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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

(I was waiting for that @Saint Nhoj ^-^)

Kanashimi Owari

After a while of chatting and catching up, the blue eyed boy had given him a brief cap on what he was doing in Europe; this was until Kanashimi had recieved an emergency call, however he did not answer it he simply pin-pointed the location of the call to recognize the situation better; after seeing who it was Kanashimi was some what surprised "I never thought it would be so soon.." he looked over to the blue eyed boy who was currently playing with a few toys that Kanashimi had stored in his desk drawers Kanashimi sighed slightly "Well, I guess you can have your fun time now..It looks like one of the recent squad I sent out to search for information on the Akatsuki have signaled an emergency; It isn't like them to do this often so I assume it's important, try be quick and don't get distracted on the way." he stated to the blue eyed boy the boy got up from his seat and nodded smiling at the thought he left gesturing a wave as he was heading towards the door "Oh don't worry Owari-chan..I will entertain their guest and hopefully me too~" he said before skipping off out of the door Kanashimi nodded in return "See you soon, Suzo." While Suzo had left to go to the location Kanashimi had used a Radio that was connected to their channel "Help is on the way, For now I suggest either holding them off or retreating and when help arrives, please don't get in the way." ending the transmission afterwards he returned to the pile of paper work he had to do.

Suzo Shitori "CCG's Sin"

As he skipped out Suzo swiftly made his way down and through the halls of the CCG building until making his way to the exit, although he wasn't old enough to have a licence or drive Suzo was given permission from Kanashimi to use a customized motorbike that was suited for his use, the frame work being made from quinque steel it was made in the shape of a road bike, getting on it Suzo started the ignition and made his way out of the parkway, going well above the speed limit as he raced through the streets of Tokyo he was more concerned at getting to the scene as quickly as possible. The police in the area didn't seem to pay much mind to Suzo, the speed he was going it would be useless for them to try catch up to him and decided to ignore it instead allowing Suzo to be on his way it would only be a matter of time before he reached the 15th Ward.

@Saint Nhoj

@Daniel reaving
Tomu Akagi

Age: 15, Race: Human

Tomu looked at the campus from her looking spot which was under a tree, it was a nice school.

“But it would have been nicer if Akiko and Shizuka where here.” She mumbled, slowly standing up she took her backpack and hoodie. Lately Tomu was feeling more horrid than ever with the gloomy aura which seemed to follow her everywhere. Walking to the campus for her next lesson, she collided into something. That ‘something’ had flesh.

“Ouch!” She said, stumbling back a bit, but quickly regaining footing, she looked up at the hissing person, who she bumped into. Male, white hair about her age too, maybe a year or two older.

'Probably goes to school here'.

But years (Two) of watching news reportings and reading newspaper clippings she reconized the person.

"You are the guy who Akatsuki held captive!"

@Sinister Clown
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Kato Sasuke

Another day at school it seemed, Kato had woke up earlier than normal and stretching his arms slightly his eyes were hardly open still, tilting his head over he glared at his alarm clock, it was just a cheap digital alarm clock he got from special at the store; living home by himself was difficult after all even with all the money he got from telling his 'story' to the public. Rolling off his bed Kato landed on his feet and dragged the rest of his body up with him before walking out of his room, taking clothes that had already been prepared beforehand on the knob of his door he quickly threw them on taking his bag and a apple that also seemed to already be prepared for him and Kato headed right out the door, he never liked walking much but the school he went to was only right around the corner and he felt it might be good to get some sun for once.

When arriving at school it appeared to be busy as always despite the fact the other day there was reports of a hanged body in the gym and gun fires in one of the classrooms it didn't take the school long to get back into the drift of things Typical he entered the school grounds before bumping into someone else, when getting the chance to see who it was. It appeared to be a girl that wasn't much shorter than him; mumbling when saying sorry he looked away in embarrassment putting one hand behind his head.

@Lilah Tunth
Tomu Akagi

Age:15, Race: Human

Tomu looked up eyes wide and hand covering her mouth, "I'm so sorry", she apologized.

'Probably goes to school here'.

But years (Two) of watching news reportings and reading newspaper clippings about ghouls she reconized the person.

"You're the guy who Akatsuki held captive!" But before he got a chance to say something, she was covering her mouth with her hand again and said, "I apologize that was rude of me."

@Sinister Clown
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Saint Nhoj]John quickly reloaded his pistol and pushed an emergency button on his radio signaling higher of an emergency. Once that was done John drew his knife in his other hand and prepared for whatever was to come [B]"I know I can't stop you but the moment things go south I'm jumping in and we get out of here together Annabel."[/B][B] [/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL] @Sinister Clown
Annabel stopped dead in hwr tracks before growling then speaking. "You know I would but all you seem to find out of this is fun which I dont, I want a fight where my opponent respects me and treats me as equal not some dog to be played with." She said coldly as her kagunes retracted back into her back and she walked forward walking past clown and picking up her scythe then pressing the botton that made it change back into the brief case. "Once you find the balls to treat me as a worth opponent and not some play thing then I'll fight but until that day comes, don't call." Annabel said before walking past John." Letd go." She said to him as she walked back the way they came
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

Watching as the ghoul investigator walked right passed him and seemed to give up, he gave off an odd glance tilting his head slightly "You really are dumb.." he said with disbelief of her actions, in one swift motion he pounced back at Annabel as she faced her back towards him and like before shaping his hand into a dagger shape he lunged it towards the ghouls shoulder, the distance they were in it would have been done within a seconds notice and the Clown continued "Whoever said you had a choice?" Despite being mid air and concentrated on the girl instead, Sinister Clown had yet to forget what the male investigator said before and was prepared for him to jump in.

@Daniel reaving

@Saint Nhoj

Kato Sasuke

Kato turned his back towards her as she apologized for the first time, giving off a slight smile once hearing what he heard come from the girls mouth Kato's eyes had widened as if he had just seen a ghost and within moments began going into a mental breakdown right in front of her, it appeared that something she said earlier made him snap suddenly, falling to the ground shivering he was speechless for a moment grasping on his clothing desperately as he tried getting himself together after numerous passing flashbacks.

@Lilah Tunth
@Daniel reaving[/URL]

@Saint Nhoj

Kato Sasuke

Kato turned his back towards her as she apologized for the first time, giving off a slight smile once hearing what he heard come from the girls mouth Kato's eyes had widened as if he had just seen a ghost and within moments began going into a mental breakdown right in front of her, it appeared that something she said earlier made him snap suddenly, falling to the ground shivering he was speechless for a moment grasping on his clothing desperately as he tried getting himself together after numerous passing flashbacks.

@Lilah Tunth
Annabel almost immediately turned around rage fiing her eyes as her kagunes seemingly just appeared and moved just about as fast as the clown could peircing straight into his chest an enraged look on her face. "I said I have a choice, the humans already force me to do this job as is, I don't need my own kind forcing me to do things." She said as she had grabed his arm and brought her knee up breaking it then spining around and punching the spots of his chest that didn't have her kagunes in him before grabing him by his collar and lifting him up. "Do you know what they call me?" She asked him coldly before smiling slightly as she dug her kagunes deeper into him

@Saint Nhoj
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Tomu Akagi

Age: 15, Race: Human

"Oh, god this is all my fault, ain't?" She asked no one, taking out her phone she called her best friend for help on the situation, "Akiko speaking, watcha' need?".

"A guy is having a mental breakdown in front of me, what the hell should I do, goddamnit?"

"I have no freaking idea how to calm down a person after a breakdown! How should I know anyway (She does, but doesn't care)? Call Shizuka instead!"

Lips thinning out, face in a scowl she dropped the call and rang her 'Big sis' instead.

"What do you need, Tomu?" A rather annoyed voice called out.

"What do I do, Shizu there is a guy having a mental infront of me?"

"There is a guy having a mental breakdown infront of you and instead of trying to calm him down, YOU ARE WASTING TIME CALLING ME!!!" A shrill scream escaped the phone, causing the girl to wince.

Shizo hung up on her and Tomu bent down and tried helping the boy into a sitting position.

"Breath in, breath out," She said.
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Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

Being slightly surprised the ghoul investigator would be able to take out her Kagune so quickly, changing his direction completely he avoided the strike from the kagune's however Annabel still managed to grab and break his arm and was also able to get a hold of him by his throat, however this didn't seem to be against the Clown's will instead he smiled back at Annabel, grabbing her by her forearm and clenching it tight; for a normal human it would be enough to crack their bone with relative ease "Dirty doves are all the same..It's all about 'me' what about 'me' do you even know 'me'; However you never stopped to think who I might be?" after finishing what he had to say, with a quick uppercut kick Sinister clown was able to stun the ghoul investigator for a moment to get some distance between them, taking out enough cards to fit between his fingers at first glance they would only seem to appear as normal cards, however when taking a close enough look crimson red veins could be seen flowing through each of the cards, and instead of being the traditional white they took on a darker red from the rest with black, each of the cards had the same picture which was that of a joker and with slight chuckle the Clown sent a few cards flying towards Annabel as if they were shot in the air by a gun of some kind; It would be hard to avoid them, at the distance they were in the speed the cards were flying would be too fast to dodge and blocking the attack would still result in being hit by the other cards, and still having to worry about the remaining seven.

@Daniel reaving

Kato Sasuke

Kato didn't seem to budge much, and for a moment just remained there curled in a ball shivering until he was able to (hardly) move his hand towards the side pocket of his bags and reached for his medication for this kind of thing, although it wasn't often he had mental breakdowns the chance of the Akatsuki being mentioned in society now days was enough to make Kato get himself help despite his strong hate towards pill form medicines.

Before long Kato seemed to be
alright again standing up and bowing his head slightly, he gave off a somewhat sad expression without even realizing "Sorry for that, it can happen..My name is Kato Sasuke...Uh..I guess you knew that."

@Lilah Tunth
@Daniel reaving[/URL]

Kato Sasuke

Kato didn't seem to budge much, and for a moment just remained there curled in a ball shivering until he was able to (hardly) move his hand towards the side pocket of his bags and reached for his medication for this kind of thing, although it wasn't often he had mental breakdowns the chance of the Akatsuki being mentioned in society now days was enough to make Kato get himself help despite his strong hate towards pill form medicines.

Before long Kato seemed to be
alright again standing up and bowing his head slightly, he gave off a somewhat sad expression without even realizing "Sorry for that, it can happen..My name is Kato Sasuke...Uh..I guess you knew that."

@Lilah Tunth
"And you dirty vile parasites that feed off of the pain of others, ones who have never known what is like to feel for and therefore do not understand it when some one tries to think for themselfes for one show that you are in the end utterly and absolutely stupid." Annabel said as she took six of the cards into her kagunes and took the seventh to the hand before opening her scythe again and growled. "It's men like you who need to burn and be eaten." She said coldly before she charged at him her strength seeming to increase along with her speed as her face went cold and heartless as she launched above the clown and slammed down on him crashing her scythe into the pavement while her kagunes lashed over and over and over and over and over.
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

Not taking much notice as to what the girl investigator had to say Sinister Clown kept on his toes, over the course of their short fight he was able to notice that this girl had kept somehow increasing her strength or perhaps this was it and she felt pressured; He wasn't really too sure however once seeing the investigator leap into the air with her Scythe, as she came crashing down the Clown lept up with ferocious speed, unleashing his kagune for a moment, it appeared to be two Koukaku kagune on each of his shoulders and wrapping around both of his arms completely the kagune looking somewhat bulky on his arms he still appeared to be able to move just as fast still, using his right arm to fling up towards the girl and ramming his fist in her body the kagune extended once making contact sending her further up into the air before they both came falling back down one after the other, in case the girl was able to gain her balance on the way back down he sat there in a defensive positions, crossing both of his arms between him and Annabel.

@Daniel reaving
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
Annabel had managed to catch her balance and glared down at him her eyes seeming to glow as she looked down at him some blood dripping from her mouth as she had only blocked about 85% of her attacks before regaining her self and coming down hard her rage showing on the surface as she flooded her kagunes around the tip of her scythe and brought all of them down together on one of his arms practiacly cutting one arm off and at least breaking the other one
John had waited and bided his time until Annabel and clown seemed completely engrossed in their battle. John didn't like Annabel having to fight for alone all of this time but he knew he would be no good to Annabel did. Finally John saw his chance while Annabel brought down her scythe John fired a barrage of rounds from his pistol at Clown. Then following up with his knife he lunged at his opponent aiming for his throat.

@Daniel reaving @Sinister Clown
Tomu Akagi

Age: 15, Race: Human

"No need to be sorry, its mostly my fault." She said, standing up as well 'He's kinda cute too. No bad Tomu,bad! Must focus on school, only school!'

"Well, uhh... Oh! I'm Tomu Akagi. What classes do you have?"

She smiled
'Maybe we are in the same class?'

@Sinister Clown
Akiko Fukushima

Age: 16, Race: Ghoul

Akiko looked out of the window,'I should just tell them that I'm ghoul, run away and leave them alone' She thought,'They would be better off without me anyway, everyone would be better off without me....', it would be the best way and easiest way and she planned on doing it everyday, but failed in doing it everytime.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. Head snapping to the right she took her phone and answered the call. "Akiko speaking, watcha' need?".

The voice of her best friend Tomu answered, "A guy is having a mental breakdown in front of me, what the hell should I do, goddamnit?".

"I have no freaking idea how to calm down a person after a breakdown! How should I know anyway? Call Shizuka instead!" She was acting unreasonable and she knew it. She also knew she was being stupid and that she would come to regret shouting later, but right now logic didn't run her mind, emotion did and it just wanted to drive her friends off, so they wouldn't be in danger of her eating them,
‘Why do I have to be tortured so? WHY DO I HAVE TO BE A GHOUL?’ She couldn’t help but think, hating herself came quite naturally to her and it was also one of the reasons she never used her Kagune, a thought plagued her mind then and a bitter laugh escaped her lips.

"No doubt about it!" She said out loud, "Onii-Chan would know what to do! No he wouldn't have been in this position in the first place!"

She frowned and thought that she was acting insane and decided that a short walk wouldn’t be bad for her mental health.
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Gūwa Monogatari "The Story Teller"

Gūwa had anticipated this outcome of Rio stepping into that path of yes. It was evident that they had split up, but only one was right. As Rio continued along the path, new writing in blood appeared on the wall,'you are wrong...No one is human. We are all demons on the inside, committing evils and judgements meant to be beyond our reasoning, so you shall receive your punishment. Be warned...you may only receive a punishment three times.' When Rio finished reading the words, three passages formed out of the walls. Through each passage, three starved ghouls who were from the chasm originally came out who had no self control of themselves. The nine ghouls all leaped at him one at a time muttering incomprehensible words with only short phrases of food and hungry. Each one had their chests torn open and their stomachs missing. The kagune walls also made so much noise that neither Rio or Joffry could hear each other if one would call out to the other or if something else made noises that is hidden in the chasm.

On Joffry's end, more words appeared for him. 'You have passed the first riddle. Therefore you shall receive a reward, but I shall give you an option before that. You may leave now if you wish, but if you venture further in this chasm, then you may not escape. Is this choice worth it?' The passage behind him remained open while a new passage opened in front of him.

The Story Teller himself was entertained by the turn of results. "Let's just hope they meet again," he snickered. This story after all would be boring if they just died here without anyone else knowing. Gūwa knew this, so he prepared his options carefully. He was almost finished with his next plans when Alex came in. Normally he would have been caught off guard, but the thought of himself overwhelmed him to the point that he didn't care. "I am the most important man in the world. That is who I am to those of you who are wondering." He looked back towards Alex, "oh it is just you," he grinned. "I am just simply doing my job, but you appear to be curious of my power and strength. Would you like to have it too?" He gestured towards the RC walls. They were on a cliff above the labryinth which gave Gūwa the perfect view over his captives.

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

Daku Akuma

"Then do you mind if I come to school with you?" Daku didn't really understand the concept of schools and strangers since he never really went to school from all he could remember. His amnesia wasn't a help either, so school could be a whole new experience or a repeat of the old one. "Just tell them I am your uncle or something coming with you to see the school for your cousins or something like that." He shrugged.

@Flame Demon

Toki Sadame

"A fan? I am hurt! I am not that type of person. I just thought you were unique and different from the rest even if you are the Happy you..." He lost his train of thought for a moment then yawned. "You are still a person are you not? Why must murder and judgement and crimes be the way people perceive ghouls? I just view you as an interesting and unique person that caught my attention that is all." He shrugged. Toki stood up and walked back to his bed then layed down on it. "I would have approached you with a more subtle way, but to be fair I think you would have tried to silence me for knowing your identity and that is not very nice at all. Also I haven't been eating much lately, so I wouldn't be able to defend myself for long. You could even kill me right now, imagine that, but I don't think you would want to do that. It's just a feeling I have." Toki glanced at Tristan. He knew that he wouldn't do anything risky especially when he was near the others like this. Just because he was tired doesn't mean he wasn't capable of thinking straight or defending himself. All of this was apart of his plan more or less, but he wanted to know Tristan for who he really is, not the ghoul. That is what intrigued him the most. Whenever a ghoul is in battle, it seems like they have their own separate 'ghoul side' that takes over their instincts. Toki didn't want to know this side since he didn't want to be in that side as well being considered a wild animal that just hunts humans like a savage. It may be a ghoul stereotype, but his point still stood. "Happy you can trust me you know."

@Sinister Clown
Joffry snickered. "ofcourse I'll continue. I wouldn't want to quite the game before it gets fun. besides, I'm winning." he said happily as he walked through the new passageway.

Alex looked down. "is that....Joffry?" he said, more then asked. he turned to the story teller and then back at Joffry. "no. I would defeat my enemies on my own strength. my father taught me that anyone can be born a god. it is those who start out as dirt and become a god with their own strength that are truly powerful." Alex said. "when they finish your maze, I get the crazy one."
(Things are really getting interesting I love it xD )

Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

After seeing that the girl was clearly coming down to take a final blow on him, it appeared that in her rage she failed to remember the remaining cards the clown still hand in his hands; however after noticing the other male invetigator taking out his gun, his immediate attention turned towards him, tossing a card at the barrel of the pistol at the moment he fired, due to the clogage it would result in the gun exploding in the man's hand, the explosion would have also been enough to allow the Clown to release his Ukaku kagune (So you know, he has an ukaku, Koukaku and rinkaku) unlike most other Ukaku which appear to take the form of demonic wings, Sinister Clown's appeared to be a singular wing on his right side, the wing being made of 'cards' it explains how before Clown was able to use cards to pierce through kagune with ease instead this time, he shot the cards directly from his ukaku giving it more speed and ferocity than before a barrage of card shaped shards fired repeatedly at the girl investigator, if it wasn't enough to put her down for good this fight or to at least give him time to maneuver himself away from any serious damage sliding back further to gain more distance between them "Ah now now, you lot a certainly fun it's a shame you both act so hastily..I think we could have got a long.." the sinsiter smirk still painted across his face, with the situation he was in it was either the Clown ghoul was completely crazy or he was planning something.

@Daniel reaving

@Saint Nhoj

Kato Sasuke

Kato gave her another slight smile like before although this time he seemed amused about it "Well even if it was your fault, I must have freaked you out there for a bit right?" he said before continuing on about school, it was hard for him to think clearly at a moment like this despite looking fine Kato was still anxious about the situation after a moment he added "Well uh.." looking at his book in the back page it appeared that Kato had a time table for himself telling him the classes he had and at what times they start & finish showing the girl his time table he gestured towards it on the page in the book poking his head from the side "These are my classes, what classes are you in?" he asked out of curiosity; it was strange he hadn't met this girl before but for some reason he felt as if he already met her before.

@Lilah Tunth

Rio Shitori

Rio was shocked at the turn of events, facepalming himself "Why do I have to be so curious about what happens if we fail; Hell from the way things are right now this guy could kill me without a second's notice, as he seen the nine ghouls come from the recently open doorways and charged at them he couldn't help but notice their 'off' appearing, having their chests and stomach torn out it was safe to assume that they were also victims of something like this once, it was a good thing Rio took his suitcase with them, pressing the button on top of the handle of it, the suitcase popping open and transforming into a single bladed weapon he casually cut down any ghoul that came close with a cross cut; However due to the large number of them a few ghouls were able to get to him, biting and tearing some flesh off his arms, shoulder and leg by the time Rio was done his mind began to get clouded from the loss of blood, using the clothing the ghouls wore he made a bandage for himself to stop the bleeding, taking a deep breath he giggled to himself "Let's not get the next one wrong eh?" he said to himself as he got up waiting for whatever was to happen next.


Suzo Shitori "CCG's Sin"

Without surprise, Suzo raced through the streets of Tokyo still now that he was getting closer and closer to the 15th ward where he was called for help, he drifted around a few corners and on straights popped wheelies following along with a chidlish giggle coming from the boy he looked at his watch to see the time, It's late...And I wanted ice cream..! he thought to himself saddened he wasn't able to make it in time he continued his way towards the location where the current fight occurred however it would still take him some time before he was able to reach them.

Tristan Taylor "Happy"

Tristan sighed after hearing what Toki had to say, Tristan did find it hard to believe that all Toki was interested in is to found out how he really was, not paying too much mind to that right now after hearing what the boy had to say he let out another heavy sigh "Well, for my defense I think anyone would want to kill you after making such a direct approach." looking away for a moment Tristan began thinking to himself Wonder what Cho is doing with that other girl..I hope she's careful I've done enough saving for a day.. snapping back to reality soon after before Toki could go ahead and say anything Tristan stuck his hand out towards him and introduced himself "Well, if you want to be friend I guess we should know each others names right? My name is Tristan..Tristan James Taylor if you want to get technical about it."

Jason stirred, the sound of battle had just started to reach his ears. His leg was almost done healing itself, so he was still out of commission until it was finished. "Damn, I hope that guy doesn't need help, because I'm useless right now." The words rang in his head, reminding himself why he was out here in the first place: to get stronger. If he couldn't even handle two investigators, how could he handle protecting his family? "No....no! I'm not out yet!" Using his kagune limbs, he lifted himself up and limped over to the edge of the building. The battle between the doves and ghoul was still going on, and it looked like his savior might die. "The things I do for people..." He whispered to himself. Jason unleashed two more limbs, now having four rinkaku total. One wrapped around his damaged leg, using it as a splint. The other three would have to be on both offense and defense. He launched two of them at the ground near the battle and started to pull himself towards them.

@Saint Nhoj @Daniel reaving @Sinister Clown
Tomu Akagi

Age: 15, Race: Human

“I guess it was sudden, not too freaky though, considering that…” She trailed off, not really sure what to say. Tomu bit her lip and took out her timetable. Frowned and shrugged, it’s not that out of ordinary. “We are in the same classes, weird. I’ve never noticed you around before,” Tomu was not the most observant and she knew that, but couldn’t help but marvel at her own stupidity, how could she not notice him? And she wanted to become an investigator too, she mentally kicked herself.

“Did you hear about the supposed ‘Happy’ murder happening at school?” She asked.

@Sinister Clown
John let go of his pistol just In time so the explosion of the barrel only resulted in minor burns all over his arm. At that moment he looked up and saw the ghoul from earlier flying down from the roof quickly approaching their position. "Fuck, Annabel the ghoul from earlier is coming and now we can't escape. Focus on the weaker of the two and get him out of the picture so we can focus on Clown." With that John readied his knife to attempt to distract clown long enough for his partner to finish the approaching wounded ghoul. @Sinister Clown @Yoshiro @Daniel reaving
@Daniel reaving[/URL]

@Saint Nhoj

Kato Sasuke

Kato gave her another slight smile like before although this time he seemed amused about it "Well even if it was your fault, I must have freaked you out there for a bit right?" he said before continuing on about school, it was hard for him to think clearly at a moment like this despite looking fine Kato was still anxious about the situation after a moment he added "Well uh.." looking at his book in the back page it appeared that Kato had a time table for himself telling him the classes he had and at what times they start & finish showing the girl his time table he gestured towards it on the page in the book poking his head from the side "These are my classes, what classes are you in?" he asked out of curiosity; it was strange he hadn't met this girl before but for some reason he felt as if he already met her before.

@Lilah Tunth

Rio Shitori

Rio was shocked at the turn of events, facepalming himself "Why do I have to be so curious about what happens if we fail; Hell from the way things are right now this guy could kill me without a second's notice, as he seen the nine ghouls come from the recently open doorways and charged at them he couldn't help but notice their 'off' appearing, having their chests and stomach torn out it was safe to assume that they were also victims of something like this once, it was a good thing Rio took his suitcase with them, pressing the button on top of the handle of it, the suitcase popping open and transforming into a single bladed weapon he casually cut down any ghoul that came close with a cross cut; However due to the large number of them a few ghouls were able to get to him, biting and tearing some flesh off his arms, shoulder and leg by the time Rio was done his mind began to get clouded from the loss of blood, using the clothing the ghouls wore he made a bandage for himself to stop the bleeding, taking a deep breath he giggled to himself "Let's not get the next one wrong eh?" he said to himself as he got up waiting for whatever was to happen next.


Suzo Shitori "CCG's Sin"

Without surprise, Suzo raced through the streets of Tokyo still now that he was getting closer and closer to the 15th ward where he was called for help, he drifted around a few corners and on straights popped wheelies following along with a chidlish giggle coming from the boy he looked at his watch to see the time, It's late...And I wanted ice cream..! he thought to himself saddened he wasn't able to make it in time he continued his way towards the location where the current fight occurred however it would still take him some time before he was able to reach them.

Tristan Taylor "Happy"

Tristan sighed after hearing what Toki had to say, Tristan did find it hard to believe that all Toki was interested in is to found out how he really was, not paying too much mind to that right now after hearing what the boy had to say he let out another heavy sigh "Well, for my defense I think anyone would want to kill you after making such a direct approach." looking away for a moment Tristan began thinking to himself Wonder what Cho is doing with that other girl..I hope she's careful I've done enough saving for a day.. snapping back to reality soon after before Toki could go ahead and say anything Tristan stuck his hand out towards him and introduced himself "Well, if you want to be friend I guess we should know each others names right? My name is Tristan..Tristan James Taylor if you want to get technical about it."

Annabel had taken the host hard having not moved quick enough to block or many er so she was badly hurt holding one of her arms which was bleeding badly while her head bleed a lot and blood rolled from her mouth as she struggled to hd up her scythe before dropping it and falling to her knees and wincing while looking down at the ground. "I-I c-can't fail." She said in a strained voice as she stared at the ground her eyes getting a red ring from blood getting into them
John saw Annabel fall to her knees in a pool of blood. He then realized that this battle could not be won. With that John sheathed his knife and unslung his AR to fire all of his remaining rounds at clown and the ghoul falling from the building. Once all rounds were expended John dropped his AR and rushed over to Annabel and picked her up despite her protest and took off into the smoke. John knew that ghouls were fast but the smoke would throw off their sense of smell and he would use that to his advantage as he took a complex route thought the alleyways trying to escape his perusers. @Daniel reaving @Sinister Clown @Yoshiro
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Angel nods and says "Sure, but you look like you can use something to eat, so let's go to my house. Kyle sighs ans says "I should get going, you, if you want to prove you mean no harm take Angel home", he glances at Daku before before leaving.
The shots hit Jason, but his regeneration was able to fix the new wounds fast enough so he could continue. Seeing the two doves run off somewhere, he kept an eye on his strange savior while he tried to walk on his injured leg. Pain shot through him, but he pressed on, determined to not care about pain anymore. "Hey, not saying I don't appreciate the save, but could you tell me what you were doing out here?" Jason asked the stranger.

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