until after the movie. Chikara walked and grabbed a bowl of popcorn and a few sodas for them both. He then walked back to the table setting it down. Chikara sat down. "I already prepared for this, so just go ahead and hit play. Warning, its a horror movie." Chikara laughed and cracked open his drink. He took a sip and put it on the side table.

Ariyah Tsukiyoma

As Ari and Chikara walked together, she couldn't help but smile. Times like this always made her smile. Ariyah missed the old days when she could easily be a human. But no.. Now that's messed up. It would be a miracle if Chikara never found out. Ariyah pushed that thought out of her mind and decided to enjoy herself for tonight. As Chikara went to the kitchen, Ari sat down on the couch. She stared at the popcorn and soda when he brought it over. "Thanks.. Exactly what I needed." She said with a forced smile. Ariyah grabbed the remote and hit play.

*Thirty minutes later..*

Half an hour into the movie, Chikara moved closer to Ari and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Ariyah didn't mind. She ate some popcorn shoving it into her system. 'Damn, why did I immediately eat that pack of meat from Toki..' Ari thought to herself. The taste of this human food was absolutely revolting to her, but she continued with it. So far, nothing could ruin this day. It was just relaxing with a good friend.
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Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

After hearing the ghoul investigator's answer he Sinister clown gave off a pleased expression, turning his head back to John "See? Even she wants to, so be a good little bird and stay in your cage; Your the brains aren't you? She's going to need all the help she can get so I suggest you do what you're best at and give her advice no?" he turned his head back around to Annabel and gave a slight bow towards her in a elegant fashion "Your move first, dirty dove." it was clear he was referring to Annabel when saying this as he appeared to still not have his guard up, it was as if the whole time he were merely playing with them.

@Saint Nhoj

@Daniel reaving
John quickly reloaded his pistol and pushed an emergency button on his radio signaling higher of an emergency. Once that was done John drew his knife in his other hand and prepared for whatever was to come "I know I can't stop you but the moment things go south I'm jumping in and we get out of here together Annabel."

@Daniel reaving @Sinister Clown
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