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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Saint Nhoj]John then lights his cigarette and takes a seat. [B]"Well it would be criminal to force a girl to work on a empty stomach."[/B] He said while removing his wallet from his back pocket and removing a couple of bills. [B]"Here take this and while I handle this paper work go get something good to eat and bring me back a pack of cigarettes. Please remember to be careful about your eyes because you know how much trouble that will cause and when you get in trouble I get blamed." [/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
"You know all I can get with money is coffee." Annabel said as she got up and moved for the door to go get a cup and the cigarettes John wanted. Some times she hated being a ghoul in this place, so many co workers avoid her while others insult or make fun of her. Plus whats even worse is that the stupid CCG banned her from eating and has been Trying to get her to some shit they call a substitute for human flesh but all it does is make her throw up after eating it. Her life sucked but the only upside was that the CCG wasn't trying to kill her like they are every other ghoul so that's a plus.
"Ah sometimes I forget you can't eat normal food, you are all too normal to me." John said with grin. "Remember to behave while you are out and I will try to work something out with command to try and get you some semblance of something good you can actually eat." With that John put out his cigarette and began to delve into the mountain of paperwork.
(Sorry notifications were annoying)

Kyle stops as he feels someone watching them "Let's go" Angel says, but soon sees Daku, deciding to do something back she walks over "Want to come along? I'm sure there's a free room at my house" she says holding out her hand. Kyle walks over as well and says "Angel your mother will worry about you", he glances at Daku and says "And you should consider yourself lucky she's nice to you".
John buried his face into his palm as if it were to offer an escape from the storm of shit that his partner just caused. She was brash and wore her heart on her shoulder. This made her an easy target of those that despised her to manipulate her actions and taunt her into getting violent. When she got violent all they would have to do is report her and in turn the repercussions for her would be extreme considering what she was.

John then stood up and ran after Annabel. "Annabel wait up!" John said nearly out of breath. "W-why do you have to move so fast? Well that's not important, what was all of that back there? You know they are doing that just to get you in trouble. If you really want to spite assholes like that don't play into their hand." John then gave her a pat on the head. "Despite all of that talk I know you are good and you will always have me there to defend your actions. Now lets get back I have something we need to bring to the bosses attention."

@Daniel reaving
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@Daniel reaving[/URL]
"The stupid part is they don't know or realize that I could rip them to shreds in a sec. There all idiots who are going to die one day weather it's by my kagunes or the kagunes of another ghoul." She was muttering to her self the hole time he had been talking before she sighed. "Alright what is it that you need to take to the higher ups?" She asked hiding her rage and anger inside but her eyes still showed she was ready to make them her meal. She looked at John waiting a reply as she crossed her arms and leaned against the closest wall to her while also crossing her legs her eyes turning back to normal again.
Joffry leaned against the wall and waited for his partner. "come on, I am excited. who ever made this is really strong." he said with a smile.
John put his hands up and shrugged while letting out a sigh in defeat. "Well as puny we humans are please refrain from ripping coworkers to pieces because that would put me in quite the predicament and I do not feel like dying just yet." John then takes out a cigarette and lights it while motioning for Annabel to follow. "I just skimmed the files on your desk and they are all ghoul attack and sightings reports. We have been stepping up CCG patrols and yet there is still this much activity. There is something going down in the shadows and I have a hunch the boss knows more than he lets on." John takes a short pause and exhales a cloud of smoke "Are you really okay with hunting and killing your fellow ghouls?"
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[QUOTE="Saint Nhoj]John put his hands up and shrugged while letting out a sigh in defeat. "Well as puny we humans are please refrain from ripping coworkers to pieces because that would put me in quite the predicament and I do not feel like dying just yet." John then takes out a cigarette and lights it while motioning for Annabel to follow. "I just skimmed the files on your desk and they are all ghoul attack and sightings reports. We have been stepping up CCG patrols and yet there is still this much activity. There is something going down in the shadows and I have a hunch the boss knows more than he lets on." John takes a short pause and exhales a cloud of smoke "Are you really okay with hunting and killing your fellow ghouls?"

"Well it's not like I have a choise now do I John? I though you knew that the only reason I'm still alive and here is because I'm killing other ghouls. If I didn't the CCG would just kill me." Annabel said as she followed one or two steps behind him a small frown on her face as she remembered her child hood which of course she couldn't tell any one about because it was confidential to all but the higher ups and her self.
"You always have a choice never forget that. You just have to decide if you can accept the consequences of the choices you make." John took another drag of his cigarette. "The road you will have to travel will be a difficult one, but you do not need to travel it alone. That's what it means to be a team so don't hesitate to ask me for assistance because hesitation will only lead to our deaths."

The two continued to walk until the reached headquarters. John threw his cigarette butt on the ground and entered the building with Annabel closely behind. As the pair moved through the building John could feel Annabel looking for the person who had taunted her from earlier so John flicked her on the forehead to disrupt her concentration. "Be on your best behavior around the boss" John said as they arrived at Mr. Owari's office. John gave three short knocks "Mr. Owari this is agent Noble reporting. I have something I would like to discuss with you about recent ghoul activity."

@Sinister Clown @Daniel reaving
@Sinister Clown[/URL] @Daniel reaving
"I know to behave when around the boss don't treat me like a kid." Annabel whined quietly to him as she crossed her arms and waited with him. She hated the fact that he knew she was looking for the guy thathas pissed her off earlier and it agravated her even more that she didn't see him, he was probably hiding some where anyways probably pissing his pants as well. The thoigh pleased her a little but she didn't show it knowing that the boss would open the door any second.

@Sinister Clown
Kanashimi Owari

Kanashimi pressed a button on his table which opened the door to allow the two investigators to enter his office, his eyes narrowing down mainly at Jhon, Owari for some reason seemed to always excuse Annabel and her issues and clumsiness at times and normally blaming it on Jhon so this expression on Kanashimi's face towards him wasn't all that surprising; As the two investigators notice the open doors Kanashimi asked the two "What information have you gathered?" taking a small sigh he went back into thought as he awaited an answer These are troubled times..Increase ghoul numbers and it's the number is only rising by the minute, but how.. he pondered deeply to himself.

@Saint Nhoj

@Daniel reaving

Rio Shitori

Rio walked up to Joffy with a slight sigh "Didn't I tell you to be careful? And how can you tell if he's strong or not" he asked out of curiosity as he rose his head up to see the roof and walls of the Chasm, he begun to get more and more suspicious about the place the further they walked in and once Rio hit the maze as well he was surprised to see the texture, scaling his hand down on one of the walls he looked back to Joffry with disbelief "It's a kagune.." he looked to Joffry to see his reaction and what he thought about it whilst also thinking in his head What the hell did we just get ourselves into..

"I was raised by Ghouls. as a slave. I learned to pick up on their...let's call it scent. different "scents" indicated different kagune strength." Joffry said. when rio realized the walls where part of a kagune Joffry smiled. "isn't it exciting?" he said anxiously "who is this guy? he must be an absolute monster." joffry said bouncing with joy.
"Good afternoon sir, I came here to talk to you about the ghoul reports. It seems that the ghouls in are area are increasing at an alarming rate that we have never experienced before. Something is happening that we do not know about and if we stay in the dark much longer it may be too late to act." John exhaled and gave Owari a gaze of suspicion. "Is there something that we are not being told? I understand some things are classified but this is a dire situation and we need the facts if we are to do our job properly."

@Sinister Clown @Daniel reaving
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@Saint Nhoj[/URL]

@Daniel reaving

Rio Shitori

Rio walked up to Joffy with a slight sigh "Didn't I tell you to be careful? And how can you tell if he's strong or not" he asked out of curiosity as he rose his head up to see the roof and walls of the Chasm, he begun to get more and more suspicious about the place the further they walked in and once Rio hit the maze as well he was surprised to see the texture, scaling his hand down on one of the walls he looked back to Joffry with disbelief "It's a kagune.." he looked to Joffry to see his reaction and what he thought about it whilst also thinking in his head What the hell did we just get ourselves into..

@Sinister Clown[/URL] @Daniel reaving
Annabel just stood off to the side leaning against the wall next to the door with her arms crossed and a slightly agravated look on her face. She hated having to come to the boss because she knew he was most likely looking at her in disgust which didn't help with her already pissed off attitude so she didn't chime in and just let John do all the talking
Gūwa Monogatari

As soon as the two investigators entered the chasm, the entrance sealed itself off leaving the dog outside. When they first reach the entrance of the labyrinth there is two paths with a question on the ground written from blood: 'If you wish to live, then solve my riddles to see things that were never meant to be seen. Are you human?' The question was simple, but there was more of a meaning to it.

Daku Akuma

As he noticed that they were talking to him, he shrugged in response. He thought about what he was told by the Story Teller earlier, but couldn't decide on his thoughts. "Angel, do you know where that young boy who was with you before is? I have to find him." He moved and grabbed her arm to get her attention. His eyes were full of determination and hope, but they also held fear within them. "I need to know Angel, he may know something very important to me." He ignored the look Kyle was giving him by doing this. He had a feeling Kyle didn't trust him, but he did not care for him. Angel was the key to everything at hand.

Toki Sadame

'What a friendly person' Toki thought instantly as Tristan's unhappy mood settled. "Ah so it was you! My guess was right! It is a pleasure to meet you at long last Happy! I never imagined it would be so easy to track you down you know." He took a deep breath. "Also you ask me about my manners? I was trying to take a nap when you broke down my door as if the dreaming A-team just came in!" He groaned and putted his head into his hands. It was obvious he was just woken up due to the slight bed hair and bed attire, but he seemed slightly ghostly pale. "Honestly, first I had to deal with Nyx and now you. Can't I get a break?" Toki glanced through his fingers back at Tristan. "This may be abit awkward and strange, but I did all this to get my first friend..." He mumbled the last bit of words out. "I had to plan everything out to get your attention specifically you know, but I didn't expect that ghoul to appear." It was clear he was referring to Daku. Toki appeared deep in thought for a moment then got down on his knees and bent down. "Would you please be my first friend!?"

Cho Iro

Cho and Ame were watching a reality tv show. They both had snacks where Ame had popcorn and well Cho had human meat since she was obviously a ghoul. They were getting to near the end of the show until Cho heard rumbling from upstairs. She disclaimed it at first thinking it was her imagination, but when it happened a second time, Ame heard it as well. "Boys..." They both sighed in unison.

@Flame Demon @Sinister Clown @Sir Grego
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Angel shakes her head "I don't, but we go to the same school" she says and sighs "Though there might be a chance he hates me". Kyle thinks for a while "He's a ghoul, so I should be able to track him down", it was obvious ge was one, no matter how well he tried to hide.
Kanashimi Owari

Hanging his head down slightly as he listened to what Jhon had to say he took a deep breath before giving his answer "I'll give you my honest opinion, I feel the Akatsuki have something to do with it and right now there is next to no information about any of the organizations members or what they are capable of, all I know is what Kami is capable of and that is enough to know the threat has to be stopped." he gripped his hands that had been already clenched together he looked over to Annabel, although it was his natural instinct to naturally hate her to the core of his bone he couldn't help but feel curious about her, probably why he gave her the job in the first place he continued "I've recently sent a two investigators teamed with a specifically trained dog to a school where there has been strange Ghoul activity in the area, I want you to also start your own investigation in these specified area's; 20th Ward, 15th Ward & 17th Ward, I believe this is where the current Akatsuki members could be." he stated, spinning his chair around he faced himself towards the window behind him yet again looking out to the city "Oh, and also Jhon make sure that beast of yours stays on a leash, or I'll have to silence it."

@Saint Nhoj

@Daniel reaving

Tristan Taylor "Happy"

Tristan sighed as he listened to Toki, to think that he did all of this just to make a friend, no his first friend. "So what are you exactly? A fan?" he asked as he got up and walked to the broken off door, lifting it up and placing it back in the gap although it wouldn't have helped much as a hole still remained in the door he walked back to where he was originally sitting and sat back down "And what kind of person wants to be friends with someone that knows me as happy that doesn't make much sense to me, I could want to make you my next victim for all you'd know." he said as he gave a deadly glance towards the sleepy boy despite Toki hiding his face with his hands.


Rio Shitori

Rio looked around as the entrance behind them closed and the blood writing became clear on the wall, as he looked around he found him and Joffry trapped and he was astonished, whatever was controlling the walls of the Chasm it wasn't normal, at all. Trying to figure his way out logically without going through with the riddles that would more than likely lead to their deaths he came up with nothing, however Rio was determined to find out about this, figuring it would have something to do with the Akatsuki he walked up to the writing and turned himself towards Joffry explaining the situation "It looks like we have to figure out his 'riddle' to get out, These walls are too thick to merely cut our way through" he paused to take a small breath "Our only option is to go through with this." looking back to the wall he answered the riddle "I'm human." for some reason he felt stupid for answering, as if he were merely being messed with.

@Saint Nhoj[/URL]

@Daniel reaving

Tristan Taylor "Happy"

Tristan sighed as he listened to Toki, to think that he did all of this just to make a friend, no his first friend. "So what are you exactly? A fan?" he asked as he got up and walked to the broken off door, lifting it up and placing it back in the gap although it wouldn't have helped much as a hole still remained in the door he walked back to where he was originally sitting and sat back down "And what kind of person wants to be friends with someone that knows me as happy that doesn't make much sense to me, I could want to make you my next victim for all you'd know." he said as he gave a deadly glance towards the sleepy boy despite Toki hiding his face with his hands.


Rio Shitori

Rio looked around as the entrance behind them closed and the blood writing became clear on the wall, as he looked around he found him and Joffry trapped and he was astonished, whatever was controlling the walls of the Chasm it wasn't normal, at all. Trying to figure his way out logically without going through with the riddles that would more than likely lead to their deaths he came up with nothing, however Rio was determined to find out about this, figuring it would have something to do with the Akatsuki he walked up to the writing and turned himself towards Joffry explaining the situation "It looks like we have to figure out his 'riddle' to get out, These walls are too thick to merely cut our way through" he paused to take a small breath "Our only option is to go through with this." looking back to the wall he answered the riddle "I'm human." for some reason he felt stupid for answering, as if he were merely being messed with.

Annabel almost lost it when he had called her a beast making her growl in rage. She hated the fact that every body else in the place treated her like a dog but she wouldn't take that from the own man that was sparing her life, he was baciacly saying she was nothing but a slave to the CCG and she wasn't going to alow that. "How about you watch your tong before i rip it out my self you bastard." Annabel said in a cold and sinister tone meaning every word she said before she turned twoards the door and stormed out her eyes turning red and black again as she walked not waiting up for John and desiring she would go enroll Her self in the school the boss was talking about as an under cover job for a couple days. Plus it would be nice to spend some time around kids her age be it ghouk or not she needed it considering she was ready to kill the big man her self

@Saint Nhoj
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"I'm sorry about that sir and we will investigate those areas post haste ." With that John gave an apologetic bow and exited the office chasing after his partner. "Hey wait up!" John yelled, "We just had a talk about not showing emotions and you go ahead and snap back there. You know that if they deem me unable to control you they will kill you right? Do you think I want that to happen to you?!" John said in a frustrated voice. "Whatever just follow me to the car we will discuss things on the way." John then walks Annabel though the building to their squad car. As the both get in John starts the engine and begins driving to the 15th ward.

@Daniel reaving
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
"We don't need to discus any thing." Annabel said in a angered tone as she got in the car and immediately crossed her arms and looked out the window before crossing one leg over the other still fuming about what had just happened. "How can you let all of them do this to me HUH?.... I am your partner and your baciacly my care taker so how can you go and let them treat me like a dog?" She asked wanting to know why she never saw him standing up for her. She knew it was most likely not his place to but she felt it was his place. She wasn't even a grownup, she was just a teenager and that made every thing worse.
John made a pained face at what Annabel had just said. He knew how much everyone's words hurt her and he wishes he could defend her but that is not how things works. "Let's say I do defend you after you threaten another investigator. Then word gets around that I take your side no matter what stance you take. What do you think would happen huh? They would replace me because I would be seen unfit because I was too sympathetic and how do you think you deal with being partnered with any other asshole in our office? Or even worse than that what if they decided why bother finding another partner when the could just put you down?" John knew he was probably making matters worse but he had to be straight with his partner he wouldn't hide the truth from her just because it was ugly. John about to say more but decided against it and turned his focus to the road.

@Daniel reaving
Saint Nhoj]John made a pained face at what Annabel had just said. He knew how much everyone's words hurt her and he wishes he could defend her but that is not how things works. [B]"Let's say I do defend you after you threaten another investigator. Then word gets around that I take your side no matter what stance you take. What do you think would happen huh? They would replace me because I would be seen unfit because I was too sympathetic and how do you think you deal with being partnered with any other asshole in our office? Or even worse than that what if they decided why bother finding another partner when the could just put you down?" [/B]John knew he was probably making matters worse but he had to be straight with his partner he wouldn't hide the truth from her just because it was ugly. John about to say more but decided against it and turned his focus to the road. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
"You could at least act like you care some times you know. God all men are the same." She said in an angered tone as she looked out the car window a frown forming on her face as she didn't want to talk about this matter any more which was probably for the best or she might to start to want to kill John as well.
John ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "Not all of us are as good as showing their feelings as you are. I am sorry for getting upset with you and after we finish this job I promise to take you shopping for whatever you want." John then lit a cigarette and rolled down his window to let the smoke out. "Get ready we will be at the 15th ward soon and we don't know what to expect." @Daniel reaving
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Kanashimi Owari

Kanashimi didn't bother to react to the girls rage, although he didn't seem to let it bother him leaning back in his chair he looked out his roof for a moment letting out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes with his two fingers, adjusting the placement of his glasses using his hands so that they wouldn't get in the way he thought to himself I wonder...Am I making the right decisions..Are humans really meant to rule this world; Stop that's not what you need to think about, you have a job remember.. He snapped out of his thoughts and came back to reality as a new-comer entered the door, it was a rather small figure no taller than 5'6ft with blonde hair and light blue eyes, his choice of clothing could be seen as rather flamboyantly having a rather innocent appearance about himself the figure skipped into the office with a wide smile "Hello Owari-chan!!" the small figure yelled out in a childish tone, once coming into the light the figure was completely revealed to be a male.


Kanashimi gave off a amused smirk, a rare sight for anyone to see he got up out of his chair for a moment in order to greet the boy back "You're finally back...Partner."

@Bad night star



@Saint Nhoj

@Daniel reaving



@Flame Demon

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